Criticism of PPP Archive

PPP’s leader Sherry Rehman sanitizes TTP-ASWJ terrorists by describing them as rebels – by Siraj Baloch: Sherry Rahman’s recent obfuscation of the Taliban and its various aliases (eg Jundullah, LeJ, ASWJ, Jaish-ul-Adl etc) by describing them innocuously as “rebels” raises many concerns. On Twitter, Sherry Rehman said: “So Tehran has warned #Pakistan that Iranian forces may

Colourful Sindh Festival and the Shade of Grey: There is a shade of grey between the usual bashing of Bilawal and PPP by pro-Taliban Deobandi thugs and pro-establishment fake liberlas and the uncritical promotion of Sindh festival particualrly at Mohenjo Daro by some PPP loyalists. In my

سندھ فیسٹیول اور ہو جمالو: کہیں گزرے زمانے کے آثار کا موجود ہونا خوش قسمتی ہے، خصوصا آثار اگر ہزاروں سال پرانے ہوں تو پھر ان کی حفاظت کا قاعدہ تو یہ ہونا چاہئے کہ “لے سانس بھی آہستہ کہ نازک ہے بہت کام

Bilawal and the future of the PPP – by Mohammad Waseem: The writer is a professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at LUMS Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has started his political career with a bang. He has been aggressive in his stance on Imran Khan and militants

PPP chairman comforts Shia and Sunni victims while vice-chairman socializes with Takfiri Deobandi terrorists: On Friday, 31 January, Shias and Sunni Barelvis of Karachi will face a major slaughter at the hands of Takfiri Deobandi hate rallies led by Ahmad Ludhyanvi and Aurangzeb Farooqi. The Punjabi Deobandi terrorist Ludhyanvi will lead anti-Shia,

Will the Sindh Festival also reach those areas in Sindh where militants train? – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: The young leadership of the Pakistan People’s Party recently announced the Sindh festival which is to be held in February 2014 in Thatta and Mohenjo Daro. The various events are meant to invoke the culture of peace and tolerance inherent in

RIP Amir Haider Kazmi: The Forgotten Jiyala: On 5 December 2013, former federal minister and Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) leader, Syed Amir Haider Kazmi, passed away after fighting a long battle with ill-health in London. Mr Kazmi served the government of Pakistan as a federal minister

بلاول بھٹو زرداری کے لئے نذیر ناجی کی کچھ نصیحتیں: Summary: Veteran columnist Nazir Naji’s sane advice to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Will Bill listen? پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے سرپرست بلاول بھٹو زرداری سے مخاطب ہو کر سینئر پاکستانی صحافی نذیر ناجی روزنامہ دنیا میں لکھتے ہیں کہ بلاول کو

Editorial: Time to write PPP’s obituary: Forty-six years ago, when the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was founded on 30 November 1967, it were genuine and universally respected progressive intellectuals who stood behind Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto when the latter made a speech outlining the PPP manifesto

A PPP Jiyala’s complaint to his leader on Twitter: Today, many PPP well-wishers can’t distinguish between tweets of a PPP leader and fake civil society activists. That’s what happens when one is tutored by fake liberals, with known history of links with the military establishment or right-wing Islamist

Bilawal Zardari’s flippant attitude: curbs on social media – by A Z: While it also governed in the centre, the PPP painstakingly distinguished itself by mollycoddling the religious extremists and their militant wings. In the face of their weak influence on the establishment and thus being unable to unilaterally impose their

Sindh government’s proposed ban on Viber, Skype, Whatsapp and Chairman Bilawal’s insensitive comment: In a controversial move that has drawn much criticism, the PPP Government in Sindh province has proposed a 3-month ban on popularly used communication applications like Skype, Whatsapp and Viber. The reasons stated for this ban is to deter

Congrats to Shiraz Paracha – by a sad Jiala: As a Jiyala and a regular LUBP leader, I was very happy to see Mr. Shiraz Paracha being appointed as Media Advisor to Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Chief Minister, Pervaiz Khattak. The PTI-led government has found a great talent and have

Interview with Arif Jamal on slain General Sanaullah and the pro-Taliban mindset of Pakistan Army: Arif Jamal is the author of the forthcoming book “Call for Transnational Jihad: Lashkar-e-Taiba 1985-2013.” He is an author and journalist and a leading South Asia expert. He has been international faculty and a leading South Asia expert at

PPP: no resurrection sans introspection — by Babar Ayaz: The biggest shortcoming of the PPP, analysts believe, is that there was no leader to lead its election campaign. Zardari did not allow any credible PPP leader to emerge Like well-bred Pakistanis, most PPP leaders are putting up a

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Aamir Hussaini: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Rusty Walker (a U.S. citizen): LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Ali Wahab: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

پی پی کے لئے مشورہ – از نصرت جاوید: Source :

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Junaid Qaiser: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Humza Ikram: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

پیپلزپارٹی کا زوال – عدنان عادل: پنجاب میں پیپلزپارٹی کے زوّال کی سب سے بڑی وجہ جناب آصف علی زرداری کی سیاسی حکمت عملی ہے۔ شکست کے بعد اب وہ بلاول ہائوس میں بیٹھ کر پیپلزپارٹی کے غریب کارکنوں کی سرپرستی کرنے اور پارٹی کو

Soul searching for PPP: Editors Note: We are posting some useful articles which provide a damning indictment of the abject failure of the PPP media and policy advisers. While there were external factors that hurt the party this is not the entire story.

What the PPP failed to do, and what we should expect from the PMLN – by Rusty Walker: The PML-N has won. We can no longer blame the PPP for what they did not do, when they had the chance. Political parties ran on what the PPP was unable to do. Let us celebrate then, what the Pakistani

پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے جیالوں نے تیر کو بوسہ دے کر بلے پر مہر کیوں لگائی – منو بھائی: جیالے – نئے اور پرانے – منظور اعجاز

PPP lost, PTI gained Shia votes – by Faizan Bangash: Source: The News, 7 May 2013 (with minor additions and edits) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan was able to attract a section of Shia vote bank which has traditionally been voting for centre-left leaning Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)

PPP, R.I.P? – by Irfan Husain: An old Native American saying gives this sage advice: “If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount immediately.” Sadly, I did not follow this wise counsel and found myself

پیپلز پارٹی کی قیادت اور عوام میں بہت بڑا خلا پیدا ہو گیا ہے: مانی پہلوان کا تعلق لاہور کے اندرون شہر سے ہے۔ پینتالیس برس پہلے وہ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے سحر میں مبتلا ہوئے تو پہلوانی کا شوق جاتا رہا۔ اب وہ نام کے پہلوان ہیں ان کے اندر ’جیالے‘ کی

An open letter to the PPP leadership – by Mumtaz Alam Gillani: Note: This letter was written a few weeks before the elections 2013. To whom I should address because all of a sudden the party of shaheeds, liberals and democrats has become leaderless. I feel being proud of the fact

My party, PPP, lost because it forgot about the people – by Malik Zameer Hassan: Let’s accept it; we kept playing the footage of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto’s assassination to grab sympathy votes. PHOTO: REUTERS One factor which always made me proud to be a part of thePakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was the its representation in

Politburo of (alleged) Scholars Wing misusing PPP’s name to suppress dissent: Context: After PPP and ANP’s debacles in recent elections, if Pakistan’s progressive and liberal parties are to remain relevant, they can’t afford to ignore constructive, sincere and honest critical voices from within and without the party. Unfortunately, within the

Post-elections 2013: Battle must go on – by Peja Mistri: One of the most dreaded consequence of defeat of PPP and ANP in elections 2013 will be the change in their policies on “War on Terror”. We are already hearing voices within the parties, that the defeat is

لیفٹ بیانیہ ہوگا تو بات بنے گی: پیپلز پارٹی الیکشن کیوں ہاری؟: اس مرتبہ مقابلہ سنٹر رائٹ کی دو پارٹیوں میں تھا تو پنجاب کے اندر کہیں بھی سنٹر لیفٹ کی پارٹیاں اپنے سنٹر لیفٹرجحان کے ساتھ انتخابات کے اندر اپنے روائتی ووٹ بینک کو متحرک نہ کرسکیں-ویسے بھی پیپلز پارٹی

ہونا دودھ کا کالا اور شہد کا کڑوا : پیپلز پارٹی الیکشن کیوں ہاری؟: اب جبکہ الیکشن ہوچکے اور نتائج بھی سب کے سامنے آچکے تو ہمیں یہ سوچنے کی ضرورت ہے کہ اس الیکشن کے دوران بہت سے ماضی میں درست خیال کیے جانے والے خیالات غلط کیوں ثابت ہوئے؟کیوں ماضی کی

Post-2013 elections, likely scenarios for PPP’s future in the Punjab – by Haris Gazdar: How do we read PPP’s collapse in Punjab? Not the immediate causes, but likely scenarios. It’s a long post, so take your time. Some PPP well-wishers might take comfort from 1997 from which the party had rebounded by the

Exposed: PPP’s Qamar Kaira’s secret meeting with terrorist Sipah Sahaba leader Molvi Nisar Deobandi: PPP’s central leader and former federal minister for information Qamar Zaman Kaira held a secret meeting with local head of banned terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) in order to beg for votes for a