Criticism of PPP Archive

Is PPP responsible for the Imran Khan Obsession? – by Salma Jafar: Imran Khan’s arrival at the much fraught political landscape of Pakistan should be a wakeup call to the slumbering and complacent PPP. But PPP will win the senate election with MQM support and all will be fine. PPP will

A lonely voice: Nasir Ali Shah’s mission to save Shia Hazaras: His community, the people who elected him as their representative in Pakistan’s parliament (National Assembly), are being killed like flies in a systematic and ongoing manner. He has been highlighting the mass murders and persecution facing his community for

Killings of Hazara Shias: makings of genocide? Some questions for human rights groups — by Mohammad Taqi: Guest editor’s note: In the following op-ed published in Daily Times, Dr. Mohammad Taqi continues with his tradition of writing on sensitive and non-mainstream topics thus demonstrating his character and intellectual integrity. Dr. Taqi asks tough questions from what

The killings and the promises — by Mir Sohaib Mengal: The media and the judiciary keep concentrating on non-issues but turn a blind eye to brutalities and human rights violations by state-run agencies Prime Minister Gilani, on his recent visit to Quetta, asked the militants to shun violence and

I want the Baloch to get back the true Meaning of Life! Do you? – by Salma Jafar: Cross-posed from Pakistan Blogzine A topic so close to my heart that it’s hard to write on, but on Laibaah’s request here is a take on the issue of Balochistan and in particular the issue of missing persons which

Pakistan’s Shia Muslims reject President Zardari’s false assurances: [poll id=”4″] Based on feedback from Shia Muslims including Shia Hazaras, LUBP has decided to publish the following response to President Zardari’s press release in the aftermath of his meeting with some members of an ethnic Hazara party. The

A critical view on Sherry Rehman’s elitist report on Afghanistan – by Khanzada Achackzai: Editor’s Note: In the aftermath of the Quetta bombings that took place this morning and which have claimed over 25 lives, we are deeply disturbed that our foreign policy elite continue to have an explicit sympathy for Mullah Omar’s Quetta Shura.

PM Gilani, don’t appoint a man of doubtful integrity as head of the supreme audit institution – by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: The 1973 Constitution seems silent on defining a criterion for appointing an auditor general. Article 168 of the 1973 constitution says that the president shell appoint an auditor general. Article 168(3) says an auditor-general cannot be removed. Perhaps, Raza

PPP and PML-Q: The odd couple — By D. Asghar: This scribe’s opinion about this “deal” is very well known. President Zardari’s move to save his party’s crumbling popularity, by going to bed with his staunchest critics, may be a major gamble. Whether this gamble pays off or not,

LUBP must stop defending Zardari League (ZPPP) – by Laibaah: As things stand now, your defense of the Zardari league that PPP has become is very disappointing. I have been following your blog for some time and and have even emailed and DMed my views to your editors and

Utter shame PM Gilani and Rehman Malik: It is utter shame how Prime Minister Gilani and Rehman Malik have been behaving like a ‘Devil’s Advocate’. More than two hundred young men from Parachinar have been camping outside the National Press Club in Islamabad for the past

People of Parachinar can not believe Rehman Malik any more: رحمان ملک کے ٹل پاراچنار روڈ کھولنے کے جھوٹے وعدوں پر یقین نہیں کیا جا سکتا، یوتھ آف پاراچنار اسلام آباد:اسلام ٹائمز۔ پاراچنار کرم ایجنسی کے عوام رحمان ملک کے مزید جھوٹے وعدوں اور بیانات سے دھوکے میں نہیں

From “Qatil” League to “Qabool” League – by Furqan Ahmed: Editors’ note: We believe in open debate and hence are posting an article written by our regular contributor on the topic of taking in the PML-Q as part of the coalition. Though it is a decision which when happens

Zardari: Is he on the side of truth or Islamofascism?: Related articles: How to kill the Shia snake: Letter from brother Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Zardari’s was elected by popular vote, not by anti-democratic forces

Zardari Wooing PML-Q: Adding Insult To Injury – By D. Asghar: In Politics, as always there is no final word. Yesterday’s adversaries can potentially emerge as allies, when push comes to shove. It seems like due to the bickering and fighting with PML-N and the constant tug of war with

Are you there Mr President? – By Ayesha Siddiqa: Rehman Malik has yet again scattered his pearls of illogic by saying that the interior ministry was planning to impose restrictions on artists, journalists and students on scholarships travelling to India. They will now have to seek a no-objection

Rehman Malik: The Civilian Face of Pakistan’s Military Establishment – by Imtiaz Baloch: Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik, the civilian face of the country’s powerful military establishment is a continuation of the former dictator General Pervez Musharraf’s policies in Balochistan. He is the one who sanctioned and devised the policies of empowering

Aabpara phobia: An unedited conversation with Riaz Toori: Related post: Abdul Khaliq Hazara and other ISI’s touts within Shia Muslims Editor’s note: The purpose of this post is to highlight our independence as a blog. While we do not conceal our support for the Pakistan Peoples Party,

Not everyone who criticizes the PPP is pro-establishment – by European: Editor’s note: There are some very valuable points in the following article, which deserve to be considered and openly debated. The LUBP is open to criticism; while some of us may disagree with some of the arguments presented in

An open letter to Rehman Malik – by Sana Saleem: Related post: Focus on religious madrassahs and their mentors instead of Rehman Malik – by Dr. Saifurrehman Cross-posted from The Dawn Blog Dear Mr. Rehman Malik, I recently found out that you have decided to take action (aka, block,

malka mar gai, badshah zindabad: On PPP’s transition from BB to Asif Zardari – by Qais Anwar: Related articles: Sleeping with the enemy: Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi fulfilling the ISI’s designs – by Ahsan Abbas Shah On Safdar Abbasi’s participation in Geo TV’s Capital Talk – by Abdul Nishapuri An advice to Naheed Khan –

Shame on the PPP government and its ambassador-at-large: Editors’ note: The following is a disturbing news report. We would like to know the purpose of such trips by its ambassador-at-large and the benefits that Pakistan has received in return. If Mr Klasra’s story is verified and if

Show us some utility, Mr Shah Mahmood Qureshi: We appeal to the governments of the USA and Pakistan to use all possible means to find the missing son of legendary Pakistan TV actor Jamil Fakhri (”Jafar Hussain” of PTV Super Hit TV Drama “Andera Ujala”). Ali Ayaz

On Babar Awan’s statement on the blasphemy law: Ansar Abbasi and various of his friends and followers in Pakistn’s mainstream and alternative media have recently mentioned Babar Awan’s statement on the blasphemy law. According to the original article by Ansar Abbasi published in The News, the statement

Why do we publish on LUBP what we do? – by Abdul Nishapuri: Nugget 1 Sheen Alif recently asked: The progressive blog should come clear on how they view the Baloch insurgency, as publishing a piece on Lala Hameed Baloch and another condemning BLA just on assumptions in one breath is not

Who is in power in Balochistan? PPP or Army?: ’انٹیلیجنس ایجنسیوں کی مداخلت کو روکیں ‘ میڈیا پلئیر ونڈوز میڈیا یا ریئل پلیئر میں دیکھیں/سنیں بلوچستان میں اگر انٹیلی جنس ایجنیسوں کی سیاست میں مداخلت ختم کی جائے اور ان کا سیاسی کردار ختم کیا جائے تو بیشتر

Government must act to address perceived corruption – by Fasi Zaka: No proof of perceived corruption Consistent suo motu actions by the judiciary, Transparency International’s (TI) raising of Pakistan’s rank as a corrupt country and the media howling fiduciary murder every few days is rattling the PPP. The prime minister recently

Critical articles are welcome: Recently there have been a number of critical views expressed regarding LUBP’s editorial policy and alleged intolerance of criticism of the PPP. Nothing could be further from the truth. This blog is dedicated to the principle of freedom of

President Zardari, Is Kurram Agency a part of Pakistan?: کرم ایجنسی تنازعہ اور حکومتی ساکھ رفعت اللہ اورکزئی بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، پشاور کرم ایجنسی میں حکومت کی رٹ نہ ہونے کے برابر ہے پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقے کرم ایجنسی میں تقریباً تین ہفتوں سے جاری

Rehman Malik, who do you represent? – by Imtiaz Baloch: While Rehman Malik statements regarding the peace process in Balochistan of threatening aggrieved Baloch elements of using more force was responded by the sensible Baloch political leadership as Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal and Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Newspaper
![Taking stock of the Zardari government’s [slack] response to the floods](
Taking stock of the Zardari government’s [slack] response to the floods: Al-Jazeera Report 11 August 2010 Asif Ali Zardari, the president of Pakistan, returned home on Tuesday after controversial visits to France and the UK. Zardari is facing rising anger in Pakistan from victims of what some are describing as

Four elements of “Dr” Babar Awan: (1) Dark past as a faithful of General Zia-ul-Haq, (2) Hate speech against Ahmadis, (3) Financial corruption (e.g., distribution of funds (bribery) to various bar councils and lawyers, charges of bribery in Haris Stell Mills) (4) a fake PhD

Balochistan: a ticking bomb – by Salman Latif: If today I endeavored to draw a parallel between East Pakistan and modern-day Balochistan, I’m sure it’d be a well-founded one. With the way the central governments have been playing denial to the rightful plights of the Baluchis and

An open letter to Asif Ali Zardari – by Javed I. Sheikh: I would like to share this letter posted almost one year before at another forum. Mr. President, Sir, 1. As one of the most senior founder members of the Pakistan People Party and Ex-General Secretary of the PPP District

Ahmed Ludhianvi of Sipah-e-Sahaba hits back at PPP: Some important points: 1. Ahmed Ludhianvi accuses 25 PPP MNAs including Qamar Zaman Kaira, Faisal Karim Kundi and Jamshed Dasti of taking the support of Sipah-e-Sahaba in their election campaigns. According to him, there is an equally long list

Pakistan Should Reform Fatigued Foreign Policy – by Ibrahim Sajid Malick: Pop quiz: do you know Pakistan’s Ambassador to Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela, Brazil, or Russia? It is very likely that you don’t and, there is a reason – these countries don’t get adequate visibility in Pakistan. Hussain Haqqani (USA), Wajid

Balochistan: a flawed policy – by Sanaullah Baloch: While remote-controlling the province via civil armed forces may breed more resentment and violence, support for apolitical tribal chiefs as an alternative against the popular Baloch leadership will solely promote corruption, bad governance and will lead to a harmful

There cannot be justice without freedom – by Imtiaz Baloch: There cannot be a human rights violation greater than the enslavement of a people. All the categories of rights and freedoms are lost or snatched away with a single stroke. Such is the plight of Baloch and other stateless