Critical articles are welcome

Recently there have been a number of critical views expressed regarding LUBP’s editorial policy and alleged intolerance of criticism of the PPP. Nothing could be further from the truth. This blog is dedicated to the principle of freedom of speech and welcomes contributions from all sides of the political spectrum as well as rebuttals of articles published on LUBP itself.

We are a political blog and we publish articles by the PPP supporters who take the time to send us their writings and views. We also publish articles by individuals who are not necessarily supporters of the PPP and indeed, who are harshly critical of the government and of the Pakistani state’s policies. Here are two such examples:

Similarly if you read our forum you will see that many of the regular contributors express views critical of the PPP and we have a strict policy of freedom of speech on our forum – i.e. we do not censor any comments.

The point I am getting to is that there are many occasions on which an article, comment or forum post on LUBP will be deemed to be politically incorrect, sycophantic, blind in its support of the PPP, anti-Pakistan or offensive. Unlike other blogs LUBP is not a one-person or two-person show. There are literally hundreds of individuals who have, over the last few years, contributed articles to our blog and we consider that to be our greatest strength and not a weakness. We are proud to say that we accept no funding from the government and are not afraid to criticize it when we think it has gone wrong. But we also are not in the business of censoring our contributors’ views because they may be unpalatable to those who choose to remain aloof from partisan politics.

So if you are unhappy with the direction that LUBP is taking, you are most welcome to submit an article to [email protected], either rebutting an article published here, or explaining why you think this blog is misguided. We can guarantee you that unless it contains profanities or ethnic or religious slurs, we will most certainly publish it. If you are unwilling to contribute to a partisan political blog, please reconsider. Supporting a political party or writing for a blog that openly declares its political affiliations is not something to be ashamed of.



Latest Comments
  1. Ali Arqam
  2. Laila Ebadi
  3. Sarah Khan
  4. Ahmed Iqbalabadi
  5. Sarah Khan
  6. Sarah Khan
  7. irfan urfi
  8. Ahmed Iqbalabadi
  9. Zalaan
  10. Dil Dil Pakistan
  11. Shahabuddin Khilji