Monthly Archive:: June 2014

ISIS Expands its Killing Fields from Syria to Iraq – by Rusty Walker: Salafist ISIS ‘execute’ 1,700 Iraqi Soldiers Why are organized soldiers attacking Iraq, and who are these Army combatants in Iraq? And, who is funding them? The first question includes the component of timing: Iraq is neither militarily or economically

عراق اور سعودی نواز میڈیا: مغربی میڈیا کے متوازی وہابی عرب ریاستوں کا میڈیا عراق میں جاری حالیہ وہابی-دیوبندی فاشسٹ حملوں اور اسے ملنے والی چند ابتدائی کامیابیوں کو ایک انقلاب اور عراقی قومی تحریک کے طور پر دکھانے کی کوشش کررہا ہے بلکہ

Pak Army should take out all Taliban not just “bad” Taliban all over Pakistan – M Ilyas Khan: Pakistan’s military operation to clear al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from its side of the Afghan border has long been demanded by Kabul and Washington. Troops are now on alert in Pakistan’s towns and cities after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Saudi Salafi inspired and funded Al Shahaab kill at least 50 people in a Kenya – by Drazen Jorgic: (Reuters) – Somali-linked Islamists have killed at least 50 people in a Kenyan coastal town, executing men in front of their families and killing others who had gathered to watch World Cup soccer on television. The al Shabaab

Iraq blowback: Isis rise manufactured by insatiable oil addiction – by Nafeez Ahmed: Following the bulk of western reporting on the Iraq crisis, you’d think the self-styled ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria‘ (Isis) popped out of nowhere, took the west completely by surprise, and is now rampaging across the Middle East

بلوچ و پختون قوم تحریکیں اور دیوبندی وہابی فاشزم – از عامر حسینی: بلوچ قوم کی تحریک کے وہابی دیوبندی مذھبی فاشزم سے رشتے اور اس کے اینٹی شیعہ دھشت گرد تنظیموں سے تعلق کا سوال نیا نہیں ہے ایران میں شیعہ انقلاب کے آنے کے بعد جب ایران کی مرکزی حکومت

سعودی پالتو وہابی دیوبندی تنظیم آئی ایس آئی ایل حضرت غوث الاعظم عبدالقادر جیلانی کے مزار کو گرانا چاہتی ہے: سعودی عرب ،کویت اور قطر کے وہابی ملوک اور وہابی سرمایہ داروں و ملاّؤں کی پروردہ دولت اسلامیہ عراق و الشام یا داعش کے نام نہاد خلیفہ و امیر المومنین وہابی خارجی ابوبکر البغدادی سلفی نے عراقی شہر موصل

Ahmadiyya persecution in Pakistan – by Khaled Ahmed: On May 27, this appeared on the front page of the Pakistani daily, Dawn: “Gunmen shot dead a doctor from the minority Ahmadi community in Chenab Nagar town in Punjab. Mehdi Ali, a 50-year-old heart surgeon from

ISIS: Ankara’s spoiled child? – by Mahir Zeynalov: It was Dec. 25, 2013. A week after a major raid against suspects implicated in a corruption investigation in Turkey, including the sons of three ministers and pro-government businessmen, prosecutors ordered another wave of raids. Police chiefs appointed

US prepares for talks with Iran to stop Iraq militants, says official: Volunteers to fight Wahabi militants gather in the streets in Al-Fdhiliya district, eastern Baghdad on Sunday. Photograph: Thaier Al-sudani/Reuters The United States is preparing to open a direct dialogue with Iran about how to deal with the Sunni

Anti-al-Qaeda Sunni Group Backs Iraq’s Shiite Government – by Zaid Sabah and Caroline Alexander: A key Sunni Muslim tribal leader said his forces are helping Iraq’s Shiite-led government battle Islamist militants and called for urgent U.S. military intervention to help stop their advance. “We’ve been fighting al-Qaeda in Anbar for the past

Well Orchestrated Muslim Holocaust in the Middle East – by Hasan Rana: Iran is backing Assad in Syria, Gulf states are against Assad! Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi. But Gulf states are pro-Sisi. Which means they are against Muslim Brotherhood! Iran is pro-Hamas,

Different Salafi movements and the growth of ISIL in Iraq: Turkish intellectuals are largely ignorant about the new threat that is bordering Turkey. The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is still an unknown entity for Turks. We have been hearing comments declaring that

Survival of the plural: A singular identity breeds violence – by Khaled Ahmed: An article in a Lahore Urdu monthly, Naya Zamana, of May 2014 by a friendly writer, Ubaidullah Ubaid — using a naming technique of the Taliban when they threaten someone with assassination — has upbraided me

Revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? – by Bruce Riedel: The overthrow of the Saudi royals is finally a possibility. In an excerpt from a new Brookings Institution briefing book for Obama’s second term, Bruce Riedel on what a catastrophe it would be for Obama. Saudi Arabia

Shia genocide by Deobandis in Pakistan and the Lucknow connection – by Khaled Ahmed: It may shock many Indians to know that the massacre of the Shia in Pakistan since 2002 has been caused by edicts of apostatisation issued by a Deobandi madrasa of Lucknow. Deobandi is a sub-sect of Sunni Islam which

Nationalists and Terrorists in Cahoots?: Here is a Facebook Status Update by our contributor AZ : Though it makes for surreal reading, it is a harsh reality that today Baluch Nationalists are as much in cahoots with the LeJ and other sectarian killers as

A new challenge for Zarb-e-Azb: Uzbek terrorists join ASWJ: In the aftermath of Pakistan army’s operation against TTP-ASWJ and other takfiri Khawarij terrorists, Uzbek terrorists in Pakistan have decided to merge in the banned Deobandi terror outfit ASWJ (formely Sipah-e-Sahaba). This confirms that ASWJ is the single major

A guide to the bitter political fights driving the Iraq crisis – by Zack Beauchamp: The ongoing vicious fighting in Iraq is often characterized as a battle between the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and the Iraqi government. Many people think of that as simply being a proxy war between

Liberal discourse on Deobandi terrorism – A Facebook Discussion: AN: 80s and 90s: SSP killed Shia en masse. Shias retaliated by target killing SSP leaders. Urban Liberals were not happy with Shias. Late 90s to 2010: Shias stopped retaliating to prove they are genuinely ‘mazloom’.

9 myths about Hinduism — debunked – by Moni Basu: Suhag Shukla knows that’s how some people outside Hinduism see her religion. As the head of the Hindu American Foundation, Shukla, 42, clarifies misconceptions all the time. Hinduism is ancient, though there is no specific date for

America’s Allies are Funding Deobandi/Wahabi ISIS – by Josh Rogin: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), now threatening Baghdad, was funded for years by wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, three U.S. allies that have dual agendas in the war on terror. The

Balochistan minority MPA shot dead in Quetta – by Syed Ali Shah: QUETTA/ISLAMABAD: Minority member of the Balochistan Assembly Handery Masieh was killed by his guard in Quetta on Saturday, an official said. He was killed in a firing incident in Nawan Killi — located in the suburbs of

اقلیتی رکن صوبائی اسمبلی کا دن دھاڑے قتل – از سید علی شاہ: بلوچستان اسمبلی کے اقلیتی رکن ہنری مسیح کو ہفتے کےدن کویٹہ میں ان کے گارڈ نے فارنگ کر کے قتل کر دیا – جان محمد بلیدی جو کہ بلوچستان حکومت کے ترجمان ہیں ان کا اس

Condolences to Nawaz Sharif and other TTP-ASWJ apologists on Zarb-e-Azb – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Condolences to the “anti-establishment” Comrade Nawaz Sharif on the launch of operation against the Taliban in North Waziristan. Condolences to pro-TTP-ASWJ journalists including Hamid Mir, Saleem Safi, Irfan Siddiqi and Ansar Abbasi of Geo TV/Jang Group. Condolences to Hazrat

سعودی حمایت یافتہ سلفی دہشت گرد تنظیم داعش کے ہاتھوں عراق میں سینکڑوں سنی اور شیعہ فوجیوں کا قتل عام: عراق میں موصل اور تکریت پر قبضہ کرنے والی سلفی و دیوبندی دہشت گرد تنظیم دولت اسلامی عراق والشام نے انٹرنیٹ پر تصاویر جاری کی ہیں جن سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ اس کے جہادی جنگجو عراقی فوجیوں کا

Let’s blame Iran for the current mess in Iraq – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Just few months ago, some Good Liberals of Pakistan were actively supporting ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria – back then, we knew them by their former avatar which was Free Syrian Army (FSA). What happened to FSA? Clearly

ISIS doesn’t represent Sunni Muslims – by Ali Raza: In 1801 and 1802, the Saudi Salafi militans under Abdul Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn Saud attacked and captured the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf in Iraq, equally revered by Sunni Sufis and Shias, began to massacre parts of

Tracking ISIS from Syria to Iraq: An analysis – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Caution: Graphic content While these pictures and the video would have made my ancestor, Hajjaj Bin Yousuf, quite happy, even I sort of wimped out towards completing it. Basically, this story starts in Homs, Syria, where as per SoS

نازو کی بدحواسیاں ،پی ٹی وی پر درباری مولوی طاہر القادری پر بلاسفیمی کا الزام لگانے لگے: مسلم لیگ نواز کی حکومت پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری کے خلاف پروپیگنڈا سیل متحرک ہوگیا ہے پی ٹی وی پر ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے خلاف درباری مولوی متحرک ہوگئے اور پی ٹی وی ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے

A country of dead women – by Rafia Zakaria: Before Farzana Parveen was bludgeoned to death with bricks there was Shahida Parveen who was sentenced to be stoned. In early 1988, when democracy was new and a woman was about to take over the helm of the

The Invasion of Pakistan : The country created the Deobandi Taliban that now aims to destroy it.: Pakistan’s elites have spent decades fretting about an invasion from India, but it turns out they have invited their own invasion from within. By striking a Faustian bargain with the Taliban, the military and intelligence services have

عراق: وہابی شدت پسندوں کے کنٹرول کا دائرہ وسیع تر: عراق میں شدت پسندوں نے دو نئے قصبوں پر قبضے کے ساتھ اپنے کنٹرول کا دائرہ وسیع تر کر لیا ہے اور اب ایسا معلوم ہو رہا ہے کہ دارالحکومت بغداد کو بھی خطرہ لاحق ہو سکتا ہے۔ وہابی

The mega follies: POLITICS is all about perception. If people believe that a policy is detrimental to their interests, not even a deluge of spin, arranged news conferences, full-page advertisements and assurances by its advocates is going to change that perception. A

Salafi-Deobandi Jihadis in Iraq want to demolish Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani’s shrine before marching to Karbala – by Laleen Ahmad: The Western media continues to label the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) a “Sunni” outfit. Certainly this is an old Western ploy to create divisions between Shias and Sunnis. But as the ISIS’s Salafi-Wahabi and Deobandi leaders

Media discourse on Deobandi terrorism – 20 May to 14 June 2014: War on the Rocks, 20 May 2014 Who’s killing Pakistan’s Shia and why? – C. Christine Fair With this victory under their belts, Islamists—particularly led by those associated with the Deobandi interpretative tradition—aimed to have Pakistan’s Shia declared non-Muslim.

Pashtun scholars’ mysterious silence on Pashtun massacre in Taftan, Balochistan – by Abdul Nishapuri: Pashtun scholars, including nationalists, progressive or right-wing scholars, remain consistently silent on Deobandi ASWJ (Sipah-e-Sahaba aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat)’s atrocities against Shias, Sunni Barelvis and other communities. In most recent incident, on 8 June 2014, at least 30

After Libya and Syria, the Salafi-Wahhabi and Deobandi Spring reaches Iraq – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: The Salafi-Wahhabi and Deobandi Spring, aided by Saudi petro-dollars, Western media and CIA, has finally made it to Iraq via Libya and Syria, while also leaving important footprints in Egypt and other countries. In Libya, US happened to support

عراق اور شام کو وہابی خلافت میں بدلنے کا منصوبہ ،دولت اسلامیہ عراق والشام کی کہانی —از قلم محمد بن ابی بکر: دولت اسلامیہ عراق والشام نے عراق کے سنّی اکثریت والے صوبے انبار کے بعد سابق عراقی صدر صدام حسین کے آبائی شہر تکریت اور موصل پر بھی قبضہ کرلیا اور موصل بغداد شہر سے صرف 90 کلومیٹر کی دوری

لاٹھی آپ کی ہے، بھینس بھی تو اپ کی ہوگی نا: میری سہلی جیم کی کال آئی. کہنے لگی کہ سیما کے شوہر نے اپنی پسند سے دوسری شادی کرلی ہے اور مجھے بہت دکھ ہے. میں نے کہا: جیم پیاری، تم جانتی تو ہو کہ سیما کی شوہر سے کبھی