Monthly Archive:: September 2013

Sultan Rahi – a story of betrayal, repentence & tragic end – by Asif Mall: Sultan Rahi was son of a Christian called Michael, who was worked all his life as a Cook in Lahore. Sultan Rahi’s mother was the niece of Robinson Magistrate in Lahore, a well-known Christian family still living in Lahore.

The Intelligence Community’s Revolt Against Obama on Syria: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity have issued a memorandum to President Obama directly challenging his administration’s claims on Syria’s use of chemical weapons: MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap? Precedence: IMMEDIATE We

203 incidents of sectarian violence in 18 months – by Amar Guriro: * 635 Shias dead among 717 KARACHI: In the last 18 months, 203 incidents of sectarian violence in Pakistan resulted in 1,800 casualties, including 717 deaths, of which 635 were Shia. Sectarian and religious violence in Pakistan is on

APC: peace consensus or sell-out? – by Zahid Hussain: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chairing the All Parties Conference (APC) in Islamabad on September 9, 2013.— File photo Published 2013-09-11 06:03:15 THE resolution emanating from Monday’s all-parties conference seems more of a document of surrender than an expression of a

Seeking Legitimacy for Syrian WAR – by Alizeh Khaleeli: The reason Obama is waiting for Congress to consider the military strike is to appear to exhaust all avenues to legitimize the war on Syria.This begs the question as to why does approval matter to the US, after all

Pakistan on the path to democratic prosperity – by Syed Abbas: History of Pakistan has witnessed repeated military interventions, weak civilian governments and institutions. Despite these anomalies, PPP-led previous government strengthened the democratic dispensation by empowering parliament through a series of constitutional reforms. They not only completed their term, but

Welcome Zardari: Lahore Jalsa – by Naveed Javed: Like it or not but President Zardari has done what no other politician in the history of Pakistan could do. He remained the only ‘Ghazi’ of PPP who stayed in the ranks of opponents and came out victoriously with

The World’s Red Line? – by Rusty Walker: Obama’s red line amounted to a “green light.” It was AFTER Obama drew a red line that Syria used chemical weapons, (or, al Qaeda used chems). Subsequently, Obama lied about his clear statement, and smoothly reframed it as a

کل دھشت گرد نواز جماعتی کانفرنس: کیا یہ اے پی سی بھی بےکار گئی لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی 9 ستمبر،2013 کو آل پارٹیز کانفرنس کے شرکاء نے متفقہ طور پر قرارداد یہ منظور کی کہ تحریک طالبان پاکستان سے مذاکرات کئے جائیں گے-اور اس کانفرنس

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s article contradicts lies crafted by Najam Sethi’s TFT Blog: Related post: Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari In his English editorial for The Friday Times (TFT Blog) as well as his Urdu column for daily Jang (literal meaning:

اے پی سی کا دھوکہ: سعودی حمایت یافتہ وزیراعظم نواز شریف نے پاکستانی قوم کو طالبان و لشکر جھنگوی کے ہاتھ گروی رکھ دیا: نام نہاد آل پارٹیز کانفرنس (اے پی سی) میں سعودی حمایت یافتہ وزیر اعظم نواز شریف نے ایک بار پھر ثابت کر دیا کہ وہ پاکستان سے زیادہ سعودی عرب اور تکفیری دیوبندی اور وہابی دہشت گردوں کے وفادار

Remembering A Slain Hero: As soon as the calenders were flipped to September an excitement would begin to build in two specific houses in Islamabad. One my nano’s and the second mine. Shahbaz’s birthday would be coming up soon. We would begin

In Focus: Why does the US want to attack Syria? – by Tahir Mehdi: The United States is at war once again and in its favorite battleground, the Middle East. This is despite the fact that they are facing a lot of trouble in withdrawing from Afghanistan in a respectable manner after

Naik Parveen Syndrome – by Mariam Shafqat Goraya: Heard it a lot and often that Pakistani society is full off male chauvinists and it’s the women who usually quietly and unhappily bear the brunt of making daal chawal for the rest of their lives. But that’s a

Syrians in Ghouta reveal that Saudi-supplied rebels are behind chemical attack: Clarification: Dale Gavlak assisted in the research and writing process of this article, but was not on the ground in Syria. Reporter Yahya Ababneh, with whom the report was written in collaboration, was the correspondent on the ground in Ghouta

Akmal Brothers – Pariahs of Pakistan Cricket? – by Talal Mahmud: The honor for the most talented and famous cricketing families in Pakistan is a close fight between the Mohammad(s) from Karachi and the Khan\Burki clan from Zaman Park Lahore. Four of the Mohammad brothers (Wazir, Hanif, Mushtaq and

Veteran Pakistani journalist Nazir Naji weighs in on the Saudi-CIA war on Syria: In his Urdu column in daily Dunya newspaper, Pakistan’s senior columnist Nazir Naji writes on the situation in Syria in his usual eloquent and simple style. His column is translated and summarized here: Our sympathies for the Syrian people

Ahamadiya Issue – by Zulfiqar Ali: On September 7, 1974, second amendment to constitution of Pakistan was passed. It declared Ahamadis as Non-Muslims. No doubt it was a huge mistake. However there are some reasons behind that. Some are facts, some my interpretations. I am

What will Russia do?: Prof. Dugin, the world faces right now in Syria the biggest international crisis since the downfall of the Eastern Block in 1989/90. Washington and Moscow found themselves in a proxy-confrontation on the Syrian battleground. Is this a new situation?

What Is A Life Well Lived? – by A Z: Our notion of what signifies the success of a person’s life is deeply subjective and steeped in our aspirations and biases. However, what is not subjective is that the transformation of a person’s life is fundamentally a result of

LUBP condemns Shehla Raza’s bigoted stance on Ahmadiya Muslims: LUBP firmly condemns the anti pluralistic position by Syeda Shahla Raza. While the tragic event of apposition of Ahamadiya Muslims did take place during the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, it is certainly inhuman and against inclusive spirit of

Pakistan’s outgoing president Asif Zardari tempts history to salute him – by Jyoti Malhotra: Asif Ali Zardari, the first elected president of Pakistan, will make history when he bows out of office today, the first president of Pakistan to have completed five full years in a country that has lived under the shadow

شامی عوام کے خلاف کیمیائی ہتھیار امریکہ اورسعودی عرب کے حمایت یافتہ باغیوں اوروہابی دہشت گردوں نے استعمال کیے – نزیر ناجی:

Rosh Hashanah: Iranian foreign minister condemns Holocaust, denounces the massacre of Jews by the Nazis: Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif condemned the “Nazi massacre of the Jews” in a Facebook status in Farsi on Friday, marking a significant departure from the Holocaust-denying approach of the Iranian regime during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “We

’شام کے خلاف یکطرفہ کارروائی جارحیت ہو گی‘: روس کے صدر ولادیمیر پوتن نے امریکہ اور اس کے اتحادیوں کو شام کے خلاف یکطرفہ کارروائی کرنے پر خبردار کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ اقوام متحدہ سے منظوری کے بغیر شام کے خلاف کوئی بھی فوجی کارروائی ’جارحیت‘

Bravo Mr. President – by Riaz Ali Toori: I remember a man who was tortured inhumanly; who had spent a decade of his life in jail but emerged victorious and became the most powerful President of the country yet adopted a policy of reconciliation instead of

مجیب الرحمان شامی – اتنی سعودی غلامی؟ – از حق گو: میڈیا نے سعودی عرب کے خلاف کیمپین چلا دی ہے اس سے کیا تاثر بن رہا ہے : سارا خان شام کے معاملے میں بڑا شدید اختلاف ہے ہمارے دوستوں میں ، سعودی عرب ترکی اور تمام عرب ممالک

Hasan al-Banna: Brotherhood, Jihad and Nazism – by Raziq: The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Islamist party in the world today. It also claims to be a democratic party. In this article I will be looking at its founder Hasan al-Banna, the reasons why he established the Muslim

ایرانی حکومت کا رجوع،اوبامہ کی بڑھتی مشکل: عامر حسینی سے پیترس برگ روس میں جی-20 کانفرنس میں شام کا ایشو ہاٹ ایشو بنکرچھایا رہا-اس ایشو پر امریکی صدر باراک حسین اوبامہ کی کوشش تھی کہ وہ جی-20 ملکوں سے بھاری اکثریت سے شامی حکومت کے خلاف

In a U.S. strike on Syria where a significant number of rebels are Salafists, critics mock Obama: “U.S. is al Qaeda’s Air Force” – by Rusty Walker: Let us learn our lessons. … Never believe any war will be smooth and easy or that anyone who embarks on that strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war

Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji confused: “shia sunni conflict or sectarian war” used to obfuscate the Salafi identity of Al Qaeda: Hajjaji is getting more and more confused. I was so grateful to intellectual uncles and Aunty who post on Facebook and who were taking a stand against Assad regime while mantaining that they were neutral and while keeping the

Indian media: Jinnah’s speeches given to Pakistan: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was Pakistan’s first leader India has handed over rare audio recordings of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s two important speeches to Pakistan in a “goodwill gesture”, media reports say. The recordings are precious to Pakistan because of Mr

Machiavellian stalemate in Syria and more death: the best strategic option for the West and Israel: Editor’s Note: we are cross posting an article by The NewYork Times which validates positions taken by LUBP writers several months ago, indeed it benefits Isreal and the West for the civil war in Syria to never end. So

امریکہ۔۔۔۔۔آل سعود و صہونیت کا محافظ اعظم: جنگوں کا خاتمہ کرنے کا نعرہ بلند کرکے آنے والے اور مارٹن لوتھر کا کاسٹیوم پہن کر “عظیم خواب” دکھانے والے باراک حسین اوبامہ بش جونئیر کی کاپی ثابت ہونے والے اوبامہ کا خطاب سن رہا تھا-تہذیب بچانے کا نعرہ

Obama’s self-aggrandisement and potential victories for al-Assad – by Dr. M.R. Nakvisson: Avoiding single-factor explanations and taking into account Obama’s personal ambitions, one can see self-aggrandisement attempts in his decision to seek congressional approval for strike on Syria. As regards al-Assad, he may very well emerge victorious in the long-run. Much has

Secular Pakistan or dismemberment of Pakistan into very small states?: Shehla Raza speaks from the heart. The crimes against Shia and Sufi Sunni (brelvi) which form about 80 percent of Pakistan’s population have been steadily increasing since 1985. Shia Muslims are especially targeted, Shia doctors even Shia prisoners are

Mr. Kleen Klasra! Here you go again: Few days ago, Klasra SiaN wrote how Prez is taking away the gifts. Then there was something about Kleen Klasra I wrote and tagged him (please see the note). In his latest column (Sept 5) Klasra SiaN laments that

قبر سے واپسی – از حماد حسن: کیا آپ جانتے ہیں کہ آپ کے چاروں طرف پھیلی ہوئی مذہبی انتہا پسندی کی جڑیں کہاں ہو سکتی ہیں اور وہ کونسی فیکٹریاں ہیں جہاں یہ پروڈکٹ تیار ہو کر ملک کی کونے کونے میں سپلائی ہوتی ہے

خادمین حرمین یا خادمین امریکین – از حق گو: 1991- ﺍﻣﺮﯾﮑﯽ ﻧﮯ ﮐﻮﯾﺖ ﺟﻨﮓ ﻣﯿﮟ ﻋﺮﺍﻕ ﭘﺮ ﺣﻤﻠﮧ ﮐﯿﺎ ﺗﻮﮨﻮﺍﺋﯽ ﺍﮈﮮ ﺍﻭﺭ ﺯﻣﯿﻨﯽ ﺭﺍﺳﺘﮧ ﺳﻌﻮﺩﯾﮧ ﻧﮯ ﺩﯾﺎ 1998- ﻣﯿﮟ ﺑﻐﺪﺍﺩ ﭘﺮ ﺑﻤﺒﺎﺭﯼ ﮐﮯ ﻟﯿﺌﮯ ﺍﻣﺮﯾﮑﯽ ﻃﯿﺎﺭﮮﺳﻌﻮﺩﯾﮧ ﺳﮯ ﺍﮌﮮ 2001- ﻣﯿﮟ ﺍﯾﮏ ﺑﺎﺭ ﭘﮭﺮ ﺳﻌﻮﺩﯾﮧ ﺳﮯ ﺍﻓﻐﺎﻧﺴﺘﺎﻥ ﭘﺮ ﺣﻤﻠﮧﺍﻣﺮﯾﮑﯿﻮﮞ

Special Prayer for Issac Samson: missing person: Please pray for Issac Samson, He was kidnapped since 29-02-2012 at 8:15 am while going to work at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Orangi Town, Karachi. This Hospital is run by South Korean Charity. There is no news about him for