Syria & Syrian Civil War Archive

Gitmo prisoner reveals that Saudi ‘terrorist rehab’ center is a scam: Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad. According

West running campaign of lies about Syria chemical attacks: Deputy FM: A senior Syrian official has roundly rejected as part of “a campaign of lies” recent allegations by Western media outlets that the Damascus government is using chemical weapons in its anti-terror operations across the Arab country. “The multitude

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard stands with environmental activists at standing rock: Rep (D) Gabbard continues to affirm that she is a true progressive. She has resisted the Democratic party establishment on their regime change policy in Syria and the subsequent support to Al Qaeda. While the old guard is

An absolutely stunning example of how the BBC tries to manipulate the terms of debate and subvert reality: Give me a King Abdullah, a Prince Khalifa or a King Salman any day! These and other elected Sheikhs of the GCC put the L into Liberal and are leading some of the most Gay-friendly societies on the

Political and social polarization in Europe – by Shiraz Paracha: At the dawn of this century the Western world faces new challenges. Western dominated political and economic world order appears to be failing. There are questions about the finality of Western political thought, discourses and the Western way

Tulsi is the right person to take on the exclusionist ideologies of ISIS & others: Two weeks after Donald Trump’s shocking upset of Hillary Clinton, the imperious and imperial neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist understudies may finally be losing their tight grip on U.S. foreign policy. The latest sign was Trump’s invitation for a meeting

Who is coming to address joint session of parliament in Pakistan?: In Pakistan Farce Free Media is totally blacking out cruelty and dictatorial policies of Turkish President and Turkish state. This is Turkish President which played very important role in creating #ISIS and destruction of Iraqi and Syrian cities.

The United States under a new president – by Rusty Walker: I have until now refrained from commenting on the presidential race due to the vitriolic outcry from both sides of the American parties. It is now time to become one again as a nation, as was the plea from the

An obituary of The New York Times: Working with the government to suppress stories, covering up election fraud in the ruling party and ruthlessly campaigning against the main US opposition leader, The New York Times has sentenced itself to wither away into irrelevance. Remembered only

Letter from Berlin – by Shiraz Paracha: Friends, I have come to Berlin after 12 years. My friend Nadia says Berlin is a very un-German city. Nadia is French but for the last 14 years she is in Berlin where she is the owner and

Hajjaji Denounced Trump victory and mourns with working class Hollywood celebrities: As an aspiring actor and Studmuffin of 1972, I denounce the victory of Donald Trump. There were hardly any Hollywood celebrities who were supporting him. And if there is one thing we have learnt, it is that Hollywood really

Donald Trump has done the unthinkable – Ali J. Zaidi: Donald Trump has done the unthinkable against the Republican Establishment, the Democratic Party machine, the Money Power, lobbyist, cartels and a media united in their hatred of him. This is an earthquake that will shake the whole world.

Houthi missile attack – Dawn Editorial: The Saudi-Houthi conflict took a dangerous turn as reports emerged on Friday that the Yemeni rebel group had fired a missile deep inside the kingdom. Accounts of the missile’s intended target vary: the Saudis insist the attack was

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War: In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used chemical weapons against rebel forces. Only two months later, in June of 2013, the United States concluded that the

We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis: It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over the sexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating

A roar at a Funeral, and Yemen’s war Is altered: SANA, Yemen — Large speakers played verses from the Quran as hundreds of mourners filed through the fanciest reception hall in Sana, the capital, to pay their respects to a prominent family after the death of its patriarch.

The lies the kingdom tells – Saudi Arabia throws Hadi’s under the bus: In a rather pathetic, and may I dare say rather unsophisticated fashion, Saudi Arabia – the grand devourer of world, attempted this October 15, 2016 to rationalise murder by pinning blame onto the very regime it claims has

It’s time to release the real history of the 1953 Iran coup: Sixty-three years ago, the CIA and British intelligence fomented a coup d’état that toppled the prime minister of Iran, restored a cooperative shah and strengthened a regional buffer against possible Soviet aggression. It also unwittingly set Iran on a

‘If elected president, Hillary Clinton plan for Syrian no-fly zone could trigger WWIII’: Talking about America’s exceptionalism, Clinton is trying to provide a rationale and an argument for US hegemony and domination of the world, says Gerald Horne, author and historian. In an attempt to offer voters a different perspective on the

Aleppo : Who destroyed this city? Russia or Imperialist block: When liberal section of Western Press deals with Syria, It Quits at once its liberal stance, distorts facts and ground realities and insists us to accept religious fanatics ( Salafi-Deobandi Takfirist Terrorist groups)as moderate liberal, progressive forces in

UN human rights watchdog orders Saudi Arabia to stop stoning children: The United Nations has called on Saudi Arabia to repeal laws that allow stoning, amputation, flogging and execution of children. Children over 15 years are tried as adults and can be executed, “after trials falling short of guarantees of due

Yemen, on the brink of famine as 370,000 children may be starving: Replace Yemen with Syria, put all the blame on The Syrian and Russian government’s while absolving Al Qaeda and then perhaps there might be some sympathy. We must also remember how the Deobandi drunkard hate-monger Tahir Ashrafi wanted

Al-Saud and their Puppet Obama Humiliated: For the first time, Congress votes To override President’s “Sept 11” bill veto: Millions of dollars spent by Saudi Arabia to stop legislation allowing families of terrorism victims to Sue against Saudi Arabia Another defeat to powerful Saudi lobby in United States of America and this is time to mourn

Saudi skeptics gain strength in Congress: Lawmakers in both parties are growing more skeptical of the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia. This week, 27 senators — three Republicans and 24 Democrats — voted against a $1.15 billion arms sale to the country. That wasn’t

US State Department: We are not arming Al-Nusra, but our allies might be: Al-Nusra Front is a terrorist group and the US will never provide it with any aid, said the State Department, reacting to revelations in a German newspaper – while admitting that unnamed US allies might be backing the jihadist

ناھض حتر : تکفیری ثقافت کا ایک اور شکار: بائیں بازو کے عرب دانشور ، صحافی ناھض حتر کے ایک مذہبی جنونی کے ہاتھوں اردن کے دارالخلافہ عمان میں سپریم کورٹ کی عمارت کے سامنے سیڑھیوں پہ مارے جانے پہ میڈیا اسی طرح سے تقسیم ہے ،جیسے یہ

Nahed Hattar: Socrates of Arab killed: Socrates of Arab world, Nahed Hattar was killed. His crime of was to mock concepts of religion, God, Heaven and Jihad of ISIS. A gunman has shot dead prominent Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar outside a court where he

EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Expose Nato’s ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters: “I am a director not only of a Syrian Civil Defence Unit, but of brave human beings, volunteers who risk their lives, despite the terrorism that is invading Syria, to maintain security for Syria. I give thanks from

For the first time, Saudi Arabia is being attacked by both Sunni and Shia leaders: The Saudis step deeper into trouble almost by the week. Swamped in their ridiculous war in Yemen, they are now reeling from an extraordinary statement issued by around two hundred Sunni Muslim clerics who effectively referred to the

Syrian Christian leader tells West: ‘Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people’: The world leader of Syria’s besieged Christians has issued a heartfelt plea to the West to “stop arming and supporting terrorist groups that are destroying our countries and massacring our people.” The Patriarch of Antioch, Moran Mor Ignatius

Islamic conference in Chechnya: Why Sunnis are disassociating themselves from Salafists: The world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat, reported that an international Islamic conference was organised in Grozny, a city in Chechnya with more than 100 top Muslim clerics from all around the world. The agenda was

Amazing: CNN correspondent calls Al-Nusra ‘Heroes’: [ Ed. note – If we assume, just for the sake of argument, that 9/11 really was carried out by an Islamic terror organization known as Al-Qaeda, it is ironic beyond belief that today, 15 years later

Grand Ayatollah Sistani sends food, medicine for 8,000 Sunni families to uproot seeds of sectarianism: Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani, the highest Shiite religious authority in Iraq, has been trying to extract the seeds of sectarianism that have been planted in Iraq for many years. Having already issued many fatwas (religious decree) aimed

Saudis must face consequences for promoting extremism: Last December, Farah Pandith of the Council on Foreign Relations, who was the first State Department special representative to Muslim communities, called for Saudi Arabia to face consequences if it did not stop promoting extremism. She wrote in

US, Western allies know Saudi Arabia is backing terror groups: Noam Chomsky: Noam Chomsky, a renowned American political activist and philosopher, has accused the United States and its Western allies of knowing about but choosing to turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s support for terrorist groups. In an interview with Lebanese

Israel and the western alliance with Al-Qaeda in Syria: Earlier this year, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy granted a telling interview to Al-Jazeera’s Mehdi Hassan. In it, he confirmed much of what I have been reporting in this column for years: Israel has been in a tactical alliance

Very interesting criticism on poistion of some left circles on Syrian war: This was a passage from an article in the Socialist Worker. Which is titled Anti Imperialism and the Syrian Revolution. In which described why the left should support the so called “Syrian Revolution” to bring democracy to Syria

آپریشن فرات شیلڈ : ترکی آگ سے کھیل رہا ہے – عامر حسینی: ترکی نے شام میں اپنی سرحد کے نزدیک داعش کے قبضے میں موجود علاقوں کو واگزار کرانے کے نام پہ باقاعدہ زمینی کاروائی کا آغاز کرڈالا ہے-ترکی نے شام میں اپنے نئے فوجی ایڈونچر کو ” آپریشن فرات شیلڈ

German police raid mosque and apartments in crackdown on Salafists: Editor’s note: LUBP has been consistently advocating similar action against the radical Deobandis in Pakistan. The radical Deobandis hold very similar and dangerous views as the radical Salafis elsewhere in the world. The Salafi/Wahhabi and Deobandi connection which

Yemen is becoming the new Syria – and Britain is directly to blame: “Tell the world!” the old lady pleaded with me. “We are being slaughtered!” A few feet away from us, in the heart of the Yemeni capital Sana’a, stood the remains of an apartment complex. It had been hit