Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Archive

Buying the bad boys – by Waseem Altaf: I recall, during the 1973 Arab-Israel war, the Arab leaders of the Gulf States offered millions of dollars to Israeli pilots on media to defect to an Arab country alongwith the equipment and in return, they would be offered

اقبال کا آفاقی پیغام اور تقسیم ہند – از ایاز امیر: Source : http://e.jang.com.pk/pic.asp?npic=03-29-2014%2FLahore%2Fimages%2F08_04.gif

تیئس مارچ کا قاتل کون؟ – ازعامرریاض: آج 23 مارچ ہے جو ہمیں اس دن کی یاد دلاتا ہے جب آج سے 74 برس قبل پنجاب کے دل لاہور میں آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ نے فیصلہ کن تحریک کا آغاز کیا تھا۔ اجلاس کی پشت پناہی

The Frankenstein – by Waseem Altaf: Jinnah once went to Saydan-Pur (Srinagar) to meet Pir Syed Jama’at Ali Shah who knew about the potential of Amin ul-Hasanat a.k.a Pir of Manki Sharif to exploit religion in service of politics. He advised Jinnah to meet Pir

Homecoming to Jinnah’s Pakistan – by Dr Akbar S. Ahmed: “We have to cancel today’s program due to a very high alert security threat. One brave officer died in Karachi yesterday, Chaudhary Aslam.” The email from Dr Naeem Mushtaq, the head of Human Resources at the Islamabad Club, sounded

Jesus and Jinnah – by Harris Khalique: Merry Christmas to all! Today is celebrated as the day Jesus was born. It was Jesus Christ, the prophet of God, who was crucified by the powers that be in his times for what he stood for. In terms

Dr. Safdar Mehmood (PhD by fraud)’s usual pack of lies about Iqbal and Jinnah: ‘It was Iqbal who, through his letters, convinced Quaid e Azam to come back to India to lead Muslim League.’ The proof given for that is Iqbal’s letters to Jinnah. As many other myths this is not only untrue

Scaling Jinnah’s Mausoleum To Search For His Pakistan – by A Z: When the country’s birthday has become a “media circus” and an “Islamic day” glorifying our horrors and mistakes to children, then we would be remiss to skip the sideshows. Here, captured on the image and film (appended below), are

Sardar Asif’s Claims – by Zulfiqar Ali: Sardar Asif Ahmad Ali Sahab was guest in of Hina Malik in the program ‘The Right Angle’ aired on August 11, 2013. I started watching Sardar Asif very enthusiastically. I think he is intellectual who speaks up his mind

١١اگست ملک میں بسنے والی تما م اقلیتوں کے حقوق کے تحفظ کا دن: قائد اعظم کے تصورات کے مطابق 11اگست کے دن کو ملک میں بسنے والی تما م اقلیتوں کے حقوق کے تحفظ کے لئے منا یا جانا خوش آئند ہے۔ اقلیتوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے افراد بھی ملک میں بسنے

Jinnah’s Pakistan Or Taliban’s Pakistan By Faisal Mahmood: On 11 August 1947 Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah addressed to the members of Pakistan Constuituent Assembly.In that address Jinnah Said ,“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go

Quaid’s residencey to be rebuilt but who will rebuild Quaid’s Pakistan? -by Nasir Saeed: There has been an understandably strong reaction to the burning of Quaid e Azam’s residence in Ziarat, near Quetta, and the destruction of most of his belongings. Every Pakistani has grieved whether they are Muslim, Christian, Parsi, Hindu or

Counter psychological warfare policy? – by Shiraz Paracha: Reportedly four to five people attacked the residency building in Ziarat, Baluchistan. The number of militants and suicidal bombers is small. Out of nearly 200 million residents of Pakistan suicidal bombers and militants could be no more than a

Bombs on Quaid’s residency in Ziarat – by Maryam Sadiq: The Quaid-e-Azam dies decades ago and ‘they’re’ dropping bombs on his ‘residency’ in Ziarat- do ‘they’ spare any one,even the dead? To put it mildly, ‘they’ erase names from Ahmedi graves even, hound Christians,and scare the daylights out of

LUBP condemns destruction of Quaid-e-Azam’s residency in Ziarat by Baloch militants: Militants attacked the Quaid-e-Azam residency in Ziarat (Balochistan) with hand grenades in the wee hours of Saturday (15 June 2013), destroying the historical monument where the founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah spent his last days. A police man

Shura Hamdard discusses nation’s responsibilities towards minorities: April 13, 2013 RECORDER REPORTER Speakers at the meeting of Shura Hamdard Karachi chapter urged the government to improve governance, change the mindset of people and bring the minorities in main stream of the society in order to

The ideology of Pakistan is nothing else than Jinnah’s 11 Aug address – by Ayaz Amir: This could be such an exciting country Some architecture becomes beautiful by adding things to it domes and minarets, and quadrangles and outer walls. Some architecture looks good when unnecessary clutter around it is cleared. Some daughters of Venus

Rapist of History and Jinnah: There are two people in Pakistan for whom I would advocate the punishment according to the Sharia Law (though I oppose all those barbaric punishments given in the name of Sharia). But for these two people I am okay

Jinnah-Ispahani correspondence -by Sharif al Mujahid: IN his day, Mirza Abul Hassan Ispahani (1902-1981) was an All India Muslim League (AIML) Parliamentary Board member (1936), an AIML Working Committee member, and a confident of Jinnah since 1936. He was very proactive in the Pakistan movement

7 September 1974: When Pakistan formally became a Takfiri Republic by declaring Ahmadis as non-Muslims: On 7 September 1974, Pakistan formally became the Takfiri Republic of Pakistan (TRP). On that date, Pakistan’s elected parliament Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in an act of cowardice under pressure of sectarian Mullahs, led by unscrupulous politicians of almost all

The Jinnah’s Pakistan, embroiled in mayhem -by Saria Benazir: “There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan”…, the founder’s words reverberate in my brain on the country’s Defence Day. I am engrossed in the paroxysm of decidedly treasured reminiscences of September 6, 1965, when Pakistanis from

Would Jinnah, a Shia, also have to leave the country he founded? -by Abdul Majeed: August 15 marked the completion of 65 years since our country came into existence. Yes, it was August 15 and not August 14, however, we officially celebrate our independence day on the 14th. The Pakistan we see today is

Would Jinnah have lived as a Shia? – by Faiza Mirza: j Source: Dawn Twenty-nine years ago a boy was born in the city of Karachi. His excited parents just like many before and after them, faced the common question: What should we name him? A name which would do

A comment on Hamid Mir and Safdar Mehmood’s backhanded condemnation of Shia genocide: روزنامہ جنگ کے شکریہ کے ساتھ حامد میر کا یہ مضمون شایع کر رہے ہیں – ہم مضمون کے بنیادی متن سے متفق ہیں البتہ اس چیز سے اختلاف کرتے ہیں کہ کوئی سنی، شیعہ ، احمدی ، مسیحی

Were Jinnah alive today, would he be lynched by a fanatic mob? – by Ali Taj: Additional note for Pakistanis: If this Takfeer of Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, continues, you can kiss Pakistan Good bye. For those who stayed quiet on the destruction of the tomb of Data Sb will you protest on that day when theydestroy the tomb of

Don’t kill Quaid-e-Azam: MQM chief Altaf Hussain’s commendable statement on Shia genocide: Editor’s note: LUBP appreciates Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain’s unambiguous condemnation of Shia genocide in Pakistan at the hands of Taliban and ASWJ-SSP. We also appreciate the fact that in departure from false propaganda by the Ziaist

General Zia-ul-Haq, a convenient scapegoat for Pakistan’s fake liberals and fake leftists: We work in pro-establishment think tanks which publish and reinforce the Deep State’s views and policies on Afghanistan, Kashmir, Taliban and Jihadis. We blame Zia. We criticize “incompetent and corrupt” elected leaders, undermine democratic governments, become a part of

A letter to Mr. Jinnah -by Kumail Ahmed: Dear Sir, There are two reasons why I’m writing this letter in English. Firstly, I’m fortunate enough to attend a school that taught me to write in English, and secondly because it’s easier for you to comprehend English. (Though

This All Began in 1947: The Jihadist Operations of Pakistani State: Related post: This too was Pakistan (1947-71): A response to Nadeem Paracha’s “Also Pakistan” General Zia-ul-Haq and to a lesser extent Zulfikar Ali Bhutto are often blamed for using or cultivating non-State actors (Jihadi proxies) to promote Pakistan’s (or

This too was Pakistan (1947-71): A response to Nadeem Paracha’s “Also Pakistan” – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related post: This All Began in 1947: The Jihadist Operations of Pakistani State Nadeem F. Paracha’s (NFP) history of Pakistan in the four part series in daily Dawn suffers from an error of exclusion. It is the history of Pakistan’s

Jinnah’s Coalition and the future of Pakistan – By Jaag Pakistani Jaag: As a Shia Muslim from Pakistan I am deeply concerned about Pakistani Shia and Sunni targeted by a lunatic fringe of Deobandi Takfiri terrorists. This violence has taken thousands of lives. It threatens to destroy the fabric of

Rape of History by Muslims – by Hamid Akhtar: In the following two columns published in daily Express in March 2009, veteran columnist (late) Hamid Akhtar offers some excerpts from Hasan Jafar Zaidi’s article “hamari tarikh fehmi aur humara fikir aur siasi bohran” which was published in the

Courage to Differ: 10 Historical Facts that our Textbooks forgot to mention – by Abdul Majeed Abid: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross post this well-researched debunking of narratives, which in our opinion, have been disastrous for the country. More power to Abdul Majeed and his blog for writing this and we look forward to more of

Jinnah: Secular or Islamist? – By Dr. Niaz Murtaza: The controversy about Jinnah’s vision for Pakistan rages on. Did Jinnah want a secular or a Sharia state? The two sides buttress their arguments by quoting his words selectively. Liberals quote his August 11, 1947 speech which says, “You

Moving beyond Jinnah’s Pakistan —by Fahd Ali: What exists right now in the name of the Pakistani state is an institution that oppresses its citizens, discriminates against them on the basis of religion, usurps their rights, and rewards the coterie of a few, which consists of

Constructing a ‘Secular’ Jinnah: New Project for Pakistani Liberals -by Marvi Sirmed: Originally Published at: BAAGHI As a firm believer in cultural roots rather than oneness through religion, August gives me hope. Flags adorn the cities and marketplaces fill up with the echoes of milli naghmas (patriotic songs) sung in the

On being Pakistani -by Morial Shah: With 14th of August around the corner, festive fever is on the rise. Civic organizations, student groups, and social, electronic and print media are joining the swelling ranks of celebratory brigades. And that’s where some of the problems with

Independence Introspections – by Usmann Rana: Today Pakistan celebrates the 64th years of its infancy in world history. Forgive Pakistanis if they seem perplexed as to what exactly are they celebrating. Is it the increasing sense of isolation that Pakistan feels whenever a major wanted

Minority rights, equality assured after devolution: President Zardari: President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the government stands committed to ensure equal rights for minorities as enshrined in the Constitution and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. In a message on Minorities Day, the President said the

August 11th: Minorities Day: Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s 11th August Speech is one of the most famous speeches made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founding father of Pakistan and known as Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader). Today there is hardly a more contentious issue in Pakistan than