Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Archive

The evidence of ISI’s involvement in Pakistani politics. Asghar Khan’s petition in the Supreme Court.: We never learn from history – 6 By Ardeshir Cowasjee IN this God-given, Jinnah-founded country of ours it is safe to assume that the majority of those who manage to be elected to our assemblies, or appointed to positions

Was Jinnah a Secularist? – by Amir Mir: Perhaps the most contentious issue in Pakistan since its very inception in 1947 is the nature of the state. Should Pakistan be a sharia based Islamic state or should she be a Modern democratic secular state? The

A shameful forgery (by Ansar Abbasi and other anti-PPP Junoonis): The past week has seen a vicious electronic and press campaign maligning President Asif Ali Zardari through a forgery. Someone forged a garbled version of his remark recorded in the visitors’ book at the mausoleum of the Quaid-e-Azam and