Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Archive

Save the parliament to save the country – by Khalid Wasti: پارلیمینٹ کو بچاؤ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ !! ملک کو بچاؤ قائد اعظم کے پاکستان کو ایک ملاں (ملا) کا پاکستان بنانے میں جن غلیظ ذہنوں نے اپنا کردار ادا کیا اور قرارداد مقاصد کی منظوری سے لیکر اسلامی جمہوریہ بنانے تک

Kashmir War and Jinnah’s folly — by Yasser Latif Hamdani: The fact of the matter is that the Kashmir War was entirely winnable had Jinnah acted at the right time, i.e. October 10, 1947. It was still winnable had General Gracey allowed mobilisation when ordered by Jinnah There is

Did Jinnah know about the Kashmir War? — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Those who want us to believe that an obscure colonel forced Pakistan into a war without the knowledge of the top political leadership, especially someone of the stature of Jinnah, are insulting common sense In his comment, ‘Jinnah’s role

Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to transform from the Zia generation to the Jinnah generation – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The Zia generation can best be described as the confused generation. They have seen public flogging, but were told that it is best to forgive. They have experienced newspapers being censored but were told that it is best to

Whither “Progressive” Bacha Khan’s Wife? – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Cross posted from Pak Tea House “If political consciousness is awakened amongst our women, remember, your children will not have much to worry about.” Founding Father of Pakistan, Mr. Mahomed Ali Jinnah, Lahore, March 22, 1940 The title? No

Jinnah’s role in the Kashmir War — by Yasser Latif Hamdani: The Supreme Commander of both Indian and Pakistan forces Sir Claude Auchinleck followed Mounbatten’s policy and advised the C in C of Pakistan Army to openly defy orders of the Pakistan Governor General In his article ‘The 1947-48 Kashmir

Celebrating Nationhood and Constitutionalism – by Farahnaz Ispahani: Originally Published at THE NEWS The emergence of Pakistan as the homeland of South Asia’s Muslims, with their unique identity as a nation, was an unparalleled event in the twentieth century. The adoption of the Pakistan resolution at the

March Events – by Wajid Shamsul Hassan: March is a landmark month for Pakistan. Notwithstanding the Shakespearean ides of March, it became a historical land mark for us as a nation when under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah Muslim representatives of from all over

The debate of national language: Famous Sindhi writer and Urdu columnist Amar Jaleel who recently appeared on Wussatullah’s show on Dawn News Urdu Service started a debate by saying that Jinnah was dragged or cornered into making the following speech, and somehow told Bengalis

Was Jinnah Secular? Facts about the creation of Pakistan compiled by Aamir Mughal: I. Ideology Drama was a farce rather hoodwinking the whole Muslim Population The strength of the Muslim League in the Muslim-majority provinces was going to be put to the test during the 1945-46 election campaign. Consequently in the public

A brief history of extremism in Pakistan – by Hassan Amin: Ever since the inception of Pakistan, Extremist Mullahs have always been vying to hijack the State. When I refer to the term ‘Extremist Mullahs’, I draw a line to separate, ‘Islamist Fanatics with a Political Agenda’ from the simple

Pakistan’s Jinnah – by Ayesha Siddiqa: “Some devious elements are tinkering with Jinnah’s person and his narrative” Writes Ayesha Siddiqa in the following article. Some time ago, I had a chance to read veteran columnist Ardeshir Cowasjee’s article ‘Bring back Jinnah’s Pakistan’ in which he

The latest troika of Pakistan: judges, jihadis and generals – by Shoaib Mir: The question, “Why is Iftikhar Chaudhry destroying Pakistan?” is worryingly valid. A short answer could be because he’s not a politician, so the CJP is making a mess of mixing politics, which he doesn’t know, with his so-called constitutionalism.

The Speech of Mr Sri Chandra Chattopadhyay in Opposition to Objectives Resolution, Constitutent Assembly of Pakistan, 12 March 1949: This is a historic speech and a document that posterity will re-examine because of its ever increasing influence on the amalgamation of religion and politics in Pakistan. Seldom has one piece of legislation caused so much trepidation. Here is

What is it to be a ‘true’ Pakistani? — by Zaair Hussain: The new Pakistani In a country where a Senator has stood before the House and declared, with a gall that must surely have blotted out the sun, that the respectable tradition of burying women alive should not be unduly

Amendments for a secular constitution — by Babar Ayaz: Many analysts and rightist politicians scoff at the idea of a secular state. They have failed to understand that mixing of religion with politics has brought us today to the most violent juncture of our history. It gives enough

A crass decision by the Punjab government – Guest post by Sakib Ahmad: The government of the Punjab has made a decision to require all schools in the province to introduce English as the medium of instruction from the beginning of the next school year. I cannot find words strong enough to

Asma Jahangir vs Justice Ramday – by Khalid Wasti: ذہنی عدم بلوغت اور منافقت ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ افسوس کہ من حیث القوم ہم ابھی تک بالغ نظر کہلانے کے حقدار نہیں ہیں ۔ ہماری ذہنی سطح اس حد سے اوپر تو اٹھ ہی نہیں رہی کہ جو شخص سپریم کورٹ

Situation of Minorities in Pakistan – by Junaid Qaiser: After the tragic events of 9/11, Pakistani establishment finally had to set aside its traditional ideological hangovers, and instead raised a different slogan, “Pakistan First”. It was a matter of coercion or choice one can’t say with a degree

Enemies of Quaid-e-Azam, saviours of Pakistan? – by Asadullah Ghalib: Asadullah Ghalib offers an historical perspective on those elements in Pakistani establishment, politics and media (e.g. Munawar Hassan, Hameed Gul, Ansar Abbasi) who have been, at various points in history, consistently conspiring against the state and the nation of

Pakistan, Islam, General Kayani and One-Unit-Faith – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Smokers’ Corner: One-unit-faith By Nadeem F. Paracha Recently, while giving a speech to the Peshawar police, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said that no one could separate Islam from Pakistan. One wonders what prompted the army chief to digress, and

Little monsters – by Nadeem F. Paracha: There is nothing new anymore about the suggestion that over a span of about 30 odd years, the Pakistani military and its establishmentarian allies in the intelligence agencies, the politicised clergy, conservative political parties and the media have, in

In defence of our Ahmadi brothers and sisters: As fellow Pakistanis, our Ahmadi brothers and citizens are equal citizens of Pakistan. This was an assurance given to all Pakistanis by the founder of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is the responsibility of the state as

People’s Republic of Pakistan?: vs By Abdul Nishapuri According to the vision of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan was to be country in which everyone including Muslims and non-Muslims would be free to exercise their beliefs and practices and

‘Bring back Jinnah’s Pakistan’ – By Ardeshir Cowasjee and Munno Bhai: By Ardeshir CowasjeeSunday, 01 Nov, 2009 (Dawn) Had the Mideast and S.Asia heeded Jinnah’s advice on religion and state the world may have been in better shape today. —Photo by AFP Of late, amidst the murder and mayhem accompanied

Asif Zardari removed Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah’s pictures from the President House.: “Asif Zardari removed Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s pictures from the President House.” This is a typical propaganda item of yellow journalists such as Daktar Shahid Masood and Ansar Abbasi. Here is a documentary slap on the faces of those

What unsung minorities have done for Pakistan – Guest post by Qudrat Ullah: By Qudrat Ullah The Gojra inferno has once again highlighted the need to reassess our treatment of Pakistan’s most potential asset- the non Muslim Pakistanis and decide the future strategy in the light of past mistakes. One positive aftermath

Jinnah, Jaswant and the BJP: An analysis by Aakar Patel and Ghazi Salahuddin: Jinnah, Jaswant and the BJP Sunday, August 23, 2009Aakar Patel Jaswant Singh has not been expelled from the BJP for his book on Jinnah. He could not have been, because it does not say anything untrue. Very quickly, this

An unlikely Indian admirer of Jinnah: Jaswant Singh of BJP: An unlikely Indian admirer By Jawed NaqviMonday, 17 Aug, 2009 I have said objectively what I had to say in the book about Jinnah, now I am ready for the noose, Jaswant Singh said. –Photo by Reuters When India’s

Let’s sing Iqbal’s Tarana-e-Hind-o-Pak to fight religous extremism – by Aakar Patel: Mr Zardari, tear down this wall Sunday, March 08, 2009 Aakar Patel Allama Iqbal imagined Pakistan as a utopia in northwest India where Punjabis would do ijtihad and read Nietzsche. The Quaid-e-Azam ordered a Pakistan where religion would cease

The Gujaratis of Pakistan – By Aakar Patel: The Gujaratis of Pakistan Sunday, February 08, 2009Aakar Patel Pakistan has fewer Gujaratis than it should, and that is to its detriment. Even so, the Gujaratis of Pakistan are its best citizens. None of the people on the list

The Bangladesh model and the lessons for Pakistan: Military Mullah Alliance’s new hope: The Bangladesh model in Pakistan? (Abbas Ather, Express, 1 January 2009, Common Lesson from the Bangladesh Model) … Comments: The Bangladesh model and the lessons for Pakistan By Marcvs_Tacitvs_Cicero. 1. That the Army

An interesting conversation between a Jinnah hater and a Jinnah lover: digitalmaster: I am not a historian so cannot comment on the personality of Jinnah. For all I know he was from a religion respected family. He firmly believed in a separate state for MUSLIMS … does that translate as

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Legacy to Pakistan – A lecture by Stanley Wolpert: Jinnah of Pakistan The old forget – The young don’t know “I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minorities communities,

The distant gleam of greatness – by Aakar Patel: Sunday, December 21, 2008 (The News) Nehru is the touchstone leader for the secular Indian. Gandhi was religious, bringing him closer to the common man, and he looked wrong. The secular

Jinnah said: “Hindus and Muslims would be the best of friends”: Only if they could get rid of…: Peace is the only way out By Kuldip Nayar IT is a shame that only 13 out of 760 MPs were present recently to pay tribute to the watch and ward personnel shot dead on Dec 13 in the

Iqbal’s and Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan – Dr Javid Iqbal: Shame on Dr. Israr Ahmed and Dr. Safdar Mehmood for distorting the vision of Jinnah and Iqbal.

Nzaria-e-Pakistan (The Ideology of Pakistan) and the Mullah-Military alliance in Pakistan… Nazir Naji: In this op-ed in Jang, Nazir Naji explain how the so-called ideology of Pakistan (Nazaria-e-Pakistan) was manufactured by the unholy nexus of Mullahs (Jamaat-e-Islami, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Dr. Safdar Mehmood) and Military (General Sher Ali, General Yahaya Khan, other