Bahrain Archive

The Clinton foundation is dying and why this is good news for women and children: The Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play days are over now that the Clinton family’s political ambitions are in disarray. The Clinton Foundation is dying. Now that Hillary Clinton lost the election, donations to the foundation are drying up. Lack of

شام اور بحرین: خودساختہ جعلی احتجاج بمقابلہ اصلی جمہوریت نواز احتجاج: ایک پرامن احتجاج ریکارڈ کرنے کے لیے بڑے پیمانے مظاہرے ہوئے ہیں۔مظاہرین جمہوریت چاہتے ہیں۔اگرچہ مظاہرین میں زیادہ تعداد ایک خاص مسلک کے مسلمانوں کی ہے لیکن ان مظاہروں کا رنگ فرقہ وارانہ نہیں ہے۔ بڑے پیمانے پہ کریک

The forgotten people of Bahrain: There are mass demonstrations for a peaceful protest. The protestors want Democracy. Even though the protestors are predominantly from one Muslim sect, the protests are not couched in sectarian language. A massive crackdown occurs. The protestors who have

Prince Charles to visit Bahrain: Here are some things he should consider: Prince Charles is to make an official visit to Bahrain in November despite the escalating human rights crackdown in the country. This endorsement comes after Queen Elizabeth sat next to the king of Bahrain at her 90th birthday celebrations

Bahrain strips Shiite cleric of citizenship: Bahrain stripped the citizenship of its top Shiite Muslim cleric Monday over allegations of inciting sectarianism, drawing rebukes from Shiite-majority Iran and the U.S. Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior said revoking Isa Qassim’s citizenship aimed to confront extremism

Saudi Arabia’s uncertain future: Saudi Arabia has probably done more than any other actor to repress the hopes and demands of the early Arab Spring protests. It sent troops to neighbouring Bahrain in March 2011 to quell an uprising, gave asylum

U.S. sends conflicting signals to Bahrain: After claiming that Bahrain has achieved “meaningful progress,” the United States decided to lift the holds on security assistance to Bahrain’s military forces. Since this decision took place, the government summoned and then arrested Majeed Milad, the former chairman of

لــــك يا بحرين السنة والشيعـــة-بحرین تمہارے سنیوں اور شیعہ سب کے نام – عامر حسینی: آیات حسن القرمزی بحرین کی شاعرہ مزاحمت کی ایک نظم جو بحرین ، یمن سمیت سارے عرب میں آزادی و خودمختاری کی تحریکوں کو شیعہ -سنی اور فرقہ ورانہ عینک سے دیکھنے سے باز نہ آنے والوں کے منہ

Bahrain’s sham election ignores calls for reform: Bahrain’s national election planned for this Saturday portends no change in the al-Khalifa regime’s anti-Shi’a stance and is yet another futile exercise in sham democracy. The mainstream al-Wefaq Shi’a opposition party has decided to boycott the election because of

Karbala, Bahrain and Manufactured Sectarianism – Husain Abdulla: When discussing Ashura and the events of Karbala, the story of Zuhayr ibn Qayn is one that is often glossed over. Zuhayr was an Uthmani and not a Shi’a of Ali (as), however he and Imam Hussain crossed paths

Rights activist Nabeel Rajab arrested for exposing Bahrain’s Deobandi and ISIS connection: Editor’s note: The other day, we published a post about whether Bahrain exists or not. We argued that Bahrain may have been existing as a country where sporting events take place, but Bahrain as a country with human beings

Does Bahrain exist? – by Dr. Abbas Zaidi: When was the last time you read about Bahrain? There might be a few voices in the affirmative. If yes, it can be safely said that the news about Bahrain was related to some sporting event. If would appear

Bahrain’s Ongoing Political Impasse Imperils U.S. Interests – by Kristian Coates Ulrichsen: The fallout from Bahrain’s expulsion of Tom Malinowski, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, illustrates the continuing political impasse in this deeply polarized U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf. While the danger to

Bahrain’s Shia Muslims Tense as Politicians and Preachers Pledge Allegiance to ISIS: Photo from the profile of Turky Albinali, a Bahraini scholar who joined ISIS @turky_albinali For Bahrain’s majority Shia Muslim population, five recent events in their small island country ruled by Sunni Muslim al-Khalifa monarchs have them on edge. These events involved powerful

Washington Post’s Editorial: The U.S. must take a stronger stand on Bahrain after it expels a senior official: ARAB STATES dependent on the United States for military and economic support once went out of their way to avoid public conflict with Washington. More than five years into the Obama administration, there has been a reversal: Now

U.S. Official Ordered Out of Bahrain After Meeting – by Michael R. Gordon and Kareem Faheem: WASHINGTON — Bahrain on Monday ordered the senior United States official on human rights to cut short his visit and leave the country after he met with the nation’s main Shiite opposition group. Bahrain’s Foreign Ministry said that

Hijacking takfiri fascists to create more ‘badlands’: next stop Saudi Arabia: The newest group of Takfiri fascist to become pawns of a power group is ISIS. The cycle of using Takfiri fascist to wage wars continues. The very first being the Saud family which we used by the British to

ISIS Advances in Iraq Echoed in Bahrain: Top Bahrain government officials took to Twitter to show what is being perceived as support to the advances of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a splinter group of the terror organisation Al Qaeda, in Iraq.

Bahrain recruiting former Pak Army to quell protests – by Ikram Junaidi: ISLAMABAD: Recruitment of retired military personnel by the armed forces’ welfare bodies for serving in Arab hotspots such as Bahrain is not official government policy, explains Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Tasneem Aslam. “Those who have been going to Bahrain

Pakistani Mercenaries in Bahrain: The cruel crackdown of the uprising: CONTENT 1. Introduction 2. Bahrain: a general overview 2.1. Bahrain unleashes his three-headed beast 3. Mercenaries in Bahrain 3.1. Recruitment 3.2. Evidences, Reasons and Effects. 4. Mercenaries under the International Law Conclusion 1. Introduction Until very recently, in order

Top Bahrain activist released from prison: Bahraini anti-government protesters, carrying Bahraini and religious flags, run from riot police firing tear gas during clashes in Diraz, Bahrain, Friday, May 23, 2014. Clashes erupted in several northern towns after last-minute notification that a planned opposition rally would

بحرین کے عوامی انقلاب کو دبانے کی پاکستانی دیوبندی وہابی لابی کی ناکام کوششیں: لاہور(نعیم مصطفےٰ سے) بحرین سے ڈی پورٹ ہو کر آنے والے 500پاکستانی فوجیوں کے گھروں میں فاقہ کشی نے ڈیرے ڈال لئے ہیں۔ چند ایک کے سوا کسی کو بھی روزگار نہیں مل سکا جبکہ کم و بیش 400فوجیوں

The Saudi-Salafist cause: King of Bahrain needs more Pakistani Deobandi mercenaries in his army – by Robert Fisk: Saudi Arabia is giving $3bn – yes, £2bn, and now let’s have done with exchange rates – to the Pakistani government of Nawaz Sharif. But what is it for? Pakistani journalists have been told not to ask this

MEMRI: Pakistan to provide 30,000 troops to crush pro-democracy movements in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia: Pakistani Media Reports: ‘Pakistan Will Provide … 30,000 Troops For The Defense Shield Force Of The Gulf Cooperation Council’; ‘During The Arab Spring, Bahrain … Hired The Services Of Retired [Pakistani] Military And Police Officials To Quell The Revolt’

Five Issues that Obama Should, but Probably Won’t, Raise During His Saudi Arabia Trip – by Anna Newby: Officials welcome President Obama upon his arrival at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on March 28, 2014. This could get awkward. But it probably won’t. President Obama is on a trip to make nice with

ڈیڑھ ارب ڈالر کے عوض سعودی عرب، بحرین اور امریکہ پاکستان کو سلفی و دیوبندی فرقہ وارانہ جنگوں میں دھکیل رہے ہیں – از نزیر ناجی: Source :

پاکستان میں سلفی تکفیری دھشت گردی کے دو بڑے دلال ہیں، نواز حکومت اور دیوبندی نیٹ ورک: بحرین کے بادشاہ اور وزیر خارجہ 40 سال بعد پاکستان کے سرکاری دورے پر تشریف لائے اور اس دوران پاکستانی حکومت اور اس کی تمام سول و فوجی قیادت نے ان کا بھرپور استقبال کیا بحرین کے بادشاہ اور

پاک فوج نواز شریف حکومت کی جانب سے شام اور بحرین کی فرقہ وارانہ جنگوں میں الجھنے کی پالیسی سے شدید ناراض ہے – تجزیہ: میجر (ریٹائرڈ) اسلم چیمہ: میڈیا رپورٹس سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ پاکستانی فوج کے افسران اور جوانوں کی بڑی تعداد نواز شریف حکومت کی سعودی نواز پالیسیوں سے شدید اختلاف رکھتی ہے – یاد رہے ہے کہ حال ہی میں متعدد پاکستانی دانشوروں

Why do the Arabs choose Pakistan? A thought: (P.S. : All the observations presented below can either be made by observing the facts directly or by hitting the search engine) There are many other countries from where Saudi Arabia and Bahrain can easily get cheaper, more feasible

Wahhabism vs Wahhabism: Qatar vs Saudi Arabia: Editor’s note: We are cross posting excerpts from two articles. The first one looks at the deeper causes of the friction between the Wahhabi (Salafi) monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The second refers to the Al Arabia news

Salafi monarchs back YouTube hate preachers: Anti-Shia propaganda threatens a sectarian civil war which will engulf the entire Muslim world – by Patrick Cockburn: World View: There is now a pool of jihadis willing to fight and die anywhere Anti-Shia hate propaganda spread by Salafi/Deobandi religious figures sponsored by, or based in, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, is creating the ingredients for

Trouble Ahead – The Government is Poisoning The Well: SOON there will be no empty walls in the villages west of Manama, capital of the tiny island kingdom of Bahrain. Graffiti calling for the king’s overthrow are crossed out by the authorities every day, only to reappear

Cruel and illegal tactics by the Saudi backed Bahraini dictators – by Agha Jafri: Is Tear Gas not a form of chemical weapon ? According to the enclosed report that documents that the cruel and criminal regime of Bahrain has been using this weapon against its innocent Shia majority population, for a long

U.S. Military Strike: Is It Bahrain’s Turn Now? – by Agha Shaukat Jafri: Had it not been for the last minute diplomatic maneuver initiated by the Russians, the defenders of the Bashar al-Assad’s government of Syria, U.S military attack was all but imminent and within a matter of few days, the World

Bahrain Cracks Down in Bid to Stop its Tamarod Movement (a la Egypt) – by Juan Cole: The Bahrain struggle is still going on two and a half years later. A coalition of Shiite groups and some Sunnis (the Waad or Promise Party) continues to agitate against the authoritarian practices of the

نیل کے ساحل سے لے کر تا بہ خاک کاشغر شیعہ نسل کشی – از حق گو: قاہرہ سے پشاور تک شیعہ مسلمان تکفیری دیوبندی اور سلفی دہشت گردوں کے نشانے پر ہیں – ان تکفیری دہشت گردوں نے بلا مبالغہ ہزاروں شیعہ شہید کر دیے ہیں جب کہ باقی لوگ خاموش تماشائی بنے ابھی یہ سب

Shias under attack across the globe – by Murtaza Haider: From Cairo to Peshawar, Shias are under attack by Sunni militants. The sectarian warfare targeting Shias has left thousands dead. The rest of the world watches silently as Muslims self-destruct in sectarian wars. Earlier on Sunday, a lynch mob

سپاہ صحابہ کے فرقہ وارانہ دہشت گردوں کی امداد بحرین کی حکومت کرتی ہے – مولانا طاہر اشرفی کا جراتمندانہ انکشاف: Related post: راولپنڈی میں ایک کالعدم تنظیم نے سنی شیعہ تصادم کروایا – مولانا طاہر اشرفی کا انکشاف Summary: Tahir Ashrafi revealed that sectarian terrorists of Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ) are financially sponsored by the Bahrain government. He also

Letter From Isa Town Women’s Prison in Bahrain: A great leader is immortal — their words and deeds echo through the years, decades, and centuries. They echo across oceans and borders and become an inspiration that touches the lives of many who are willing to

We condemn attack on the shrine of Prophet Muhammad’s granddaughter by Saudi sponsored terrorists: Related post: SOS from Damascus: Save the Lives of Shia and Sunni Sufi Muslims and Shrines in Syria LUBP Editor’s note: While Pakistan’s mainstream (electronic and print, Urdu and English) media is busy in baiting, trapping and mud-slinging one
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