Bahrain Archive

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan are the Middle East Axis of Evil: Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan are the Axis of Evil in the Middle East. U.S. President George W. Bush coined the term “Axis of Evil” when refering to North Korea, Iran, and Iraq in his 2002 State of the

Massive pro-democracy protest rocks Bahrain: Related post: Shouting in the dark: Al Jazeera’s documentary on Bahrain Tens of thousands of Bahrainis demonstrated on Friday (9 March 2012) to demand democratic reforms, stepping up pressure on the U.S.-allied, Saudi-backed Bahrain’s government with the biggest protest

Is the U.S. on the wrong side of history in Bahrain?: By Josh Rogin President Barack Obama’s administration has sided with Bahrain’s ruling regime over its domestic protest movement more clearly than in any other country affected by the Arab Spring. But that position is unwise and unsustainable, according to

Bahrain Independent Commission’s report and the role of Pakistani mercenaries: Also read: LUBP articles on Bahrain KARACHI: Around 8,110 complaints and statements of various human rights abuses were received, and a “systematic practice of physical and psychological mistreatment” was uncovered when the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) began

What Arab Spring? This is Saudi Winter! – by Abdul Basit: Related post: Saudi winter in the Middle East and Hamas militants’ attack on Shia Muslims in Gaza The public lynching and gruesome murder of Libyan dictator Maumar Qaddafi is not a matter to be celebrated; rather it represents another victory for

Alleged Iranian plot to murder Saudi ambassador: A new diversion tactic by the Saudi-Ikhwan lobby: There are a number of serious questions about the whole episode, i.e, the alleged Iranian plot to murder Saudi ambassador to the USA. Timing of the alleged plot or expose is quite meaningful. Saudi Arabia is currently facing a

Pakistani troops aid Bahrain’s crackdown: Foundation linked to the Pakistani army has been providing Bahrain thousands of soldiers for its crackdown on protests. In March, as a government crackdown on pro-democracy protestors intensified in Bahrain, curious advertisements started appearing in Pakistani media. “Urgent requirement

Why no outcry on torturing tyrants of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia? – by Robert Fisk: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Why no outcry over these torturing tyrants? Christopher Hill, a former US secretary of state for east Asia who was ambassador to Iraq – and usually a very obedient and un-eloquent American diplomat

If they burn a Quran, they’re evil: Saudi invaders and Pakistani mercenaries have demolished at least 25 Shia mosques to implement a radical Wahhabi, sectarian agenda in Bahrain. We must thank General Kayani of Pakistan and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for providing mercenaries to Bahrain’s

Another Black September by Pakistan Army? – by H.A. Khan: Related articles: The role of General Zia-ul-Haq in the events of Black September (1970) in Jordan LUBP Archive on Bahrain There is no future without the past. These words were written by our Mentor Dr. Lal Khan in his

Hiring of Pakistani fighters for Bahrain angers Iran – by Amir Mir: Related articles: Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Racist Shia Arabs lynching Pakistanis in Bahrain? – by Ram Alamdar Hussain

Racist Shia Arabs lynching Pakistanis in Bahrain? – by Ram Alamdar Hussain: Related articles: Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain The fabrication of Bahrain’s Shiite-Sunni divide – by Shirin Sadeghi The Mainstream

Murder of Bahraini blogger Zakria Rashid al-Asherri by the US-Saudi puppet Hamad Al Khalifa: Related articles: Pakistani bloggers demand release of Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif Iranain blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi dies in prison. Time to support bloggers in Iran Bahrain buries dead blogger as government crackdown continues LUBP Archive on Bahrain Hundreds of mourners

Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal – by Pepe Escobar: You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed

Pakistani bloggers demand release of Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif: Related article: Iranain blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi dies in prison. Time to support bloggers in Iran LUBP condemns the arrest of prominent Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif by the martial law dictator (Bahraini King Hamad) and the Saudi invader (King Abdullah).

Zardari: Is he on the side of truth or Islamofascism?: Related articles: How to kill the Shia snake: Letter from brother Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Zardari’s was elected by popular vote, not by anti-democratic forces

Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi: Related articles: Why are Pakistan’s urban chatterers neglecting the Bahrain uprising? Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain The fabrication of Bahrain’s Shiite-Sunni divide – by Shirin Sadeghi Currently, there are two false

Why is US backing force in Libya but not Bahrain, Yemen? – by Andrew North: Related articles: Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Bahrain is a slap in the face of the United States – by Jean-Francois Seznec An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help U.S. follows two paths on

Death of autarchy – by R.A. Toori: George Orwell said: repression is the seed of revolution. The term repression is quite wide in its spectrum as it contains meaning of suppression, tyranny, exploitation, injustice, poverty, inflation and subjugation. All these are the motivating factors that contribute

Meddling in Bahrain’s internal affairs: Pakistan must ban mercenaries from serving in Bahrain’s security units – by Nadir Hassan: Related articles: Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters Pakistani soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi The Pakistan Army has lost every war it fought against India, committed mass atrocities in Balochistan and

The fabrication of Bahrain’s Shiite-Sunni divide – by Shirin Sadeghi: Related articles: The Shia genocide in Bahrain shows Islam’s replacement by Wahhabism – by Omar Khattab Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi LUBP Archive on Bahrain Saudi Arabia’s army enters Bahrain to crush

Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Bahrain is a slap in the face of the United States – by Jean-Francois Seznec: Related articles: An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help LUBP Archive on Bahrain Saudi Arabia Strikes Back The House of Saud’s intervention in Bahrain is a slap in the face of the United States,

Pakistani Soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related articles: Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain بحرین میں پاکستانی بندوق برداروں کی بھرتی اور اہل وطن کے رویوں پر تحریر بحرین میں عوامی احتجاج اور اس کے خلاف ریاستی تشدد

Saudi Arabia invades Bahrain to crush pro-democracy protesters: Related articles: The Shia genocide in Bahrain shows Islam’s replacement by Wahhabism – by Omar Khattab Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Bahrain is a slap in the face of the United States – by Jean-Francois Seznec LUBP Archive on

Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain: Related article: Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters Pakistani soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi Meddling in Bahrain’s internal affairs: Pakistan must ban mercenaries from serving in Bahrain’s security units – by

Big stakes in Saudi Arabia protests – by Ash Pemberton: Editor’s note: Here is a selection of recent articles on the uprising for human rights and democracy in Saudi Arabia. Pakistanis will keep ignoring it because of their Shia phobia and Wahhabi philia. The West (US) will keep ignoring

Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Pakistani Soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi Overseas Employment Services: Fauji Foundation headhunts for Bahrain’s security units By

The destiny of this pageant lies in the Kingdom of Oil, Holy Places and Corruption – by Robert Fisk: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Saudi Arabia LUBP Archive on Bahrain The Middle East earthquake of the past five weeks has been the most tumultuous, shattering, mind-numbing experience in the history of the region since the fall of the

Shia Crescent in the Middle East is a good news for Islam, democracy and the West: Related articles: Shia-phobia of Saudi Arabia and the institutional genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future – by Vali Nasr Definition The Shia Crescent is a

The Shia genocide in Bahrain shows Islam’s replacement by Wahhabism – by Omar Khattab: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Saudi Arabia’s army enters Bahrain to crush pro-democracy protesters Wahhabism: The heart of darkness By Omar Khattab It is not the first time that the Shias of Bahrain have been subjected to untold

An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain An open letter to President Obama: If there is any country where the USA can install democracy without a single bullet fired, it is Bahrain Dear Mr. President, In one of your recent

Prospects of Democracy in Pakistan – by Naveed Ali: It is strange how the word ‘revolution’ is used by everyone interested in politics or involved in politics, no matter what their ideological inclination is. Everyone simply wants a revolution; perhaps what they mean by revolution is their own

“Protesters have no clear demands”: Fake Civil Society of Bahrain: Related articles: Why are Pakistan’s urban chatterers neglecting the Bahrain uprising? U.S. follows two paths on unrest in Iran and Bahrain – by Mark Landler and David E. Sanger Editor’s note: Recent events in Bahrain (and elsewhere) suggest that

Why are Pakistan’s urban (fake) liberals neglecting the Bahrain uprising?: Related articles: Fake Civil Society of Bahrain U.S. follows two paths on unrest in Iran and Bahrain – by Mark Landler and David E. Sanger Editor’s Note: While the Pakistan urban chattering elites were going ga ga over the

U.S. follows two paths on unrest in Iran and Bahrain – by Mark Landler and David E. Sanger: WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has responded quite differently to two embattled governments that have beaten protesters and blocked the Internet in recent days to fend off the kind of popular revolt that brought down Egypt’s government. With Iran — a
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