Monthly Archive:: August 2014

جن پہ تکیہ تھا وہی پتے ہوا دینے لگے: طاہر اشرفی بنام یاسر لطیف ہمدانی اورمحمل سرفراز – از عامر حسینی: مجهے بڑی حیرانی ہوئی پچهلے دنوں ٹویٹر پر اچانک ایک ایسے آدمی کی مولوی طاہر اشرفی کے خلاف ٹویٹس پڑھکر جو ابهی کچه عرصہ پہلے خود اپنے مرشد خاص نجم سیٹهی اور لبرلز میں اینٹی شیعہ، اینٹی سنی بریلوی

SOS from Saudi Arabia: Rights activist and dissident Sheikh Nimr facing execution: An outspoken dissident against the oppressive Saudi regime, Sheikh Nimr Baqir Al-Nimr is facing imminent execution. The Saudi prosecutor wants to literally crucify him for speaking against the regime. All those who support the Right to Free Speech should

Rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria: This is the Arab world’s Salafi-Jihadi moment – by Shadi Hameed: A believer in the possibilities of coexistence, Sayed Kashua is, or perhaps was, the most prominent Arab-Israeli author writing in Hebrew. Punctured with staccato prose, his column on leaving Jerusalem, perhaps forever, was a beautifully written, heartbreaking admission

Obama is mute on his friendly ally Saudi Arabia, whose Salafists are the inspiration and fund-raisers for the Deobandi/Wahabi militias of Iraq and Syria – by Robert Fisk: He wouldn’t bomb Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s bloody caliphate when it was butchering the majority Shia Muslims of Iraq. But Barak Obama is riding to the rescue of the Christian refugees – and the Yazidis – because of “a potential

‘Jihadist’ flag flown at entrance of East London housing estate: A black flag, bearing white Arabic inscriptions similar to those flown by Jihadis, was mounted at the entrance of a housing estate in Canary Wharf’s East London early this week. Surrounded by an array of Palestinian slogans and

Australian PM appalled at decapitated head photo: A shocking image of what is believed to be the young son of an Australian man holding a decapitated head in Syria shows how barbaric the Islamic State “terrorist army” is, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Monday. Abbott

Syria’s Military: Last Man Standing? – by Florence Gaub: Not long ago, every defection from Syria’s armed forces was hailed as yet another sign that the country’s military was about to collapse—and with it, the regime as a whole. In a dramatic public countdown, Al Jazeera installed

Media discourse on Deobandi terrorism – 15 Jul to 15 Aug 2014: Meet this young doctor who joined ISIS and killed 30 people in a suicide attack Daily Bhaskar Jul 16, 2014, This is not the first time that Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi have transformed into suicide bombers. The Saudi-funded Salafi

‘F*** off Jew!’ What I was told when I photographed a ‘jihadist’ flag flying in London – by Ted Jeory: I WAS told this morning by a community activist in east London to be kind in this article to the Bengali Muslim youths who threatened violence last night…and who told me to “F*** off Jew, you’re not welcome here.”So

India shaken by case of Muslim men missing in Iraq – Mansi Choksi & Ellen Barry: KALYAN, India: For more than a decade, as alienated young Muslim men from all over the world left home to fight on the side of Islamists in distant conflicts, it has been a truism that they were not

Nawaz Sharif is unfit to govern Pakistan – by Cyril Almeida: IT’S happening. It really is. Scorched earth. Pyrrhic victory. Cutting off nose. Shooting in the foot. The custodians of democracy have done what the anti-democrats wanted. Lahore feels like a war zone. Fuel is unavailable. Roads are shut.

Wahabi/Deobandi militants in Iraq are widely loathed, yet action to curb them is elusive – by Somini Sengupta: UNITED NATIONS — Its fighters have seized oil fields, held water supplies hostage, and commandeered heavy artillery that the United States once supplied to a friendly government in Iraq. In late July, they decapitated Syrian soldiers, put their

United agianst a Sunni Sufi cleric: The undeclared alliance between certain liberals and Deobandi fanatics in Pakistan – Aamir Hussaini: What we are currently witnessing these days is an undeclared alliance between Deobandi right-wingers and PMLN-friendly-liberals in opposing Dr Tahir ul Qadri. Recently, Hamid Mir (on Jang Group’s Geo TV) once agian showed his malicious Salafi-Deobandi approach toward Dr

Could ISIS retaliate against the West? – by Paul Cruickshank: The U.S. air strikes carried out Friday against ISIS are likely to have one unintended consequence: immediately increase the terrorist threat in Europe and the United States, Western counter-terrorism officials tell CNN. Within hours of U.S. military jets and

Jamhooriat running scared and wolves at the door – by Ayaz Amir: Imran Khan stands isolated. Tahirul Qadri is a shady character and is of no account. If both these propositions are correct what is the government’s problem? Why is it so out of breath? If Shahbaz Sharif’s interview to

طالبان کے حامی حامد میر کی طاہر القادری کو تکفیری دیوبندی طالبان سے ملانے کی بھونڈی کوشش: جب سے ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری نے شیعہ سنی اتحاد کی قیادت کرتے ہوے وہابی دیوبندی حمایت یافتہ نواز شریف کی حکومت کی سیاسی مخالفت شروع کی ہے نواز شریف کے ٹکڑوں پر پلنے والے نام نہاد لبرل صحافی اور

An open letter to murderers of minorities – by Zara Hafeez: Attacks against minorities have spiked in recent months to degrees that are callous and merciless. PHOTO: FILE Dear ruthless, relentless and barbaric attackers of the minorities in my country, I‘d like to start by asking you about what

Holy War Arrives in Germany – by Soeren Kern: “Never before have the sympathizers of Islamic terror appeared so openly in Germany.” — Editorial, Westfalen-Blatt. “Anyone who thought the civil war in Syria or the barbarity of the Islamic State in Iraq does not affect us, you are

US actions in Iraq fueled rise of a rebel – by Tim Arango & Eric Schmitt: BAGHDAD — When American forces raided a home near Falluja during the turbulent 2004 offensive against the Iraqi Wahabi/Deobandi insurgency, they got the hard-core militants they had been looking for. They also picked up an apparent hanger-on, an

I will not celebrate August 14 – by Naeem Sadiq: Considering how our minorities are counting their dead every day, why are we celebrating anything? August 14, 2009 I decided not to celebrate August 14th this year to show my personal grief, shame and solidarity with the nine

شہید بے نظیر بھٹو اور ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کا نواز شریف کے آمرانہ اور سعودی نواز رویوں کے خلاف اتحاد – عامر حسینی: آجکل دیوبندی و سلفی مسلک سے تعلق رکھنے والے کچھ متعصب گھس بیٹھیے پیپلز پارٹی کا لبادہ اوڑھ کر ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری اور ان کی تنظیموں منہاج القرآن اور پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے خلاف غلیظ زبان استعمال کر رہے

‘Thank God for the Saudis’: ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback – by Steve Clemons: “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later,

35-Punctures Scandal: Ex Caretaker CM Najam Sethi threatens to take legal action against Imran Khan: Imran Khan’s wild and baseless allegations: rejoinder by Najam Sethi Monday, August 11, 2014 Lahore: Imran Khan has once again levelled false and baseless allegations against me in a press conference on 11th August 2014. He has many times

مسلم لیگ نواز کے خواجہ سعد رفیق کی پر امن سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ مسلمانوں پر بے جا الزام تراشی – از عمران حیدر: مسلم لیگ ن کےمتعصب رہنما خواجہ سعد رفیق نےایک پروگرام میں بات کرتےہوئےکہا کہ دیوبندی اور اہل تشیع میں تو مسلح جتھے موجود تھےاب طاہرالقادری کی شکل میں بریلویوں میں بھی مسلح جتھا آگیا ہے ہم سعد رفیق سےکہتےہیں

پاکستان میں سنی صوفی نسل کشی میں سعودی حمایت یافتہ نواز شہباز حکومت کا کردار – از محمد بن ابی ابکر: اس ہفتے وزیر اعلی شہباز شریف کی پنجاب حکومت نے پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے پر امن سنی صوفی بریلوی کارکنوں کے خلاف ایک مرتبہ پھر زبردست ریاستی طاقت کا استعمال کیا اور انسانی حقوق کی پامالی میں پھر سبقت

دیوبندی نواز حکومت کے ہاتھوں شہید ہونے والی ایک سنی صوفی کارکن عورت کے نام ایک نظم – از عامر حسینی: مجهے تمہارا نام نہیں معلوم مجهے تمہارے وچاروں کی بهی خبر نہیں جانتا ہوں لوگ تم جیسی عورتوں کے میدان میں نکل آنے انقلاب انقلاب کے نعروں پہ ہنستے ہیں پرانے خرانٹ ہوئے کچه گدھ بن جانے والے جو

Why do I support Imran Khan’s Azadi March – by Sawant Shah: I have been a staunch critic of Imran Khan since his Lahore jalsa in October 2011 and since his ‘dharna politics’ started. However, today, after listening to his latest press conference, I support him in his latest cause –

False comparison of Tahir ul Qadri with Taliban: Ayaz Amir exposes Hamid Mir’s hypocrisy: In Nasim Zehra’s August 9th segment of Hum Sub (Part 2), Hamid Mir made the horrendous and utterly dishonest comparison between Lal Masjid’s heavily armed terrorists and Dr Tahir ul Qadri’s peaceful protest against the PML-N government. As per

قائد کے پاکستان میں اقلیتوں کے حقوق: بانیء پاکستان قائداعظم محمد علی جناح نے11اگست 1947 کو پاکستان کی دستور ساز اسمبلی سے خطاب کرتے ھوۓ کہا تھا، کہ ’’ آپ آزاد ہیں، آپ لوگ اس ملک پاکستان میں اپنی اپنی عبادت گاہوں ، مسجدوں، مندروں یا

پاکستان میں بھگت سنگھ اور گنگارام کے گاؤں آج بھی نازاں – از شیزار حسن: پاکستان اور بھارت کے موجودہ تعلقات کے پیش نظر آج یہ تصور کرنا قدرے مشکل لگتا ہے کہ کبھی یہ دونوں ملک ایک ہی تھے۔ مگر پاکستان میں بھگت سنگھ اور سر گنگارام کے گاؤں میں پہنچ کر یہ

طاہر القادری کے لبرل اور دیوبندی نقادوں پر ایک نظم – از عامر حسینی: سنو لبرل ازم کے جعلی علمبردارو تمہارے نظریات سے وہ سڑاند اٹهتی ہے ناک پر رومال رکهکر بهی دماغ پهٹا جاتا ہے تمہیں نازو هیئت مقتدرہ کا مخالف نظر آتا ہے وہ تمہیں جمہوریت کا ستون لگتا ہے تم

British ‘Primark jihadist’ killed fighting for Wahabi/Deobandi Islamic State – by Martin Evans: A former Primark worker from Portsmouth has become the latest Briton to be killed in the Middle East fighting for the feared Jihadist group Islamic State. Muhammad Hamidur Rahman, 25, whose father runs an Indian Restaurant travelled to

Shia Genocide continues unabated in Karachi at the hands of Deobandi ASWJ terrorists: Editor’s note: Shia genocide continues unabated in Karachi at the hands of Deobandi ASWJ terrorists. Brutal killing is enabled by the fact that puppet CM Qaim Ali Shah and PPP’s leader Bilawal Zardari refuse to take action against Aurangzeb

Isis Salafi Wahabi militants ‘buried alive Yazidi women and children in attack that killed 500’ – The Independent: Militants in north-western Iraq have buried women and children alive during their offensive against the Yazidi ethnic minority, according to Iraq’s minister for human rights. The bodies were reportedly found in a mass grave in the wake of

Israel-Gaza conflict: What has Israel achieved in 26 bloody days? – by Patrick Cockburn: As Gaza is devastated by a new paroxysm of violence, what has Israel achieved by its 26-day bombardment and ground intervention? The outcome so far is similar to that of past Israeli wars in Lebanon and Gaza:

Dress the Gaza situation up all you like, but the truth hurts – by Robert Fisk: There was a time when our politicians and media had one principal fear when covering Middle East wars: that no one should ever call them anti-Semitic. So corrosive, so vicious was this charge against any honest

Is Tarek Fatah really a friend of Jews? – Pakistan Blogzine: Picture source: There is enough evidence to suggest that the former Saudi-resident Tarek Fatah was deeply anti-Israel and anti-Semitic until 2006 after which he acclimatized to his new country, Canada and changed his antisemitism to phobia of Shias,

A call for transnational jihad: A comment – Abdul Nishapuri: I was reading Dr Taqi’s review (of Arif Jamal’s book) published in Daily Times and also in Outlook India. A few thoughts come to mind: 1. Those people (within Shia, Sunni, secular actvists and columnists) who often

داعش فی العقول والقلوب ۔ ناھض حتر – از عامر حسینی: ناھض حتر عرب دنیا کے ایک معروف دانش ور ہیں اور انھوں نے روزنامہ “الاخبار بیروت”کی تازہ اشاعت میں ایک مضمون “داعش فی العقول و القلوب”کے عنوان سے لکھا ہے اس مضمون میں انھوں نے بنیادی خیال یہ پیش

نواز ، شہباز شیعہ اور سنی بریلوی مسلمانوں کے خلاف ضیائی ہتھکنڈوں پر اتر آے – از عامر حسینی: میاں نواز شریف انیڈ شہباز شریف کے اندر سوئی ہوئی جنرل ضیاء الحق کی روح پوری طرح سے بیدار ہوگئی ہے اور اس بیداری نے ان دونوں بهائیوں کو وہ کرنے پر مجبور کیا ہے جس کا ایک بورژوا