دیوبندی نواز حکومت کے ہاتھوں شہید ہونے والی ایک سنی صوفی کارکن عورت کے نام ایک نظم – از عامر حسینی
posted by Shahram Ali | August 11, 2014 | In Newspaper Articles, Original Articlesمجهے تمہارا نام نہیں معلوم
مجهے تمہارے وچاروں کی بهی خبر نہیں
جانتا ہوں لوگ
تم جیسی عورتوں کے میدان میں نکل آنے
انقلاب انقلاب کے نعروں پہ ہنستے ہیں
پرانے خرانٹ ہوئے کچه گدھ بن جانے والے
جو کبهی مارکس، لینن، سٹالن کی کوٹیشنیں
بات بے بات لوگوں کے کانوں میں اتاردیتے تهے
چی گیویرا و بهگت سنگه ، کے سانگ پہن کر
انقلاب انقلاب کی الٹی کرتے پهرتے تهے
جنرل ضیاء کے خلاف ایسے انقلابیوں نے
بس آخری معرکہ لڑا تها
اس کے بعد سب آہستہ آہستہ
جیسے گوربا چوف کے ہاتھوں سویت یونین ڈهے گیا
یہ سب بهی ڈهتے چلے گئے
اب میٹروپول کلچر کے کسی بڑے ہوٹل کے کافی ہال میں
هلکی سی ائیر کنڈیشن کی خنک فضا میں
پینٹ کوٹ ، نکٹائی لگائے جون کے مہینے میں
کافی کے ہلکے ہلکے سپ لیتے ہوئے
سامنے بڑی سی سکرین پر
ریاست کی پولیس کے جوانوں کے هاته سے چلی گولیاں کهاتے
تمہیں زمین پر سینے سے بهک بهل خون کے ساته گرتے دیکه کر کہتے ہیں
بیوقوف ،احمق جعلی انقلاب کی دیوانی
اسے کیا پتہ انقلاب کیا ہوتا ہے
ارے ہم سے پوچهتی
بتاتے کیا فرماتے ہیں حضرت مارکس دریں اس مسئلہ کے
چلو اس بہانے
ہم گرد آلود ،دیمک کهائی جلدوں سے
چند بهولی بسری عبارتیں
پهر سے یاد کرتے
تمہیں سنادیتے
گریڈ 20 میں گیا ایک سابق سرخا
اپنی لیموزین میں بیٹها کہتا ہے
ارے تم 15 لاشوں کے گرنے پر یوم شهداء منانے چل نکلے
سہارتو نے دس لاکه سرخے تہہ تیغ کرڈالے
وہاں آج بهی انقلاب کی فصل نہیں اگتی
ایک پرانا جیالا جو اب مشیر صاحب مفاہمت لگا بیٹها ہے
رسان سے کہتا ہے
میری پیٹھ پر ضیاء کے دس کوڑے پڑے تهے
ابهی تک تو ان کے بدلے جو من و سلوی میرا حق بنتا ہے
وہ نہیں ملا
تم کہاں سے شریک کیک ہونے چلی آئی تهیں
انقلاب اور تحریک ،مزاحمت ہماری پروڈکٹ ہیں
ان کو ہم نے پیٹنٹ کرایا ہے
چاہے ان کو ہم نے 88ء میں ڈمپ کردیا
لیکن ہم ہی لغت انقلاب کے قارون ہیں
یہ کہاں سے آئے
انقلاب و تبدیلی کی بات کرنے والے
سالی دہشت گرد
قانون ہاته میں لینے والی
سسٹم ڈی ریل کرنے والی
آتنک پهیلانے والی
جاتی عمرا کا ایک پرانا نمک خوار کہتا ہے
سرکار محض طاہر اشرفی دیوبندی کی لفظی بمباری کافی نہیں
ان انقلابیوں کے پاس مثل قیامت کوئی چلتا پهرتا بم بهیجے
اور اس انقلاب کو زمین بوس کرڈالے
خاک و خون میں نہانے والی
او سہیلی (کامریڈ) سن میری بات
یہ سب جو تم پر ہنستے ہیں
تاریخ خود کئی بار ان پر ہنسی
جب ان کا انقلاب
کسی نوکری، کسی ٹهیکے ، کسی پلاٹ کی رشوت کے عوض بک گیا
تو جو اپنے کاز کی سچائی کی راہ میں
اپنے خون سے زمین کو رنگین کرگئی
اتنے حبس اور سخت حدت میں
تم نے اپنے لہو سے دهرتی کی پیاس بجھائی
تمہیں اس پر فخر ہونا چاہئیے
کیا نام دوں تیرے قاتلوں کو
یزید کہوں تو
تاریخ سامنے آتی ہے
وہاں بس سب مردوں کے لاشے گرائے گئے تهے
کسی بهی حور اہل بیت کی سانسوں کی ڈور توڑنے کی ہمت نہ کرسکے
لیکن عصر کے نواز و شہباز نے تو
61 ہجری کے یزید کو بهی مات دے ڈالی
او میری شهید سہیلی غم نہ کر
حیرت تو تکلیف سے زرا کهل جانے والے منہ کو بند کرلے
دیکه یہ آنکهیں موند لے
کهلی آنکهوں میں جو پیغام جهلکتا ہے
مجهے مشتعل کرتا ہے
آگ لگاڈالوں
بهسم کرڈالوں
اس دیوبندی نواز جمہوریت کو
جو سنی صوفی، شیعہ، مسیحی اور احمدی کا قتل عام کرنے والوں سے تو مذاکرات کرتی ہے لیکن
آزادی و عزت نفس کی مانگ کرنے والوں کی
سیسہ بهری گولیوں سے نوازتی ہے
The fight against the Taliban is not just a military struggle. It is also an ideological struggle between moderate and Takfiri Islam. The army can use its tanks and guns but for all-out victory, for success on the ideological front, for Pakistan to return to its moorings, there has to be a meeting of minds between the army and moderate Islam. And if there is such an understanding, conscious or otherwise, Pakistan will never go the way of Iraq or Syria. No Salafi brand of fitna (discord) can arise on its soil.
Ayaz Amir
On misogny and puritanism against women, music and dance in PAT and PTI’s sit-ins in Islamabad
Ayaz Amir
Boys and girls dance in the PTI rallies in Constitution Avenue, fume the clerics of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam led by Pakistan’s leading political acrobat, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, with his uncanny ability to be part of every power setup no matter what its colour or stripes. What should the boys and girls do instead? Attend tutorials in suicide bombing? Study how to make the most of diesel permits, the word diesel forever associated with the Maulana’s name?
What hypocrites are we dealing with here? On a TV talk show I had the misfortune to be part of, Senator Hafiz Hamdullah of the same party described the PTI ongoing rallies as a nightclub show. I looked up in surprise and asked the maulana that as a man of the cloth how did he know what a nightclub was? Had he ever been in one? Smirking, he gave no answer.
Maulana Fazlur Rehman has described the dharnas as an onslaught of ‘western culture’. At least he is being original, no one taking this line before. His problem is simple. Imran Khan’s PTI is now a power in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where in happier times the Maulana stood tall and imposing. He doesn’t like this one bit. Hence his anger.
Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman who as head of the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee never fails to send the entire nation into fits of laughter as he squints into the telescope to see whether the Eid moon has arisen, has also denounced the PTI rallies. If he had come out in the PTI’s support, that would have been something to worry about.
We should understand this phenomenon. No self-respecting maulvi true to his calling can abide the spectacle of men and women enjoying themselves. Their stuff is hellfire and denunciation, not singing and dancing. And they have a problem with women. For some reason rooted deep in their understanding of theology, they want to keep them under lock and key. Venus has never been more triumphant than in the morbid nightmares of the ulema.
And it is not just the PTI rallies which they find so galling. Close by on the same Constitution Avenue is the massive sit-in of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek led by Allama Tahirul Qadri in which women, matrons and young girls, are to be found in great numbers. The PTI folk come and go, the PTI amphitheatre, for it looks like that, looking empty in the mornings but filling up in the evening. The thousands who are in the PAT sit-in have been camped there, facing great hardships, ever since the march from Lahore. Their discipline and dedication to their cause are something to be seen.
And Allama Qadri in speech after speech talks of gender equality and equal opportunities for women and even for minorities. For the typical maulvi subscribing to, say, Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s Takfiri Deobandi brand of Islam, this is subversive stuff, alien to all that in his narrow understanding of the faith he has believed in. No wonder hardline maulvis can barely contain their anger against both Imran Khan and the Allama.
– See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/321499?
Dance, dance revolution
Sarwat Ali August 31, 2014 Leave a comment
How politics is being tarred by the brush of deep seated prejudice against certain artistic devices
There have been multiple reactions to the political rallies, demonstrations and the sit-ins held both by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) and the Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT). But the one constant pointed out and condemned by most from all sides of the political spectrum has been about the style adopted by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in particular.
They have all focused on dance and so have cast the entire politic protest as being very frivolous. Thus, it can be argued that the political protest or the dharna became non-serious affairs because physical bodily movement was used. Similarly the presence of a large number of women, young women and those not from the slums, too initially evoked surprise, and then gradually the pleasant reaction turned into banter before it started to get nastier.
As if not to be kept out the Pakistan Awami Tehreek also organised a qawwali in the dharna; those media men monopolising the talk shows were initially baffled by this form included in the protest before they started to ridicule it on the basis that no serious political movement could make music its vehicle of dissent.
It may be said at the very outset that the writer has no sympathy with the political stand taken by the Pakistan Tekreek-e-Insaaf and the politics of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek in substance. But it is only surprising that the criticism from the other parties instead of being on substance — and there is plenty of meat in it to feed on — has unfortunately spilt over to mannerism and style. Politics at hand is being tarred by the brush of deep seated prejudice against certain artistic devices.
The reaction to music, dance and women is a reflection of the deep seated bias that this society at least the middle classes in this society have about the performing arts. Within no time people jump in their assumption from the practice to the practitioner and then feel great upliftment in slotting them. If they happen to be women then the slotting is easier done, and the case is rested through a said condemnation or an unsaid castigation through leery expressions and all knowing smiles.
Some of the most vibrant or intensely political movements have made dance their mode of expression, a protest or a style of defiance.
People find it difficult to come out or break the stereotype or a stock impression but find great solace in reaffirming a stated position. Some of the women politicians and commentators unfortunately were the most vocal, seeing their gender on the streets shunning inhibition to enjoy the street party. If nothing else their envy may have turned into a grouse.
In the psyche is embedded the image, the oft drummed view or an estimation that this society has nourished its norms with. Whenever any physical movement is seen, it is considered as an expression of leh o lab and hence enticing, — alluring and so frivolous as not to be worthy of adequate attention. Not meant to be taken seriously, it is merely light heartedness and a means of unwinding.
Some of the most vibrant or intensely political movements have made dance their mode of expression, a protest or a style of defiance. The most notable being the African National Congress. Dance accompanies it even now in both formal and informal occasions. One of the first gestures to be made by Nelson Mandela after he was released was the raised fist and then steps of the dance which had become the signature tune of movement/emblem of the African National Movement.
But people will say that all that may be integral to the African culture or acceptable in their daily lives but that does not mean it is universally applicable. People will say that what is right in Africa is not right in Pakistan, and the protest or the expression has to be culturally specific and acceptable.
Such narrow reading and acceptance of culture has been the bane of our society. The prejudice was rampant in alienating the Bengalis from the mainstream cultural expression of a united Pakistan. People came back from East Pakistan vexed to take a stated position of the Bengali society being too influenced by Hindu Culture. The acceptance of music and dance as part of everyday culture could not be digested by the Punjabi Pathan Inc and had to be denounced as the other.
The artistic devices are being used or employed in society all the time. It is music as in recitation of a text, the national anthem, a taranna or a slogan that is repeated, chanted or uttered in a charged fashion facilitated by versification.
The usual method of livening up a political rally or to make it an embedded memory, the slogan or the narra is endemic.
Dharna dances — a parliamentary debate?
By Abdul Majeed Abid
In my opinion, one can disagree with the ‘dharnistas’ on dozens of accounts, without any mention of the term ‘vulgarity’. In Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s opinion, not so.
Yesterday, the JUI-F chief again invoked the ‘fahashi’ argument against men and women dancing at the Azadi march. And it wasn’t even a talk show this time; he was standing inside the Parliament House.
Some people went to the extent of filing a petition against the dharna’s ‘vulgarity’, which the Islamabad High Court thankfully rejected.
Who is to decide what does or does not constitute ‘vulgarity’ anyway? It’s a subjective notion, one lying ‘in the eyes of the beholder’.
The concept of ‘vulgarity’ is important only in bigoted, misogynist societies such as Pakistan.
People suffering from this mental state are shocked at the very sight of anything that’s not conforming to traditional norms.
For them, just seeing a woman outside her home is shocking enough; and any dress or activity which falls outside the purview of their self-styled moral values, is thought to be invoking the devil itself.
Such incidents, unfortunately, are hardly rare in Pakistan. Women are regularly harassed and punished by men for so much as talking to a man outside the house. It is these baser tendencies which lead to bigger evils like honour-killings and acid crimes.
Unlike most civilised societies, the concept of personal space is non-existent in our society. One can find people decrying vulgarity for a-dime-a-dozen in our alleys (and parliaments, as it appears).
I’m sure a major reason for that is the absence of entertainment places and the reluctance to travel abroad. Parks, waterways, cinemas, clubs, theatres, quality book-shops or similar places for public assembly are few and far between in even our major cities.
Instead, what we have is a multitude of gaudy shopping malls, ever increasing in number. The absence of genuine entertainment has resulted in stagnation and negative thinking.
In that, it is nigh impossible to broaden one’s horizons and explore the sheer diversity of values and ethics, which other people live with. Already no one from other countries is willing to come to our country and we no longer see any tourists on our roads.
The party-like environment in these dharnas proves that there is a desperate need for the government to increase entertainment opportunities for the masses. Based on anecdotal evidence, most of the dharnistas come to the late-night ‘festivals’ to enjoy and have some fun.
Read on: ‘Azadi’ March brings entertainment
If the youth, tired and sick of political theatrics, wants to dance to some music, why does that twist the knickers of our ‘moral guardians’? If women, who form half the population of this country, want to be a part of the political process, why does that fire up the mullahs?
Whatever the female workers of PTI do in their spare time should be of any concern to anyone; not to mention it is outright disgusting for anyone to allege them of obscenity.
In my humble opinion, this country needs more of social change than a political one.
This change should be against narrow mindsets. Right now, no political party seems interested at all in that cause.
I hope that Imran Khan will not remain silent on this moral and mental decline and will start a practical movement to eradicate this hypocritical mindset because the first requirement to ‘change the system’ is to ‘change the national mindset’.
ڈاکٹر قادری اور عمران خان کے دھرنوں سے گھبرا کر صحافی طلعت حسین محفل سماع اور قوالی کے خلاف خودکش حملوں کی دھمکیاں دینے لگے – خرم زکی https://lubp.net/archives/320903
تحریک انصاف کی سیاسی خواتین کارکنوں پر تنقید اور شیر مارکہ لبرلز – از عمار کاظمی https://lubp.net/archives/321314
تحریک انصاف اور عوامی تحریک کے دھرنوں میں شریک خواتین پر شرمناک تنقید: جعلی لبرلز، اعتدال پسند مولوی اور ترقی پسند پختون قوم پرست بے نقاب ہوگئے – عامر حسینی https://lubp.net/archives/321182
A comment on Imran Khan and Tahir-ul-Qadri’s sit-ins in Islamabad – by Pejamistri https://lubp.net/archives/320490
تحریک انصاف اور پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے دھرنوں میں شامل خواتین کے بارے میں دیوبندی مولویوں اور کمرشل لبرلز کی بد زبانی – خرم زکی https://lubp.net/archives/321158
دیوبندی نواز حکومت کے ہاتھوں شہید ہونے والی ایک سنی صوفی کارکن عورت کے نام ایک نظم – از عامر حسینی https://lubp.net/archives/319857
Is it fair to criticize CM Pervez Khattak’s dance in the Islamabad sit-in? https://lubp.net/archives/320341
Activate all cadres to save democracy from Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri – by Samad Khurram https://lubp.net/archives/320510