Monthly Archive:: August 2014

تعمیر پاکستان رانا ثنا اللہ کی جانب سے علامہ طاہر القادری کے خلاف توہین آمیز الفاظ کی شدید مذمت کرتا ہے: ماڈل ٹاؤن کمیشن میں بریلوی سنی مسلمانوں کے خون سے ہولی کھیلنے والے نواز لیگی وزیروں اور مشیروں کے نام اب سامنے آ چکے ہیں – اس رپورٹ میں نواز شریف ، شہباز شریف سمیت وفاقی اور صوبائی

Is America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia broken beyond repair? – by Martin Chulov: Barack Obama arrives in Riyadh seeking rapprochement with an aggrieved Arab ally whose interests are increasingly at odds with its key western backer. The president’s flying visit – no more than an evening in the Saudi king’s palace –

Dr Tahir ul Qadri and the Sunni Barelvi phenomenon – by Suleman Akhtar: Apart from the pure nonsense of Dharnas and marches, it is interesting to note that the PTI is increasingly evolving into a political party in the classic sense of Pakistani politics. They have got everything to make it as

A letter from Grand Ayatollah Sistani turned the tide against Iraq’s leader – by Loveday Morris: BAGHDAD — The handwritten letter from Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani was personally signed and stamped, and for Iraq’s embattled Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, it spelled the end. “I see the need to speed up the selection of a

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri’s mammoth Inqilab March grossly underreported by PMLN-ASWJ dominated media: In spite of the informal alliance of pseudo liberals and the banned Deobandi terrorist organization, ASWJ-LeJ to mock, abuse and intimidate the movement of Pakistan Awami Tehreek, his rally has still managed to draw mammoth crowds. The same dishonest

جنگ، جیو اور کالعدم تنظیموں کا اتحاد، ایک لمحہ فکریہ – انصاف سٹوڈنٹس کا موقف: روزنامہ ڈان کی خبر کے مطابق گزشتہ روز سولہ اگست کو اسلام آباد میں انقلاب مارچ ریلی میں عمران خان صاحب کی جیو ٹیلی ویژن اور میر شکیل الرحمن پر تنقید کے بعد پی ٹی آئی کے کچھ افراد

جیو اور جنگ کے اقتصادی مفادات کو زک پہنچائیں: میر شکیل الرحمن کی سربراہی میں چلنے والے جنگ گروپ اور جیو ٹیلی ویژن کے پاکستان کے خلاف جرائم ————————- کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیموں طالبان، سپاہ صحابہ سے تعلق رکھنے والے تکفیری خارجی مولویوں اور ان کے حمایتیوں کی

Some rare pictures and videos of Nawaz Sharif with General Zia-ul-Haq and takfiri terrorists: Here is a collection of some rare pictures and videos of Nawaz Sharif with his political mentor, benefactor and spiritual guide General Zia-ul-Haq, the founder of takfiri Deobandi and Wahhabi Salafi terrorism in Pakistan. Some of these pictures and

What is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistan textbooks? – Herald Exclusive: Nationalism and patriotism in Pakistan are contested subjects. What makes us Pakistanis and what is it that makes us love our land and nation? The answers to these questions vary widely depending on who is being asked. A large

UK PM Warns of terror state on Europe’s doorstep: David Cameron has warned that if the Islamic State’s onslaught continues Europe will be facing a “poisonous” terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean. The Prime Minister said urgent action needs to be taken to defeat the extremist

Dawn: Model Town tragedy: Court rules case be registered against Nawaz, Shahbaz and 19 others: LAHORE: A sessions court in Lahore has ordered police to register murder charges against 21 individuals – including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif – over violence that took place in Lahore’s Model Town in June.

Express Tribune: Model Town violence: Lahore court orders FIR against PM Nawaz Sharif, Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif: LAHORE: An additional district and sessions court on Saturday directed the police to register an FIR against the prime minister, Punjab chief minister, deputy inspector general of police operations and 18 others, including politicians and police officials, in the deaths

Is it fair to criticize CM Pervez Khattak’s dance in the Islamabad sit-in?: I don’t see anything wrong with CM Pervez Khattak’s innocent dance at the PTI’s Azadi March rally in Islamabad. As long as provincial and district administrators are helping the flood-affected people, CM’s absence for a day or two is

Tahir ul Canadvi: Is it fair to criticize Dr Tahir ul Qadri on his dual Canadian nationality? – by Abdul Nishapuri: Those Deobandis and their partner pseudo-liberals who frequently criticize Dr Tahir ul Qadri on his dual Canadian nationality hide the fact that Dr Qadri was forced to flee the country due to credible and serious threats to his life

Repeating 1977 in 2014 is Not the Answer – by Shoaib Mir: After the ZA Bhutto-led PPP swept the 1977 national elections, the 9-party opposition alliance PNA alleged there was mass rigging, and boycotting provincial polls went on to stage a protracted violent protest particularly in Karachi and Lahore (there were

Death anniversary of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan being celebrated today (August 16): Lahore, Pakistan: Death anniversary of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan being celebrated today (August 16). Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan died on August 1997 due to kidney failure and an era of Qawwali and mystic music was buried with

تعمیر پاکستان رپورٹ: لاکھوں افراد کےساتھ ڈاکٹر قادری کا انقلاب مارچ بین الاقوامی میڈیا کی نظر میں: پاکستانی اور بین الاقوامی میڈیا کے مطابق وزیر اعظم نواز شریف کی حکومت کے خلاف ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے انقلاب مارچ اور عمران خان کے آزادی مارچ میں لاکھوں لوگ شریک ہیں – خفیہ اداروں کی رپورٹس کے مطابق

Have we misunderstood the threat from ISIS? – by Professor Gareth Stansfield,: Christian men forced circumcised in Mosul Having sent special forces to assess the humanitarian threat from ISIS in the Sinjar Mountains, the United States now says situation was not as bad as feared. But this assessment ignores the existential

Deobandi TTP outfit claims responsibility for attack on airbases in Quetta – by Syed Ali Shah: QUETTA: The Ghalib Mehsud faction of the outlawed Takfiri Deobandi Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack on the Samungli and Khalid airbases in Quetta in which 12 militants were killed by security forces. Ghalib Mehsud is the

Syria crisis: British rapper turned Isis fighter posts image of himself holding severed head: A successful British rapper who left his west London home to join Isis in Syria is reported to have posted a photograph of himself holding a severed head on Twitter. Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, reportedly uploaded the image

عمران خان، طاہرالقادری اور موجودہ نظام – از عمار کاظمی: گو کہ علامہ ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کا انقلابی ایجنڈا کافی وضاحت طلب ہے مگروہ عمران خان کے ایک یا دو نکاتی ایجنڈا سے زیادہ بہتر محسوس ہوتا ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر عمران خان کا سارا فوکس دھاندلی، صاف

نواز لیگی وزرا کی رشوت ستانیاں اور کالعدم تکفیری تنظیموں کی سرپرستی: کل شام سے پاکستانی میڈیا پر نواز لیگی ایم پی اے اور پنجاب کے وزیر قانون و انصاف رانا مشہود جو کہ ایک زمانے میں لشکر جھنگوی نامی کالعدم تکفیری دیوبندی گروہ کے سرگرم ممبر بھی رہ چکے ہیں

Noora Judiciary Must Go – by Insaafian: If Pakistan and Democracy is to be saved, Noora League aka PML N must go. As an Insaafian, I have compiled a list of demands that should be considered by Chairman Imran Khan when he reaches Islamabad. Despite PML

Wahabi/Deobandi students hand out Isis leaflets on Oxford Street in attempt to get British Muslims to join jihad: Police were today probing leaflets handed out in the West End by radical students encouraging British Muslims to join the Islamic State (Isis). Dozens of the leaflets were circulated on Oxford Street last night saying it is the

IS emerges from radical Wahabi/Deobandi Islamic jurisprudence – by Shukur Khilkhal: The Islamic State (IS) did not originate from barbaric communities or prehistoric peoples. In fact, instead it is a fundamentalist Islamic group stemming from the core of radical Islamic jurisprudence. The organization adheres literally to the fatwas and

Slaughter of Iraqi Yazidis? Why should we care? by Rusty Walker: Why should we care about the Yazidis? And, who are they? Yazidis in Iraq are in danger of genocide by the “Islamic State,” i.e., the Islamic State of Iraq and

Mayhem in Mesopotamia: A mess of extremist Salafi Deobandi hatred – by Agha Jafri: What began in Syria during the spring of 2011 as a simple uprising by a few so-called rebels has blossomed into a brazen and bloody movement led by the Salafi cabal, housed in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and

Inqilab March: Ayaz Amir appreciates Sunni Sufi, Barelvi and Shia alliance against Takfiri Deobandis – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Ayaz Amir has deserted the Good Liberal Club of Pakistan. In this club, membership privileges are based on one’s ability to suck up to other liberals. Being a Good Liberal means never having to develop your own thinking but

Hajjaji Pontificates on the Political Situation in Al-Bunjab – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Imran Khan is aligned with anti-Taliban Sunni Barelvi Tahir ul Qadri while Mian Nawaz Sharif is aligned with Pro Taliban Deobandis Ludhianvi, Malik Ishaq and Tahir Ashrafi. Imran Khan listens to General Raheel while Mian Nawaz Sharif thinks

How does the “Sunni vs Shia” prism explain the Genocide of Christians and Yazdis by Wahabi/Deobandi ISIS – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Those were the days when ISIS was known by a different set of vowels and consonants like FSA. Back then they were just chewing on Shia livers, massacring Christians and attacking Sunni Kurds. Who would have thought

عمران خان اور طاہر القادری کا مقابلہ کرنا نواز شریف کے بس کی بات نہیں -از ارشاد عارف: Source:

If the Nobel Peace Prize can be handed to Obama, why not hand it to the Israeli Defence Force? – by Robert Fisk: Now I know that the Israeli Defence Forces are famous in song and legend. Humanitarian, courageous, self-sacrificing, restrained, willing to give their own lives for the innocents among their enemies, etc, etc. Leon Uris’s Exodus – a racist,

The Real Dilemma for Pakistan in this Moment – by A Z: A rare good Asif Zardari did was to show us that Tahir ul Qadri, for all his rabble-rousing, is of no real consequence. Come the PMLN and this self-serving demagogue is turned into a monster. His innocent followers were

Iraq crisis: West’s ‘mandate’ limited by national borders – and don’t dare mention oil – by Robert Fisk: In the Middle East, the first shots of every war define the narrative we all dutifully follow. So too, this greatest crisis since the last greatest crisis in Iraq. Christians fleeing for their lives? Save them. Yazidis starving on

Crisis in the Middle East: The end of a country, and the start of a new dark age – by Patrick Cockburn: Iraq has disintegrated. Little is exchanged between its three great communities – Shia, Sunni and Kurd – except gunfire. The outside world hopes that a more inclusive government will change this but it is probably too late. The main

We reject Sham Noora Commission: A Comment on PM Nawaz Sharif’s Speech: First and foremost, we reject the Supreme Court Commission because all judges are on Nawaz Sharif’s payroll. Silly of Nawaz Sharif to think that Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri will fall into the Noora Commission Trap. Can we

جمہوری حکومتوں کے خلاف نواز شریف کی جدوجہد: تاریخ کے جھروکوں سے: بے نظیر سکیورٹی رسک ہے، ملک دشمن عورت ہے گیلانی نے وزیر اعظم کا عہدہ نہ چھوڑا تو تحریک چلائیں گے – نواز شریف کا اعلان جنگ زرداری استعفیٰ دیں ورنہ کہیں جگہ نہیں ملے گی – شہباز شریف

اکثریت پر امن بریلوی سنی مسلمان ، سعودی وہابی حمایت یافتہ نواز حکومت کی دہشت گردی کا شکار: روزنامہ ڈان کی رپورٹ کے مطابق پنجاب حکومت نے بدھ کو پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے رہنما طاہر القادری پر عوام کو ” تشدد پر اکسانے ” کا مقدمہ قائم کر دیا – یہ مقدمہ فیصل ٹاؤں تھانے میں

LRB: For America, Britain and the Western powers, the rise of Isis and the Caliphate is the ultimate disaster – by Patrick Cockburn: As the attention of the world focused on Ukraine and Gaza, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) captured a third of Syria in addition to the quarter of Iraq it had seized in June.

پنجاب میں پیپلز پارٹی کی سیاست کی ناکامی اور بلاول کے ڈھول کا پول – از عامر حسینی: عوامی سیاست کی دعوے دارجماعتوں پی پی پی، اے این پی و دیگر کی حالت یہ ہے کہ اپنے دور اقتدار میں انہوں نے اقتدار بچانے کے لیے فوجی و عدالتی اسٹبلشمنٹ سے سمجهوتے کئے، معشیت کے میدان میں