Monthly Archive:: June 2010

Post-mortem of LUBP and Hamid Mir – by Kashif Naseer: The LUBP readers are well aware of the fact that the LUBP neither censors nor manipulates difference of opinion. We have always welcomed articles and comments critical of the LUBP. Kashif Naseer has posted today an article critical of

Amn Tehreek : Dialogue on Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban: A dialogue was held by Amn Tehrik(Peace Movement) at Peshawar Press Club titled, Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban and why military operation is not being launched in Punjab against terrorists?. It was participated by representatives of almost all members

A tribute to the rickshaw driver’s family – by Haroon-ur-Rashid: This post is a tribute to a family of six who consumed poisonous pills in a suicide attempt in Shahpur Kanjra, Lahore, in order to escape poverty. This tragic event took place a few days ago (on 15 June

You can’t murder a legacy – by Saria Benazir: The Bhutto family has occupied a well-known place in the world politics and surely, when one articulates about democracy in Pakistan, the Pakistan Peoples party is the only party, which from the beginning of its foundation; laid by Quaid-e-Awam

I am a Sunni, a Shia and an Ahmadi – by H.A. Khan: Two days before as I opened the LUBP Blog to read its daily articles I felt so sad that again a worst wave of religious violence is repeating in our society to divide the society into religious classes and

British Secular Muslims welcome ban on hate preacher Zakir Naik: Related article: Zakir Naik: Muslim preacher of hate – by David Leppard The majority of Pakistani, Indian and other Muslims living in the UK have welcomed the UK government’s ban on hate preacher Dr Zakir Naik’s entry to the

Pakistan vs Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: LUBP Exclusive Pakistan is a country of contradictions and conflicting identities. It is a country that is at war with itself. A vast majority of Pakistanis are confused and most of them have no clear sense of their place

Killing of Shia doctors in Karachi: survivors recount their tales of horror – by Saher Baloch: Karachi: Yet another doctor was gunned down on Thursday in what appears to be a sectarian targeted killing. Dr Zahid Hussain was the 85th doctor to have been killed in Karachi since 1990. [Landhi Station House Officer Inayatullah told

The continual killing of Shia physicians in Pakistan — by Dr Mahjabeen Islam: LUBP Editor’s note: At long last, someone in Pakistan’s mainstream newspapers has written on this topic, i.e., target killings of Shia doctors in Karachi and elsewhere. Is it mere coincidence that the majority of Pakistani journalists as well as

A poem on President Asif Ali Zardari’s bravery and struggle – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: A tribute to the way President Zardari is fighting against terrorism and poverty in Pakistan. No one other than him can sever Pakistan better after BB’s assasination. Here is one of my poems to pay a tribute to the

Athar Minallah responds to posts on Let Us Build Pakistan: Being largely appreciative of the article of Athar Minallah titled “Who are betraying the unsung heroes of the lawyers’ movement?” that was published in The News on June 16, 2010 and also a note being posted by Fawad

Sectarian Violence In Karachi: Time To Act – by Sana Saleem: Cross posted from Mystified Justice blog “It was around 8am when Mr Jafri parked his car and walked to enter the hospital. Two men riding motorbikes came close to him. One of them pulled out a 9mm pistol and

‘Nawaz Sharif, are you still a Muslim?’ – by Imtiaz Ahmad: Pakistan’s religious parties have responded with one voice to a statement of PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif that he stood by the Ahmadi community “who are like our brothers.” They have condemned Sharif and questioned whether he “still is a

Justice Khawaja Sharif of LHC repays his debt to Sharifs: Hal jaza al ihsan illal ihsan (“Is the reward of goodness anything other than goodness?”) True to highest standards of Islamic ideals, Justice Khawaja Sharif of the Lahore High Court today ensured to repay the goodness done to him

A rare interview with Maulana Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi of the Sipah-e-Sahaba: Hear the precious words of political and ideological affiliation straight from the horse’s mouth. We are proud to publish a rare interview with Mullah Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi, head of the notorious terrorist organisation Sipah-e-Sahaba. There are three segments of

Why Pakistan’s Ahmadi community is officially detested – by Mohammed Hanif – BBC News: When a Pakistani Muslim applies for a passport or national ID card, they are asked to sign an oath that no Muslim anywhere in the world is asked to sign. The oath goes like this: “I consider Mirza Ghulam

The powerful Sipah-e-Sihaba: PPP and PML-N rush to shower privileges on Ali Raza’s family: What about thousands of Shia and Ahmedi Muslim families? By Omar Khattab in Islamabad Ali Raza was killed during the ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan. The government of Pakistan did well by bringing his body to Pakistan and then taking

Target Killing of Pakistan – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: Target Killing in Pakistan’s economical hub karachi increases day by day. Why Government Law enforcement agancies and Interior Ministry’s effort are useless and why the culprits can easily get released from courts? We all have to strengthen the Chain

Let’s think about Pakistan – by Riaz Ali Toori: Years ago, when in my hometown Parachinar and in other tribal areas, malicious actions were initiated by in human terrorists against innocent and peace-loving people, I had written an article titled “Let think for Pakistan”. That time I hadn’t

FATA: Human rights free zone – by Riaz Ali Toori: Millions of Pakistanis in the tribal areas live in a human rights freezone where they have no legal protection by the government and are subject to abuses by the Taliban. “Nearly 4 million people are effectively living under the

On Athar Minallah and the betrayal of the unsung heroes – by Fawad Manzoor: Update: Mr Minallah’s response to the LUBP post This is with reference to a recent op-ed by Mr. Athar Minallah (ex-spokesman for the SC Chief Justice) which appeared in The News on 16 June 2010. In his sobbing column,

TV coverage of the mass family suicide in Lahore: Source: Cafe Pyala Can I just say how sick I am of silly television anchors’ idea of “hard-nosed journalism”? Can no serious issue be covered without dragging it down to the level of bathos? Or without trying to make

Hamid Mir in support of Asma Jahangir: Hamid Mir in his column titled “Jamhooriat aur Tuhmat Ka Culture” has supported Asma Jahangir in the recent linking of her candidature for the position of SCBA president with “Zardari Camp” as created by Ansar Abbasi and gang. The

The fundamentalist dimension in the Pakistan movement – by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Ishtiaq Ahmed is a Visiting Research Professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) and the South Asian Studies Programme at the National University of Singapore and Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Stockholm University. He is currently

The slanted truth – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Those who Believers in the thesis that Afghanistan provides Pakistan with strategic depth are so scared of this shared bond that they had vetoed Afghania — represented by the letter ‘A’ in the word Pakistan — as the new

Pakistan Should Reform Fatigued Foreign Policy – by Ibrahim Sajid Malick: Pop quiz: do you know Pakistan’s Ambassador to Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela, Brazil, or Russia? It is very likely that you don’t and, there is a reason – these countries don’t get adequate visibility in Pakistan. Hussain Haqqani (USA), Wajid

The Growing Threat In Pakistan’s Punjab -By Daud Khattak: Few Pakistanis rejoiced when the country’s military high command announced victory against armed militants in the Orakzai tribal agency last week — mainly because Punjab, the heartland of Pakistan, is still threatened by galloping Talibanization. Alarm bells have been

Religious Minorities in Pakistan by Dr Iftikhar H.Malik: with thanks :minority rights group international Religious Minorities in Pakistan

How I wonder what we are — by Fauzia Yazdani: Source : Dailytimes The chief minister of Punjab failed on all counts as he did not visit the families of the deceased, meet with community representatives and condemn the role of organisations that flourish in Punjab to obliterate Ahmedis

Democratic or Religious State – by Junaid Qaiser: جمہو ر ی یا مذ ہبی ر یا ست جنید قیصر سقو ط ڈ ھا کہ جو ہما رے دل پر گز را ہے ۔ اِ س کے جو اند رو نی اور بیر و نی محر

The demand for a state religion constitutes blasphemy – by Nasir Ahmad: The concept of state religion is inherently flawed. Enforcement is essential for state whereas freedom is integral to religion. State has got a separate institution for the enforcement of law and the constitution. If we make religion an integral

Does Anyone Even Remember Hunza Lake Now?: Does anyone even remember Hunza Lake? There was such a big hue and cry that there is no government support or anything on the media. It was declared as a catastrophe of huge proportions. No one is media is

Safe return of Pakistanis from Kyrgyzstan: There is this usual foul cry that the government doesn’t care for Pakistanis and overseas Pakistanis are always crying that there are no facilities accorded to them by Pakistan government. Well our peoples government has ensured the safety of

Harming the war on terror via accusing Pakistan – by By Riaz Ali Toori: Recently London School of Economics (LSE) has published a fabricated report where in Pakistan’s government, democratically elected President and the intelligence agency ISI are alleged liable for abetting Taliban in Afghanistan and for playing double game.

Athar Minallah’s response to Ansar Abbasi & Gang: In a befitting reply, Athar Minallah has questioned the attacks on himself, Ali Ahmed Kurd, Aitzaz Ahsan and Justice Tariq Mahmood in the last few weeks by the gang led by Ansar Abbasi at The News. It is true

Jamat-ud-Daawa receiving Rs 82 million from Punjab Government: Dawn has broken the news that Jamaat-ud-Daawa received more than Rs 82 million during 2009-10 from the Punjab Government in form of grants. Even though this is for sure condemnable, however, one has to understand that this may have

“Get CJ Iftikhar operation on the cards”: Ansar Abbasi’s daily conspiracy theory!: At Jang Group there are many conspiracy theorists, the chief of them all, Ansar Abbasi beats them all. A revolutionary journalist in the real sense, he is trying his best to save Pakistan from “crupshion”, and bring in “gud

Let’s build paradise for all – by H.A. Khan: Sometimes things happen in our lives that make us not only surprised but also speechless. I sometime think that why the world in which we are living today is becoming replete of sadness and atrocities? When the time will

Are UN Sanctions a gift to Iran’s regime?: (ria novosti) The UN Security Council’s approval of a fourth round of sanctions against Iran on June 9 has led to more not fewer questions about Tehran’ s nuclear program.

Mir Shakil ur Rahman: A Pakistani media tycoon by occupation and a threat to democracy by profession – by Junaid Qaiser: “The business of a journalist now is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fall at the feet of Mammon and sell himself for his daily bread. We are tools, vessels of rich men