Target Killing of Pakistan – by Ahsan Abbas Shah
Target Killing in Pakistan’s economical hub karachi increases day by day. Why Government Law enforcement agancies and Interior Ministry’s effort are useless and why the culprits can easily get released from courts?
We all have to strengthen the Chain of Federation to fight these challenges as its not only target killing of Pakistani’s but its Target Killing of Pakistan.
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The target killing of Pakistan is deeply entrenched in an ill-conceived policy of “strategic depth” which is ultimately resulting in the “strategic death” of this unfortunate nation.
Instead of finding faults with some ‘berooni haath”, we need to do some soul searching within the fabric of our society and also within our so called national security institutions.
We are worst victim of ill- conceived policies of our undemocratic and unelected dictators, especially “strategic depth” and bleed India.
Some of these bastards in Pakistan are trying to divide us , they should be shot at spot. How can we let them talk in this manner? How can we sit quiet? How can we not identify these people and give them what they deserve? What are we waiting for? Their first identification is that they hate ISI and Pakistan Army and they want to be called Pakistani?They are the people who love to blame Punjab for everything , they are the people who will act like they are the only one who care for minorities,and they are Fasadies and they are selfish bastards. No one is safe in Pakistan from punjabi to buloachi , From sunnie to Ahmedi, From poor to middle class. Only people who are safe are the one who are filthy rich and the looters of Pakistan. So anyone who is flaming the Punjab vs other minorities is a traitor and should be taken care by us, You and me. Do not wait or we will lose this nation to these bastards who are funded by enemy.Report them here:!/pages/Report-Anti-Pakistan-pages-or-groups-on-Facebook/127562713939479?ref=ts
This is a fascinating article by the way. I am going to go ahead and save this post for my sister to check out later on tomorrow. Keep up the first-rate work.