Monthly Archive:: June 2010

Deals on personal interests and desires – by Farhad Jarral: This is an exclusive news by LUBP as it’s not published in any newspaper nor in electronic media. Justice Ramday’s son in law will be the new President of the Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB). Isn’t it interesting? Is this

General McChrystal, Obama & Pakistan – by Khalid Wasti: امریکہ کرسکتا ہے ہم کیوں نہیں کر سکتے ؟ آجکل مختلف ٹاک شوز پر امریکی جرنیل میک کرسٹل کی برطرفی کے حوالے سے سوال اٹھایا جارہا ہے کہ امریکہ میں اگر ایک جرنیل کو برطرف کیا جا سکتا ہے

JI Mentor Maudoodi exposed – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Pakteahouse Co-editor Yasser Latif Hamdani has shared with us this piece exposing the hypocricy of JI and their mentor Maudoodi. We are posting it here from the pakteahouse blog. Here is an English translation of the 10 Urdu quotations

This is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 – by Nadeem Paracha: Source :Dawnblog Hello this is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 and I’m your host and RJ, Ali Azmat. Today in the studios we have with us Pakistan’s leading DJ and rock star from the band Conquering Israel, Ghalat Hussain, hello Ghalat

Suspicious Particulars of the Budget Scheme- by Farrukh Shah: SUSPICIOUS PARTICULARS OF THE BUDGET SCHEME PAGE 981 PC21031 (031) MISCELLANEOUS H58 Grant in aid in favour of Roshni Association Society for Welfare of Special Persons, Lahore. 1,000,000 H72 Grant in aid in favour of Roshni Association, Society

Deceiving public is a routine work of PML-N- by Amjad Rashid: There is no doubt that PML-N is the party of industrialists, business men, traders, middle men of Pakistani business economy and definitely extremists with no beard on their face. So it works for the sake of these people and

Epicedium of Soil – by Suleman Akhtar: He is standing by the window in this particular instant of time, trying to see through its blurry glass. Outside the window, autumn of Nordic Europe is descending down the pale, yellowish Aspen trees in the suburbs of Stockholm.

Pakistan forever – by Tasbih Fayyaz: A country is not just a piece of land. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers and valleys. Is is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture traditions and our great religion. Pakistan is an undefeatable

Textbooks – Source confusion and extremism – by Junaid Qaiser: Pakistan’s poor education system and its bias curriculum that often incites intolerance and violence has increasingly become a matter of international concern. The government-mandated curriculum is a major concern for Western observers who say it encourages intolerance, anti democracy,

The longest war: Pakistan’s perspective – by Qudrat Ullah: No other nation or any ethnic community, in the known world history, has ever been entrapped in the longest protracted conflict as the Hindus and Muslim of sub-continent are, since 712 AD, when the legendary Muslim general Muhammad Bin

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto: a man who cannot be described in words – by Tasbeeh Fayaz: Thousands of orators and writers all across the world have praised the charisma of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Mr. Bhutto was undoubtedly a lion-hearted, indomitable and a tireless leader. He was the man of millennium perhaps a plucky political

229 Suicides left Unresolved Questions- by H.A Khan: Three days before as I was reading newspapers online, Suddenly a news report made me so shocked and sad that During last 3 or 4 months 229 people of Pakistan had committed Suicide. The main reasons were the economic

A reply on Marvi Memon’s open letter to PM Gillani on Kala Bagh Dam- by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: Following is a reply on Marvi Memon’s open letter to PM Gillani on Kala Bagh Dam which we’d posted on LUBP earlier. You can see that post on the given link ‘Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on

Pakistan has highest annual deforestation rate in Asia: with thanks :Dawn by Bhagwandas KARACHI: While forests currently cover only 2.5 per cent of the country’s land, Pakistan has the highest annual deforestation rate in Asia, according to the latest findings of the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Asif Zardari ki kaun si baat samajh naheen aaye? – by Athar Masood: Source: Athar Masood’s article on Asif Zardari’s speech and analysis

Defamation and Libel Cases in Pakistan – It’s just the beginning by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: We at Let Us Build Pakistan have been highlighting the way some elements in the media have been targeting the PPP, its leadership and people who are close to its leadership for the last two and half years.

Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Kalabagh Dam – by Marvi Memon: Published on Marvi Memon’s website In the present budget session we have been witness to very unfortunate exchange of allegations on KBD. None of the speeches have been able to respond to the Technical Committee and Parliamentary Committee report

Interview: Dr Gulfraz Ahmad, Former Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas: Source Newsline Magazine (May 2010): The Iran-Pakistan pipeline agreement, inked in March, is the latest step Islamabad has made in the long-running negotiations with its neighbour over the trans-boundary flow of compressed natural gas to this energy-stressed nation. By

Beyond Madrasas: assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan – report by Rebecca Winthrop and Corinne Graf: Report published by the Brookings Institute: Overview: Increasing educational attainment is likely to reduce conflict risk, especially in countries like Pakistan that have very low levels of primary and secondary school enrollment. Education quality, relevance and content also have

Aqsa Pervez : Who will speak for the Daughter of Pakistan?: The report by Natasha Fatah of the CBC is an eye opener for Canadians, Pakistanis and for everyone in general. It highlights the deleterous effects of excessive poliitcal correctness to the point where few, if any, are questioning the

What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists.: We thank our reader, Humayun, for sharing the article with us. What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists. Source: Christian Science Monitor Pakistan TV talk-show hosts like Zaid Hamid and Amir Liaquat Hussain peddle anti-American conspiracy theories and bash

The anti-Islam vote in the Netherlands elections – by M Amer Morgahi: Published in Dawn Blog: The enormous success of the right wing anti-Islam party in the recent elections in the Netherlands indicates a widespread schism within the Dutch and wider European societies where the presence of the Muslims as equal

Good Bye, McChrystal. Good Luck, Petraeus. “Thank You”, Obama- by Shiraz Paracha: The U.S President Barak Hussein Obama has removed a senior general who made mockery of the civilian leadership and democracy while talking to a reporter. The general was fired within 48 hours after the President learnt about the general’s

Mullah Omar won, Khawja Sharif lost – by Imran Waseem: Lahore High Court in an amazing decision yesterday ordered to ban what is called internet these days, citing the presence of sacrilegious material on websites. As long as specific sites containing sacrilegious material are banned, the decision would be

Christians’ fears piqued over blasphemy accusations: Since the penal code of the country was amended, during General Zia’s regime in 1986, religious minorities in the country have been living in a state of fear and terror. Under the Blasphemy Law false cases have been brought

US admits Pakistan combating human trafficking effectively: All positive things that the state of Pakistan should be appreciated and highlighted. US admits Pakistan combating human trafficking effectively Thursday, June 24, 2010 By Mariana Baabar Daily The News ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has received a Tier 2 ranking and

Dear Editors, Please Wake Up!: Our friends at Pakistan Media Watch are doing a great job in showing some journalists their true reflection. In their piece on Editors, titled “Dear Editors, Please Wake Up!” they have raised pertinent points about need to back stories

Cable Net Works spreading Indian Culture (Tariq Azeem) : By Khalid Wasti: طارق عظیم کا بیان کسی منجھے ہوئے سیاستدان کے ذرخیز ذہن کی اختراع ہے جس کے مختلف النوع پہلوؤں کا احاطہ کرنا ممکن نہیں – پہلی بات تو یہ ہے کہ موصوف کچھ پلے ہی نہیں پڑنے دیتے کہ

The other way – by Raza Rumi: Published in The News: Much has been written about corruption and how there seems to be no way out of the morass we find ourselves in. The recent survey of Transparency International and other such tools indicate that most

Business as usual (Part 2 of 2) – by Shahid Kardar: Published in The News. Read Part I here The estimate that the government will be able to a) raise Rs19.4 billion from privatisation, given the security situation within the country and the pro-active role played by the courts in

A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics – by Abdulhadi Hairan: Published in Huffington Post “The latest sad news is that the Christian Crusaders (Americans) have burned a copy of the Holy Quran in Wardak province and have thus shown their enmity with Islam and the Muslims… The saddest aspect

Remembering Benazir – by Shehrbano Taseer: Source: New Pakistan “History,” Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto once wrote, “is written in the blood of martyrs.” Judging by Sindh’s desolate and blood-drenched landscape, these words run true. Larkana is seeped in history, and history haunts Larkana. Larkana, the heartbeat

The UK Foreign Secretary visits Pakistan: Source: Foreign & Commonwealth Office Received via email by the UK FO The UK Foreign Secretary is visiting Pakistan on 23-24 June. Foreign Secretary William Hague, arrived in Islamabad today on a three-day visit to Pakistan. This is Mr

Ahmad Noorani mischaracterizes Zardari’s statements, contradicts own newspaper – by Pakistan Media Watch: Source: Pakistan Media Watch Ahmad Noorani writes a ‘top story’ in The News today that is an example of yellow journalism at its worst. The article, “President confuses PPP Jialas and the nation“, is a political ‘hit job’ and not

Bulleh Shah (actually Sultan Bahu) in Germany – by Riaz Ahmed Syed: بلھے شاہ جرمنی میں ….سفارت نامہ…ریاض احمد سید محترمہ کی خواہش کے احترام میں نام نہیں لکھ رہا ،تاہم راقم انہیں پچھلی چار دہائیوں سے جانتا ہے۔ اندرون شہر صدیوں سے آباد خالص لاہوری خاندان کی یہ چشم و

Pakistan – a failed state? – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: As a preamble to this article, let me reiterate to all the readers that even though I am a die-heart PPP supporter, yet this article is not just related to the PPP government. It is for my beloved Pakistan

Business as usual – by Shahid Kardar: Published in The News: The budget for 2010/11 has been presented at a time that the economy is struggling and the government’s fiscal position is under severe stress. This PPP government had inherited a precarious situation, which was compounded

Iran to India: Energy alliance between South and Central Asia – by Shiraz Paracha: (Map source) LUBP Exclusive Pakistan and India both face energy shortages but this crisis can be turned into a huge opportunity if (and there is big if) India and Pakistan are able to form an alliance that also includes

Man Stoned to Death in Nowshera: In another barbaric act, a person has lost his life for having alleged illicit relations with a woman who was working as an intern at his tailoring shop. Though proponents of such an act would claim that the Holy