Monthly Archive:: June 2010

Outside Agitation In Kyrgyzstan – by Peter Chamberlin: Uzbek refugees line up around an armored vehicle with Kyrgyz soldiers in the southern Kyrgyz city of Osh while waiting to cross the border into Uzbekistan, near the border with Uzbekistan, Monday, June 14, 2010. (AP Photo/Faruk Akkan,CHA) Originally

Kyrgyzstan—Victim of the ‘Tulip Revolution’- by Shiraz Paracha: Thirty one years after the Soviet Union sent its troops to Afghanistan on the invitation of the then Afghan government, Russia, the successor of the USSR, has declined a troop request from another Central Asian state. Perhaps Russia does

Islamofacists’ allergy to football, from Afghanistan to Somalia: A Somali football fan adjusts the Television set for the group D game between Ghana and Serbia Photo: EPA Unbeleivable as it may sound but according to news reports Somali religious extremists have banned watching soccer matches on TV

Hamid Mir Inquiry Follow Up: What happened the announcement of Jang Group that they have constituted a committee to probe the Hamid Mir-gate? We deserve to know from the apex investigators of Pakistan that what have they found out in 25 days? Usually, their

Asma Jahangir against Ansar Abbasi’s henchman: Ahmed Noorani is part of the group that is controlled by Ansar Abbasi at The News and Jang. Ahmed Noorani is known for taping conversations. He has done so with Nazir Naji, inciting him to hurl abuses at Ahmed

Asma Jahangir’s rejoinder to The News / Jang: Shame on Ansar Abbasi and his gang of blackmailers in Jang / The News (who are known to be on the payroll of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut Tahrir) for writing malicious, misleading articles against one of the (very few)

Reporting on Financial Matters – Capital Gains Tax in Federal Budget 2010-11: Capital Gains is defined as the gain in value you get after selling of an asset having bought it earlier. For example, I buy a plot of land for Rs 1 million in 2006. In 2010, I sell it

Qazi Anwar, Hamid Khan and Akram Sheikh Banned from entering Burewala Bar: Very good! Well done Burewala Bar. There are again demands for mental check up of Qazi Anwar. Might as well get it done now.

WAF’s letter to Prime Minister Gilani against the appointment of Maulana Sherani of JUI as chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology: This is a copy of the letter sent by Women’s Action Forum (WAF) against the appointment of Maulana Sherani of JUI as chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology. The CII mandate is very broad and can bring review of

I never really cared for Ahmadis – by Fasi Zaka: I have never really been vocal about rights for Ahmadis, even privately, but my compassion trigger is easily pulled if there are atrocities against Pakistani Hindus and Christians. Part of this can be ascribed to my belief in the

Shia killings in Karachi and the intelligence agencies’ failure: It is now becoming abundantly clear that recent wave of Shia killings in Karachi too is a handiwork of the Jihadist sectarian elements. What is the motive behind the recent wave of sectarian killings? You can glean some information

A critical article on Aal-e-Saud and Wahhabis – by Aamir Mughal: ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’: Sons of late King Faisal [great great great maternal grandson of mutawwa Sheikh Mohammad Bin Abd Al Wahab] Turki Al Faisal and Saud Al Faisal with neo-con ex-US Vice President Dick Cheney Sheikh

Jang Group refutes Shaheen Sehbai’s analysis – On the way out?: It seems that after Shahid Masood, the fate of Shaheen Sehbai has also been sealed at Jang group of newspapers. In today’s Jang newspaper, a detailed rebuttal for Shaheen Sehbai’s June 12th analysis is published. Mr Sehbai leveled

Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists kill a Shia journalist in Karachi: In yet another incident of sectarian target killing, terrorists of Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba killed Ayub Naqvi, a prominent publisher, writer and journalist in Karachi. Given that the Shia massacre continues to be ignored by not only mainstream Pakistani media

Reporting on the Economic Survey of Pakistan: The Economic Survey of Pakistan is available for download on the Ministry of Finance website. The executive summary of the Economic Survey is also available to read online via the Associated Press of Pakistan. Recently there have been a

Gas attacks on schoolgirls in Afghanistan: As of May 2010, there are 2.5 million Afghan girls enrolled in school which is a sharp contrast to 2001 when female education was banned across the country. However, Afghan schoolgirls stay in school in the face of extreme

Mian de nare wajan ge: In the last few days, it is really refreshing to see Nawaz Sharif’s bold stance on various issues including the 18th amendment and also on the Ahmadi massacre in Lahore. We provide below excerpts from some news reports from

Bhutto the film lahore :Reaction: with thanks : ETribune The documentary “Bhutto” based on the life and legacy of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto premiered in Lahore on Friday.

Asif Zardari is an American citizen?: Now this is absolutely ridiculous! Jang Group stooping to newer lows. What can I do…I have done this all my life to open Jang first thing in the morning. I can’t start my day without it. For the last

A Tale of Two Visits! – by Saad Mansoor: Badalta hai rung aasmaan kaisay kaisay, is a famous verse of Aatish’s couplet that has become a cliche in Urdu political writings. Yet I found out today that cliches are cliches for a reason. The full couplet goes as

Desperation of Ansar Abbasi: What sort of language is Ansar Abbasi using these days in his columns? On page 3 of Jang on June 14, 2010, his two columns have appeared which are nothing less than contemptuous and target the popularly elected government

Corrupt politicians and our saviours in army: I am providing below a news report without any comments or editing: Ex-governor’s son-in-law defaulted on Rs 1.8 bn loan Sunday, June 13, 2010 BoP scandal snowballs as NAB digs more dirt By Ansar Abbasi ISLAMABAD: The Bank of

New video of Israel’s terrorist assault on Gaza aid flotilla: Democracy Now has released a preview of previously unseen raw footage from the Mavi Marmara. The footage shows the mood and the activities onboard the Mavi Marmara in the time leading up to the Israeli attack, and the immediate

Inflation and Crony Capitalism in Pakistan: Source :Ahmed Nadeem Gehla Blog Almost one third of the population of Pakistan lives under poverty line. Same number of children have never gone to school. If an educated youth willing to work is unemployed or a child cannot

A critical perspective on the LSE report on the Taliban-ISI alliance – by Shiraz Paracha: The London School of Economics’ (LSE) recent report on the alleged links between the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban is yet another proof of an unholy alliance, in which Western secret services, the mainstream

LUBP Pakistani Media Awards 2010 – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: Hello readers, how are you all? We hope all of you are enjoying life because there is a remarkable change in Pakistan. Pakistan is progressing day by day in terms of “freedom of opinion” because it is very free

Ulema in Dr Sarfraz Naeemi Shaheed seminar demand sacking of Rana Sanaullah: The LUBP has previously published a number of news reports and articles highlighting the questionable links between Rana Sanullah (PML-N’s law minister in Punjab) and the terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba. This issue was also echoed at the annual death anniversary

Mullahs march in Pakistan from kafir Ahmadis to kafir Shias – by Nazi Naji: ہماری داستاں تک بھی نہ ہو گی داستانوں میں….سویرے سویرے …نذیرناجی اسلام میں مذہبی پیشواؤں کی گنجائش نہیں ہے۔ دین کو پیشہ بنانے کی بھی اجازت نہیں ۔ اسی چیز کو روکنے کے لئے اللہ تعالی اور رسول کریم

Whiplash: Ziaist Islam takes hold in Pakistan – by Nadeem Paracha: A consensus across various academic and intellectual circles now states that violent entities such as the Pakistani Taliban and assorted sectarian organisations are the pitfalls of policies pursued by the state through its intelligence agencies to safeguard Pakistan’s ‘strategic’

Nawaz Sharif’s stance on Ahmadis and the culture of bigotry – by Huma Yusuf: What kind of sick democracy do we live in, where the declaration of equality of all citizens of the state can be deemed unconstitutional? This twisted logic was deployed by the JUI-F in its criticism of Nawaz Sharif’s comments

What the eye did not see: the plight of religious minorities in Pakistan – by Ardeshir Cowasjee: What the eye did not see Source: Dawn, 13 Jun, 2010 On May 28 of this year, how many members of the minority Ahmadi community were massacred in cold blood by the ‘student’ fraternity upholding their version of the

Is he allowed to make such a statement while the case is sub judice?: Is Qazi Anwar allowed to make such a statement while the case is sub judice? But Iftikhar Chaudhry will not punish him for judicial breach. Govt has no choice but to write for reopening Swiss cases: Qazi Updated at: 1925

Lawyers break the law again – CJ Sahab, Ramday Sahab – Introspection?: The Hon’able Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and Justice Khalil ur Rehman Ramday have been reminding us Pakistanis and more importantly the government the importance of upholding the law and abiding by the decisions of the court. Their own

Murderers united: Rogue elments and the TTP-ASWJ terrorists: Source: Times online THE Taliban commander waited at the ramshackle border crossing while Pakistani police wielding assault rifles stopped and searched the line of cars and trucks travelling into Afghanistan. Some of the trucks carried smuggled goods — DVD

“Kill all Shia doctors”, Deobandi ASWJ terrorists’ campaign in Karachi: Shia Muslims hold a banner through the streets of Karachi, condemning recent target killings. – Photo by Reuters; Source: Dawn Killing of Shia doctors continues unabated in Karachi. There is ample evidence of certain pro-Taliban rogue establishment’s involvement in

In defence of the Objectives Resolution and General Zia-ul-Haq – by Dr Safdar Mehmood: We have previously published a number of articles on LUBP providing a critical analysis of the “Objectives Resolution” which was the first formal step towards mullahcracy in Pakistan. Today, Dr Safdar Mehmood, whose academic credentials are as dubious as

Institutions, accountability and the UN Report – by Raza Rumi: First published at Jahane Rumi The UN Report is a historic document for it brings forth a set of findings and actions that should become the cornerstone for democratic mobilisation in Pakistani politics The UN fact finding report on

Wavin’ Flag – by K’naan and David Bisbal: FIFA World Cup 2010 theme song Somalian-born, Canadian-based hip-hop artist K’Naan (Keinan Abdi Warsame, Somali: Keynaan Cabdi Warsame, Arabic: كنعان عبدي ورسمه) has spoken about the “unity and celebration” that will connect with his song “Wavin’ Flag,” after it

Pakistan fans back Brazil for 2010 FIFA World Cup – by Peter John: Pakistan fans back Brazil for African Cup Win Ask anyone to give you the first words that come to mind when they hear the term Brazilian soccer and most likely the response will include answers such as the world’s