Monthly Archive:: June 2010

Imran to issue white paper on Nawaz corruption: Source: The News, June 11, 2010 By our correspondent LAHORE: Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has announced to issue a white paper to expose the corruption of PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif. Addressing a press conference on Thursday, the

A perspective on Dr Shahid Masood’s dubious journalism – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: We reproduce below an excerpt from Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s email (circulated in the Press Pakistan group) to Dr Moeed Pirzada explaining her perspective on Dr Shahid Masood and his style of journalism. Unlike Shahid Masood who is a medical

Dealing with the American Mindset – by Shiraz Paracha: LUBP Exclusive The United States of America is the most powerful country in the world therefore dealing with America is not easy for some nations and countries. The bigger problem, however, is the Americans’ perception of their place in

Terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba on the loose in Karachi: …. Update 12 June 2010: Shia and Barelvi leaders in Karachi point towards the Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists for sectarian terrorism in Karachi: Shia cleric Allama Abbas Komaili, heading the Jaffaria Alliance Pakistan rally at Kharadar, condemned the attacks and said

Nawaz Sharif, Ahmadi brothers and the fatwa of kufr: نواز شریف اور دائرہ اسلام چوراہا…حسن نثار اتنی آسانی سے تو بچے کا نام سکول سے خارج نہیں ہوتا جتنی آسانی سے کچھ لوگ دوسروں کو دائرہ اسلام سے خارج قرار دے دیتے ہیں جیسے یہ دین کا نہیں

Truth is the greatest revenge – by Duane Baughman and Mark Siegel: Dear LUBP readers, I wanted to let you know about a new article by Duane Baughman and Mark Siegel about the documentary film they have produced about the life of Benazir Bhutto. The film, Bhutto: You Can’t Murder a

O God, protect my country : By Khalid Wasti اللہ میرے ملک کی خیر: =============== اللہ میرے ملک کی خیر =============== وطن ِ عزیز میں کیا کچھ ہوا : قائد ِاعظم کی پر امن سیکولر سٹیٹ کو انتہا پسندوں، مذہبی جنونیوں اور متشدد گروہوں کا یرغمال بنا دیا گیا – تصور ِ پاکستان

Ansar Abbasi let lawyers be lawyers and you remain a journalist: Pakistan Media Watch in their critical response to Ansar Abbasi’s opinions have raised certain pertinent points which we at LUBP have been raising for a long time. Pakistan Media Watch believes and we concur that by running his opinions

Several perspectives on the FCR and FATA reform: It might be worthwhile to read two differing perspectives on the FCR and the FATA reform in order to come to an informed conclusion on a complicated issue that the government is likely to be dealing with in the

Transparancy Int. itself is a Saqlain Imam: I have tried to put across here is that Transparancy International itself is a big scandal. It makes its report and pass judgement on corruption index on the basis of “perception”. Now perception is something which is built by

Amnesty: Tribal Pakistan is a ‘rights-free zone’ – BBC: Note: you can download the full Amnesty International report referenced in this article here Source BBC Millions of Pakistanis live in a “human rights-free zone” in the country’s north-west, Amnesty International says. Residents of tribal areas face Taliban abuse

2010-2011 budget in brief from the Ministry of Finance website: The PDF document is available to read here Some useful tables from the document:

Farrukh Sohail Goindi’s letter about Syed Talat Hussain: یہ سطور میں نے جناب فرخ سہیل گوئندی کا خط پڑھ کرلکھیں‘ جو انہوں نے میرے چند گزشتہ کالموں کے حوالے سے تحریر کیا ہے۔ اس طویل خط کا کچھ حصہ پیش خدمت کر رہا ہوں۔ محترم نذیر ناجی

Matter of Pay Raise for Punjab Government: I had written yesterday about the criticism of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on the matter of pay raise of government employees and the impact it would have on expenditures of the Punjab Government. As the increase has been announced

PPP and PML(N), two different perspectives on terrorism – by Junaid Qaiser: Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League (N) both have a different political history, objectives and a world view which is in contrast to each other. PPP is inherently a liberal democratic and to some extent secular mainstream party, it always supported

Pakistan’s Global Political Economy – by Anas Muhammad: As the recession hit; the jobless rates soared to 10% and more, banks at the brink of failing, stock exchange plummeted, and economy was left paralyzed. All this happened in United States, which sparked a global recession, bringing down

Nawaz Sharif kafir? No, Takfiri mullah kafir: Khariji mullahs threaten Nawaz Sharif with fatwa of kufr (apostasy) in retribution of his statement on Ahmadis; they also term Ahmadi massacre in Lahore as an Ahmadi conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan Pakistan’s opposition leader and chief of Pakistan

‘Criminal negligence’ and the economical truth: It is sometimes frustrating and at other times disappointing that the honorable judges of supreme court of Pakistan know exactly what they are supposed to do, however either intentionally or unintentionally they don’t do the right things. Yesterday at

Another Stabbing of Christians by PML(N) – by Junaid Qaiser: Mubashir Lucman has exposed the atrocity against Christian as their graveyard has been taken over by Ahsan Iqbal of PML (N), not allowing Christians even to be buried in Pakistan any longer. last year Gojra “Punjab” witness one of

Why Pakistan can’t convict terrorists: Part II – by Eqbal Alavi: Link to Part 1: Pakistan defence forums has posted a very interesting discussion thread on the reasons for the extremely low rate of terrorism convictions in Pakistan. Here is the thread header, but it’s also worthwhile to read

Pakistan survey: Taliban lack sympathy in Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, FATA, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan: ISLAMABAD: A majority of Pakistanis don’t approve of Islamabad’s decision to join the US-led war on terror but, at the same time, they don’t believe that the Taliban are fighting for Islam, according to a survey carried out by

Chaudhry Sahab, will your PML-N impose farm tax in Punjab?: In his long speech on the Federal Budget, Chaudhry Nisar also demanded imposition of Agricultural Tax. Off course, he was playing to the galleries and MQM, who has been demanding the same from the government for many years.

Ex-major’s loyalties embody jihad woes: evidence of the mullah military alliance: LAHORE: A former major who trained fighters for war in Afghanistan and occupied Kashmir keeps cropping up in terrorism investigations in Pakistan. But police say the grey-haired grandfather is shielded by his links to the army and powerful intelligence

Opacity of Transparency International Pakistan – by Imran Khan: Transparency’s opacity Results from Transparency International’s “National Corruption Perception Survey 2009” are being presented in the media as an infallible judgment on the corruption of the ANP-led government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. One would be tempted to accept this judgment because

Who is facilitating fascism in Pakistan?: Source: Pakistan Media Watch Reading Nadeem Paracha’s column yesterday, I was immediately reminded of a video clip from Shahid Masood’s TV programme that was recently posted on the blog Let Us Build Pakistan. The clip features a conversation between Shahid Masood

Optimistic Features of Budget 2010-11 – by Riaz Ali Toori: The following article has been written for LUBP by Riaz Ali Toori, an analyst from Pakistan’s Tribal Areas. When a country steps forward, its people flourish, and this is accomplished with impartial and equitable distribution of wealth that helps

Chaudhry Sahab, I am confused! – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: On one hand the opposition demands providing relief to the common man and as the government tries to do so, the Leader of the Opposition, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan roars why did you increase salaries to give relief! I

Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution: Source BBC Up to 700 people in a tribal region of north-west Pakistan watched the Taliban publicly execute a man accused of killing two brothers, officials say. Masked militants shot the man, blindfolded and bound, dead at a football

Munsifi granted: Sindh High Court issues stay order against Ansar Abbasi: At long last, Ansar Abbasi found the munsifi he was seeking for the last many years! PPP’s Central Information Secretary and Member National Assembly, Fauzia Wahab had sent a notice to Ansar Abbasi on May 15, 2010 seeking an

We borrowed it from South Africa?… No Sir!!: One of the questions that CJ and some other judges keep asking from the petitioner’s counsels is: Does parliament have a say in judicial appointments in other countries? Mr. Akram Shaikh in his arguments tried to mislead the court

Do not ignore the distinction between Deobandi jihadis and Salafi (wahhabi) jihadis in Pakistan: Many international and national analysts, scholars and journalist usually do not take into account some important distinctions between various jihadi and sectarian groups operating in Pakistan. In his op-ed (in daily Express, 7 June 2010), Muhammad Amir Hashim Khakwani

To insult the Parliament is to insult the People :By Khalid Wasti پارلیمینٹ کی توہین عوام کی توہین ہے: روز نامہ ” ایکپریس ” کے مطابق اکرم شیخ نے دو اور چار جون کواٹھارویں آئینی ترمیم کے خلاف سپریم کورٹ میں دلا ئل پیش کرتے ہوئے کہا : (١) – جج بننے کے لیئے ان پڑھ رکن پارلیمینٹ

Obscurantism and undemocratic mindset – by Junaid Qaiser: قد ا مت پسند ی اور غیر جمہو ر ی اندا زِ فکر قا ئدا عظم ، مذ ہب اور ر یا ست کے تعلق کے حوا لے سے کیا خیا لا ت ر کھتے تھے ، قر ۃ

Punjab: the new FATA — by Ali K Chishti: Source :Dailytimes COMMENT: Punjab: the new FATA —Ali K Chishti Sectarian jihadis, who are now transformed into ‘Punjabi Taliban’ through evolution, are concentrated in the economically backward and feudally dominated agrarian areas of Punjab A recent survey puts the

The true magic consumes Saleh Zaafir’s mind: The famous Urdu proverb, “Jadoo woh jo sar par charh kar bole”, (the true magic consumes the mind), appeared to be true when I read the following news report in appreciation of the Pakistan People’s Party by Muhammad Saleh

Jamaat-e-Islami’s agenda for Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: LUBP Exclusive Islam is a religion of peace but Jamat-i-Islami has imposed a completely opposite and false version of Islam in Pakistan with the help of civil and military bureaucracy, especially during the past 30 years. Some in the

Message from the Mosque: A praiseworthy project by Mashal – by Awais Masood: The question regarding the root causes of religious extremism, fundamentalism and Talibanization holds a central position in our contemporary discourse. Is religious extremism, a product of abject poverty and impoverishment? Or is it an outcome of modernity? Is it the

Media Hype on Natural Disasters – By Ahmed Iqbalabadi: While the nation is mostly kept entangled in judicial and political problems, a number of times key happenings fail to get register in our minds. The media, as we know it, has been focusing for the last two

Sinful Saudi citizens on MTV – BBC Report: ایم ٹی وی پر’گناہ گار‘ سعودی سعودی عرب میں پولیس ان تین سعودی نوجوانوں سے تفتیش کر رہی ہے جنہوں نے ایک ٹیلی ویژن شو میں مملکت کے قوانین پر تنقید کی تھی۔ پروگرام میں ایک سعودی خاتون لباس

Cellular Governance in Jhang – by Qudrat Ullah: Pakistan is a victim of bad governance and corruption. Due to institutional decay and slackness of the top babus (bureaucrats), government infrastructure, especially in smaller districts and tehsils where gubernatorial feudal elite and corrupt officials often make lives of