West Saudi Salafi Wahhabi Deobandi Alliance Archive

ان دلدلوں کو صاف کرو جو خالد مسعود جیسے دہشت گرد پالتی ہیں – عامر حسینی: لندن دہشت گردانہ حملے کے حوالے سے میری ایک برٹش دوست سے بات چیت ہورہی تھی۔اس نے بہت ہی زبردست بات میرے سامنے رکھی۔میں مجبور ہوں کہ اس کی بات کو اپنے پڑھنے والے دوستوں تک پہنچاؤں۔اس کا کہنا

To stop attacks like the one on Britain’s Parliament we need to drain the swamps that breed violent extremism: Drain the swamps that breed violent extremism His given name was Adrian Ajao but the name under which he killed four people in a terrorist attack was Khalid Masood. He had a string of convictions for violent offences

Israel and the western alliance with Al-Qaeda in Syria: Earlier this year, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy granted a telling interview to Al-Jazeera’s Mehdi Hassan. In it, he confirmed much of what I have been reporting in this column for years: Israel has been in a tactical alliance

پیرس سے آگ برسلز جا پہنچی : ” دہشت گرد ” کون ہیں ؟ – علی تاج: القاعدہ ، داعش النصرہ ، بوکو حرام ، الشباب ہو یا لشکر جھنگوی – آل سعود ہو یا سپاہ صحابہ طالبان – یہ تمام ایک ہی نفرت انگیز نظریاتی اساس سے تعلق رکھنے والے مختلف چہرے ہیں جو مختلف

Brussels Burns after Paris: Who are the “terrorists” ? – by Ali Taj: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Taliban and Saudi family are different names for the same exclusionist and hateful ideology that drives Global Takfiri Terrorism. Different wrapper but same candy. The first Takfiri Terrorists were Saudi

Robert Fisk: David Cameron extremism speech: The PM’s Churchillian posturing over Syria is misguided: The way David Cameron tells it, this is the Battle of Syria. He’s going to “hammer” Isis, if he gets his way. Reminds you of Winston. Just imagine what our fighter boys were thinking when their 650 Spitfires and

Saudi Arabia’s draconian punishment of Zaid Hamid being celebrated by some Pakistani “liberals”!: Reports that Zaid Hamid was sentenced by the Saudi authorities for being critical of their regime should have been met with loud protests in Pakistan – especially by the liberal champions. After all, Saudi Arabia is probably the most

Yemen Under Attack: Pakistanis condemn Saudi Arabia’s illegal attack on Yemen: On behalf of Pakistani liberals and rights activists, we condemn Saudi Arabia’s illegal attack againts a soveign nation, Yemen. Saudi Arabia has violated internaitonal law and UN charter by attacking a sovereign country. We condemn the tragic loss of

Syria Redux in Yemen: Robert Fisk exposes the Saudi-West hypocrisy in attacking the Shia Houthis and Al-Qaeda at the same time: “US drone strikes in Yemen, largely unmonitored by the West’s media, were directed against al-Qaeda, supposedly on behalf of the Saudi-supported Yemeni government. But in December 2009, Houthi spokesmen began to catalogue a series of US raids against their

Western airstrikes against ISIS and strategic hypocrisy! – by Abdul Nishapuri: Apparently the West is “strategically” more interested in pushing the ISIS (Wahhabi Deobandi terrorists) away from the Turkish and Saudi borders and Kurdish and other parts of Iraq to where they were originally intended, enabled and designed for, i.e.,

Saudi Arabia’s history of hypocrisy we choose to ignore – Robert Fisk: Raif Badawi has been sentenced to 1,000 lashes for ‘insulting Islam’ on his liberal website Sir William Hunter was a senior British civil servant and in 1871 published a book which warned of “fanatic swarms” of Sunni Muslims

مغرب کی منافقت کی نقاب کشائی بجا، دیوبندی وہابی دہشت گردی پر آپکی خاموشی کے کیا معنی؟ – عامر حسینی: تباہی و بربادی و خون ریزی میں تعقل ڈهونڈنے والے اور اس کے زمہ داروں کے جرم کی سنگینی پر پردہ ڈال رہے ہوتے ہیں اور اس عمل کی بربریت کی شدت کو کم کرکے اس کے خلاف ممکنہ

World remains silent while Saudis flog bloggers: selective morality by the West: Editor’s note: World’s reaction to free speech appears to be hypocritical when we compare double standards on Charlie Hebdo and Saudi blogger. Many fake liberals refuse to acknowledge the common link and common ideology that is responsible for

Charlie Hebdo attack and the Syria blowback – by Patrick Cockburn: There is a feeling of inevitability about the attack in Paris. The likelihood must be that the killers were Islamic Wahhabi Deobandi fanatics, the murder of the journalists and police underlining the degree to which the ferocious religious war

Blowback in Paris: how should we respond to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack? – by Nafeez Ahmed: The only way forward, says Nafeez Ahmed, is for people of all faith and none to stand together in rejecting violence perpetrated in our name, whether by state or insurgent. At least 12 people were killed in the shocking

From Paris to Rawalpindi: The great Wahabi-Deobandi blowback – by Laleen Ahmad: The Wahhabi-Deobandi mindset makes no distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims. The people practicing this mindset kill anyone who does not agree with their Takfiri ideology. In Paris, these Wahabi-Deobandis killed people for insulting the Prophet. Two days later, the

The Perils of Embedded Journalism: How Jürgen Todenhöfer ends up glamourising ISIS: In his interviews with ISIS which he highlighted on ABC and CNN as well as his own Facebook note, German Journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer glamourises ISIS and misrepresents their “success”. His reporting is a example of poor journalism which lacks

Saudi Arabia created the monster now devouring it – William Dalrymple: Last autumn I visited a Sufi shrine just outside Peshawar in the North West Frontier province of Pakistan. Rahman Baba was a 17th-century mystic poet, and his tomb has for centuries been a place where musicians and poets have

Libyan model for Syria? The West is silent as Libya falls into the abyss – Patrick Cockburn: Remember the time when Libya was being held up by the American, British, French and Qatari governments as a striking example of benign and successful foreign intervention? It is worth looking again at film of David Cameron grandstanding

War on ISIS: Robert Fisk’s column on Syrian Parliament’s Speaker’s letter to the US Senate and Congress: The letter from the Speaker of the Syrian parliament, Mohamed Jihad al-Laham, asserts that the “moderate” Syrian opposition which the US has promised to aid and train is identical to the jihadi groups supporting Isis or Isil. What was

The myth of religious violence – Karen Armstrong: As we watch the fighters of the Wahabi Deobandi Islamic State (Isis) rampaging through the Middle East, tearing apart the modern nation-states of Syria and Iraq created by departing European colonialists, it may be difficult to believe we

How U.S. interventionists abetted the rise of ISIS – Rand Paul: As the murderous, terrorist Islamic State continues to threaten Iraq, the region and potentially the United States, it is vitally important that we examine how this problem arose. Any actions we take today must be informed by what

To crush ISIS, make a deal with Assad – Ahmad Samih Khalidi: LONDON — LAST week, President Obama virtually declared war on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But it is hard to reconcile the seemingly urgent need to confront the threat posed by this organization with the chosen

Top 5 contradictions in Obama’s emerging ISIL strategy – by Juan Cole: In the past week, Secretary of State John Kerry has marshaled support of some sort from both European nations and from countries in the Middle East for the US push against ISIL. Unfortunately, the resulting coalition is riddled with

Islamic State: ‘US failure to look into Saudi role in 9/11 has helped Isis’ – by Patrick Cockburn: The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) has been aided by the continuing failure of the US Government to investigate the role of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks and its support of

Steven Sotloff’s murder proves the Wahhabi Deobandi Islamic state isn’ti nterested in negotiating – by Y Shane Harris , Kate Brannen: In releasing a video showing the murder of a second American journalist, the militants of the Islamic State made clear that they have no interest in negotiating with Barack Obama’s administration or its allies over the fate of

James Foley’s murder by ISIS, Jihadi John and the UK Deobandi connection – by Boyd Tonkin: I have never heard so many encores at the Royal Albert Hall. On Wednesday night, after Daniel Barenboim had conducted the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra made up of young Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab musicians, the ecstatic audience would not

Saudis must stop exporting extremism – Ed Husain: ALONG with a billion Muslims across the globe, I turn to Mecca in Saudi Arabia every day to say my prayers. But when I visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, the resting place of the Prophet Muhammad,

Salafi Deobandi terror: UK terror threat level raised to ‘severe’: The UK’s terror threat level has been raised from “substantial” to “severe” in response to conflicts in Iraq and Syria, Home Secretary Theresa May says. The new alert level rates the risk of an attack on the UK

Qatar and the reason US hostage Peter Theo Curtis has been released – by Robert Fisk: So once again, the Fairy Godmother of the Middle East steps on to the stage. Qatar, the nation which supposedly paid £40m to free 13 nuns from Syrian captivity five months ago – if true, the most expensive nuns

YouTube video posted by Wahabi/Deobandi Isis militants shows ‘execution of 250 Syrian soldiers’: Islamic State militants appear to have executed scores of captured Syrian soldiers, according to video footage posted on YouTube. An Isis fighter confirmed the video’s authenticity to Reuters, saying: “Yes, we have executed them all.” It has not been

Obama: We don’t have a strategy about ISIS / Cameron: A terror attack on the UK is now ‘highly likely’ by returning Jahadis: Editor’s note: We are cross posting two articles which prove that there is no sense of direction or cohesion in the West when it comes to fighting Salafi Wahhabi Deobandi Terror. One can only hope that the all powerful

Why Washington’s War on Terror Failed – by Patrick Cockburn: There are extraordinary elements in the present U.S. policy in Iraq and Syria that are attracting surprisingly little attention. In Iraq, the U.S. is carrying out air strikes and sending in advisers and trainers to help beat back

LRB: For America, Britain and the Western powers, the rise of Isis and the Caliphate is the ultimate disaster – by Patrick Cockburn: As the attention of the world focused on Ukraine and Gaza, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) captured a third of Syria in addition to the quarter of Iraq it had seized in June.

SOS from Saudi Arabia: Rights activist and dissident Sheikh Nimr facing execution: An outspoken dissident against the oppressive Saudi regime, Sheikh Nimr Baqir Al-Nimr is facing imminent execution. The Saudi prosecutor wants to literally crucify him for speaking against the regime. All those who support the Right to Free Speech should

‘Thank God for the Saudis’: ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback – by Steve Clemons: “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later,

A call for transnational jihad: A comment – Abdul Nishapuri: I was reading Dr Taqi’s review (of Arif Jamal’s book) published in Daily Times and also in Outlook India. A few thoughts come to mind: 1. Those people (within Shia, Sunni, secular actvists and columnists) who often

داعش کا تکفیری خلیفہ ابو بکرالبغدادی امریکہ اور اسرائیل کا ایجنٹ ہے، ایڈورڈ سنوڈن کا انکشاف – از خرم ذکی: داعش اور اس کا خارجی “خلیفہ” ملعون ابو بکر (البغدادی) امریکہ اور موساد کی پیداوار ہے. امریکہ، برطانیہ اور اسرائیلی انٹیلیجینس ایجینسی موساد نے مل کر معروف تکفیری خارجی دہشتگرد اور نام نہاد “خلیفہ” ملعون ابو بکر (البغدادی) اور داعش

اسرائیل، داعش، امریکہ اور دیسی لبرلز – از سٹیلمیٹ: دیسی لبرلوں کو امریکہ اسلئے اچھا لگتا ہے کیونکہ اُن کے خیال میں امریکہ طالبان اور القاعدہ کو مارتا ہے فنڈنگ کرتا ہوا نظر نہیں آتا داعش کی اپنا قبلہ مکہ سے واشنگٹن تبدیل کرنے کا نام لبرلزم نہیں

Syria conflict exclusive: Western aid going to help territory held by ISIS militants: Western governments are sending millions of pounds of aid to areas held by the radical Islamic group Isis in northern Syria, The Independent can reveal. The aid, which is paid for by the UK, European and US