Nadeem F Paracha Archive

مسلم لیگ نواز کے حامی لبرل قلم کاروں کی چیتھڑا صحافت کا جائزہ – عامر حسینی: نوٹ: اس مضمون کا بنیادی خیال سید ریاض الملک حجاجی کا ہے جس کے لئے میں ان کا شکر گزار ہوں مسلم لیگ نواز اور اس کی لیڈر شپ نے اپنے دائیں بازو کی انتہائی رجعت پرستانہ طاقتوں

Cyril Almeida and NFP continue with their Chumcha giri for the PML N: Cyril Almeida and Nadeem Farooq Paracha (NFP) are some of the sorriest PML N courtiers around pretending to be journalists and “social critics”. With Cyril, it is understandable as he was a pretty compromised, pro establishment hack from

NFP’s murder of history: Ironically, in an article about Identity, (Smokers Corner: A Case of Identity, DAWN September 18) Deobandi commentator NFP typically skips all relevant details. He fails to mention Aurangzeb’s rabid Anti-Shia pogroms and hate fatwas or that those of Akber’s

How the Pakistani “Left” obfuscates Shia Genocide: Nadeem F. Paracha’s article “Smokers’ Corner: The fateful split” (August 9th, 2015) rehashes the same selective and apologist drivel that sections of the Pakistani “left” misuse to obfuscate Shia Genocide in Pakistan. These “leftists” use the same discredited discourse

نام نہاد اسلامی لیفٹ پر ندیم فاروق پراچہ کا تفصیلی مضمون – عامر حسینی: نے نام نہاد اسلامی لیفٹ پر جامع اور تفصیلی مضمون لکھا ہے ، لیکن ندیم نے اس موضوع پر لکھتے ہوئے زیادہ تر پاپولر رائٹرز پر انحصار کیا ہے جو عمومی طور پر یا تو لبرل لیفٹ سے تعلق

Pakistan cricket: A class, ethnic and sectarian history: The negative evolution Right from the moment of its sudden inception in August 1947, Pakistan began to experience a number of socio-political fissures. The country constituted various distinct ethnicities, religions, Islamic sects and sub-sects. Instead of harmonising the

Ibrahim Paracha, #ShiaGenocide and #DeobandiTerrorism in Peshawar: Related Article: Let’s slam Imran Khan but stay mute on Nawaz Sharif and Gen Kayani’s love affair with Taliban As Shia Genocide continues unabated in Pakistan, the State continues to do nothing. The latest tragedy in Peshawar reminds us

Zaid Hamid’s commendable stance against takfiri Deobandi khawarij: Zaid Hamid and Ahmed Noorani are two of the most powerful and clear voices in Pakistan against takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Taliban (TTP) and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ). This clarity is completely lacking by fake liberal thugs such as Najam Sethi,

Noted elitist liberal Nadeem Paracha taken to task by an ordinary Pakistani citizen: Ali Zaidi made this comment on Facebook in response to abhorrent obfuscation of Shia Genocide in the media. Zaidi commented about this post: We thank Ali Zaidi for actually trying but did you really expect these types to feel

External and internal stereotypes about Pashtuns: Misppropriation of Pashtun nationalism by Deobandi terrorists – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Editor’s note: In this valuable analysis (Dawn, 2 March 2014), Nadeem Paracha shows that not only colonial and non-Pashtun writers but also Pashtuns themselves have played a role in constructing and reinforcing certain stereotypes and myths about Pashtuns. For

Public discourse on Deobandi terror: Zaid Hamid vs Nadeem F. Paracha – by Taqi Qadri: Now I understand why liberal champions love to bash Sunni Barelvi Ulema and activists – because: a. The Barelvis have no street power or guns and could not bite back, b. they still uphold the shrine-auliya culture of inclusiveness.

Is generic rightwing bashing by Pakistani liberals any good?: Generic rightwing bashing by Pakistani liberals doesn’t help when the only CLEAR condemnation of radical Deobandi terrorists of TTP-ASWJ comes from the rightwing eg Sunni Barelvi SIC and Shia MWM. Rightwing-liberal binary is increasingly irrelevant in Pakistan given than

Ahmad Noorani’s clear stance on ASWJ-SSP terrorists shames elitist liberals: While elitist liberals, known for selective morality, commerically-oriented liberalism and populist bashing of easy targets (eg pro-Taliban thugs such as Javed Chaudhry and Orya Maqbool Jan), remain silent or vauge on systematic terrorism against Shias and Sunnis by Takfiri

Najam Sethi’s typical obfuscation of Shia genocide and absolution of PML-N and Pakistan army – by Sukaina Hazara: In his ISI gossip show (24 January 2014), Aapas Ki Baat, Najam Sethi reduced the ongoing Shia genocide in Quetta to a minor administrative problem of combining two districts. For him the continuing massacres of Hazara Shias and non-Hazara

Malala Satire Snags Iran’s Press TV – by Omar Ali: Editors note: We are cross posting a great article by Omar Ali on Press TV mistaking satire for real. Indeed we all expect better from Iranian Press TV. A large number of other ignoramuses quick to jump on the hate driven

Dehati Aurat Gate: Hamid Mir lies, Najam Sethi distributes, Nadeem Paracha covers up: Related post: The dehati aurat remark: Who tasked Hamid Mir to sabotage Manmohan-Nawaz meeting? It was disappointing to see Nadeem Paracha engage in all kinds of deflection tactics to take the heat of his friends at the Jang

Let’s slam Imran Khan but stay mute on Nawaz Sharif and Gen Kayani’s love affair with Taliban: As a Taliban apologist, Imran Khan and his PTI deserve to be criticized for their dishonest, insensitive and ridiculous narrative – especially in light of his disgustingly insensitive remarks on the latest massacre of at least 80 Christians by

Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’s TFT blog promotes ASWJ-LeJ terrorists, once again!: According to Sipah Sahaba ASWJ-LeJ terrorits Aurangzeb Faruqi Deobandi who spoke to Ali Chishti of The Friday Times (TFT) blog, ASWJ-LeJ maddrasas don’t teach sectarianism. Farooqi also claimed that ASWJ-LeJ has 100s of madrassas with 1000s of students, and they

New wave of #ShiaGenocide engulfs Pakistan after Punjab CM Najam Sethi released 112 Takfiri terrorists: New wave of Shia genocide has engulfed Pakistan after caretaker Chief Minister of the Punjab, Mr. Najam Sethi, decided to release 112 arrested terrorists of banned sectarian outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, also known as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ and Ahle Sunnat

Najam Sethi’s tiff with the ISI is nothing but a fog of deceit: According to media reports and social media, caretaker Chief Minister Najam Sethi is currently busy in making photo copies of classified documents. Given Sethi’s close connections with intelligence agencies of Pakistan and a foreign country, it is being speculated

CT Chief Minister Najam Sethi and the question of conflict of interest: Najam Sethi fan club: Raza Rumi, Ejaz Haider, Nadeem Paracha, Marvi Sirmed, Mehmal Sarfraz, Saleem Ali etc Independent critics: Nazir Naji, Farrukh Sohail Goindi, Rashid Rahman, Mazhar Abbas, Dr Ayesha Siddiqa, Abdullah Tariq Sohail, Adnan Farooq, Nusrat Javeed, Omar

Comrade Najam Sethi in the eyes of Comrade Nadeem Paracha: Related post: Pakistan’s five-star Marxist Najam Sethi brought to you by Comrade Mehmal Sarfraz Pakistan’s leading progressive, liberal, Marxist columnist (Comrade Nadeem F. Paracha) promotes another like-minded progressive, liberal, Marxist columnist (Comrade Najam Sethi of the London Group).

Reality of Comrade Najam Sethi – by Farrukh Sohail Goindi: Najam Sethi is an imperialist-elitist liberal, not a progressive liberal or socialist In the following article (Urdu, published in daily Nai Baat), veteran progressive columnist Farrukh Sohail Goindi highlights the dubious background and track record of Najam Sethi, the

Saudi petro-dollars, Western intelligentsia and #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by Nadeem F. Paracha: After thousands of Pakistanis turned up at the many sit-ins that took place across the country to protest against the brutal terrorist attack on the men, women and children of the Hazara Shia community in Quetta, something unprecedented emerged.

Nadeem Paracha defends Ejaz Haider?: In keeping with an established pattern of voicing a racist, bigoted and pro-military establishment discourse, Ejaz Haider’s latest article in Express Tribune (Karachi: Welcome to Hell) is no different. It is replete with racist stereotypes, half truths and omissions.

On Altafism, Sufi folklore and Nadeem Paracha’s adoration of the MQM: Nadeem Farooq Paracha, noted left-liberal Pakistani columnist and satirist, is viewed by some in Pakistan’s limited English speaking circles as a prominent authority on the history of Pakistani culture and society. For the younger generation, Mr Paracha came into

This too was Pakistan (1947-71): A response to Nadeem Paracha’s “Also Pakistan” – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related post: This All Began in 1947: The Jihadist Operations of Pakistani State Nadeem F. Paracha’s (NFP) history of Pakistan in the four part series in daily Dawn suffers from an error of exclusion. It is the history of Pakistan’s

Hang young – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Note: Nadeem’s current article for DAWN is a stark reminder of the brutal crackdown on PPP and AZO activists and dissidents by the military dictatorship of General Zia ul Haq. This dictatorship, like those before and after it, were

Bhutto and I – by Nadeem F. Paracha: On the morning of April 4, 1979, the military dictatorship of General Ziaul Haq hanged to death Pakistan’s first popularly elected Prime Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Today is the 33rd anniversary of what turned out to be perhaps one

Salman Rushdie to write book on Imran Khan – by Nadeem F. Paracha: I just read this article by liberal fascist imperialist capitalist neocon Nadeem F. Paracha and I don’t know how to attack it. However, I must correct that it was not Duran Duran but original Sufi rock band, Rolling Stones

Name and Remind: Nadeem F. Paracha’s silence on Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Mustafa: [poll id=”9″] Related posts: 71 Shia Muslims target killed in Pakistan during February 2012 58 Shia Muslims killed in Pakistan during January 2012 Nadeem F. Paracha is Pakistan’s leading progressive columnist whose articles and blogs are regularly published at

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy: Contradictions of an Oscar win – by Safiya Khan: This class exploits the poor on selective causes and profitable NGO businesses but stands with anti-women politician Imran Khan and pro-establishment politician like Farooq Leghari. Esteemed anti-establishment writer and media critic, Nadeem F. Paracha wrote this blog in Dawn

The more things change -by Nadeem F. Paracha: The Pakistan army as an institution is a curious creature. A self-absorbed bulky white elephant, it can suddenly transform into becoming a raging bull in a china shop every time it feels the vast political and economic space it

The jiyala: A political and spiritual history – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Editor’s note: Pakistan’s urban elite have mostly been contemptuous of the passionate supporters, workers and activists of the Pakistan People’s Party. The bulk of PPP activists come from the less previliged income groups and do not possess the urbane sophistry of

On Najam Sethi’s Punjabi ethnocentric, pro-establishment propaganda: Related Post: Najam Sethi parrots Deep State’s lies by equating Pashtuns with Taliban – by Salma Jafar A manufactured perspective about the Pakistani media is that the sauve English speaking types are somehow more objective in their reporting and

An analysis of Imran Khan’s speech in Lahore rally – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Related posts: Imran Khan’s Lahore rally offers no hope to Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minority groups Imran Khan takes over Lahore – by Riaz Malik Editor’s note: In this post, we offer two thought provoking commentaries on Imran Khan’s

… Meanwhile in the Land of the Pure – by Nadeem F. Paracha: * Photo illustrations by Nadeem F. Paracha Source: Dawn

Enjoying ‘Aaloo-Andey’ with the people – By Nadeem Farooq Paracha: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross post this excellent article for DAWN Blogs by Nadeem Paracha. Kudos to the Beygairat Brigade for their bold, audicious, subversive and darkly comic song on the prevailing Zeitgiest of the Urban elites. Just

This is not a carrot – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Are ‘soft’ Islamic evangelical organisations playing an unwitting role in the radicalisation of urban youth? Storm after storm After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991), the Pakistani society was flushed

Sobia Ali: An Interview With Nadeem F. Paracha: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross-post Nadeem F. Paracha’s interview to Sobia Ali and Raza Raja Habib from Huffington Post. The interview is an articulate discussion of politics, sociology and culture. Such interviews are needed to highight the mindset