Egypt Archive

How two Red Sea islands shed light on secret relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia: JERUSALEM – The announcement that Egypt transferred two small Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabian sovereignty drew protests from Egyptians this week, but in Israel it quietly shed light on the Jewish state’s secret and selective dealings with Saudi

سعودی عرب اور مصر کے درمیان پل کی تعمیر کا اعلان حقیقت کیا ہے ؟: کون سے دو اہم جزیرے اسرائیلی قبضے میں ہیں ؟اسرائیلی شرائط کیا ہیں ؟ سعودی عرب کے بادشاہ نے اپنے دورہ مصر کے دوران ایک ایسے پل کی تعمیر کی بات کی ہے جو مصر اور سعودی عرب کو

جمال عبدالناصر کی سعودی عرب کے یمن پر حملے کے خلاف کی گئی تقریر کا متن – عامر حسینی: Yemen’s fight is our fight. Yemen’s Revolution is our Revolution. The Revolution started on the 26th September. یمن کی جنگ ہماری جنگ ہے ، یمن کا انقلاب ہمارا انقلاب ہے اور یہ انقلاب 26 ستمبر کو شروع ہوا On

Al Jazeera plays a dangerous game in Egypt – Robert Fisk: In a few hours’ time, in Cairo, Mohamed Fahmy will hold a press conference which every reporter will want to observe. The Al Jazeera journalist, who spent 411 days in Egypt’s gruesome Tora prison on trumped-up state charges of

NYT: UAE and Egypt launch airstrikes on Salafi Wahhabi terrorists in Libya: CAIRO — Twice in the last seven days, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have secretly launched airstrikes against Islamist-allied militias battling for control of Tripoli, Libya, four senior American officials said, in a major escalation of a

Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent – by David D. Kirkpatrick: CAIRO — Battling Palestinian militants in Gaza two years ago, Israel found itself pressed from all sides by unfriendly Arab neighbors to end the fighting. Not this time. After the military ouster of the Islamist government in

This war is different : German newspaper “Zeit” on the the current Israel Hamas Conflict.: The war between Israel and Hamas seems to be replay of previous conflicts. Again, Hamas will try to rocket Israeli towns until the bitter end. Again, Israel will do everything possible to destroy the infrastructure of Hamas. Now the Israeli army has launched

Saudi Arabia sacks preachers for Brotherhood links – by Habib ToumiBureau Chief: Manama: Saudi Arabia has sacked “for life” three Friday preachers, banning them from delivering sermons or speeches at mosques or in religious camps. The decision was taken after the authorities ascertained they belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood and

مصر کی عظیم درسگاہ جامعہ الازہر کے شیخ ڈاکٹر احمد الطیب کا سنی اور شیعہ مسلمانوں میں اتحاد کے بارے میں انٹرویو: شیخ الازہر ڈاکٹر سید احمد طیب مختلف مواقع پر شیعہ سنی اتحاد کی ضرورت پر زور دیتے رہے ہیں۔ اس سلسلے میں ان کے مختلف بیانات، انٹرویوز اور تحریریں پہلے بھی سامنے آتی رہی ہیں۔ انھوں نے حال ہی

سعودی حکومت کی جانب سے اخوان المسلمون پر پابندی اور جماعت اسلامی پاکستان کی خاموشی: سعودی عرب کی حکومت نے اسلامی عرب دنیا کے سب سے بڑے ملک مصر کی سب سے بڑی اسلامی جماعت اخوان المسلمین کو باضابطہ طور پر دہشتگرد تنظیم قرار دے دیا ہے۔ تجزیہ کاروں کا کہنا ہے کہ اخوان

In Focus: Why does the US want to attack Syria? – by Tahir Mehdi: The United States is at war once again and in its favorite battleground, the Middle East. This is despite the fact that they are facing a lot of trouble in withdrawing from Afghanistan in a respectable manner after

Hasan al-Banna: Brotherhood, Jihad and Nazism – by Raziq: The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Islamist party in the world today. It also claims to be a democratic party. In this article I will be looking at its founder Hasan al-Banna, the reasons why he established the Muslim

The Islamic state in context – by Tarek Osman: The Morsi regime falls as the Egyptian military takes control. Demotix/Jonathan Kalan. All rights reserved. Irrespective of the popular and military moves against political Islam in Egypt this week, the prospect of establishing an Islamic state in the Arab

America’s naked ambition – by Seema Mustafa: The writer is a consulting editor with The Statesman and writes for several newspapers in India The Americans are finding that it is not easy to conquer the world. Military power and diplomatic machinations can work only to a

Pakistan and Egypt: Where Armies Rule – by Ayesha Siddiqa: ISLAMABAD — The July 3 coup that ousted Egypt’s first popularly elected president, Mohamed Morsi, reminds us that military putsches can happen anywhere. Egypt and Pakistan have political similarities. Both have powerful and predatory armies, are heavily militarized and

Saudi Arabia Pleased With Morsi’s Fall – by Madawi Al Rasheed: Hours after the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, was deposed, the Saudi regime hurried to congratulate newly appointed interim president Adly Mansour. The Saudis must have felt comfortable with the quick downfall of a political Islamist

The Perils of a ‘People’s Coup’ – by Khaled . M Abou El Fadl: LOS ANGELES — THE Egyptian Army claims that it had no choice but to overthrow the country’s first legitimately elected president, Mohamed Morsi, and that last week’s coup reflected the will of the Egyptian people. It’s true that

The Second Egyptian Revolution – IMT Statement – by Alan Woods: Morsi has fallen. The magnificent movement of the masses has once more shown to the entire world the authentic face of the Egyptian people. It shows that the Revolution, which many even on the Left believed to have stalled,

No respite for Egyptian Christians in the new Salafist Fake Liberal Alliance taking lessons from Pakistan: This will become INCREASINGLY clear in next two weeks Salfist are in power in Egypt. They (Noor party) will have veto power to make interim government and all other matters, only fake liberals will be acceptable. This is the same

Demoting Democracy in Egypt – by Shadi Hamid: Editors Note: We are posting the Nytimes article and youtube clip which shows disgruntled Muslim Brotherhood crowd turning to violent means. This is a valid point, despite all of the poor decisions by Moorsi the military intervention with a

When is a military coup not a military coup? – by Robert Fisk: For the first time in the history of the world, a coup is not a coup. The army take over, depose and imprison the democratically elected president, suspend the constitution, arrest the usual suspects, close down television stations

Iran and US have common ground on where Morsi went wrong: Editors note: We are posting two interesting perspectives one from the vocal Iranian Parliamentarian Ahmad Khatami and another form Robert Fisk of The Independent. There seems to be a lot of common ground between the Iranian and American perspective

A Coup, Dear Friends, is a Coup! By A Z: That Morsi was incompetent is beyond question. The political charge sheet against him is long, compelling, and detailed. The fact is, Morsi couldn’t unite the country and people were really hacked off. Morsi was given the opportunity to be

Egyptians who idolise army will soon be disappointed – by Jonathan Steele: WHETHER the Egyptian army’s action against Mohamed Morsi amounts to a full-scale military coup can be debated. But what is clear beyond doubt is that they amount to a ruinous intervention in the politics of a country that

Similarities between Egypt’s Morsi and Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif: There can be no justification for the current subversion of democracy in Egypt which resulted in a coup against the Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi. However, it is even more difficult to feel any sympathy for the brutal Morsi regime that

Is Egypt Looking for its Next Pharaoh? – by A Z: While I may support liberal ideas and politics and be dead against all forms of theocracy, I have no choice but to call a spade a spade; it just is what is. July 3, 2013 was no different from

نیل کے ساحل سے لے کر تا بہ خاک کاشغر شیعہ نسل کشی – از حق گو: قاہرہ سے پشاور تک شیعہ مسلمان تکفیری دیوبندی اور سلفی دہشت گردوں کے نشانے پر ہیں – ان تکفیری دہشت گردوں نے بلا مبالغہ ہزاروں شیعہ شہید کر دیے ہیں جب کہ باقی لوگ خاموش تماشائی بنے ابھی یہ سب

HRW Egypt: Lynching of Shia Follows Months of Hate Speech similar to Pakistan: Editor’s Note : We are cross posting the HRW report on a build of two years of hate speech which has placed the Shia Muslims of Egypt at risk in their own homes. The demographics are different in Pakistan,

Shias under attack across the globe – by Murtaza Haider: From Cairo to Peshawar, Shias are under attack by Sunni militants. The sectarian warfare targeting Shias has left thousands dead. The rest of the world watches silently as Muslims self-destruct in sectarian wars. Earlier on Sunday, a lynch mob

اہل تشیع کا قتل بزرگ ترین کبیرہ گناہوں میں سے ہے، جامعہ الازہر مصر: جامعہ الازہر مصر نے سلفی شدت پسندوں کے ہاتھوں 4 اہل تشیع کے بہیمانہ و ظالمانہ قتل پر اپنے ردعمل میں کہا ہے کہ اہل تشیع کا قتل بزرگترین کبیرہ گناہوں میں سے ہے۔ جامعہ الازہر نے مطالبہ کیا

Increasing Salafist influence in Egypt death-warrant for the Muslim Brotherhood – by Sadiq Ameen: By now the world knows that in a savage incident in Egypt Sunday, thousands of Salafists lynched and murdered four Shias in Giza-district village of Zavia Abu Muslam, beating them and burning their houses down. Coptic Christians have also

Sheikh Hassan Shehata and four other Shia Muslims brutally murdered in Giza, Egypt: In an unparalleled event, four Shiite Muslims were killed by angry Salafists in Giza. At least 3000 angry locals attacked the houses of Shiites, killing four and injuring 32. Five houses owned by Shiites were also completely torched.

شیعہ مسلک کے جواز کے متعلق جامعہ الازہر مصر کے مفتی اعظم شیخ محمود شلتوت کا فتویٰ – از عبدل نیشاپوری: Summary: Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut, Grand Imam of Al Zhar University (Cairo, Egypt) was a great champion of unity between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims. He issues a fatwa in which he declared that in addition to four Sunni Mazahib

How should Muslims respond to the hateful movie “Innocence of Muslims”? – by Mahdi Baloch: Related post: Quilliam and other analysts are downplaying Saudi-funded Salafists’ role in US Ambassador’s murder in Libya The Quran states explicitly that no soul shall be responsible for the sins or the crimes of another. And while this film

Do we really need a revolution – by Mustafa Kamal: Our living in a world full of tragedies is a universal fact. Social fabrics are shattered. The dissatisfaction of people with the functions of their respective governments has put them in a position to ask and preach for revolution.

From banks of the Nile to the land of Talagang – by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: Dear Ummah, My name is Ali Wanis. I am a Salafist member of Egypt’s parliament. As you know that Yahood o Hanood are totally, totally afraid of us. It is us, whom some people call fanatics, that no one,

Do my Islamist brothers wish to destroy the Egyptian Pyramids? – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Today, my fellow Ummah brothers of Egypt have finally called for Sharia and the destruction of the Pyramids there. There is news that this is a hoax. However, for centuries, these pyramids have transformed good pious muslims into idol worshippers and

Al-Qa’eda’s new war: The main targets are Shia innocent civilians – by Ahmed Rashid: Sectarian bloodshed, in Afghanistan and Egypt, is a tool to thwart democracy and diplomacy Lahore, Pakistan From a distance, the devastating attacks on Shia Muslims in three Afghan cities this week looked like the type of sectarian religious attacks

Pakistan’s first international social media summit: Pakistan has over 3 million social journalists and the number is increasing with the passage of every day with 6.2 million users on microblogging site Twitter and over 4 million social network Facebook users already. This was observed by

Another Black September by Pakistan Army? – by H.A. Khan: Related articles: The role of General Zia-ul-Haq in the events of Black September (1970) in Jordan LUBP Archive on Bahrain There is no future without the past. These words were written by our Mentor Dr. Lal Khan in his
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