Dr Mohammad Taqi Archive

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: طاہراشرفی جیسے بہروپئے ایل یو بی پی سے خوفزدہ کیوں ہیں؟: دیوبندی مولویوں کی تنظیم پاکستان علما کونسل کا سربراہ طاہر اشرفی اپنے حال میں کئے گئے ٹوئٹس میں لکھتا ہے کہ تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ بین الاقوامی قاتلوں کے ایک گروہ کی ویب سائٹ ہے جو پاکستان کے

Tarek Fatah is taking credit for Nobel Prize for Malala Yousafzai. Seriously?: A certain group of commerical or dollar-oriented NGO-brand “liberals” is currently posing as ones whose campaign resulted in Nobel Peace Prize for Malala Yousafzai. The group is led by a Saudi-returned Canadian citizen of Pakistan origin, Tarek Fatah, known

طاہر القادری اور عمران خان کے دھرنوں میں ڈنڈا بردار دہشت گرد اور کمرشل لبرلز کی منافقت: مفتی نعیم، عاصمہ جہانگیر، اعتزاز احسن، طاہر اشرفی، ڈاکٹر تقی، عارف جمال، احمد لدھیانوی، انصار عباسی، ماروی سرمد، بشری گوہر، طلعت حسین، مشرف زیدی، اوریا مقبول جان، مجیب الرحمن شامی اور دیگر دیوبندی مولویوں، نونی چیلوں اور کمرشل لبرلز

Sham-e-Ghariban and Barelvi-Shia Terrorists: Exposing the Bigotry of Pakistan’s Secular Sectarians: On June 17, 2014, the Punjab police under CM Shahbaz Sharif and Rana Sanaullah carried out a brutal crackdown of PAT activists resulting in over 100 men and women being killed and critically injured. In response to this brutal act,

35-Punctures Scandal: Ex Caretaker CM Najam Sethi threatens to take legal action against Imran Khan: Imran Khan’s wild and baseless allegations: rejoinder by Najam Sethi Monday, August 11, 2014 Lahore: Imran Khan has once again levelled false and baseless allegations against me in a press conference on 11th August 2014. He has many times

A call for transnational jihad: A comment – Abdul Nishapuri: I was reading Dr Taqi’s review (of Arif Jamal’s book) published in Daily Times and also in Outlook India. A few thoughts come to mind: 1. Those people (within Shia, Sunni, secular actvists and columnists) who often

General Raheel Sharif, Mukthar Thaqafi, and Dr Taqi: The current Operation Zarb-e-Azb by the Pakistan army against the Taliban is being viewed in black and white terms by a section of Pakistan’s “liberal” intelligentsia. For some in this category, the debate is based on promoting their own

Sadly, Dr Taqi’s analysis of Rawalpindi Ashura violence is a case of false Sunni-Shia binary: In his Daily Times column, progressive writer Dr. Mohammad Taqi, sadly, takes a false neutral and populist position in his analysis of the pre-planned Rawalpindi Ashura violence. Aside from Shia sources, a host of Sunni Barelvi and Deobandi sources

Is it fair to throw the humiliating DI Khan jailbreak in the PTI’s lap alone? – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Just as the intelligence agencies’ ability to detect and intercept the TTP plan to attack the Dera Ismail Khan (DIK) prison was being questioned, reports in the media started appearing about the intelligence agencies tipping off the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

US think tanks, ISI and the Af-Pak policy — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: A recent report in the Times of India (TOI) titled “ISI has infiltrated US think tanks, Pak scholar says” has opened an interesting debate about the Pakistani intelligence agency ostensibly leveraging the United States think tanks’ clout to further

Shia Hazara killings and Pakistan Government’s lies about Saudi Iran proxy war – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Not that one expected the new federal and provincial dispensations to magically fix the terrorism problem but their initial handling of the discourse has not been very reassuring More than 50 innocent people killed in one day would

Hudson Institute: Pakistan elections 2013, any hope for a secular government?: Elections run by a caretaker government in May will mark the first successful transition from one democratically elected Pakistani government to another without an intervening military coup or implementation of martial law. Given the importance of Pakistan to U.S.

Assault on the ANP – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The ANP on its part has not only energised its ideological base but has also given the rest of Pakistan a fair warning of what is coming their way The Awami National Party (ANP) has come under a series

Press in Pakistan: from persecution to perks – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Loss of objectivity remains a serious concern regarding those who make a move from journalistic to political careers “Journalists should stand apart from institutions that make news.” The above advice contained in The New York Times Company Policy on

Terrorism: is media a watchdog or lapdog? On Sethi-Rumi mollycoddling ASWJ’s Ludhianvi — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Source: Daily Times The ostensibly liberal publication gave space quite liberally to Ludhianvi to bash the Shia without a single challenging question being asked Pakistan finally saw democratically elected national and provincial assemblies plod past the five-year finish line

Criticism on Ludhianvi’s interview in TFT: Najam Sethi & co shoot the messenger: Recently, The Friday Times (owned and edited by Najam Sethi and co-edited by Raza Rumi) published a very distasteful interview with Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi, head of banned terrorist group Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ). In addition to three posts on LUBP,

Consent and coercion in ‘Takfiristan’ — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Both urbicide and ghettoisation of the Shia, especially that of the Shia Hazara in Quetta, remain underway in Pakistan as the politicians smoke the peace pipe with the Taliban/LeJ/ASWJ After the assassination of its brave leader Bashir Bilour, the

Exposing the lies and fabrication: Al Jazeera’s program on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by A Z: For as long as any of us can remember, in Pakistan we have lived in a world of injustice, ruled by an incestuous elite on an agenda to perpetuate their rule and line their own pockets, while 80 per

Diversity indicted in Pakistan: the buck stops with President Zardari — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: As to the allegations against the PPP’s legislators, the thousands of Barelvis killed and the Shia genocide in Pakistan, the buck stops with President Asif Ali Zardari Faqeeh e shehr bola badshah se/Barra sangeen mujrim hai yeh aaqa/Isay masloob

A quick critique on BBC Urdu’s quality and reliability: Source: http://freespeechpakistan.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/bbc/ The following post offers a summary of an important conversation that took place on Twitter on the quality and reliability of news reports and analyses published on BBC Urdu (radio and web site). Key critics: Dr Ayesha

Anti-terrorism doctrine: too little, too late? — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: While there is a lot of hullaballoo about course correction and search for an anti-terrorism doctrine, in actuality what is being sought is a shortcut Since General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani made his Yaum-e-Shuhada (Martyrs’ Day) speech on April 30,

#ShiaGenocide: Three days that almost shook Pakistan — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: At a time when a national consensus was coalescing against the jihadists, the PPP and its coalition partners squandered yet another opportunity to take charge Once again, the Hazara Shia, perhaps the most peaceful community in Pakistan, has come

Qazi Hussain Ahmad: the jihadist patriarch — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Somewhere in the early 1980s I walked into the Markazi Urdu Board Library in Seokarno Square, Peshawar. I was there to see the librarian, Maulana Fazle Ma’bood, a family friend, neighbour, and the local emir of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).

A Pakistani liberal blogger Ali Chishti praises ASWJ’s Ludhianvi, wants tighter blasphemy laws against Shia Muslims: Related posts: ISI-sponsored anchors are promoting Takfiri terrorists to boost Shia genocide in Muharram Let’s deflect tattoo scandal from Deobandis to Shias: Liberal blogger Ali Chishti and Sipah Sahaba in action Onward march of an agency-connected propagandist A few

The PPP government has presided over massacres of Shia Muslims and religious minorities -by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Karachi violence and political pragmatism The recent violence in Karachi is a tragedy no doubt. But perhaps no less tragic is the handling of the situation by those at the helm. Imran Khan and many others have justifiably taken

Blame Benazir and Malala, not the takfiris who attacked them: Hizb ut-Tahrir and Imran Khan’s logic: The cowardly attack by the Taliban on world-renowned education activist Malala has fuelled conspiracy theories in Pakistan. Some right-wing Islamist organizations are calling her a foreign agent, some even consider her shooting was a well choreographed drama and no bullet pierced her head at all.

‘Systematic Shia extermination in Pakistan is a genocide’ : An interview with Dr. Taqi: Elements of Pakistani media are literally embedded with the jihadists for their Afghan and Kashmir ventures and have underreported or misreported the Shia genocide issue. In fact, those killed are never identified as Shia ‘The Pakistani anchors have done

Amnesty International and HRW are constantly remiss in reporting Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Dr. Muhammad Taqi: Related posts: An open letter to Amnesty International from concerned citizens of Pakistan Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel “If this isn’t Shia genocide, what is?” – by Zofeen

Open season on Shiite Muslims in Pakistan – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Pakistan continues its tragic journey down the xenophobic abyss. As this country gets over a blood-soaked Eid, let me recall a 44-word short story by Saadat Hasan Manto. He wrote: “Ripping the belly cleanly, the knife moved in a

Malik Ishaq living large in Sherry Rehman’s new Pakistan – by Dr. Taqi: At a panel discussion during the Aspen Security Forum last week, the Pakistani envoy to the United States, Ms Sherry Rehman traded barbs with two key figures of the US administration on Pak-Afghan policy. President Barack Obama’s special adviser

State-sponsored Shia genocide or Sunni violence against Shia community? A response to Sadanand Dhume: Related post: ISI-sponsored #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan or Sunni-Shia sectarian violence? ‘Sectarian Violence’ or Gradual Genocide of Shia Muslims? – by Dr. Nakvisson Raza Rumi’s discourse on Pakistan’s Shia Muslims Is Shia genocide an adequate term to describe the plight of

Shia genocide: nameless crime, faceless victims – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: LUBP editors have taken a lead since 2008 in clearly highlighting and condemning the Shia genocide taking place in Pakistan at the hands of Jihadi-sectarian militants, some of whom are also supported by Pakistan’s military establishment. In

Massacre of Shia Pashtuns in Kurram bazar and the collective silence of media, activists and politicians – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: In the following rare op-ed, in fact first by any Pakistani columnist on the Kurram massacre (17 Feb 2012), Dr. Mohammad Taqi highlights that the catastrophe in Kurram Bazaar of Parachinar did not end just with the

A contemptuous court that has always backed the military -by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) has directed Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to appear before it on Thursday to explain why contempt of court proceedings should not be initiated against him. The contempt charges emanate from Gilani not

On Najam Sethi’s Punjabi ethnocentric, pro-establishment propaganda: Related Post: Najam Sethi parrots Deep State’s lies by equating Pashtuns with Taliban – by Salma Jafar A manufactured perspective about the Pakistani media is that the sauve English speaking types are somehow more objective in their reporting and

Book review: Humanising the monster —by Dr Mohammad Taqi: My life with the Taliban By Abdul Salam Zaeef Translated from Pashto and edited by Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn Hurst/Columbia University Press; Pp 331 In his foreword to Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef’s book, Professor Barnett Rubin

A Pakistani perspective: A series of unfortunate events – by Dr. Muhammad Taqi: Related posts: Husain Haqqani’s replacement with Sherry Rehman was jointly engineered by Uncle Sam and Pakistan Army – by Laibaah HRW and elite media must not misrepresent Sherry Rehman We are reassured to see that at least some writers

PTI’s financial scruples — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: If one red US cent goes towards putting a US soldier in harm’s way, that does not reflect well on the US officials who had been cosying up to Imran Khan and had a meeting with him just before

Killings of Hazara Shias: makings of genocide? Some questions for human rights groups — by Mohammad Taqi: Guest editor’s note: In the following op-ed published in Daily Times, Dr. Mohammad Taqi continues with his tradition of writing on sensitive and non-mainstream topics thus demonstrating his character and intellectual integrity. Dr. Taqi asks tough questions from what
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