Monthly Archive:: June 2013

Imran Khan announces protest campagian against rigging in elections: LAHORE (10 June 2013): Showing his distrust in the institutions of judiciary and Election Commission, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has threatened to launch a protest campaign after Eid if its reservations about the election results are not removed. “We’ll take

LUBP, Roshni and other pro rights sites banned while hate sites are allowed to function – by Anonymous Sons of Pakistan: This Respectable lady is Anusha Rahman Khan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s new IT Minister. In her first day of office she has warned that the most widely used search engine in the world “Google” will be banned in the

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants no organ-eating rebels at peace talks: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin attending a press conference at a EU-Russia summit in the industrial Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg. Picture: AFP RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin, known for his black humour, has said he hoped that Syria’s opposition will

The Jihadi Hydra in Syria under West’ Patronage – by Sadiq Ameen: This Belgian video, that is recently doing rounds in the West shows some Western origin soldiers beheading an opponent in Syria, reveals nothing new. This is the same story from the blood-spattered tableau vivant being painted by Boko

ڈی این اے , رحمت کا فرشتہ – سعدیہ نواز: انصاف سب کیلیےامریکی ریاست مشی گن کے شہر ڈیٹرائٹ میں 54 سالہ شخص ایڈی جو للیڈ کو سترہ سال جیل میں گزارنے کے بعد 6 جون 2013 کو رہای نصیب ہوئ، اس پر الزام تھا کہ اسنے ایک

ایک افسانہ جو حقیقت سے ملا ہوا ہے: کنکریاں)افسانہ) بیٹا!یہ جدہ ہے یہاں سے ہم احرام باندھیں گے اور پھر اپنے مقدس ترین سفر کا آغاز کردیں گے-میرے بابا کی آواز میرے کان میں پڑی تو میں چونک گیا-اس سے قبل جدہ کی دور سے

Pakistani Deobandi Wahhabi militants killed near Syrian capital: Note : It is shameful that Pakistan is producing and exporting Takfiri Wahhabi and Deobandi Jihadists to become cannon fodder in Syria. In the past Pakistan’s Takfiri militants have been found in many different countries including but not limited

ڈاکٹر عبد المالک کیا کرپائیں گے؟: نیا جمہوری سفر شروع ہوچکا ہے-اس نئے جمہوری سفر میں امیدپرستوں کی جانب سے دو باتیں بہت تواتر کے ساتھ کہی جارہی ہیں-ایک تو یہ کہ بلوچستان میں نئی حکومت بہت بڑا کارنامہ ہے-یہ حکومت بلوچستان کے ایشو کو

سعودی غلامی میں نواز لیگ کا تعصب اور فرقہ پرستی – از حق گو: پاکستان کی حکومتی پارٹی نواز لیگ نے اپنے فیس بک پیج پر ایک پالیسی بیان جاری کیا ہے -جس میں نہ صرف ایران پاکستان گیس پائپ لائن کے حوالے سے ان کی منفی سوچ کی عکاسی ہوتی ہے بلکہ

پی پی کے لئے مشورہ – از نصرت جاوید: Source :

پاک ایران تعلقات اور نواز حکومت – از انور عباس: پاکستان کے انتخابی نتائج کو ہمارے ہمسایہ ممالک میں بڑی باریک بینی سے دیکھا جا رہا ہے۔خاص طور پر برادر اسلامی ملک ایران میں بڑی تشویش کا اظہار کیا جا رہا ہے۔ایران کی قیادت پاک ایران گیس پائپ لائن

How will you tackle terror, PM Nawaz Sharfi? – by Ammar Yasir: Will the PML-N hold the bull by its horns In an unprecedented turn of events, Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif was recently sworn in as the 27th Prime Minister of Pakistan. Sharif, 63, is the only political leader in Pakistan

درست قدم اٹھا یں – از منیر احمد بلوچ: Source:

ایجنسیوں اور تحریک انصاف کی حمایت کے باوجود سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دہشتگرد اورنگزیب فاروقی کو الیکشن میں شکست: اسلام ٹائمز: سندھ اسمبلی کی نشست پی ایس 128 کے 6 پولنگ اسٹیشنوں پر انتخابات میں جماعت اسلامی اور تحریک انصاف کی غیر اعلانیہ حمایت کے باوجود اورنگزیب فاروقی کو چند ووٹ سے شکست ہوگئی۔ سندھ اسمبلی کی نشست

Deciphering Turkey’s Upheaval – by A Z: I and my family were in Turkey less than a month ago and stayed very close to Taksim Square for over a week. We had a great time with no inkling whatsoever of what was to follow just

PML-N’s opposition to Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is a perfect example of sectarian bigotry and anti-people pro-Saudi agenda: Pakistan’s ruling party PML-N has issued a policy statement on its facebook page indicating their intention to scuttle the Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project and also showing their Saudi-inspire sectarian colours. Thanks to the Saudi-Nawaz anti-people agenda, they want us

TTP Commander Waliur Rehman Deobandi and Imran Khan’s march of folly – by Mahpara Qalander: Who was Waliur Rehman Deobandi? The easy answer is that he was the deputy in command of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) who was killed by a drone attack on 29 of May. But was he just the number 2

LUBP supports PTI in its quest for energy generation – by Mahpara Qalandar: The newly-installed PTI government has announced that it might start deliberations on building a dam in the KP to deal with the power crisis which has engulfed not only the KP, but the entire country. We at LUBP commend

In a refined manner, Tarek Fatah continues to promote Salafist agenda in North American media: Source: World Shia Forum The recent events in Syria have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the deep divide within Muslims. It has also made clear that Saudi Arabia and its Salafist Wahhabi minions in the Gulf are

PM Nawaz Sharif has started attacking free media by banning Pakistan’s popular political blog LUBP: Within 24 hours of taking oath, Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has already started enforcing and implementing a Saudi Wahabo-Fascist agenda in Pakistan. LUBP readers from Karachi Pakistan have been confirmed that a few posts including this one

سپاہ صحابہ کا مولانا طاہر اشرفی کے ساتھ کبھی کتا، کبھی جناب والا رویہ: ہم سپاہ صحابہ لشکر جھنگوی کے تکفیری دہشت گردوں کی جانب سے دیوبندی عالم دین مولانا طاہر اشرفی کو ہراساں کرنے کی مذمت کرتے ہیں سپاہ صحابہ لشکر جھنگوی کے تکفیری دہشت گرد اہلسنت والجماعت دیوبندی کے نام کو

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Junaid Qaiser: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

Stop religious discrimination: Debutant MNAs – Shahzad Raza: Persecution of Ahmedis, Shias and other religious minorities has killed the true essence of secularist ideology of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who never envisioned creating a theocracy or a religion-based state. Under the garb of so-called reconciliation hardly any political

A license to rape – by Murtaza Hassan: A series of events in the past few weeks have again highlighted the injustices being committed against women in the name of Islam in Pakistan. Recently, the three accused of raping an 18-year old woman at Jinnah’s Mausoleum were

Saudi Agenda and Nawaz Sharif – by Shiraz Paracha: One more time, Pakistan seems to have come under the full control of the ruling Saudi elite. As an arm of the U.S defense establishment, the brutal and repressive Saudi elites have been a major cause of instability in Pakistan, particularly

Consequences of giving the Education Ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami in KP—by Shiraz Paracha: The decision by the PTI ‘s provincial government to give education ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) will have monumental negative effects on education and future generations.The Jamaat-e-Islamai is a non-electable party, yet it controls Pakistan. In fact, today’s Pakistan is

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Humza Ikram: LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

What did Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif not say in his maiden speech in the parliament? – by Marvi Sirmed: With the election of Mian Nawaz Sharif as the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the next five years, the process of Pakistan’s transition from one democratic regime to another was concluded. Out of the 317 votes cast, Mr. Sharif

The West’s Fatal Attraction: Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism – by Sadiq Ameen: Last week an American woman (Nicole Lynn Mansfield) has been killed in Syria while fighting alongside rebel forces against the Assad regime alongside two other Westerners—the U.K. press has identified one as a British man born in 1990. The

A profile of Malik Riaz Hussain of Bahria Town – by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Note: We are cross-posting from Kafila an interesting article by Dr. Siddiqa on Pakitsan’s real estate tycoon Malik Riaz Hussain. We are glad that Dr. Siddiqa has not written about M. Mansha and the other Billionaire supporters of PML-N.

Why I am against Taliban Government – by H.A.Khan: Yesterday I went to a cinema hall to watch an Indian movie. When our masses are being told that the lovers of Taliban and the extremist people whom want to bring a Shariah law in your country and

Woolwich Attack: Nothing but barbarity – by Dur-e-Aden: The recent attack on a British Soldier by a man with a knife and a meat cleaver was an act that was distinctive in its barbarity. Although news of beheadings is common place in war torn areas such

Welcome to PM Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan: Three journalists attacked in Punjab and Islamabad: LUBP strongly condemns the murder attempt on two senior Pakistani journalists Rana Azeem and Ashraf Majeed. We demand from PMLN’s government in Punjab and Islamabad to take firm action against those responsible of this coward attack. We also condemn

نواز شریف کے نام محمد حنیف کا کھلا خط: پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے سربراہ میاں نواز شریف چودہ سال بعد تیسری بار پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم بن گئے ہیں۔ اس عرصے میں انھوں نے قید تنہائی کاٹی، جلاوطنی میں رہے، ایک بار ملک واپس آنے کی کوشش

PM Sharif’s convoy stopped to let Army chief pass – by Shahzad Raza: Who is the real power wielder in Pakistan: the Prime Minister or the Army chief? ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan witnessed a historic democratic transition, many in the county have started to believe that the days of military supremacy are over.

امتحان حال سے براہ راست – از شاہد شاہ: گریجویشن کے امتحانات سے ابھی فارغ ہی ہوا تھا،سوچا چند دن آرام ہی کرلوں،مگر میرے انتہائی قریبی دوست سے میرا چین برداشت نہ ہوا اور آ پہنچا ایک اور امتحان لے کر ،اس بار کا امتحان پہلے سے بہت

Signs of things to come: Nawaz Sharif begins his journey with a half truth – by Mahpara Qalandar: Nawaz Sharif will not be third time lucky, you can rest assured. Forget about the arrogance which dripped from his semi-prosthetic head down to his peacock-like walking legs. Forget about the inanities of resolving public issues he has been

Sharif Beverages Ltd and Arabi Cola – by K.K. Shahid: Sharif Beverages Ltd is a Pakistani multinational beverage corporation that deals with the production, manufacture, retail, marketing, import and export of drinks and syrup concentrates. The company is owned by the Sharif brothers and is best known for its