Newspaper Articles Archive

Why everything you’ve read about Syria and Iraq could be wrong: The Iraqi army, backed by US-led airstrikes, is trying to capture east Mosul at the same time as the Syrian army and its Shia paramilitary allies are fighting their way into east Aleppo. An estimated 300 civilians have

Holy wars and the founding of Saudi Arabia: Did he feel like a failure on the road to Diriyah, or question his decision to stone that woman to death? Perhaps being cast from his hometown for religious tyranny just made him dig deeper into his belief that

Pakistan shrine attack: Why Islamists consider mystical Islam a threat: The attack took place at the famous Shah Noorani shrine, in the Lasbela district of the volatile Baluchistan province. It happened as worshippers performed the dhamal – a mystical dance – paying tribute to the famous sufi preacher Hazrat Baba

Gitmo prisoner reveals that Saudi ‘terrorist rehab’ center is a scam: Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad. According

West running campaign of lies about Syria chemical attacks: Deputy FM: A senior Syrian official has roundly rejected as part of “a campaign of lies” recent allegations by Western media outlets that the Damascus government is using chemical weapons in its anti-terror operations across the Arab country. “The multitude

Pakistan bans all 11 Christian TV stations, arrests cable operators in crackdown: Pakistan’s television regulatory body has banned all 11 Christian TV channels airing in the country and arrested at least six cable operators for defying the order, according to reports. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, or PEMRA, does

Tulsi is the right person to take on the exclusionist ideologies of ISIS & others: Two weeks after Donald Trump’s shocking upset of Hillary Clinton, the imperious and imperial neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist understudies may finally be losing their tight grip on U.S. foreign policy. The latest sign was Trump’s invitation for a meeting

True Colours: Saudi Arabia resorts to slander to tarnish both Iraq and Arbaeen: I don’t think this quote has ever rung more pertinently true. I also think that Saudi Arabia’s recent faux-pas towards Iraq and Shia Islam most brilliantly exemplified the abominable sectarian nature of the kingdom’s dogmatic aberration: Wahhabism. Earlier

Intra-ASWJ differences make ringleaders of banned terrorist outfit enemies: Ringleaders of proscribed ASWJ, mother of all terrorism in Pakistan, have been pitted against each other in the electoral politics of district Jhang, hometown of the founder of the banned Deobandi terrorist outfit namely Haq Nawaz Jhangvi. Masroor

Hussain ibn Ali – martyr among martyrs: With Arbaeen about to reach its ultimate climax coming November 21 I found myself pondering over the state we find ourselves in as Muslims … We stand a people divided for a lack of humility. God knows I

Bangladesh considering dropping Islam as state religion, according to senior minister: Editor’s note: States should not have religions and Pakistan should figure this out as soon as possible. Government officials in Bangladesh are considering dropping Islam as the country’s national religion after a senior politician claimed Bangladeshi people have embraced

Arbaeen – Millions rise to answer Imam Hussain’s last call: In less than a week millions of pilgrims will come together to commemorate the passing of their Imam: Hussain ibn Ali – Islam’s greatest martyr and beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. In less than a week the world

نیشل ایکشن پلان؟ لدھیانوی باہر کیا ہوئے، سپاہ صحابہ کے بانی حق نواز جھنگوی کا بیٹا الیکشن لڑے گا: لاہور ہائی کورٹ نے گزشتہ دنوں اہلسنت والجماعت کے سربراہ مولانا محمد احمد لدھیانوی کو پنجاب کے شہر جھنگ کی صوبائی اسمبلی کی نشست پر ہونے والے ضمنی انتخابات کے لیے نااہل قرار دے دیا تھا۔ مولانا محمد احمد

#600Days of siege & genocide: Twitterstorm calls for an end to Yemen conflict: Social media users have created a Twitterstorm to draw awareness to the war in Yemen. It has now been more than 600 days since Saudi Arabia intervened. Using hashtags #600days and #600daysGenocide Twitter users shared images from the

Messenger 40 – Muslims develop technology to promote religious unity against radicalism: As radicalism and hatred continue to empty their venom onto the world: sowing discord, enmity, and self-righteous arrogance, a group of Shia Muslim entrepreneurs from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq and the US, imagined a technology which would

An obituary of The New York Times: Working with the government to suppress stories, covering up election fraud in the ruling party and ruthlessly campaigning against the main US opposition leader, The New York Times has sentenced itself to wither away into irrelevance. Remembered only

The great pilgrimage of Arbaeen – How Hussain ibn Ali cried Freedom: “If you do not have any religion, then at least be free (open-minded) in your present life” – Imam Hussain In less than a fortnight millions of people will gather in Karbala, Iraq, to commemorate the martyrdom

Sabri’s murderer confirms he killed Sabri because of his beliefs were closer to Shia: Two people have been arrested by the Counter-Terrorism Department for the murder of famed qawwal Amjad Sabri and other high-profile cases, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah told journalists on Monday. “The CTD headed by Raja Umar Khattab

Two people involved in Amjad Sabri murder arrested by CTD: Sindh CM: Two people have been arrested by the Counter-Terrorism Department for the murder of famed qawwal Amjad Sabri and other high-profile cases, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah told journalists on Monday. “The CTD headed by Raja Umar

The jihadi godfather who is helping buy up New Jersey: The world’s leading advocate of jihad is behind a campaign to sell ‘sharia-compliant’ house mortgages in America. A US website called Ricochet exposed cleric Muhammad Taqi Usmani’s connection with the Islamic property company, Guidance Financial, earlier this year.

سابق سینیٹر سید فیصل رضا عابدی کو فی الفور رہا کیاجائے، قائد ایم کیوایم الطاف حسین: سابق سینیٹر سید فیصل رضا عابدی کو فی الفور رہا کیاجائے، قائد ایم کیوایم الطاف حسین جھوٹے الزام میں فیصل رضا عابدی کی گرفتاری سے اہل تشیع عوام میں شدید غم وغصہ پایاجاتا ہے، الطاف حسین فرقہ وارانہ تعصب

Saudi ambassador gives bizarre answer to illegal Yemen cluster bombing question: ‘It’s like asking if you’ll stop beating your wife’: Editor’s note : Horrifying. And these are the people who are funding one US presidential candidate. How can anyone who wants to project themselves as an icon for women’s rights take money from those who joke about wife

Yemen’s War – Saudi Arabia hides behind Holy Mecca to garner sympathies: Of the many and grave abominable crimes the House of Saud committed over the centuries: from the pillage of Karbala at the turn of the 19thcentury, to the destruction of Medina’s historical heritage, and the systematic disappearing of

Lies, lies and more lies over fabricated Mecca attack – the opportunism of religious politicking is shameful!: Saudi Arabia’s propaganda machine has hit over-drive … Mecca the world has been warned was almost hit by a treacherous missile, and Islam’s holiest of sites were almost disappeared. Wait a minute … I’m confused here! Who is

آل سعود کو کس نے مکہ اور مدینہ کا ٹھیکیدار بنایا ہے؟: مکہ کی اراضی پر ناجائز قبضہ کرنے والے نام نہاد امام کعبہ نے یہ آج تک نہیں بتایا کہ مکہ کی زمین جو عالم اسلام کی زمین ہے، پر اس نے قبضہ کیوں کیا؟ اور یہ کہ آل سعود

Houthi missile attack – Dawn Editorial: The Saudi-Houthi conflict took a dangerous turn as reports emerged on Friday that the Yemeni rebel group had fired a missile deep inside the kingdom. Accounts of the missile’s intended target vary: the Saudis insist the attack was

Attack on majlis – Dawn Editorial: AS the state scrambles to contain the menace of sectarian militancy, the extremists have resorted to using novel methods, and increasingly hitting ‘soft’ targets. Mass-casualty attacks have thankfully been averted this Muharram — thanks largely to the multilayer

پاکستان میں شیعہ پروفیشنلز کی نسل کشی جاری: ایسی تصاویر عموما کسی بڑے پروفیشنل ادارے کی ویب سائیٹس پر، ملٹی نیشنل کمپنیز کے بروشرز میں یا کسی بزنس میگزین میں معاشیات یا بزنس سے متعلق مضمون میں نظر آتی ہیں۔ تصویر دیکھ کر ہی اندازہ ہوجاتا ہے

Takfiri Deobandis continue to massacre lovers of Imam Hussain a.s. and continue to attend PMLN rallies: At least five people were killed and several others were injured when Takfiri Deobandi armed men opened fire in the Nazimabad No. 4 area of Karachi. The attackers reportedly targeted participants of a majlis that was going on

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War: In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used chemical weapons against rebel forces. Only two months later, in June of 2013, the United States concluded that the

Isil ‘took part’ in Quetta attack, says Pakistani terror group ally: Editor’s Note: The daily Telegraph article points to overlapping memberships of Al Quaeda, Taliban and ISIS. We can extrapolate to include other groups like LEJ ASWJ, in fact we will run out of space making long lists of

اہل تشیع کا قتل عام چھپانے کے مسائل – منروہ طاہر: لیاقت آباد کے علاقہ میں در عباس امام بارگاہ میں مجلس پر حملہ ہوتا ہے۔ تیرہ سالہ بچہ شہید ہو جاتا ہے جب کہ دیگر خواتین زخمی ہوتی ہیں۔ ایسے میں ٹویٹر پر #ShiaGenocide ٹرینڈ ہونے لگتا ہے۔

If I’m standing before you today, it may be you tomorrow, says Wahid Baloch’s daughter: Speakers at seminar say missing persons now a national issue “If I’m standing before you today, it could be you in my position tomorrow,” Hani Baloch, daughter of literary figure Wahid Baloch who has been missing for over

We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis: It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over the sexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating

A roar at a Funeral, and Yemen’s war Is altered: SANA, Yemen — Large speakers played verses from the Quran as hundreds of mourners filed through the fanciest reception hall in Sana, the capital, to pay their respects to a prominent family after the death of its patriarch.

The lies the kingdom tells – Saudi Arabia throws Hadi’s under the bus: In a rather pathetic, and may I dare say rather unsophisticated fashion, Saudi Arabia – the grand devourer of world, attempted this October 15, 2016 to rationalise murder by pinning blame onto the very regime it claims has

It’s time to release the real history of the 1953 Iran coup: Sixty-three years ago, the CIA and British intelligence fomented a coup d’état that toppled the prime minister of Iran, restored a cooperative shah and strengthened a regional buffer against possible Soviet aggression. It also unwittingly set Iran on a

‘If elected president, Hillary Clinton plan for Syrian no-fly zone could trigger WWIII’: Talking about America’s exceptionalism, Clinton is trying to provide a rationale and an argument for US hegemony and domination of the world, says Gerald Horne, author and historian. In an attempt to offer voters a different perspective on the

37 mourners of Imam Hussain a.s. killed by Takfiri Salafi and Deobandis: Editor’s note: Once again we would like to implore lovers of Ahlul Bayt to focus on our common enemy. The Shia Muslims are the first line of defence against the Takfiri Deoabandi and Salafi terrorist who are manufactured

Following Imam Hosein’s moral struggle can help the Muslim world’s geopolitical resurgence: The religion of Islam has emerged as the second largest faith-following religion in the world. Today, the world of Islam seems to be in a miserable and desperate situation to overthrow the reins of oppression, lies and tyranny.