Newspaper Articles Archive

Ibn Taymiyyah : The founder of ISIS: Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the most quoted personalities of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. In this article we will learn about him, his ideas and why so many Muslims of the salafi sect go on to join

This is what Theresa May refused to tell you in her schoolyard sermon on terror: Was that really the best Theresa May could do? It was the same old tosh about “values” and “democracy” and “evil ideology”, without the slightest reference to the nation to whom she fawns – Saudi Arabia, whose Wahhabist “ideology” has seeped into the bloodstream of

A wicked congregation: This past week, leaders of almost 50 ‘Islamic’ nations met, under the leadership of Donald Trump and the frail King Salman, as part of the first “Arab Islamic American Summit”, and added their collective voice to an absolutely

We know what inspired the Manchester attack, We Just won’t admit It: In the wake of the massacre in Manchester, people rightly warn against blaming the entire Muslim community in Britain and the world. Certainly one of the aims of those who carry out such atrocities is to provoke the

Trump, Salman and Netanyahu: The match made in Hell: As United States President Donald Trump struts his limited stuff across the international stage, his ‘accomplishments’ during this tour will benefit no one but the wealthy elites at home and abroad. Let us look first at his time in Saudi

وہ سب ایران سے خوف زدہ کیوں ہیں؟ – ایاز امیر: حجاز کی مقدس سرزمین سے تعلق رکھنے والے ہمارے دوستوں، اور خلیج سے ہمارے کچھ دیگر احباب کے لیے داعش ایک مسئلہ تو ہے، لیکن حقیقی دشمن نہیں۔ ان کے نزدیک حقیقی دشمن، اور جس کے نام سے اُنہیں

Pakistani sympathisers split over Saudi-Iran spat: The Pakistan Awami Tehrik has taken exception to the statement against brother Islamic country Iran at the International Islamic conference in Saudi Arabia. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan on Monday also issued an overwhelming statement in favour of Iran, condemning

What is Wahhabism? The reactionary branch of Islam from Saudi Arabia said to be ‘the main source of global terrorism’: In July 2013, Wahhabism was identified by the European Parliament in Strasbourg as the main source of global terrorism. Wahhabism has become increasingly influential, partly because of Saudi money and partly because of Saudi Arabia’s central influence as

Why framing Shia genocide as a sectarian conflict only trivialises the problem: One of the most important factors which determine the way an issue is understood, debated and addressed is the way it is framed in the media. Framing becomes extremely important as it affects the discourse, narrative, and ultimately

Junaid Hafeez: condemned forever?: In his early 60s now, Mr Hafeez is a soft-spoken and kind man but he smiles rarely or not at all. Although sleep-deprived and fatigued, his eyes glimmer with memories of times that were, and hope for the

Gama Pehalvan: The man who singlehandedly shielded the Hindus of his mohala from a religiously charged mob in 1947: A few years ago an international tournament of Desi Kushti was held in Kohlapur district in India’s Maharashtra state. Some wrestlers from Lahore were taking part and a rumor spread that in one of the bouts the great

Followers of murdered Pakistani activist say they will not be silenced: The followers of a Pakistani rights activist murdered for his daring campaigns against extremists say they are determined to continue risking open confrontation with some of the country’s most feared Islamist and sectarian groups. Khurram Zaki was shot dead

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh believes that Hillary Clinton approved the sending of sarin gas to Syria: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh believes that Hillary Clinton approved the sending of sarin gas to Syria. At a time when Clinton is trying to secure the 2016 democratic presidential nomination, Hersh is coming forward with allegations that

Al Jazeera, CNN & BBC cover up Genocidal crimes of US – Backed Syrian Rebels: DAMASCUS– (Analysis) This week, Syria saw one of its most deadly attacks against civilians fleeing al-Qaeda-held areas in Al-Fu’ah and Kafrayah through a government-rebel civilian swap. Rebels targeted and killed 126 people, including dozens of women and children,

It’s time to acknowledge Shi’ite Genocide: Two days ago, buses carrying residents from the Syrian towns of Foua and Kfraya were attacked by a suicide bomber. They were part of an exchange that allowed Foua and Kfyara residents to flee their rebel-held towns and

Pakistan approves military hero to head tricky Saudi-Led alliance: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The appointment of a popular Pakistani general to head a Saudi-led alliance of Muslim countries has set off a furor in Pakistan, amid fears that the move could exacerbate sectarian tensions at home. Pakistan’s

Saudi woman’s plea for help exposes risks faced by runaways: A young Saudi woman’s plea for help after she was stopped at an airport in the Philippines en route to Australia where she planned to seek asylum has triggered a firestorm on social media and drawn attention to

By asking for ‘Sunni soldiers’ Saudi Arabia is trying to divide Pakistan Army: If I were to tell you that Saudi Arabia wants the Pakistan Army, but only the Sunni soldiers and officers, what would your reaction be? If I were to tell you that the training contingent that is in

Dr Riaz Ahmed’s detention- daily Dawn’s Editorial: It is a strange irony in Pakistan that those who protest peacefully are silenced by the deep state, while the merchants of hate and death are largely free to stomp across this land with impunity. Take the case

قلندر کا دالان بہت خطرناک – وسعت اللہ خان: ایسا ہی ہے لعل و لال قلندر لال جہاں قبر پر پڑی لال چادر خون کے لال اڑتے چھینٹے یوں جذب کر لے جیسے جزو کل میں شامل ہو جائے، اور پھر اگلی فجر سے دما دم مست قلندر

Raja Gidh: Bano Qudsi’a attack on reason: Two decades ago when I arrived Punjab University, two titles were a must read. Students with a progressive bent of mind read and discussed Raja Anwar’s ‘Jhotay Roop Kay Darshan’ (Glimpses of Fake Beauty), a collection of

Tulsi Gabbard, True Maverick: It’s nice to be reminded on occasion that not all of our so-called representatives in Congress have gone over to the dark side. While the majority of our federal lawmakers exist to blindly serve the military-industrial

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard returns from Syria with renewed calls: End regime change war in Syria now: Washington, DC—Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) returned to Washington, DC after a week-long visit to Damascus, Aleppo, and Beirut to see and hear firsthand the impact of the war in Syria directly from the Syrian people. She heard stories of

The Isis campaign against Iraq’s Shia Muslims is not politics. It’s genocide: The carnage in Iraq continues. Yet another terrorist attack took place today in Baghdad, the latest in a series of such atrocities that have hit the capital and other parts of the country over the past week. Isis

On the Sad first anniversary of Sheikh Nimr: Coming this January 2sd, 2017 a people will remember the martyrdom of one of Shia Islam’s most defining figures: Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the brutal regime of al-Saud. Together a cleric, a teacher, and a pro-democracy activist, Sheikh

Maria Saadeh, Syrian Christian former member of parliament, speaks at IDC Side Event: “Syrian Women in politics faced with war and double standards.” By Maria Saadeh, Member of the Syrian Parliament IDC Side Event, UN Geneva, 16 June 2016 I would like to talk about my experience as a Syrian woman facing

Jesus and The Virgin Mary in Islam: Many people may be surprised that Muslims love Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary. Mary receives the most attention of any woman mentioned in the Quran even though

Similarities between Islam and Christianity: The Christmas holiday is coming upon us, with colorful lights, joyful carols and people going to churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Prophet Isa). It is well known, particularly in this holiday season, that Christians follow the teaching

ISIS fighters returning from Iraq, Syria may unleash Europe attacks: Cops: ISIS may step up attacks in Europe as it loses ground in the Middle East and foreign fighters return to their home countries, a new report from Europol warned Friday. The continental law enforcement agency said that car bombs,

‘Unlike Western mainstream media, I’ve spent the last three days in East Aleppo’: Western media and propaganda have supported the incarceration, torture, abuse and horror that these civilians had had to go through says journalist Vanessa Beeley. Columnist Brent Budowsky and Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute join the debate.

The day before Deraa: How the war broke out in Syria: The day before September 11, 2001 was like any normal day in New York City. September 10, 2001 was unaware of the earthshaking events which would happen the next day. Similarly, one might think the day before the

There is more than one truth to tell in the awful story of Aleppo – Robert Fisk: Western politicians, “experts” and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar al-Assad’s army has retaken control of eastern Aleppo. We’re going to find out if the 250,000 civilians “trapped”

Saudi Arabia and Gulf states ‘support Islamic extremism in Germany,’ intelligence report finds: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are supporting extremist Islamic groups in Germany, according to a leaked intelligence report. A brief seen by the Süddeutsche Zeitung and broadcasters NDR and WDR raised concern over a reported increase in support

How we lost the Middle East by tying our camels with the Saudis: Since the overly-hyped “Arab spring” was selectively launched by sectarian Gulf despots to eliminate their secular rivals in 2011, the United States has picked the wrong side. In Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya and even Iraq, the United States

Farmers mount protest against Qatari hunters over damage to crop: MULTAN: Chickpea farmers clashed with police in Mahni area of Mankera tehsil, in Bhakkar district, over damage to their crop caused allegedly by members of the Qatari royal family hunting houbara bustards. After pronouncements were made through loudspeakers,

30,000-year-old rock art, 110 heritage sites discovered in Khyber Agency: PESHAWAR: Archaeologists and political administration claimed on Thursday to have uncovered multiple pre-history sites, including 30,000-year-old rock art in Tehsil Jamrud of Khyber Agency. The archaeological survey as a pilot project was initiated by the agency’s political administration, along

Trump Transition: As Secretary of State, Tulsi Gabbard offers potential for peace with Syria, Russia: so far as world peace and prosperity goes, most of the names currently being kicked around for America’s top diplomatic position do not inspire a great deal of confidence. It’s easy to feel uneasy when you see recycled neoconservative

Bombshell: Congresswoman tells CNN U.S. Gov funds ISIS: Brave Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard told CNN that the U.S. government funds both ISIS and Al Qaeda, in a live interview. According to the Hawaii representative, Donald Trump’s priority as President should be de-funding both of these terrorist organisations as

Erdogan’s Son-in Law involved in oil trade with Salafi & Deobandi Terrorists: On Monday Wikileaks published a searchable archive of the 58,000 leaked emails from Turkey’s energy minister and son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Berat Albayrak. The emails contain vast amounts of evidence linking Albayrak to the disgraced Turkish

Saudi jets attack Pakistani boat off Yemen, kill six sailors: At least six Pakistani sailors have reportedly been killed after a Saudi airstrike targeted their boat off the Yemeni coast. The Saudi jets targeted a boat carrying 12 Pakistani sailors off Mukha coast in the Yemeni province of