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طالبان دہشت گرد کسی رحم کے مستحق نہیں – نذیر ناجی: Source :

زندہ ہے گوئبلز زندہ ہے – از وسعت اللہ خان: ہٹلر کے وزیرِ اطلاعات جوزف گوئبلز کو جدید پروپیگنڈے کا باوا سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ ایک جگہ فرماتے ہیں کہ لوگوں کی نفسیات اور کمزوریاں سمجھ کے ایک ہی بات کی تکرار سے چوکور کو دائرہ ثابت کرنا کوئی مشکل

The $120,000 farmhouse where Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud died: MIRANSHAH: With marble floors, lush green lawns and a towering minaret, the $120,000 farm where feared Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud died in a US drone strike was no grubby mountain cave. Mehsud spent his days skipping around

TTP Power Struggle intensifies – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: As the internal power struggle in the TTP between various factions to grab the top slot of Ameer began, loyalists of Hakimullah Mehsud have chosen Sheharyar Mehsud alias Shahbaz as the new Ameer of their faction in North

بلوچستان: گاڑی پرتکفیری دیوبندی لشکر جھنگوی کی فائرنگ، شیعہ ہزارہ برادری کے چھ مزدور ہلاک: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : لشکر جھنگوی کی بربریت کا نشانہ بننا پاکستانی شیعہ کے لئے کوئی نئی بات نہیں اسی طرح پاکستانی میڈیا کا مقتول شیعہ /ہزارہ اور قاتل دیوبندی تکفیریوں کی شناخت چھپانا بھی کوئی نئی بات نہیں – پاکستان

The Taliban will never talk – by Abbas Zaidi: Pakistan as always is divided between Talk or Not Talk with the Taliban. But this is not an equal division. If you take a hard look, you will find that the entire parliament, the Army, the media, and

Calling Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy ‘jahil’ can only happen in Pakistan – by Nayyar Afaq: After reading the correct phrases from the book myself, it was easy to see that the thesis prepared by Orya and Abbasi against Malala, for allegedly ‘supporting’ Rushdie and Ahmadis, was all based on fabrications. A few days ago,

Pakistani Sunni and Shia leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration in Turkey: Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism. and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country. Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN

The invisible enemy – by Rasul Bakhsh Rais: The writer is a security and political analyst and works at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad Pakistan is one of the three countries in the world where poliovirus continues to infect everyone, crippling the most vulnerable sections of

Al Qaeda core was in Karachi on 9/11: WASHINGTON: On Sept 11, 2001, the core of Al Qaeda was concentrated in a single city: Karachi. At a hospital, the accused mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole was recovering from a tonsillectomy. Nearby, the alleged organiser

نہتی ملالہ یوسف زئی سے نام نہاد دانشوروں کی محاذ آرائی: (تحریر: نیرؔ آفاق) گزشتہ برس، تحریک طالبان پاکستان کی طرف سے قاتلانہ حملے کے بعد، جب ملالہ یوسف زئی زندگی اور موت کی کشمکش میں تھی، سوشل میڈیا پر اس کے خلاف ایک بھرپور مہم شروع کردی گئی۔ حملے

اوریا مْقبول جان کا ملالہ فوبیا – از خاپیرئ یوسفزئ: سنا تھا گرنے کی اک حد ہوتی ہے لیکن نظروں سے گرنے کی کوئی حد مقرر نہیں ہے، اور شکر ہے کہ یہ حد مقرر نہیں ورنہ اک حد تک جاکہ ان جھوٹ پرستوں کو رکنا پڑتا۔ اخباری دنیا

Malala Yusufzai: Heroine, Victim, Patsy, Spy – by Omar Ali: Let me start with my preferred version of the Malala narrative, just so that people know where I am coming from: Malala Yusufzai is a 16 year old from Swat, the daughter of a left-leaning Pakhtoon educationist and

Dronophobia – by Kunwar Khuldune Shahid: The irrational, abnormal and persistent fear of drone strikes Dronophobia is a case of specific phobia, the irrational, abnormal and persistent fear of drone strikes. A dronophobe believes that drone strikes causes more harm to a state than suicide

A Christian Family Threatened As They Participated In Protest Against Church Bombings – by Madeeha Shakeel: A Christian family faces life threats as they remain hiding since they reportedly participated in protests held against the twin suicide blasts at a local Church. They have been reportedly receiving death threats for protesting against twin suicide attacks;

Shia Hajji to be beheaded by Saudis for crying on the graves of Prophet’s (PBUH) Ahlul Bait in Baqi cemetery: SHAFAQNA (Shia International News Association) – Foreign relations committee of Iraqi parliament condemned the arrest of one of its citizens and the ruling for him to be beheaded. The committee said with such rulings Saudi Arabia showed their enmity towards

“Strong evidence” Pakistan military approved US drone strikes: UN report – by Sajjad Haider: A recently released UN report suggests there is “strong evidence” that top Pakistani military and intelligence officials approved US drone strikes on Pakistani soil during 2004 and 2008. The study says in some cases, even “senior government figures” gave

Balochistan: Who’s saving the doctors? by Syed Ali Shah: In the past three years alone, at least 21 doctors have been kidnapped in Balochistan. “I was blindfolded and my hands and feet were chained together for 17 days in a mud-walled room,” Dr. Ghullam Rasool; a renowned psychiatrist

Legal drones The ever-awake and perpetually-petitioning Lawyers’ Front acts as the uber protector of the constitution – by Osama Siddique: As a Pakistani I keenly anticipate the truly happy days we rarely get to enjoy. For instance, my heart goes all aflutter when I hear that the Wukala Mahaz Barai Tahafaz Dastoor (hereinafter ‘The Lawyers’ Front for protecting

The Persecution of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia – by Syed Jaffar: Saudi Arabia, the holy place of Islam, has become a humiliating place for Shias living in there or who come to pay a visit to the holy cities of Makah and Medina. The so called Wahabi Muslims in Saudi

Let us dare to speak for persecuted Christians – by Nasir Saeed: On October 10 the European Parliament passed three separate resolutions, one of them condemning violence and persecution against Christians in Syria, Pakistan and Iran. MEPs expressed concern for Christians in Syria, condemning the attacks on the historically Christian town

As The Hajj Begins, The Destruction of Mecca’s Heritage Continues – by Oliver Wainwright: The Grand Mosque in Mecca, teeming with pilgrims for the start of Hajj this week. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP Two million Muslims have flooded into Saudi Arabia’s Mina Valley from Mecca for the start of the Hajj pilgrimage this week.

2003-2011: Half million Iraqis died in war, occupation: Iraqis gather at the site of a car bomb explosion in Baghdad’s al-Sadriyah neighborhood, 18 April 2007, in which over a hundred people were killed. (AFP Photo / Ahmad al-Rubaye) Almost half a million deaths in Iraq between 2003

Free Syrian Army continues to fracture as more units defect – by Bill Roggio: More than 60 units of the Free Syrian Army that operate in the south recently broke off from the main military and political command, which is backed by the US and the West. At least one of the defecting

Blasphemy tragedy: Two new cases of blasphemy against Christians: LAHORE:“I became perplexed and distressed after going through the contents of the registered FIRs under Sections 295 A,295 B and 295 C PPC against Christians at Police Station Township and Police Station Green Town”,said Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill,Chief of

The indecisive PM – by Aziz-ud-Din Ahmad: The man at the helm is letting the country drift Over the last four months, Nawaz Sharif has failed to take a number of important decisions creating the perception that he is indecisive. Major cabinet posts remain unattended. The

Tension in Pakistan After Fundamentalists Dig Up Hindu man’s Grave: A crowd of Islamic fundamentalists dug up the grave of a Hindu man in Pakistan, police said on Tuesday, in the latest sign of growing religious tension in the increasingly unstable province of Sindh. Shouting “Allahu Akbar”, or

Terrorism in Pakistan and the discourse of denial – by Asher John: Perpetrators of terrorist activities are presented as devoid of any social or religious affiliations and hence become the part of an abstraction that leads to more confusion and ambiguity Language is one of the most powerful and creative

‘Genuine’ jihad – by Saad Hafiz: Explaining jihad as a comprehensive concept embracing peaceful persuasion, passive resistance as well as armed struggle against oppression and injustice is lost in this charged environment The prevailing largely negative view of Islam in the non-Muslim world is reinforced

Taliban sexually abuse suicide bombers during training, NDS says – by Qasim Yousafzai: EDITOR’S NOTE: That militants would resort to unscrupulous methods to recruit teens for suicide bombing is nothing new. But emerging stories about sexual abuse are raising eyebrows. Central Asia Online is taking a look at the concerns raised

Radical Sunni-Deobandi groups main source of terror in Pakistan: A prominent global think tank has termed the radical Sunni-Deobandi groups as the “primary source” of terror in Pakistan and said their continued patronage by the army has influenced Islamabad’s relations with India and Afghanistan. The “expanding influence” of

Sakina awaits Tomahawk in Damascus – by Tehsin Haider Zaidi: Arab countries are so excited to applaud the destruction of Damascus that according to Senator John Kerry they have offered to pay the cost of military intervention I visited Sakina only once during my trip to Damascus in 2004.

Difficulty of Being Minority in ‘Largest Democracy’ – by Syed Zafar Mehdi: A “Minority” is a fascinating breed. The Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), in a 1930 judgment, said, “a minority is a group of persons living in a given country or locality, having a race, religion, language, and tradition

The Surrender To Religious Cleansing – by Farahnaz Ispahani: AP UNDER SIEGE: While the Pakistani state frequently encouraged a national narrative of Muslim Pakistan versus Hindu India, Christians were often not attacked. That has changed. The picture is of a church in Peshawar, the site of a suicide

MD of Capital TV to employees: “Go to hell, there is no salary “: I slamabad: Dr Basit Riyaz Sheikh, Managing Director of Capital TV, allegedly sacked at least 50 employees who were observing strike for their outstanding dues saying ‘Go to Hell there is no money’. Capital TV’s financial scandal became one

Muslim Americans Condemn Attack on Pakistan Christians – by R.E.A.L. Organization: On August 2, 2010, in Washington DC, Muslim Americans spoke out on the 1 year anniversary of the August 1, 2009 attack on Pakistani Christians in the city of Gojra, Pakistan. The August 1, 2009 mob attack in Gojra

تبلیغی جماعت سے طالبان تک – از محمد عمر: تبلیغی جماعت اورجہادیوں کےتعلق کو سمجھنے کے لئے انکے خیالات کا موازنہ بہت ضروری ہے۔ دونوں کاخیال ہے کہ ہم مسلمانوں کی اکثریت گمراہی کےراستے پر ہے۔ دونوں کاخیال ہے کہ چودہ سوسال پہلے نبی کادور سب سے بہترین

Complex dimensions of Syria crisis – By Syed Zafar Mehdi: There is an extraordinary tendency in some of our argumentative political analysts and commentators to at times go overboard and miss the larger picture. Going through Happymon Jacob’s column this week on Syrian crisis was painful, if not agonizing.

امارات اسلامیہ وزیرستان – از ندیم سعید: مذہبی جنونیوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی دہشت گردانہ کارروائیوں کے باوجود ماضی کے کامیاب کھلاڑی لیکن اب تک اناڑی سیاستدان ثابت ہونے والے عمران خان نے پشاور میں تحریک طالبان پاکستان کا دفتر قائم کرنے کی تجویز دی ہے۔دلیل ان کی

Appeasing terrorists, blocking progressives – even on the internet!: ** State enforced internet censorship in Pakistan targets the secular, progressive and liberal content while gives free space to hate mongering, fascist and terrorist organisations. ** Pakistan has one of the largest internet consuming community in the region which