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Sex, drugs and beards: an afternoon in a Pakistani porn cinema: PESHAWAR (Dec 23, 2013): Three times a day dozens of men pack the auditorium, the air heavy with hashish smoke, to watch graphic sex movies: welcome to the Shama — a pornographic cinema in Pakistan’s Taliban heartland. For more

راولپنڈی میں شہدائے کربلا کے چہلم کے موقع پر حالات کشیدہ، فوج کا گشت: پاکستان کے صوبہ پنجاب کے شہر راولپنڈی میں عاشورۂ محرم کے بعد شہدائے کربلا کے چہلم کے موقع پر بھی حالات سخت کشیدہ ہیں اور شہر میں فوج اور رینجرز نے گشت شروع کر دیا ہے۔ شہر میں چہلم

‘The near future of Iraq is dark’, says Muqtada al-Sadr – by Patrick cockburn: The future of Iraq as a united and independent country is endangered by sectarian Shia-Sunni hostility says Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shia religious leader whose Mehdi Army militia fought the US and British armies and who remains a powerful figure

Influence of Imam Hussain and Karabala ideology on Nelson Mandela – by S H Bangas: This Year The Arbaeen or Chehlum of Imam Hussain(a.s) is on December 24 for Which Millions of Pilgirms global Marcch to Karabala is started While on December 25 is Christmas the day related to Hazrat Essa/Jesus(a.s) and both have

Media is hiding that Dr Abbas Khan, the British Wahhabi doctor who illegally travelled to Syria, was suicidal: Related post: Overland to Syria: BBC documentary presents pro-Al Qaeda Wahhabi bigots Majid Freeman and Kasim Kas Jameel as humanitarian workers The BBC’s Contradicting Reports on Dr Abbas Khan A year ago a British doctor of Indian origin,

عبدالقادر ملا کی ’’شہادت‘‘ پر سیاپا فرماتے طفلان سے مجھے کوئی گلہ نہیں – از نصرت جاوید: میں اکثر یہ سوچتا ہوں کہ صوفی تبسمؔ بڑے اُستاد قسم کے شاعر تھے مگر انھیں وہ پذیرائی نہ ملی جو فیض احمد فیضؔ جیسے لوگوں کو نصیب ہوئی۔ میں صوفی صاحب کو ہر گز فیضؔ کے مقابلے پر

Fatwa Fanatics: The Deobandi-Wahhabi Lust for Control Over Personal Life – by Stephen Schwartz and Irfan Al-Alawi: The fundamentalist Deobandi Muslim sect, widely represented in the Indian subcontinent and among South Asian Muslims abroad, resembles its ally, the Saudi Wahhabi clergy, in many ways. Both claim to “reform” the religion. Like the Wahhabis, the Deobandis

On the verge of mutiny – Ejaz Haider: Predictably, the Punjab government’s ill-thought move to enhance the province’s counterterrorism capacity by sidelining the police has resulted in deep resentment within the force, especially the Police Service of Pakistan, which comprises the top officer cadre and from where

Three dead in Gilgit unrest, mobile services suspended – by Shabbir Mir: An old image showing Gilgit town. PHOTO: SHABBIR MIR GILGIT: Mobile services were suspended in Gilgit early Wednesday morning after the death toll from incidents of violence reached three. Fear and panic have gripped the area since Monday because

Minority MPAs demand withdrawal of LG ordinance: Thursday, December 19, 2013 KARACHI: Over half a dozen minority lawmakers of Sindh Assembly on Wednesday demanded provincial government to immediately withdraw amendment in Sindh People’s Local Government Act 2013 through third amendment ordinance, promulgated by Sindh Governor

مرکزی جامعہ مسجد- از سلیقہ وڑائچ: ہمارے گاؤں کی مرکزی مسجد گاؤں میں امن اور بھائی چارے کی علامت سمجھی جاتی تھی۔ جس کا ایک ثبوت مسجد سے ملحقہ ہندؤں کے گھر تھے جو کہ تقسیم کے وقت بھی مسمار نہیں کئے گئے۔اورہندو برادری کے

سابق چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چودھری کو ریٹائرمنٹ پر 5 کروڑ 45 لاکھ اور 6 لاکھ روپے ماہانہ پنشن ملے گی: اسلام آباد (صلاح الدین خان سے)سپریم کورٹ کے سابق چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کو عہدے سے ریٹائرمنٹ پر 5 کروڑ 45 لاکھ روپے کے فنڈز ملیں گے۔ اسکے علاوہ انکو 6 لاکھ روپے ماہانہ پنشن دی جائیگی جبکہ

دہشت گردی کا قاعدہ – از یاسر پیرزادہ: Source :

فرضی شیعہ تنظیمیں سپاہ محمد اور سپاہ مختار، دیوبندی اخبار امت کی اختراع ہیں: سپاہ محمد اور سپاہ مختار وغیرہ کا نام میڈیا میں اس لیے اچھالا گیا تاکہ سپاہ صحابہ کو برا سمجھنے والے عام آدمی کو یہ بتایا جاۓ کہ شیعوں نے بھی سپاہ صحابہ جیسی تنظیمیں بنا رکھی ہیں، اور

Deobandi and Wahhabi terrorists exploit the Sunni-Shia rift – by Christophe Jaffrelot: The Sunni-Shia split in Pakistan was widened and politicised because of alliances with Saudi Arabia and fear mongering of Iran after its 1979 revolution. Now it is sustained by social divisions and by the foreign policy of India. Only 20%

British Ahmadi doctor jailed in Pakistan for ‘posing as Muslim’: The tombstone of Pakistani scientist Abdus Salam, a member of the Ahmadi community and Pakistan’s only Nobel laureate, in the in the town of Rabwa.— Photo by Reuters Updated 2013-12-15 18:58:18 LAHORE: A 72-year-old British doctor is in prison

Unconstitutional to redefine Islam as ‘Sunni’ in constitution, lawyers say – by Boo Su – Lyn: File photograph shows Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. A proposal by the Home Ministry to define Islam as ‘Sunni’ has been criticised by civil liberties lawyer Syahredzan Johan who said such a move if approved by

Martyrdom of Imam Hussain’s daugther in Yazid’s prison – by S.H. Bangash: Hazrat Ali Asghar also known as Abdullah was the youngest child of Imam Husain(a.s). He was born only a few weeks before Imam left Madinah. His mother’s name was Rubaab daughter of Imra’u’l Qais who was the chief of

Popular Saudi cleric calls for cooperation with al Qaeda – by Thomas Josceyln: Dr. Abdallah Muhammad al Muhaysini, a popular Saudi cleric who has relocated to Syria, has used his highly trafficked social media presence to endorse the new Islamic Front formed by some of the leading Syrian insurgent groups. He has also called

Interviews with former Takfiri Deobandi and Salafi terrorists of Pakistan – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Between July and December 2012, a three-member team of researchers from Individualland – comprising Zulfiqar Haider, Hamza Khan and myself – set out to document the personal journeys of former jihadis who had voluntarily and consciously chosen the path

Lessons of the Rawalpindi Ashura Tragedy – by Abbas Zaidi: Immediately after the ‘burning down’ of the Deobandi mosque, three Shia mosques were totally burnt down in Rawalpindi alone (let’s not talk about dozen others in the rest of the country). The media did not report it The very

Mass murder in the Middle East is funded by our friends the Saudis – by Patrick Cockburn: Donors in Saudi Arabia have notoriously played a pivotal role in creating and maintaining Sunni (Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi) jihadist groups over the past 30 years. But, for all the supposed determination of the United States and its allies

The Nation’s editorial on Deobandi sectarian terrorists: Outrageous is the word that should be used when referring to the recent protests by ASWJ. Loss of life in any circumstance is tragic. But blaming other sects for inciting violence is shocking, considering the fact that the ASWJ, along with LeJ has

Joyless Justice: The Unhappy Legacy of Pakistan’s Newly ‘Independent’ Judiciary -by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari: Plato’s philosophical discussion, the Crito, illustrates the dilemma faced by those of us who yearn for an independent judiciary in Pakistan. Too many of us had to suffer at the hands of a judiciary so independent that it often

Whose sarin? – by Seymour M. Hersh: Barack Obama did not tell the whole story this autumn when he tried to make the case that Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack near Damascus on 21 August. In some instances, he omitted important intelligence,

Salafis declare Jihad on Yemeni Shiites: In Yemen highlands, the Houthis — Shiite group whose stronghold is based in the northern Province of Sa’ada and which is led by Sheikh Abdel Malek al-Houthi — have come face to face with their sworn enemies, the Salafis,

شامی حکومت پر سیرین کیمکل کے استعمال کا الزام جھوٹ تھا- سیمور ہرش کا انکشاف: شام کی حکومت پر کیمائی ہتھیار کے استعمال کا الزام جھوٹ تھا-سیمور ہرش لندن ریووز آف بکس (ایل آر بی ٹی)نے حال ہی میں ایک مضمون “کس کا تھا کیمائی مادہ سیرین”شایع کیا ہے-اس مضمون کا فوکس امریکی خفیہ

Yet another attack on a blasphemy accused person in Pakistan: Mohammad Saqib, a mentally challenged person who claimed himself to be a prophet, was brutally attacked by a prisoner on death-row in the Central Jail in Gujranwala a few days ago. An inquiry into the matter has been initiated.

The Deobandi Sectarian Agenda – by Adnan Adil: Sectarian violence in the country is no longer a one-dimensional, local phenomenon of intense expression of hatred of one sect towards the other, as it was at the time of its inception in the mid-1980s. It has

دہشت گردی کے خلاف جنگ میں امریکہ اور ایران فطری اتحادی ہیں – از نزیر ناجی: Source :

شہری حقوق: پاکستان صرف شام، کانگو اور سوڈان سے بہتر ہے: برطانیہ کے ایک تجزیاتی ادارے کی تازہ رپورٹ کے مطابق پاکستان شہریوں کے بنیادی حقوق کو لاحق سنگین خطروں کے لحاظ سے دنیا میں چوتھے نمبر پر ہے۔ تحقیق کے مطابق پاکستان میں روایتی انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیوں

جماعت اسلامی القاعدہ، طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دیوبندی اور وہابی دہشت گردوں کا سرچشمہ: میران شاہ میں ڈرون حملے میں ہلاک ہونے والے کراچی کے رہائشی عبدالرحمان شجاعت جماعت اسلامی کی ذیلی تنظیم کے منحرف یا باغی رہنما سمجھے جاتے ہیں۔ عبدالرحمان 29 نومبر کو دیگر دو مشتبہ افراد کے ساتھ ہلاک ہوگئے

Pakistan: Bail denied to Ahmadi doctor caught reading the Holy Qur’an: … [T]he magistrate hearing the bail application dismissed it while there was a heavy presence of mullahs at the court premises. A bail application was denied today for the 72 years old Ahmadi doctor who has been languishing in

Deobandization of Pakistan: TNS’s interview with Arif Jamal: Urdu version: پاکستان دیوبندی سٹیٹ بننے جارہا ہے،جہاں ہر غیر دیوبندی خوف سے زندگی گزارے ہوگا-عارف جمال Arif Jamal is an independent journalist and scholar based in the US. Besides his forthcoming book, Call for Transnational Jihad: Lashkar-e-Taiba

The New Axis of Evil: Saudi Arabia And Israel – by Richard Walker: • Despite religious differences, two Mideast states work hand-in-glove By Richard Walker To the rest of the world they are strange bedfellows, but Saudi Arabia and Israel have a shared agenda to shape the Middle East to their liking

بلوچستان کی ڈرٹی وار – از ندیم سعید: ارجنٹائن میں انیس سو چھہتر اور تراسی کے فوجی دور آمریت کے دوران سینکڑوں سیاسی کارکنوں کو ریاستی اداروں کے ہاتھوں جبری گمشدگیوں، تشدد اور ہلاکتوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑا۔ سیاسی مخالفین کے خلاف بہیمانہ کارروائی کے اس دور

Salmaan Taseer gets top US peace prize: Former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer has been honoured with the Martin Luther King Junior Peace Award for his efforts in promoting human rights, peace and humanity. PHOTO: FILE LAHORE: Former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer has been honoured with the Martin

General Kayani’s most dangerous and potentially fatal policy was the appeasement of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi – by Yousuf Nazar: The history may not be that kind to General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani as some of the analysts and journalists have been. He may be remembered as the man who took Pakistan to the brink of civil war. He was one of

Turkey Says Pakistan-trained Militants Fighting In Syria: Report says some 500 Turks are battling Damascus alongside terrorist groups. As many as 500 Turks, some of them trained at terrorist camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan, have crossed over into Syria to fight the Bashar al-Assad regime