Blogs Cross posted Archive

مسلم پاکستان میں کافر یوٹیوب – عمید ملک: ستمبر ٢٠١٢ میں ایک متنازعہ فلم کو بنیاد بنا کر حکومت پاکستان نے یوٹیوب کو پاکستانی صارفین کے لئے بند کر دیا۔ آسان الفاظ میں ہیروئین، چرس گانجا، خطرناک ہتھیار، بارود، خودکش جیکٹ اور اسی طرح کی خطرناک اور
The merits of the case – by Farahnaz Ispahani: Erstwhile coup-making general and former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf was indicted on murder charges Tuesdayin connection with the 2007 assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. While the anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Rawalpindi had named Musharraf in the case in early 2011,
The Islamic state in context – by Tarek Osman: The Morsi regime falls as the Egyptian military takes control. Demotix/Jonathan Kalan. All rights reserved. Irrespective of the popular and military moves against political Islam in Egypt this week, the prospect of establishing an Islamic state in the Arab
Pakistan From a Land of Religious Harmony to Religious Bigotry – by A.Z: I am often astounded by the amount of religiosity on display in the present day Pakistan. The realization dawned on me some two and a half years ago when I was jolted into confronting the reality as Salman Taseer
Saudi Arabia Sponsoring Terrorists Who Kill Muslims – by Finian Cunningham: August 19, 2013 “Information Clearing House –  As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan came to an end this year, Saudi King Abdullah marked the occasion of Eid al-Fitr with a “generous” donation. The Saudi monarch revealed that the
Pakistan 2013: The uncertainty is real – by Omar Ali:   The first thing that strikes you on landing in Pakistan after a few years is how much more “modern” it is and how dramatically (and frequently, painfully) it is changing with every passing day.  One is reminded that
Need for revisiting Pakistan’s Afghan policy – by Professor Ijaz Khan: Pakistan’s reluctance to act decisively against the Taliban and/or other related targets inside Pakistan made Pakistan’s demands to have a strong say in the Afghan solution not trustworthy Pakistan tried to bargain a solution for Afghanistan that will ensure
A society without meaningful dissent – by Osama Siddique: Slowly but surely, Pakistan’s intelligensia is waking up to confront the Judicial dictatorship of PCO Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary. What was once a trickle is slowly gathering pace as more scholars, legal experts and lawyer’s are taking a
ANP leader Najma Hanif gunned down in Peshawar – by Zahir Shah Sherazi: Police sources said unknown gunmen opened fire at Najma Hanif after breaking into her home just before midnight on Friday. – Photo courtesy Zahir Shah Sherazi PESHAWAR: Unknown miscreants gunned down Awami National Party (ANP) leader Najma Hanif after
نصاب میں جہادی مواد: پاکستان کے صوبہ خیبر پختون خوا میں قائم تحریک انصاف اور جماعت اسلامی کی مخلوط حکومت نے سابق عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کے دور میں سرکاری سکولوں کی نصابی کتب سے اسلام اور جہاد سے متعلق نکالی گئی قرآنی آیات
اور حساب کیسے برابر ہوا؟ – از جاوید سومرو: سخت گرمیوں کی وہ دوپہر میرے ذہن کے کسی کونے میں آج بھی محفوظ ہے جب اچانک میرے پرائمری سکول میں میرے استاد نے بھرائی ہوئی آواز میں کہا کہ بچوں سکول کی چھٹی ہوگئی ہے اور آپ سب
So then: to this now – by Kamran Shafi: The writer is a columnist, a former major of the Pakistan Army and served as press secretary to Benazir Bhutto [email protected] The out-of-control and rampaging terrorists are now down to attacking the Jamaat Khanas of the most peaceful, philanthropic,
Hussain : My sacrifice to God – by Midhat Ali Zaidi: Life was a clear set path ahead after I got married and Hussain came to my life; it was complete – a home, a loving husband and child, a family. It was an ordinary day, like any morning when
Porn to indulge in ‘forbidden’ pleasures? – by Fawad Hasan: KARACHI: In a city bustling with frustrated people, on a road packed with vendors of every sort; in a street renowned for being historical, there lies a market – haven for Karachi youth. The Rainbow Centre, near the Empress
Nawaz Sharif: a sloppy start to national security – by Dr Mohammad Taqi:   Without a holistic strategy addressing Afghanistan, India and also the United States, Mr Sharif cannot even begin to solve the domestic terrorism problem Two months into his third stint, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his core team’s handling
The government of Nawaz Sharif has decided to do away with the Ministry of Human Rights:   The newly elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has decided to do away with the Ministry of Human Rights and merged it with the Ministry of Law and Justice. Through this act of federal government the human
Marriage by choice becoming taboo Asian Human Rights Commission report on Pakistan – by Nida Nida:   It was a very shivering news for the citizens of the country that a grandfather killed his grandchildren and thrown them from the roof top in presence of their mother who then killed by her father only for
Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on crimes against humanity in Balochistan:   Mr Ban Ki-moon Secretary General, United Nation 1 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 Dated: 28/07/2013 Dear Sir, The Baloch Social Media Activists forum would like to draw your kind attention towards the heinous crimes that the
US Government’s “Protection” of Al-Qaeda Terrorists and the US-Saudi “Black Hole” – by Prof Peter Dale Scott:   For almost two centuries American government, though always imperfect, was also a model for the world of limited government, having evolved a system of restraints on executive power through its constitutional arrangement of checks and balances. Since 9/11
پھانسی کی سزا پر طالبان کی دھمکی: تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے حکومت پنجاب اور حکمران جماعت مسلم لیگ نواز کو خبر دار کیا ہے کہ اگر ان کے چار ساتھیوں کو پھانسی دی گئی تو پنجاب حکومت کے خلاف کارروائیوں کا آغاز کر دیا جائے گا۔
یہ والا سو مو ٹو – وسعت اللہ خان: چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان نے یہ بڑا اچھا کیا کہ بلوچستان میں ہلاکتوں کا ازخود نوٹس لے کر پندرہ اگست کو دارالحکومت کوئٹہ میں سماعت کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ امید ہے کہ جب تک معاملہ زیرِ سماعت ہے بی
Saudi Rulers Pour Money Into Arming Militants in Region – by Finian Cunningham: August 11, 2013 “Information Clearing House –  If Saudi rulers had more brains, they might be formidably dangerous. Even with lackluster intelligence assets, they are already causing enough havoc and bloodshed across the Middle East and North Africa regions,
Sardar Asif’s Claims – by Zulfiqar Ali: Sardar Asif Ahmad Ali Sahab was guest in of Hina Malik in the program ‘The Right Angle’ aired on August 11, 2013. I started watching Sardar Asif very enthusiastically. I think he is intellectual who speaks up his mind
Can Pakistan get its act together and break free of Hafiz Saeed? – by Anas Abbas: After Ramazan’s abstinence, patience and struggle, Eid heralds new beginnings and an atmosphere of bonhomie. In Quetta, you go for Eid prayers at the mosque in your new clothes amid hundreds of other men. You count your blessings by
One Step Forward Two Steps Back (A story of Pakistan selection policy) – by Talal Mahmud: One Step Forward Two Steps Back!!! Aptly describes the crazy world of Pakistan cricket administration. Whether it’s interference by political (or even their judiciary fronts) and business interests to mind boggling selection decisions, apathy in handling match fixing menace
Syria’s War, Another Tragedy on Euphrates that nobody wants to end – by A Z: PROLOGUE It has been well over two years since the Syrian opposition, propelled by long-held and varying grievances, rose against Bashar al Assad. With Assad’s long autocratic reign under serious threat, the regime responded with force, arresting protesters and
Thirty funerals and an Eid – Vaqar Amhed:   Today is Eid, and I am dreading the day. For me it is a day that is dead, empty of meaning, and bereft of joy. Yesterday, 30 persons were killed in a funeral procession in Quetta. Thirty funerals
Activists of Banned Outfits” (Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ) killed 3: GILGIT: Security forces intensified search on Wednesday for militants of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan in the remote northern town of Chilas, headquarters of the Diamer district, after the killing of three high-profile security officials in the area the previous day.
No checks on banned militant organisations collecting donations – by Ammar Shahbazi: KARACHI: Camouflaged under different names, a number of banned militant organisations are operating in Karachi with impunity — ravenously pocketing Zakat and other Ramazan-related charities in the country’s financial hub. The banned al-Rasheed Trust and Al-Akhtar Trust and the
A Kidnapping in Karachi – Ahab Minhas: Ali returned home late evening on 20 October, 2012 after spending 45 days without sunlight.  He and his family are convinced that his return was divine miracle rather than the outcome of an ill-afforded ransom put together through borrowings
Pakistan’s number one threat – by Farahnaz Ispahani:   For the last few days, Pakistan’s capital has been on high alert due to the threat of a possible terrorist attack. Police and military vehicles have paraded around the city, commandos and snipers have been posted on Islamabad’s
Taliban in Context of Kashmir – by Syed Zafar Mehdi:   A palpable buzz in the town is that after the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, the hard-bitten Talibani guerillas may trickle over to the Indian-occupied-Kashmir. Local media has been sent into a
Sitting ducks – by Kamran Shafi: The writer is a columnist, a former major of the Pakistan Army and served as press secretary to Benazir Bhutto. [email protected] For, we too are floating about merrily, unaware that we are plumb in the sights of a dangerous,
Word, Word, Word,” Sharmnaak” – by Zulfiqar Ali:   Four hundred and twelve years ago at the stage of Globe Theatre, Prince of Denmark uttered the famous words, “words, words, words”. Since then English Nation has become well familiarized with the phrase. Exactly twelve days ago another
Najam Sethi’s ‘The Friday Times’ blog promotes banned sectarian terrorists – by Shia Post:   Source : Shia Post, An article titled “The Madarssa Network of Sindh” was published in The Friday Times magazine (TFT Issue Number: Vol. XXV, No. 22, July 12-18, 2013) written by its Ali K Chishti (@akchishti) who is known
Video Shows Iran’s President-Elect Was Misquoted on Israel – by Robert Mackey: A video report from Iran’s state-owned Press TV included subtitled remarks by President-elect Hassan Rouhani that were misreported by other Iranian news agencies on Friday.   Last Updated, 6:46 p.m. | As my colleague Thomas Erdbrink reports from Tehran,
#ShiaGenocide is a reality, not just a ‘fab’ Twitter trend – by Alizeh Khaleeli: It means taking one life away and leaving a few hundred near death. PHOTO: EXPRESS Another sectarian attack in Parachinar. The infamous hashtag Shia Genocide, however, only lasts momentarily on Twitter before being taken over by more worthy trends
Collective Amnesia – by Khadim Hussain: A scene from Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Nobel Prize winning novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, has vaguely remained my memory for a long time. The scene is about a gun battle  in 1967 between liberals and conservatives in Macondo
Shia leader, son killed in Rahim Yar Khan – by Kashif Zafar: Pakistani Shia Muslims carry the coffins of relatives during a mass burial ceremony in Quetta on February 20, 2013. PHOTO: AFP/FILE BAHAWALPUR: The Shia Council’s Divisional President Sheikh Manzoor Hussain and his younger son Haider Ali were killed as a
UN: Over 1,000 Iraqis Kill in July, Highest Toll in Years – by Jason Ditz: The UN mission to Iraq has released its official figures for violence in the month of July today, putting the toll at 1,057 dead and 2,326 wounded. This is almost exactly in line with the death toll for May,