Blogs Cross posted Archive

The Perils of a ‘People’s Coup’ – by Khaled . M Abou El Fadl: LOS ANGELES — THE Egyptian Army claims that it had no choice but to overthrow the country’s first legitimately elected president, Mohamed Morsi, and that last week’s coup reflected the will of the Egyptian people. It’s true that

Heat brings more trouble to Pims patients – by Imran Ali Teepu: ISLAMABAD, July 4: For patients like Nadeem Ahmed, there is no relief after being admitted to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims). It is not because Ahmed is not getting better treatment. Instead, the sweltering heat both

Audit of secret fund exposes anomalies in ministry – by Nasir Iqbal: ISLAMABAD, July 6: The audit of the information ministry’s special publicity funds, popularly known as List A, carried out by the Directorate General of Audit has exposed weak internal controls and expenditures made without adhering to legal procedures.

The Second Egyptian Revolution – IMT Statement – by Alan Woods: Morsi has fallen. The magnificent movement of the masses has once more shown to the entire world the authentic face of the Egyptian people. It shows that the Revolution, which many even on the Left believed to have stalled,

Demoting Democracy in Egypt – by Shadi Hamid: Editors Note: We are posting the Nytimes article and youtube clip which shows disgruntled Muslim Brotherhood crowd turning to violent means. This is a valid point, despite all of the poor decisions by Moorsi the military intervention with a

When is a military coup not a military coup? – by Robert Fisk: For the first time in the history of the world, a coup is not a coup. The army take over, depose and imprison the democratically elected president, suspend the constitution, arrest the usual suspects, close down television stations

Shia Hazara killings and Pakistan Government’s lies about Saudi Iran proxy war – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Not that one expected the new federal and provincial dispensations to magically fix the terrorism problem but their initial handling of the discourse has not been very reassuring More than 50 innocent people killed in one day would

Concern rises over Pakistan plan to halt extremism – by Sebastian Abbot: In this Monday, June 30, 2013 photo, Pakistani Shiite Muslims from the Hazara community carry a dead body for burial following a suicide bombing which killed tens of people and left many injured in Quetta, Pakistan. Suspected Islamic militants

Egyptians who idolise army will soon be disappointed – by Jonathan Steele: WHETHER the Egyptian army’s action against Mohamed Morsi amounts to a full-scale military coup can be debated. But what is clear beyond doubt is that they amount to a ruinous intervention in the politics of a country that

The Taliban’s New, More Terrifying Cousin – by Jeffrey Stren: A boy stands at the site of a bomb attack in a Shi’ite Muslim area of the Pakistani city of Quetta on February 17, 2013. (Naseer Ahmed/Reuters) Abdul Amir (as we’ll call him), a chemistry teacher in Quetta, Pakistan,

Addressing a Question About Human Evolution – By A.Z: A friend sent me the below picture seeking my views. While the question is quite unscientific and I avoid ‘nontechnical’ discussions in most matters, particularly science, I find it apt to comment on this to address the doubts it

Sunni Ittehad Council: Barelvi activism against terrorism – by Aarish U. Khan: Most of the banned militant terrorist outfits of Pakistan either subscribe to the Deobandi or the Wahabi-inspired Ahl-e-Hadith or Salafi school of thought, while none of them is Barelvi. From 1980 to 2005 the anger of these militant organizations

To the Amir Hakimullah Mehsud – Ayaz Amir: Respected Amir Sahib, we have no quarrel with you. The areas under your command, where the righteous flag of the Taliban flies, we ceded control of a long time ago, and we have learned to live with the

PML-N govt diverts IP pipeline funds to cover fiscal deficit: The previous government had imposed the GIDC on gas consumers to generate the $1 billion needed to finance the construction of the IP gas pipeline. CREATIVE COMMONS ISLAMABAD: The PML-N government has seemingly put the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project

Rimsha Masih’s story is just one part of a much larger and more dangerous drama: Until the Canada Day weekend, it was a closely-guarded secret in Ontario’s Pakistani émigré community that Rimsha Masih, the Christian girl whose entrapment in Pakistan’s barbaric blasphemy laws captured headlines around the world last year, was living incognito with

Nawaz Sharif’s US-Saudi affinities – by Ayesha Alam: Nawaz Sharif’s widely questioned “electoral victory” in the May 11 elections is overshadowed by his subservience to US-Saudi interests. With a bankrupt economy, he is even more vulnerable to external manipulation, one that he seems eager to

Stopping terrorist attacks in Pakistan – by Omar Ali: There was a one ton bomb in Badaber (Peshawar) today. Then a suicide bomber struck a shia imambargah in Quetta. And a remote controlled bomb struck a military convoy in North Waziristan. About 60 people have been killed, many

HRW slams Saudi Arabia after 7 jailed for ‘inciting protests’ on Facebook: Human Rights Watch has slated Saudi Arabia for violating international human rights obligations after it jailed seven people for up to 10 years for ‘inciting protests’ via Facebook. The indicted denied charges and said they were tortured into confession.

President Rouhani of Iran Says He Will Engage With the West – by Thomas Erdbrink: TEHRAN — Iran’s president-elect, Hassan Rouhani, said Saturday that he would engage with the West and fulfill his electoral promises to allow more freedom for the Iranian people. Mr. Rouhani, who calls himself a moderate, won the June 14

Reforming the civil service – by Fahad Rafique Dogar: The writer has a doctorate degree from Carnegie Mellon University. He tweets @fahadrdogar The new federal government recently presented its first budget. In response, it got its first serious flak from the opposition, media, as well as the general

Dangerous Divisions in the Arab World: Even in a region where violence has become all too commonplace, the killing of four Shiite men in Egypt last weekend seemed particularly vicious. According to news reports, a cheering Sunni Muslim mob armed with clubs, swords and machetes

The Fair Trial Act and lessons from the US – by Waris Husain: The writer holds a Juris Doctorate and LL.M specialising in international law and is a member on the board of directors for Americans for Justice and Democracy in Pakistan. He tweets @warishusain The recent revelations concerning the US

Interim Inc.: The story behind Sethi’s appointment as PCB chief – by Kamran Rehmat: Najam Sethi was appointed as the acting chairman by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. -Photo by AFP. When Najam Sethi sat at the International Cricket Council’s (ICC’s) Annual Conference in London on Wednesday, he must have felt a little out

In Rememberance of a Child Slain: Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow – by A Z: It was 27th October, 2008 and I was participating in a conference in Nairobi. At around the same time a few thousand people were gathering in the football stadium in Kismayo, a Somali town less than two hundred

Nanga Parbat tragedy: Locals, politicians attend candlelight vigil- by Shabbir Mir: GILGET: scores of people gathered some 300 kilometres from the Nanga Parbat base camp – where 10 foreign climbers and their Pakistani guide were killed by militants – and held a candlelight vigil late Tuesday night. Civil society members and

Saudi Forces Hunt and Kill ‘Wanted’ Protester in Residential Area: According to netizen reports, Saudi Emergency Forces entered residential areas in the eastern city of Qatif over two nights and opened fire. An innocent bystander was killed on the first night, and a man ‘wanted’ by authorities for protesting and demanding

Shias under attack across the globe – by Murtaza Haider: From Cairo to Peshawar, Shias are under attack by Sunni militants. The sectarian warfare targeting Shias has left thousands dead. The rest of the world watches silently as Muslims self-destruct in sectarian wars. Earlier on Sunday, a lynch mob

Interfaith discussion and religious harmony in Iran – By Syed Zafar Mehdi: Editor’s Note: At a time when Christain minorities in Syria, Egypt and Pakistan are being targeted and persecuted by Salafists/Takfiri Deobandis, it is a positive move to bring different faith communities on the same platform to highlight common

’طالبان نے شیعہ ہونے کی وجہ سے مار دیا‘: طالبان کا کہنا ہے اتوار کو پاکستان کے شمالی علاقے میں دس غیر ملکی کوہ پیماؤں سمیت گیارہ افراد کو طالبان ہی کی ایک شاخ نے نشانہ بنایا ہے۔ ہلاک ہونے والوں میں ایک پاکستانی علی حسین بھی شامل

Gilgit Baltistan: You have taken away our livelihood – by Dr. Zaeem Zia: A tourism rescue system should be established and intelligence agencies should do their job rather than poking their nose into the minute internal matters of the region. PHOTO: PUBLICITY Yesterday was a sad day for Pakistan. 10 foreigners, who

اہل تشیع کا قتل بزرگ ترین کبیرہ گناہوں میں سے ہے، جامعہ الازہر مصر: جامعہ الازہر مصر نے سلفی شدت پسندوں کے ہاتھوں 4 اہل تشیع کے بہیمانہ و ظالمانہ قتل پر اپنے ردعمل میں کہا ہے کہ اہل تشیع کا قتل بزرگترین کبیرہ گناہوں میں سے ہے۔ جامعہ الازہر نے مطالبہ کیا

What We Have Learned From Afghanistan – by Congressman Ron Paul: Last week the Taliban opened an office in Doha, Qatar with the US government’s blessing. They raised the Taliban flag at the opening ceremony and referred to Afghanistan as the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”—the name they used

شام کے حالات کو خراب کرنے میں امریکہ و اسرائیل کیساتھ خطے کی بادشاہتیں بھی ملوث ہیں، ڈاکٹر معراج الہدیٰ صدیقی: جماعت اسلامی پاکستان صوبہ سندھ کے امیر ڈاکٹر معراج الہدیٰ صدیقی کا تعلق کراچی سے ہے اور آپ پیشے کے لحاظ سے پیتھالوجسٹ ڈاکٹر ہیں۔ آپ نے 1984ء میں اسلامی جمعیت طلباء میں شمولیت اختیار کی۔ آپ ناظم جمعیت

Ahmadi-owned magazine’s office under siege – by Rana Tanveer: Saleemudin said they were trying to victimise the magazine staff for their religious beliefs. PHOTO: FILE LAHORE: The vigilante siege of an office on Turner Road, where a weekly magazine owned by an Ahmadi family is produced, has not been

Evolving relations between Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan – by Senge H. Sering: WASHINGTON, DC: The opinion makers in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad-Kashmir (AJK) find themselves at odds in defining the relationship of Gilgit-Baltistan with the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. They also differ in views on how the lingering Kashmir

Deobandi and Wahhabi radicalism is a larger issue than terrorism – by Ayesha Siddiqa: The writer is an independent social scientist and author of Military Inc. and was a media consultant for NAB from 2011 to 2012 Related posts: تکفیری دہشت گردی یا سنی شیعہ فرقہ واریت؟ میڈیا جھوٹ کیوں بول رہا ہے؟

سرائیکی تحریک کا ناٹک: پنجاب کے وزیر اعلی میاں محمد شہباز شریف نے “سرائیکی تحریک “کو ناٹک قرار دیا اور کہا کہ اس ناٹک کو عوام نے مسترد کرڈالا ہے-ان کے اس بیان پر سرائیکی تحریک سے وابستگان اور ہمدردوں کی جانب سے

Syrian angst over foreign rebel fighters: The presence of foreign fighters is causing real anxiety not only in Syria, but across the region and Europe, as Lyse Doucet reports for Newsnight In the magnificent Ummayad mosque of Damascus, flags of two nations

عذاب: نوٹ:میں نے کبھی کہانی پلان کرکے نہیں لکھی ہے-کوئی واقعہ میرے تخیل کو مہمیز دیتا ہے اور کہانی مختلف ریشوں سے بنتی چلی جاتی ہے-یہ بھی ایک ایسی ہی کہانی ہے-جس کا سبب اس کے پڑھنے والوں سے چھپا

ننگ دین، ننگ اسلاف – کوئٹہ میں سپاہ صحابہ کا رقص ابلیس: سردار بہادر خان ویمن میڈیکل یونیورسٹی کی بس پر ریموٹ کنٹرول بم سے حملہ اور پھر بولان میڈیکل ہسپتال کی عمارت پر خود کش حملہ اور فائرنگ اس لحاظ سے زیادہ خطرناک اور وحشت ناک حملہ تھا کہ اس