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LUBP condemns target killing of Ahmadiyya Muslim, Hamid Sami, by Deobandi militants in Karachi: PHOTO: FILE KARACHI: A member of the Ahmedi community was shot dead while his son and another companion were injured in a targeted attack in Soldier Bazaar on Tuesday evening. The victims were identified as Hamid Sami, 45, his son,

نواز شریف کا تیسرا دور حکومت اور خوف کی پرچھائیں: خوف کی پرچھائیں میرے سامنے لیپ ٹاپ کی سکرین پر پانچ اردو اور انگریزی اخباروں کی سائٹس پانچ ٹیبز میں کھلی ہوئی ہیں-ہر اخبار میں چیختی چنگھاڑتی ایک ہی شہ سرخی فرنٹ پیج پر میرا منہ چڑا رہی ہے

Ahmadis face discrimination even in death – by Shahzad Raza: A signboard outside Jadeed Qabristan (graveyard), Rawalpindi read: “It’s prohibited to bury Mirzais here.” —Photo courtesy Shahzad Raza ISLAMABAD: Even in death, the Ahmadiyya community is discriminated against. Jadeed Qabristan (graveyard) is located near Murree Road in the heart

Re-evaluation of secret agencies’ role sought: The Supreme Court of Pakistan.—File Photo ISLAMABAD, June 10: An ex-serviceman, who had been picked up and brutally tortured, moved the Supreme Court on Monday seeking an order for the constitution of a parliamentary committee for reassessing the role

Political Economy of Federalism in Pakistan and Movement for Self-Determination in Sindh – by Zulfiqar Shah: Bashir Qureshi.Pakistan is at a crossroads, its federal structure severely threatened by provincial independence movements fueled by ethnic tensions, structural political failures and the allocation of tax revenues. Pakistan is on the brink again after 1971. Intensive decade-long secessionist

2 Boys Beheaded By Taliban While Foraging For Food: Afghan Official – by Hunter Stuart: An Afghan official said Monday that two children were beheaded by the Taliban. A statement released by the governor’s office in the southern province of Kandahar said the 10- and 16-year-old boys were put to death by the terror

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants no organ-eating rebels at peace talks: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin attending a press conference at a EU-Russia summit in the industrial Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg. Picture: AFP RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin, known for his black humour, has said he hoped that Syria’s opposition will

ایک افسانہ جو حقیقت سے ملا ہوا ہے: کنکریاں)افسانہ) بیٹا!یہ جدہ ہے یہاں سے ہم احرام باندھیں گے اور پھر اپنے مقدس ترین سفر کا آغاز کردیں گے-میرے بابا کی آواز میرے کان میں پڑی تو میں چونک گیا-اس سے قبل جدہ کی دور سے

Pakistani Deobandi Wahhabi militants killed near Syrian capital: Note : It is shameful that Pakistan is producing and exporting Takfiri Wahhabi and Deobandi Jihadists to become cannon fodder in Syria. In the past Pakistan’s Takfiri militants have been found in many different countries including but not limited

ڈاکٹر عبد المالک کیا کرپائیں گے؟: نیا جمہوری سفر شروع ہوچکا ہے-اس نئے جمہوری سفر میں امیدپرستوں کی جانب سے دو باتیں بہت تواتر کے ساتھ کہی جارہی ہیں-ایک تو یہ کہ بلوچستان میں نئی حکومت بہت بڑا کارنامہ ہے-یہ حکومت بلوچستان کے ایشو کو

پی پی کے لئے مشورہ – از نصرت جاوید: Source :

پاک ایران تعلقات اور نواز حکومت – از انور عباس: پاکستان کے انتخابی نتائج کو ہمارے ہمسایہ ممالک میں بڑی باریک بینی سے دیکھا جا رہا ہے۔خاص طور پر برادر اسلامی ملک ایران میں بڑی تشویش کا اظہار کیا جا رہا ہے۔ایران کی قیادت پاک ایران گیس پائپ لائن

How will you tackle terror, PM Nawaz Sharfi? – by Ammar Yasir: Will the PML-N hold the bull by its horns In an unprecedented turn of events, Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif was recently sworn in as the 27th Prime Minister of Pakistan. Sharif, 63, is the only political leader in Pakistan

درست قدم اٹھا یں – از منیر احمد بلوچ: Source:

In a refined manner, Tarek Fatah continues to promote Salafist agenda in North American media: Source: World Shia Forum The recent events in Syria have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the deep divide within Muslims. It has also made clear that Saudi Arabia and its Salafist Wahhabi minions in the Gulf are

Stop religious discrimination: Debutant MNAs – Shahzad Raza: Persecution of Ahmedis, Shias and other religious minorities has killed the true essence of secularist ideology of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who never envisioned creating a theocracy or a religion-based state. Under the garb of so-called reconciliation hardly any political

The West’s Fatal Attraction: Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism – by Sadiq Ameen: Last week an American woman (Nicole Lynn Mansfield) has been killed in Syria while fighting alongside rebel forces against the Assad regime alongside two other Westerners—the U.K. press has identified one as a British man born in 1990. The

نواز شریف کے نام محمد حنیف کا کھلا خط: پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے سربراہ میاں نواز شریف چودہ سال بعد تیسری بار پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم بن گئے ہیں۔ اس عرصے میں انھوں نے قید تنہائی کاٹی، جلاوطنی میں رہے، ایک بار ملک واپس آنے کی کوشش

PM Sharif’s convoy stopped to let Army chief pass – by Shahzad Raza: Who is the real power wielder in Pakistan: the Prime Minister or the Army chief? ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan witnessed a historic democratic transition, many in the county have started to believe that the days of military supremacy are over.

Sharif Beverages Ltd and Arabi Cola – by K.K. Shahid: Sharif Beverages Ltd is a Pakistani multinational beverage corporation that deals with the production, manufacture, retail, marketing, import and export of drinks and syrup concentrates. The company is owned by the Sharif brothers and is best known for its

Britain should prosecute terrorist suspects, not play shady games of geopolitics – by Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: The initial reaction to the brutal killing of Lee Rigby, a 25-year-old off-duty British soldier, in Woolwich last week was to renew the debate over apparent “lone wolf” acts of terrorism. There are those who believe the attack

PTI gets first shock as JI abandons it, PPP almost begging Nawaz to go soft – by Amir Mateen: ISLAMABAD: Sardar Ayaz Sadiq’s victory as National Assembly Speaker was not without surprises. The biggest shock was the betrayal of PTI’s partners in Pakhtunkhwa. Both Jamaat-i-Islami and Aftab Sherpao voted for Ayaz Sadiq. It is elementary: PTI had 29

Who will stand for Ahmadis in Pakistan? – by Husain Nadim: The use of anti-Ahmadi rhetoric by political parties raises a serious question: Is there anyone who will ever stand up for their rights? “It’s almost laughable. You first forcefully declare us a minority, then you promise to protect minority

Pakistan: Why Did Gov Block Access to Popular Portal Roshni, Dedicated to Secularism and Human Rights: Three years ago, a young Pakistani living abroad came up with an idea. Along with other independent activists and citizens he decided to make a portal and Facebook page about secularism and human rights in Pakistan. Their aims were

نظام بدلے بنا بات نہیں بننے والی: کراچی صدر میں نشاط سینما کے عقب میں پی ایم اے ہاؤس کے حال میں ایک دن کا اسکول 2 جون اتوار کے روز منعقد ہوا-اس سکول کا انعقاد انقلابی سوشلسٹ نے کیا تھا-مجھے بھی اس سکول میں شیعہ

FATA: Behind Pakistan’s Iron Curtain – by Melissa Roddy: Photo by Melissa Roddy Editor’s note: In the following article published in the Huffington Post, Melissa Roddy presents a point of view that is mostly missing from the Pakistani pro-Taliban media. Her analysis is more fact based than Taliban

Saudi Arabia funding fuels jihadist terror – by Jonathan Manthorpe: Where Wahhabi teachings venture, violence soon follows. This anonymous group in the Caucasus area of southern Russia vowed on YouTube to fight back against armed Wahhabi-inspired Caucasus militants. The Black Hawks emerged in mountainous Kabardino-Balkariawith a dramatic promise to

Not all Pakistanis criticize drone strikes on Takfiri Deobandi Wahhabi terrorists hiding in FATA – by Paul D. Shinkman: Pakistani protesters burn a representation of a U.S. flag to condemn a drone attack in the Pakistani tribal area of Waziristan that killed Taliban leader Waliur Rehman, on May 30, 2013 in Multan, Pakistan. While speaking at the Aspen

شریف کورٹس کا آغاز – واجد علی خان: ابھی پاکستان میں شریف حکومت کا آغاز نہیں ہوا مگر ساری انڈیکیشن ہیں کہ مقبول عام شریف کورٹس اور عدل شریف ا سٹائل کی ابتدا ہوچکی ہے جس کی سب سے پہلی جھلک پچھلے ہفتے فافان نیٹ ورکس کے

JUI-S chief Sami keen to mediate, but clueless about TTP – by Ismail Khan: AKORA KHATTAK: His back leant on a cushion against the wall, eyes half-closed, he gave some quick lesson to one of the disciples in waiting while another massaged his leg and in-between managed incessant phone calls for him. A

Ludhianvi vows to go to assemblies, despite losing elections – by Rana Tanveer: Radical Deobandi cleric Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi (C) addresses his supporters. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE LAHORE: Despite losing the elections in NA-89 Jhang, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) Chief Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi said that he would go to the assemblies, and anyone who tried

Helping Syrian rebels a dangerous risk – by Rand Paul: Editor’s note: Rand Paul, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Kentucky. (CNN) — The United States has a history of often picking sides in Middle East conflicts to its own detriment. In the 1980s, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

عوام اور نوکر شاہی: گجرات کے ایک گاؤں سے چلنے والی اسکول وین کے اندر شارٹ سرکٹ سے بھڑکنے والی آگ میں درجنوں بچوں کے جھلس کر مرنے سے پیدا ہونے والی سوگواریت ختم ہونے میں ابھی کچھ وقت لگے گا-لیکن اس سانحے

“The sympathy vote for PPP in rural Sindh is still alive”: Nazir Leghari, a senior journalist and resident editor Jang Karachi, who had been visiting the length and breadth of Sindh province, predicted the precise victory of the PPP a long time back. Here he analyses the reasons that led

Saudi Arabia Funds Mossad Anti-Iran Operations – by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu: An article posted by a former CBSNews producer Barry Lando claims that none other than Saudi Arabia helps fund Israeli Mossad operations against Iran. “A Strange Alliance: Are the Saudis Bankrolling Israel’s Mossad?” appears on his blog. Lando’s source is named

علی کے ساتھ کچھ دیر: میں سوچ رہا تھا کہ اس مرتبہ 13 رجب جب آئے گی تو اپنے احباب کو اس دن کی خوشی میں کیا تحفہ دوں-میں نے ایک خوشبو لی موتیا کی جو ایک حواری مولائے کائنات کے بقول مولا علی

Leaked memo: Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif’s letter to Saudi King Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik: There are pockets of resistance where the burger fitna is still alive and the mummy daddy jihadis are waging a war against the Ummah. Very soon, inshallah they will be brought under the control of the righteous Punjab Police

عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کی شکست ۔چند معروضات- از زلان مومند: مسیح الافاغنہ باچاخانؒ کے ایک پیرو کار کی حیثیت سے عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کی انتخابی شکست کو روزمرہ کی دیگر ناکامیوں اور ناآسودہ خواہشات کے سلسلے کی ایک کڑی کہنا نہایت ہی دشوار ہے ، اگرچہ ایک نہایت ہی

Empty polling stations in Balochistan – by Juma Baloch: Pakistani election 2013 in Balochistan, have been widely viewed by international and local political analysts as a referendum between those who ask for Baloch rights within Pakistani framework and those who seek an independence Baloch state. Baloch nationalist political

میاں نواز شریف اور اسٹبلشمنٹ: میاں نواز شریف اور اسٹبلشمنٹ میاں محمد نواز شریف چند دنوں کے بعد اس ملک کے وزیر اعظم ہوں گے-ان کی جماعت تیسری بار حکومت سنبھالے گی-اس دوران ان کی حکومت کی پالیسیوں کے بارے میں پورے ملک کے