Karachi Archive

ANP and MQM feeding the sectarian crocodiles: By:Ali Arqam Saturday, 9 Mar 2013 12:54 am The path of appeasing sectarian groups is a dangerous one For the last two weeks, I have been trying to come out of a disconcerted state of mind, as

Raza Ali Abidi’s column on Abbas Town massacre by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ: Veteran Pakistani journalist and broadcaster (worked with the BBC Urdu Service and retired in 1996), Raza Ali Abidi writes on Shia genocide, with particular reference to the Abbas Town Kararchi massacre by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ. Source: http://jang.com.pk/jang/mar2013-daily/08-03-2013/col7.htm

Pictures of innocent Shia and Sunni children killed by Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ in Abbas Town, Karachi: Victims of Abbas Town blast, Karachi (3 March 2013) In this post, we are publishing pictures of some (not all) of innocent children killed in Karachi (Abbas Town, 3 March 2013) by Takfiri Deobandi militants of banned terrorist outfit

Turning Shia homes into graves – by Murtaza Haider: This is new even for Pakistan. The sectarian attack in a predominantly Shia neighbourhood in Karachi, which left 48 dead and several more injured, deliberately targeted the homes of Shias. In the past, mostly Shias and others were attacked

Pakistani State is complicit in #ShiaGenocide? – Press TV’s Report: In the killing fields of Pakistan, the bloodletting continues unabated. In a latest incident, on March 03, a massive car bombing just yards away from my sister’s house in seaport city of Karachi claimed 45 lives, and left 150

#ShiaGenocide: Chotoo group of Deobandi militants key suspect in Abbas Town carnage in Karachi – by Amir Mir: Source: The News, 6 March 2013 Despite the absence of a responsibility claim for the March 3 bombing in the Shia-dominated Abbas Town area of Karachi, the investigating agencies are certain that the deadly assault was carried out by

کہتے ہیں کہ حالات خراب ہیں ملک چھوڑ دو – اشعر زیدی: سپاہ صحابہ کے دیوبندی دہشت گردوں نے کراچی کے عباس ٹاؤن میں اس شیعہ بچے کو بھی شہید کر دیا صحافی ہوں ،طبیعت میں بے چینی کوٹ کوٹ کر بھری ہے ، کسی جگہ زیادہ دیر تک ٹک

Like Sana Saleem, let’s deflect attention from ASWJ-LeJ by blaming Abbas Town attack on Sharmila Farooqi Bhutto – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: I want to take this opportunity to thank renowned liberal blogger and human rights activist Sana Saleem and her Good Liberal friends for their tireless activism for the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ aka ASWJ) and their parents in GHQ (Pakistan army).

Hunting down Shias: Society’s deafening silence on #ShiaGenocide – by Maheen Usmani: KARACHI: Hauled off buses, targeted in their clinics, on boulevards, in alleys, in shops, in offices, in processions and pilgrimages, is there any place left safe for Shias in Pakistan? At Ashura, they were chastised for taking out Moharram

عباس ٹاؤن کے مکینوں پر ٹوٹ پڑی قیامت: لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی میں آج رات جب یہ کالم لکھنے بیٹھا ہوں تو ایک غم جس میں میرا ذاتی دکھ بھی شامل ہے میرے ساتھ ہے اور میں ایک بہت بڑے امتحان سے گزر کر اپنی بصیرت کو

#ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Deobandi militants of ASWJ massacre at least 50 Shias and 20 Sunnis in Abbas Town Karachi: At least 70 people, most of them Shia Muslims but also some Sunni Muslims (about 20) have been killed – including women and children – and around 150 wounded after a bomb attack by Deobandi militants in Pakistan’s largest

Pakistan is sliding from terrorism to sheer barbarism! – by A Z: On Sunday twin bomb blasts rocked the Shia neighbourhood of Abbas Town in Karachi. Over forty people died and another hundred were injured, many of them severely. Dozens of the flats and households in this low income area were

Agencies have tasked Mufti Naeem Deobandi to infiltrate MQM to create support for the banned terrorist outfit SSP-ASWJ: According to informed sources from Karachi, the notorious pro-Taliban Deobandi cleric Mufti Naeem of Jamia Binoria has been tasked by agencies to infilitrate the MQM, a secular and moderate political party. Mufti Naeem Deobandi is known for his views

Takfiri terrorists’ attacks on naval officers in Karachi: Excise this cancer or else – by Abbas Nasir: Related post: Will Pakistan Navy care to protect its Shia officers from ASWJ-LeJ terrorists? RECENT events have been a reminder of what journalist Saleem Shahzad reported on May 27, 2011, even though he feared what was lurking round the

#ShiaGenocide: Will Pakistan Navy care to protect its Shia officers from ASWJ-LeJ terrorists?: Related post: Takfiri terrorists’ attacks on naval officers in Karachi: Excise this cancer or else – by Abbas Nasir Another Pakistan Navy Lt. Commander Azeem Haider Kazmi, a Shia Muslim, was targeted near Karachi Port Trust (KPT) Gate No

A comment on Matthew Green’s (Reuters) report on “Sunni-Shia sectarian violence” in Karachi – by AZ: On this there is absolute unanimity and also utter confusion: everyone agrees journalists must tell the truth. This desire that information we receive be truthful is elemental. Here the journalists’ role becomes very important in filtering out incorrect information

Evidence of Shia genocide in Pakistan, one year before Iran’s Islamic revolution!: One of the most dishonest media tactics in Pakistan is to present the ongoing Shia Genocide as a Saudi-Iran proxy war. This serves multiple purposes, the most important of which is to deflect attention away from the State

A day after the massacre of 85 Shias in Quetta, PPP-MQM govt allows Malik Ishaq Deobandi to address hate rally in Karachi: Loose translation of Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s speech to Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ)’s public rally in Karachi on 11 January 2013 (a day after more than 85 Shia Muslims were slaughtered by Sipah Sahaba militants in Quetta): “I am not a

#Justice4QadriTwins: A Shia mother’s message to Pakistani nation and leaders: On 3 January 2012, two brothers, twins, appearing for the Board exam in Karachi were attacked by the Al Qeda affiliated Deobandi militants belonging to the Sipa Sahaba Taliban (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). Their only

#Justice4QadriTwins: Will civil society, media and CJ pay attention to #ShiaGenocide?: Recently on 3 January 2012, two brothers, twins, appearing for the Board exam in Karachi were attacked by the Al Qeda affiliated Deobandi militants belonging to the Sipa Sahaba Taliban (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). Their

Deobandi militants’ role in violence against Polio-vaccination workers in Pakistan – by Mukhtar Askari: Landhi Town, Gulshan-e-Buner and other mostly Pashtun areas of Karachi have become a hub of Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST). Saudi-funded Sipah Sahaba pays Rs. 15,000 per unemployed Pashtung adult to hire them for terrorist activities.

Thousands of Shias and Sunnis protest in Karachi against Shia genocide in Pakistan: Tens of thousands of women, men and children, most of them Shias abut also some Sunnis, Ahmadis, Christians and Hindus, are currently part of a peaceful sit-in in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, to express unity and outrage against Shia

Defy the odds, Mehzar – by Abbas Nasir: Related posts: Pakistan’ Anne Frank: Mehzar Zahra, a victim of Shia genocide Shia Genocide Database: A detailed account of Shia killings in Pakistan from 1963 to 2012 FIRST Malala Yousufzai was targeted. Now it is Mehzar Zehra. One was

Takfiri Deobandi militant of Sipah Sahaba caught red handed in Karachi after killing a Salafi (Ahle Hadith) cleric: Related post: Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba abusing Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) to implicate Shias Karachi (5 December 2012): An Imam (prayer leader) of an Ahle-Hadith (Salafi Wahhabi) Masjid has been gunned down inside Islamia Mosque in New Karachi

My uncle’s assassination in Karachi -by Zahir Janmohamed: The last time I saw my uncle, Dr. Sibtain Dossa, we were sitting on a bench outside the mausoleum of Pakistan founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was May 1999 and my uncle was optimistic that the Sunni-Shia violence [in fact

شیعہ نسل کُشی کے مخالف دیوبندی علماءکے قاتل کون؟ حصّہ اوّل – خالِدبنوری: دیوبندی مکتبِ فکرکے حامِل افراد میں شیعہ نسل کُشی میں مُلوّث مختلف نام بدلنے والی دہشت گرد تنظیم سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کو مدارس میں سرگرمیوں سے روکنے، مدارِس کے طلبہ کی اس میں شمولیت کی حوصلہ شِکنی کرنے اورشیعہ

Transgressing Madrassas territory : TTP has asked for sacrificial animal hides: A meeting of traders, businessmen and working class laborers of all the major tribes Mohmands, Safis and Shonkaras who belong to Mohmand agency was called by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (Mohmand chapter) in Kanwari Colony Manghopir Karachi. Mohmand chapter is headed

Liberal love galore for Altaf Hussain!: On October 14, Muttahida Qaumi Movement founder and leader Altaf Hussain delivered a speech in support of the adolescent Pashtun female education advocate Malala Yousufzai who was grievously injured in an assassination attempt and is still under intensive care

General Kayani’s children kill famous musician Qamar Allah Ditta: Jihadist children of Pakistan Army have struck once again, this time killing Pakistan’s famous musician Qamar Allah Ditta. On 4 October 2012, Takfiri Deeobandi Jihadists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) abducted and killed a

Shia Bohras of Karachi are Takfiri terrorists’ new target: On Tuesday (18 Sep 2012), Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) set their eyes on a new target: Karachi’s Shia Bohra community. Amid the evening hustle and bustle, Tuesday saw two bomb

Class was the only common feature of 235 labourers burnt alive in Karachi factory fire – by Ali Arqam: Karachi, the name synonymous with ‘Bad News’ is once again in the headlines, this time again for another tragedy, another sad story of human loss. Ali Garments, a factory situated on Hub River road, RCD Highway in Baldia Town

Sarak Ka Sach: Interviews with Shia Muslims in Karachi – by Abid Beli: Abid Beli of 24/7 Online TV conducted interviews with ordinary Shia Muslims outside a Shiite mosque and Imambargah in Karachi, Pakistan. The interviews demonstrate that Shia Muslims do not consider Sunni Muslims as non-Muslims (Kafir) or lesser Muslims, and

Will the silent club in ANP and PPP take courage from MQM’s bold stance on Shia genocide?: We appreciate and laud the Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain and other leaders and party workers on their clear, bold stance against the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) terrorists who are responsible for massacres

More terror awaits Karachi as court acquits seven ASWJ-Taliban militants for ‘want of evidence’: Related posts: Acquittal of terrorists in Pakistan Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the “lack of evidence” Let’s blame the prosecution KARACHI, July 24: A sessions court acquitted on Tuesday seven alleged members of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan in a police encounter case

We condemn target killing of president of Jamaat Ahmadiyya’s Orangi Town chapter: LUBP condemns the brutal murder of Mr. Mukarram Naeem Ahmad Gondal in Karachi on Thursday, 19 July 2012. This is the second target killing of an Ahmadiyya Muslim in Karachi and 7th in Pakistan this year. Approximately 300 Shia

Did Ali Dayan Hasan (of HRW) recant statement against ISI?: The newly appointed Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) may have attained an understated and unsung victory for his intelligence agency considering the recent and highly surprising statement by Human Rights Watch’s Pakistan head Ali Dayan Hasan that

Amnesty International’s report on target killing of Shia doctors in Pakistan: LUBP Editor’s note: We are cross-posting an edited version of an old (2002) report by the Amnesty International on target killing of Shia Muslim doctors in Pakistan byDeobandi militants (Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan SSP currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ,

Target kilings of Ahmadis in Pakistan at the hands of Deobandi ASWJ and TTP militants: Let’s start from an incident which was widely ignored or diluted in Pakistan’s mainstream media: Ahmadi Muslim shot by Deobandi ASWJ terrorists in Baldia Town, Karachi Karachi (Saeedabad, Baldia town – 24 June 2012) – Aslam Bhatti, an Ahmadi

Baloch social activist killed by state backed drug mafia – By Archen Baloch: Karachi: A Baloch Doctor has been killed in Malir City as the extra judicial killings of innocent people by the government backed drug mafia groups continue across Karachi. According to details on Wednesday 20 June 2012, Dr. Rahim Baksh