Jihadi and Jihadi Camps Archive

Is Pakistan really cracking down on Deobandi terrorism?: An interview with C. Christine Fair – By R.M. Schneiderman (Newsweek): Many have called it a game-changer. On December 16, gunmen loyal to the Pakistani Taliban attacked a military school in Peshawar, killing 148 people. Most of the victims were children, and many were killed as they hid under

يادگار شہيد گلاب – محترم نذیر ناجی صاحب کے لئے – عمار کاظمی: سانحہ پشاور میں زخمی ہونے والے ایک بچے کا بیان ’’انھوں نے کہا آرمی والوں کے بچے ایک طرف ہو جائیں انھیں ہمکچھ نہیں کہیں گے جب بچے ایک طرف ہوگئے تو ان پرگولیوں کی بوچھاڑ کردی گئی”، بچے

Extraordinary step, extraordinary case – by Shiraz Paracha: The National Assembly and the Senate have approved the 21 amendment to the Constitution giving military courts legitimacy. This extraordinary legislation may help in resolving an extraordinary case. Few weeks ago, journalist Sohail Warraich was quoted saying that Benazir

Not unlike Benizar Bhutto, Salmaan Taseer was assassinated for his belief in a pluralistic and democratic Pakistan: About the author: Rusty Walker is an educator, author, political commentator, ex-military, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent supporter of Pakistan. The Tragic

‘Not-so-Taliban Khan’ called for action against banned outfits: Sources say PTI chief Imran Khan sought action against hate-mongers, banned sectarian outfits during APC on Dec 24, also proposed time-barring operation of military courts Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, dubbed as ‘Taliban Khan’ by his political opponents,

طالبان دہشتگردوں کا تعلق دیوبندیوں، وہابیوں، اہل حدیث، جماعت اسلامی سے ہے، مفتی بشیر القادری: شیعہ نیوز (پاکستانی خبر رساں ادارہ) مفتی محمد بشیر القادری نورانی کا تعلق بنیادی طور پر پاکستان میں اہلسنت مسلمانوں کی نمائندہ سیاسی مذہبی جماعت جمعیت علمائے پاکستان سے ہے اور اس وقت جمعیت علمائے پاکستان کراچی کے جنرل

Pakistan’s baffling response to Extremism: Despite the grief and rage that followed the massacre of 148 students and their teachers by Taliban militants at an army-run school in Peshawar last week, Pakistan persists in its duplicitous and self-defeating response to the extremism that is

Letter to Pakistan – by Arshad Kazmi: Dear Pakistan, Late last year when I was told that I would have to leave you, I was heartbroken. I had tried hard and wished with all my heart that I could have a few more years with

The debt we owe the army and PAF – Ayaz Amir: Amidst fierce fighting three more of our soldiers died on Sunday in a remote spot close to the Afghan border in North Waziristan. This was another reminder, if any were needed, of the grimness of the conflict raging there

Geo TV and other channels must stop highlighting banned terror outfit ASWJ – Ahmed Noorani: Geo TV and others channels and newspapers are highlighting ASWJ activities breaking law. Official document declares that LeJ, SSP, ASWJ are banned terrorist organisations. Even PEMRA is silent. It is bound to stop media from promoting terrorism and

ISIS has master plan for Pakistan, secret memo warns: QUETTA, Pakistan — ISIS has created a 10-man “strategic planning wing” with a master plan on how to wage war against the Pakistani military, and is trying to join forces with local militants, according to a government

BBC: Pakistan’s Deobandi cleric says Osama Bin Laden was hero: A hardline cleric in Pakistan is teaching the ideas of Osama Bin Laden in religious schools for about 5,000 children. Even while the Pakistani government fights the Taliban in the north-west of the country, it has no plans to

ایران کے بعد چین بھی دیوبندی و وہابی تکفیری دہشت گردی میں پاکستان کے کردار سے غیر مطمئن – بی بی سی اردو: پاک افغان امور کے تجزیہ کار رحیم اللہ یوسفزئی نے بی بی سی سیر بین میں ان سوالات کےتفصیلی جوابات دئیے جو کہ درج ذیل ہیں۔ سنکیانگ رقبے کے لحاظ سے سب سے بڑا صوبہ ہے جہاں اوغر مسلمانوں

لنڈی کوتل: تکفیری دہشت گردی اور غیرقانونی اسلحہ کی برآمدگی پر جماعت اسلامی کے رہنما حاجی نجیب دیوبندی کا گھر مسمار: لنڈی کوتل: خاصہ دار فورس نے بھاری مقدار میں اسلحہ اور گولہ بارود برآمد ہونے کے بعد جمرود میں جماعت اسلامی کے ایک رہنما حاجی نجیب خان دیوبندی کے گھر کو منہدم کردیا۔ مقامی حکام کا کہنا ہے کہ

پشتون بچوں کی دشمن – جماعت اسلامی – از رؤف کلاسرا: Source: http://e.dunya.com.pk/colum.php?date=2014-10-27&edition=LHR&id=39367_79320879

Why I HATE Malala Yousafzai – by Kunwar Khuldune Shahid: The politicians propagated their own agenda, liberal fascists whined about their cause and journalists used the issue to put forward their personal agendas through the debate surrounding the teenager. Some writers wrote satires that were taken seriously, others wrote

TTP bowled over by Malala’s Nobel Prize – Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Malala Yousafzai’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize and becoming the youngest recipient of the prestigious award has certainly come as a rude shock to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which had expressed joy last year over her missing

Slaughter of Iraqi Yazidis? Why should we care? by Rusty Walker: Why should we care about the Yazidis? And, who are they? Yazidis in Iraq are in danger of genocide by the “Islamic State,” i.e., the Islamic State of Iraq and

The Deobandi roots of Taliban and Haqqanis – by Robert Young Pelton: The Taliban were originally the sons of Afghan refugees who had gone to school in the madrassas run out of the refugee camps that had sprung up along the border. Although it was normal for Afghans to attend school

The Next Decade of Deobandi Salafi Jihadism in Pakistan – by Tufail Ahmad: In the run-up to the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, two trends within Islamism in South Asia are likely to have far-reaching implications for regional politics and security. First, jihadist movements in Pakistan and its

Zarb-e-Azb: Pakistan army arrests high-value Deobandi terrorist of Al-Qaeda – Reuters: He escaped from jail in 2012 along with nearly 400 other militants.— ISLAMABAD: Security officials said on Thursday they had arrested a top militant near the Afghan border but not a Pakistani Taliban leader who colleagues had identified last

The Furqan Battallion: The historical role of Ahmadiyya community as Pakistan army’s Jihadist proxy in Kashmir: The historical and important role of Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya community as willing participants and volunteers in Pakistan army’s Jihadist operations for the intended liberation of (Azad) Kashmir remains largely under-explored. In this post, we are collecting some of the material

ہزاروں کی تعداد میں طالبان دہشت گرد گلگت بلتستان کی حدود میں داخل ہوگیے: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : تعمیر پاکستان کے سورسز کے مطابق غذر میں خفیہ پہاڑی راستوں سے داخل ہونے والے افراد شمالی وزیرستان میں آرمی آپریشن کے بعد بھاگنے والے طالبان دہشت گرد ہیں جو پہلے چلاس اور دیامر کے مختلف

Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India: Intel report points to terror recruitment drive targeting nation’s Salafi and Deobandi Muslims: Ghazwa-e-Hind refers to an indoctrinated view of a final apocalyptic war in which India will be conquered by a jihadi army. All soldiers of this army are guaranteed a place in heaven. This term is freely used

Pashtun tribes reject Deobandi militants’ call for Jihad – by Mian Saifur Rehman (The News): Despite the fact that militants launched effective and misleading propaganda against forces through Fatwas urging the tribesmen to wage Jihad against the country’s security forces in retaliation for the Operation Zarbe Azb, vast majority of tribal people have

Abbottabad: Shia scholar Waseem Shirazi and his father killed by Deobandi terrorists: I love no one other than Ali [a] I love everyone for the sake of Ali [a] This was the last post of Martyr Allama Waseem Sherazi on his Facebook account. Martyr Waseem Sherazi and his father, Mustafa

Dawn’s report: Startling facts about Deobandi suicide bombers’ training den in North Waziristan – by Ismail Khan: A copy of the form containing details of a trainee suicide bomber found at the centre. MIRAMSHAH: It was one of the many non-descript buildings around, located at the dead-end of a small street inside Serai Darpakhel.

دیوبندی تکفیری خود کش بمباروں کی تربیت گاہ کے بارے میں چونکا دینے والے حقائق: میران شاہ: یہ سرائی درپہ خیل کے اندر ایک چھوٹی گلی کے آخری سرے پر موجود عمارتوں میں سے ایک تھی۔گلی کے باہر موجود ایک گارڈ نے ہمیں بتایا کہ ‘پہلے ہم سیدھا جائیں پھر بائیں جانب ایک دروازہ

فلسطینیوں کے غم میں رونے والے الباکستانیوں کی منافقت – ازعبدالقادر: یہ بات حقیقت ہے کہ اسرائیل فلسطینیوں کے ساتھ ظلم کر رہا ہے لیکن قطع نظر اس کے کیا آپ نے میڈیا پر کبھی اس قسم کی رپورٹنگ اس وقت بھی دیکھی جب دیوبندی دہشتگردوں نے کوئٹہ میں خودکش

Sunni clerics demand raids on Deobandi seminaries to nab absconding Taliban terrorists: Renowned Sunni Bralevis Cleric Pir Masoom Naqvi who heads JUP Niazi group has said that timid takfiri terrorists of Taliban are fleeing due to Operation Zarb-e-Azb and their escape is a lesson to those who worshipped notorious Taliban

A judgment on minorities in Pakistan – by Amel Ghani: March 15, 2014. An angry mob attacked and set on fire a Hindu dharamshala in Larkana, Sindh. The provocation for this attack was the supposed desecration of a calendar with Quranic verses by one Sanjeet Kumar. By

Taliban cut hair, beards to flee Pakistan army assault: BANNU: Hundreds of Taliban fighters rushed to disguise themselves with new haircuts in the weeks before a Pakistani army assault, it has emerged, as refugees revealed details of life under the militants — and their taste for

IDPs from N Waziristan recall nightmares with Taliban: NEW YORK: Displaced people from North Waziristan agency have spoken out against Pakistani Taliban’s nightmarish hold of their tribal region bordering Afghanistan, saying they destroyed their social structure and traditions. Some of the tens of thousands of people from

Pakistan reiterates NWA offensive will hit Haqqani network – by Zahir Shah Sherazi & Mateen Haider: ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday reiterated that the ongoing Zarb-i-Azb military offensive, launched to eliminate insurgent hideouts in the North Waziristan tribal area, would target all militants, including the feared Haqqani network. Briefing a delegation of foreign media

Flight PK-756: ‘Countdown to your final minutes’ – by Umer Farooq: Express News screen grab of the airplane. Editor’s note: It is unfortunate that deobandi taliban are dragging Pakistan further into the stone age. A country where air travel will be a thing of the past not future. Diseases

No good Taliban anymore. Haqqani network also target of N Waziristan operation: ISPR: PESHAWAR/ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan army for the first time announced that the Haqqani network in North Waziristan is also a target of the current military operation. “For the military, there will be no discrimination among Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

In wake of the airport attack: Are we targeting the right enemy? – by Fahim Zaman: Security, we are told, has been beefed up and authorities plan to ‘construct a wall’ between the perimeter fence north of the airport and Bhitaiabad, closing down the road connecting Shar-e-Faisal with Pehlwan Goth. More than 100 CCTV

ISIS Expands its Killing Fields from Syria to Iraq – by Rusty Walker: Salafist ISIS ‘execute’ 1,700 Iraqi Soldiers Why are organized soldiers attacking Iraq, and who are these Army combatants in Iraq? And, who is funding them? The first question includes the component of timing: Iraq is neither militarily or economically

Pak Army should take out all Taliban not just “bad” Taliban all over Pakistan – M Ilyas Khan: Pakistan’s military operation to clear al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from its side of the Afghan border has long been demanded by Kabul and Washington. Troops are now on alert in Pakistan’s towns and cities after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

The mega follies: POLITICS is all about perception. If people believe that a policy is detrimental to their interests, not even a deluge of spin, arranged news conferences, full-page advertisements and assurances by its advocates is going to change that perception. A