Monthly Archive:: November 2014

ہندو ذاکر کا رینجرز پر تشدد کا الزام، رینجرز کا انکار: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : پاکستانی ریاست کے سیکورٹی اداروں میں تکفیری فاشسٹ رجحان 80 ء کی دهائی سے جڑ پکڑتا جارہا تها لیکن اب اس رجحان کے عملی شواہد اور نظارے تیزی سے ہونے لگے ہیں ، پہلے ایک

Getting Close to Terror, but Not to Stop It: Editor’s Note : Are the suicide bombing, Shia-Hindu-Sufi-Zikri killing Jundullah another example of “moderate” rebels that should be supported. Oh why Not! Supporting Salafi-Deobandi terrorist groups has worked out great since inviting the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House

سعودی عرب: ایک مہینے میں 7ویں پاکستانی کا سر قلم: There are some Pakistani liberals, leftists, atheists and rights activists who wrote facebook statuses and articles on the execution of an Iranian woman in Iran but remain silent on the execution of seven Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia. ریاض:

Sufyani liberals silence on proposed demolition of Prophet Muhammad’s birthplace: Many Pakistani “liberals” – increasingly being referred to as “Sufyani liberals” remain silent on the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia. Many of these “liberals” are toadies and sycophants of the Saudi Stooge in Pakistan – Nawaz Sharif. Their silence

Our Friends in Riyadh – by Toby C. Jones: Last Wednesday, a criminal court in Saudi Arabia sentenced Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, one of the kingdom’s most visible political dissidents, to death. Saudi authorities have justified the verdict in terms of national security. Convicted on vague

Islamophobia, a foreseeable consequence of ultra-liberalism?: It has long been a common feature of contemporary discourses on Islamophobia[1] – by Muslims and non-Muslims alike – to trace the upsurge of modern Islamophobia back to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fading away

Shameful silence on the massacre of Sunni Muslims by ISIS: Editor’s Note : I condemn all those Shia, Sunni, Christian, Marxist, atheist, liberal and other activists who are silent on the massacre of Sunni Muslims by takfiri Wahhabi Deobandi Khawarij of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The world

Pictures of Hanifullah Deobandi, the Wagah suicide bomber: PESHAWAR: The outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan Jamaatul Ahrar has released details of a man they claim carried out a deadly suicide bombing at the main Pakistan-India border crossing last week. A spokesman for the militant group, Ehsanullah Ehsan, told

Takfiri TTP’s new spokesman from Baltistan studied in Deobandi seminaries Karachi: Notorious takfiri nasbi outlawed terrorist group Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP)’s Shura leader Mulla Radio Fazlullah announced a new spokesman for the organisation who he said originally belonged to Gilgit-Baltistan province but he studies at Deobandi seminaries in Karachi. Takfiri nasbi terrorist

ملتان میں کالج کے طالبعلم معین معاویہ نے ادھار چائےنہ دینے پر ہوٹل کے مالک کو آگ لگا دی: بی بی سی اردو کی ایک رپورٹ کے مطابق ملتان میں کالج کے طالبعلم معین معاویہ نے ادھار چائےنہ دینے پر ہوٹل کے مالک کو آگ لگا دی نام سے مسلک کا پتہ چل رہا ہے – اس نام

تکفیری فاشزم، پاک و ہند کے کمیونسٹ اور ثقافت – عامر حسینی: عبداللہ ملک جوکہ کمیونسٹ پارٹی آف انڈیا اور پھر کمیونسٹ پارٹی آف پاکستان کے لاہور سے تعلق رکھنے والے ایک رکن تھے ،انھوں نے اپنے “حج بیت اللّہ ” کی ایک روداد ” حدیث دل – ایک مسلم

There is no compulsion in faith: The Quran: What is the import/meaning of the verse, “No compulsion in faith Qur’an 2:256”? 1. Faith /Religion cannot be imposed on anyone. No one can be compelled to accept / enter into a Religion. 2. No one may be

Mecca under threat: Outrage at plan to destroy the ‘birthplace’ of the Prophet Mohamed and replace it with a new palace and luxury malls: The site in Mecca where the Prophet Mohamed is said to have been born is about to be “buried under marble” and replaced by a huge royal palace. The work is part of a multibillion-pound construction project in the

ملالا کا نوبل انعام اور ڈاکٹر ھود بھائی کا مغالطہ – عامر حسینی: ڈاکٹر امیر علی پرویز ہود بهائی جو قائد اعظم یونیورسٹی میں سالڈ سٹیٹ فزکس کے شعبے سے وابستہ ہیں نے اپنے ایک آرٹیکل میں ملالہ یوسف زئی کے حوالے سے بائیں بازو کے سامراجیت مخالف ، ملٹی نیشنل

The Joy of Reading – by AZ: I had just taken to reading. I had just discovered the art of leaving my body to sit impassive in a crumpled up attitude in a chair or sofa, while I wandered over the hills and far away in

سندھ کے غیر حاضر اساتذہ اور تعلیم کی تباہی – حسن مجتبیٰ: Source:

مریم نواز کا استعفیٰ اور عمران خان کے وارنٹ – عمار چودھری: Source:

نثار میں تیری گلاں کے اے نثار – وسعت اللہ خان: Source:

The Nation’s editorial: The Deobandi forces of darkness in Pakistan: For decades, they have colluded with misguided elements of the state to impose their medieval mindset on Pakistan through manipulation, exploitation and sheer force, where necessary. They have spearheaded witch hunts of minorities, created and defended laws that

سولہ کروڑ میں بیچ دی تاریخی بلڈنگ اس ستم ظریف نے – عامر حسینی: صبح جب میں لاہور سے واپس آنے لگا تو نہ جانے کیسے اسے خبر ہوگئی اور وہ گاڑی لیکر اس ڈربے میں آن پہنچا ،جہاں میں چهپا ہوا تها ،اصل میں میں ایک ایسے نوجوان کے پاس ٹهہرگیا تها

Sharmeen Obaid’s incomplete and problematic discourse on Deobandi terrorism: While this video is somewhat dated, it is still a good example of how the (Fake) liberal elite in Pakistan are habitual distorters of the causes of extremism and willing obfuscators to deflect attention away from the true culprits.

Fauzia Wahab: A single mother who could – by Dr. Saif ur Rehman: 14th November marks birthday of a woman, who I consider no less than a mother, Fauzia Wahab, two times PPP parliamentarian and former Information Secretary of the party. The reason why I consider her a mother is because she

ISIS has master plan for Pakistan, secret memo warns: QUETTA, Pakistan — ISIS has created a 10-man “strategic planning wing” with a master plan on how to wage war against the Pakistani military, and is trying to join forces with local militants, according to a government

Javed Ghamidi’s false neutrality: Shias and Sunnis are beheading each other in Pakistan: On 1 November 2014, Pakistan’s “moderate” cleric Javed Ahmad Ghamidi discussed the significance of “Unity and Diversity (Shia Sunni Differences)” in Samaa Tv’s program Ghamidi Kay Saath (Host: Nida Sameer). In that program, Ghamidi said quite a few things

How pseudo progressives routinely hide the Salafi and Deobandi belief system of ISIS and the Taliban: With ISIS spilling across the globe, the world can no longer afford vague, sweeping and wishy-washy discourses on the threat of ISIS. Whether it is Boko Haram, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab and now ISIS, the guiding philosophy

Robert Fisk’s interview: Syria update 10 Nov 2014: Transcript : Emma Alberici : Prime Minister Tony Abbott has confirmed tonight that Australian special forces are moving into Iraq to help in the fight against ISIS. It comes on the back of a US decision to send

BBC: Pakistan’s Deobandi cleric says Osama Bin Laden was hero: A hardline cleric in Pakistan is teaching the ideas of Osama Bin Laden in religious schools for about 5,000 children. Even while the Pakistani government fights the Taliban in the north-west of the country, it has no plans to

Asma Jahangir and the dancing women in PTI’s rallies: According to Dawn: “Asma Jahangir in a talk show on Monday night said that the PTI sit-ins were characterised by dancing and in a separate comment talked about women’s participation.” Is that how she denigrates female political activists

ڈاکٹر سرفراز نعیمی شہید نے ایک دہشت گرد مسلک کے خلاف تحریک چلانے کا اعلان کیا تھا: اپنی شہادت سے چند روز قبل جامعہ نعیمیہ میں اپنے ایک خطہے میں ڈاکٹر سرفراز نعیمی شہید نے ایک دہشتگرد مسلک کے خلاف تحریک چلانے کا اعلان کیا تھا ڈاکٹر محمد سرفراز نعیمی ناظم اعلی جامعہ نعیمیہ و تنظیم

شتم صحابہ کرام ’گناہ کبیرہ‘ ہے: ھاشمی رفسنجانی: ایران کی گارڈین کونسل کے سربراہ اور سابق صدر آیت اللہ علی ھاشمی رفسنجانی نے صحابہ کرام اور بزرگ ہستیوں کی شان میں گستاخی کی شدید مذمت کرتے ہوئے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ صحابہ کو گالی دینا گناہ کبیرہ

Russia Today’s report on how Hamas, Al-Nusra and ISIS dragged Palestinians into Syria’s conflict – by Sharmine Narwani: Palestinians didn’t jump into the fray in Syria. They were dragged into it – violently and reluctantly. Here is the story of how and why Palestinians and their 14 refugee camps became strategic targets in the Battle for

Battle is On – Pejamistri: I am firm believer in Tolstoy’s theory that it is the masses who define the course of battle (and history). The leaders are like 10 years boy sitting the horse cart, holding the reins and thinking that he is guiding

Wahhabi, Deobandi and Saudi connection: Introduction Its claim of representing Islamic ‘orthodoxy’ is the Saudi regime’s principal tool of seeking ideological legitimacy. Saudi Arabia prides itself on being, as it calls itself, the only ‘truly’ Islamic state in the world, although this claim

For Hussaini brahmans, it’s Muharram as usual: NEW DELHI: As Muharram passed off peacefully in the capital amid heavy police presence on Tuesday, a group of brahmans in east Delhi were wondering what the tension was all about. Like every year, these Hindus took out

A “Pakistan Jew” obfuscates Deobandi terrorism against Sunni and Shia – by Samina Faruqi: As a Pakistani human rights activist, I have always raised voice for equal human rights of people of all faiths and creeds including Sunni and Shia Muslims, Christians, Ahmadis, Jews, Hindus etc. I support Allama Sahibzada Hamid Raza’s (head of

Notes of an Indian Deobandi Jihadi – by Praveen Swam: Covers of books authored by Maulana Asim Umar. His Dajjal, printed on high-quality paper, has run into eight print editions in Pakistan. Written by Praveen Swami | Posted: October 19, 2014 12:00 am Coca-Cola’s bright red logo, splashed across

Khalid ibn al-Walid’s legacy: A Wahhabi cleric illustrates the roots of ISIS ideology in early Islamic history: The murderous and inhuman Wahhabia and Deobandi ideology of the ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban and ASWJ emanates from the early Islamic era, not only the Kharijites but also certain other “holy” persons. Unfortunately just as the history of Islam

علمی مباحث اور عام منطقی مغالطے ۔ خرم زکی: کیوں کہ ہمارے بہت سارے دوست یہاں پر علمی اور منطقی گفتگو کے خواہشمند ہوتے ہیں اس لیئے سب کی آسانی و معلومات کے لیئے کچھ منطقی مغالطوں یعنی لاجیکل فیلیسیز کا ذکر مناسب رہے گا۔ منطقی مغالطوں سے

عبدالمجید عابد: غیرجانبداری کے پردے میں چھپا دیوبندی: دیوبندی دھشت گردوں اور نام نہاد اعتدال پسند دیوبندیوں کے باہمی تعلقات اور رشتوں کا پول جوں جوں کھلتا جاتا ہے، ویسے ویسے دیوبندی مختلف لبادے اوڑھ کر حیلوں اور بہانوں سے اہل سنت جن کو عرف عام میں

دیوبندی سیاست کی تاریخ – دین دیوبندی فی سبیل اللہ فساد: نوٹ : تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ دیوبندی تکفیری دھشت گردوں کو ہمیشہ سے بے نقاب کرتی آئی ہے اور ان کے جعلی سنّی ازم کا لبادہ بھی تار تار کرتی رہی ہے ، اس ویب سائٹ کو یہ جان