Takfiri TTP’s new spokesman from Baltistan studied in Deobandi seminaries Karachi


Notorious takfiri nasbi outlawed terrorist group Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP)’s Shura leader Mulla Radio Fazlullah announced a new spokesman for the organisation who he said originally belonged to Gilgit-Baltistan province but he studies at Deobandi seminaries in Karachi.

Takfiri nasbi terrorist Khalid Balti, alias Muhammad Khurassani, who is a commander of banned Taliban from Gilgit Baltistan, is the new spokesperson.

Khurassani, who is in his early 30s, received his education from Deobandi seminaries in Karachi. Taliban considered him a learned Deobandi cleric. He was a teacher at Jamia-tul-Rasheed in Karachi who publishes Weekly Zarb-e-Momin and Daily Islam newspapers in which they supported Taliban and al-Qaeda. Having a vast experience in media and publication, he was also part of Umer Media team of the outlawed TTP. In addition, Khurassani is associated with some other Deobandi seminaries in Karachi for educational and teaching purposes. Alongside Jamia Rasheedia, he also studied at the Jamia Farooqia in Shah Faisal Colony Karachi and another Deobandi seminary in Gulshan-e-Maymar.

The photograph above shows Khurassani with former TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan and deceased TTP emir Hakeemullah Mehsud. Khurassani previously mentioned in a statement that he was appointed the TTP spokesman after Shahidullah Shahid was sacked. Intelligence agencies report about the Deobandi seminaries sheltering takfiri terrorists proved cent percent correct and factual after Khalid’s appointment as spokesman for the takfiri Taliban.

Shahid had announced his loyalty to another notorious takfiri terrorist outfit DAESH also known ISIS or ISIL. He further added that he would support the Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) militant group in their fight against the security forces that launched Operation Khyber-1 in Bara Tehsil.



