Monthly Archive:: August 2013

Najam Sethi’s ‘The Friday Times’ blog promotes banned sectarian terrorists – by Shia Post: Source : Shia Post, An article titled “The Madarssa Network of Sindh” was published in The Friday Times magazine (TFT Issue Number: Vol. XXV, No. 22, July 12-18, 2013) written by its Ali K Chishti (@akchishti) who is known

Exclusive: transcript of the intercepted al-Qaeda phone call that sparked embassy closures: Thanks to our sources in the US State Department, we have obtained the transcript of the al-Qaeda telephone call that sparked temporary US embassy closures in the Middle East and worldwide travel warnings. The conversation between al-Qaeda global leader

افتخار چودھری اور دہشت گردوں کا گٹھ جوڑ – از حق گو: بنوں جیل سے شرو ع ہونے والا قصہ ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل تک جا پہنچا اور ابھی تک اس سلسلے کے خاتمے کے لئے اٹھاے جانے والے اقدامات نظر نہیں آرہے – تقریباً تین سو خطر ناک دہشت گردوں

The Rafidhi and the Arabs: This piece is not intended to harm original Islamic values or to defame anyone except for the monarchs (tyrants) of Saudi Arabia and their ilk in Qatar, U.A.E. & other Arab states. The title is self sufficient in raising

We condemn brutal murder of 13 Saraikis and Punjabis by BLA militants: Editor’s note: LUBP condemns brutal murder of innocent Sariaki and Punjabi bus passengers by armed militants of the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA). While we support Baloch nationalists’ struggle for equal rights and freedom from brutal oppression by Pakistan army,

A tribute to Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) granddaughter Zainab (s.a.): صبر را معنا و مفهومی به نام زینب است احترام عشق هم از احترام زینب است شهر بی میخانه و ساقی نباشد شهر عشق نشئگان عشق را مستی زجام زینب است فرش را تا عرش پیمودن نه کار هر

Media and Judges double standards: Chaudhry Sarwar becomes Viceroy Punjab!: One cannot help but applaud the immense “sacrifice” Punjab’s new viceroy, Chaudhry Sarwar has made. He has sacrificed his UK nationality in larger national interest and taken over as Governor of Punjab. Off course, the Sharifs couldn’t find one

Video Shows Iran’s President-Elect Was Misquoted on Israel – by Robert Mackey: A video report from Iran’s state-owned Press TV included subtitled remarks by President-elect Hassan Rouhani that were misreported by other Iranian news agencies on Friday. Last Updated, 6:46 p.m. | As my colleague Thomas Erdbrink reports from Tehran,

#ShiaGenocide is a reality, not just a ‘fab’ Twitter trend – by Alizeh Khaleeli: It means taking one life away and leaving a few hundred near death. PHOTO: EXPRESS Another sectarian attack in Parachinar. The infamous hashtag Shia Genocide, however, only lasts momentarily on Twitter before being taken over by more worthy trends

Collective Amnesia – by Khadim Hussain: A scene from Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Nobel Prize winning novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, has vaguely remained my memory for a long time. The scene is about a gun battle in 1967 between liberals and conservatives in Macondo

Express Tribune crosses all boundaries in covering up murder by ASWJ’s chief terrorist in Karachi – by Xain Gardezi: Headline in one the ‘liberal’ English dailies (Express Tribune) as follows: “ASWJ leader survives another assassination attempt” If one reads above piece of news, it would seem that Karachi chief of banned Anjuman Sipah e Sahaba (ASS, currently

سرگوشیاں: اس مرتبہ عید ایک ایسے موقعہ پر آرہی ہے کہ میرے سینے پر تازہ زخم لگے ہیں اور ان زخموں سے اٹھنے والی ٹیسیں مجھے ساری ساری رات بے چین رکھتی ہیں-سوچتا ہوں کہ اس دن کو خوشی

CM Khattak reveals that Pakistan army was complicit in LeJ-Taliban’s attack on DI Khan jail: Related posts: LUBP archive on DI Khan Pakistan army’s support to terrorists CM KPK Pervez Khattak has revealed that local army units refused to follow orders of provincial administration to engage with Taliban terrorists who attacked the DI Khan

Pakistan floods: Govt was nowhere in Karachi – because Sindh is governed by the PPP – Shabash Geo, Shabash Hamid Mir: They just can’t swallow the fact why the PPP is governing Sindh despite all of their propaganda. The recent flooding which seems to have become a regular phenomenon has affected Karachi badly. Without doubt, the absence of a strong

O Cheater! It is you who should remember “Zulfikar Ali Bhutto”!: I was disgusted to see a small news report that appeared on 3rd August after Imran Khan’s appearance in front of the highly exalted, holier than thou, judges of the Supreme Court, headed by the Abul Cheater, Iftikhar

دال میں کچھ کالا یا پوری دال ہی کالی ؟: ایک عجیب و غریب واقعہ جو ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان میں پیش آچکا ہے جہاں پر 150 لوگ چار گھنٹے شہر کے اندر، جیل کے اردگرد باردوی سرنگیں بچھا کر، بڑے ہتھیار سے مسلح ہوکر حملہ آور ہوتے ہيں اور

Imran Khan questions Pakistan army’s dubious inaction during DI Khan prisonbreak by Taliban: Related posts: Taliban’s attack on D.I.Khan prison was not possible without Pakistan army’s connivance Pakistani media hide the real motive of DI Khan Jailbreak – by Abid Sulehri Imran Khan points finger at army over DI

A research article on differences and similarities between Deobandis and Salafis/Wahhabis: Related posts: Historical context and roots of Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan and India – See more at: متحدہ ہندوستان میں شیعہ نسل کشی کی مختصر تاریخ – از وسعت الله خان – See more at: Wahhabism

بلدیاتی انتخابات وقت کی اہم ضرورت از فیصل محمود: بلدیاتی نظام کوجمہوریت کی بنیاد کہا جاتا ہے. دنیا کے ہر بڑے ملک میں بلدیاتی نظام قائم ہے.جہاں میئر اور کونسلرکے پاسس شہر کے مکمّل اختیارات ہوتے ہیں.بعض شہروں میں پولیس بھی میئر کے ماتحت ہوتی ہے.بلدیاتی اداروں کو

Ahmad Qureshi’s website justifies Shia genocide in Pakistan: This hate-Shia article published on Ahmed Qureshi’s website (PKKH) is a must read to understand why certain pro-Taliban elements are helping Deobandi Jihadist militants (of Deobandi Taliban and Deobandi Sipah Sahaba) to kill Shia Muslims in Pakistan. In the

Shia leader, son killed in Rahim Yar Khan – by Kashif Zafar: Pakistani Shia Muslims carry the coffins of relatives during a mass burial ceremony in Quetta on February 20, 2013. PHOTO: AFP/FILE BAHAWALPUR: The Shia Council’s Divisional President Sheikh Manzoor Hussain and his younger son Haider Ali were killed as a

Don’t Take ‘NOW’ For Granted: that’s all we have – by A Z: With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony and the deep power of joy we see into the heart of things. William Wordsworth The older we get, the quicker life seems to be. The life goes slower

Pakistani media hide the real motive of DI Khan Jailbreak – by Abid Sulehri: There is a silence on what happened on 29 July 2013 as the Taliban carried out brazen jail break. The silence is understandable considering the stakes involved in it. Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) cannot say much or protest for

نون کا ممنون – از سلمان علی: پوری رعایا مسلم لیگ نون کے قاعد نواز شریف کے ممنون ہے کے انہوں نے پاکستان کی صدارت کے لیے تین نون والے ممنون حسین کو چنا ، اب اگلے پانچ سالوں میں ممنون حسین اپنی خوشامدی صورت اور

UN: Over 1,000 Iraqis Kill in July, Highest Toll in Years – by Jason Ditz: The UN mission to Iraq has released its official figures for violence in the month of July today, putting the toll at 1,057 dead and 2,326 wounded. This is almost exactly in line with the death toll for May,

Indonesian Chief of Army Staff to be questioned over harassment of Ahmadis: Members of the House of Representatives Commission I overseeing defense will question Army chief of staff Gen. Moeldoko, the sole candidate to replace retiring Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Adm. Agus Suhartono, over his alleged involvement in what could be

Bahrain Cracks Down in Bid to Stop its Tamarod Movement (a la Egypt) – by Juan Cole: The Bahrain struggle is still going on two and a half years later. A coalition of Shiite groups and some Sunnis (the Waad or Promise Party) continues to agitate against the authoritarian practices of the

We must face our demons – by Kamran Shafi: The writer is a columnist, a former major of the Pakistan Army and served as press secretary to Benazir Bhutto [email protected] It is quite incredible that though we are in our late-ish sixties, both our country and its people

Consumer price index: Inflation rebounds to alarming levels – by Shahbaz Rana: The 8.3% inflation level surpassed the expectations of the Ministry of Finance and Planning Division, which was expecting inflation to level around 7.5% in July. CREATIVE COMMONS ISLAMABAD: After slipping to levels never seen in nine years, inflation rebounded in

Is There a Religiously Designated Islamic Political System? by A Z: While political movements that function in the name of religion have been a world phenomenon for centuries, in the modern age it is only Islam that, in the recent times, has become associated with radical fundamentalism in an essentialist

شام میں حضرت عمار یاسر اور حضرت اویس قرنی کے روضوں پر حملہ: شام میں سرگرم سعودی نواز تکفیری وہابی دھشتگردوں نے پیغمبر اسلام (ص) اور حضرت علی (ع) کے جلیل القدر صحابی حضرت عمار یاسر اور حضرت اویس قرنی کے روضوں پر راکٹوں سے حملہ کیا ہے۔ شام میں تکفیری دھشتگردوں

Taliban’s attack on D.I.Khan prison was not possible without Pakistan army’s connivance: Related post (in Urdu): ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل پر تکفیری دیوبندیوں کا حملہ اور پاکستانی فوج کا کردار Media and insider reports from Dera Ismail Khan confirm that the jailbreak (29 July) and the subsequent safe transfer of Taliban

Why Al-Quds rallies by Pakistani Shias are anything but productive – by Fatima Rajput: Related post: It’s all about power: Al-Quds Day a celebration of hatred and racism – by Michael Coren In campaigning for human rights, it is important to avoid being selective or unbalanced. It is equally important to ensure that

Pakistan’s Sectarian Meltdown – by Michael Kugelman: Last month, militants murdered nine foreign mountain climbers at a base camp on Pakistan’s Nanga Parbat peak. Many observers noted that it was the first attack of its kind. But in fact, one aspect of the attack—which received little

ہائے اس زود پشیمان کا پشیمان ہونا: ڈیرہ جیل پر حملہ اور ہماری بے بسی – از اجمل جامی: ارادہ تو یہ تھا کہ ممنون و مشکورنو منتخب صدر کے حوالے سے کچھ معلومات قارئین تک پہنچائی جاتیں۔ اور پھرپنجاب کے متوقع گورنر جناب چوہدری سرور بارے بھی کچھ ‘شگوفے’ بکھیرے جاتے لیکن ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان میں جیل

Carnage in Kurram – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The Pakistani security establishment needs to take a long and hard look to see how many Adnan Rashids are still hiding among its ranks Two synchronised bomb attacks wreaked havoc in the heart of Parachinar in the Kurram Agency

مجھے مسلمانوں پر غصہ نہیں ترس آتا ہے: اکثر لوگ مجھ جیسے کمزور اور کم عمر شخص کو تنقید کا نشانہ بناتے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ اپنی عمراور اپنا سائز دیکھو اور پھر اپنی حرکتیں،ہر معاملے میں منہ اُٹھا کر بولنا شروع کردیتے ہو کہ مسلمان

Pakistan: Main challenges and constraints in Local Govt: Pakistan is a federal republic whose local government has been suspended following the expiration of the 17th amendment and the passing of the 18th amendment to the constitution, which transfers responsibility for local government from central to provincial government.