War on Terror Archive

TTP Commander Waliur Rehman Deobandi and Imran Khan’s march of folly – by Mahpara Qalander: Who was Waliur Rehman Deobandi? The easy answer is that he was the deputy in command of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) who was killed by a drone attack on 29 of May. But was he just the number 2

The West’s Fatal Attraction: Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism – by Sadiq Ameen: Last week an American woman (Nicole Lynn Mansfield) has been killed in Syria while fighting alongside rebel forces against the Assad regime alongside two other Westerners—the U.K. press has identified one as a British man born in 1990. The

FATA: Behind Pakistan’s Iron Curtain – by Melissa Roddy: Photo by Melissa Roddy Editor’s note: In the following article published in the Huffington Post, Melissa Roddy presents a point of view that is mostly missing from the Pakistani pro-Taliban media. Her analysis is more fact based than Taliban

Not all Pakistanis criticize drone strikes on Takfiri Deobandi Wahhabi terrorists hiding in FATA – by Paul D. Shinkman: Pakistani protesters burn a representation of a U.S. flag to condemn a drone attack in the Pakistani tribal area of Waziristan that killed Taliban leader Waliur Rehman, on May 30, 2013 in Multan, Pakistan. While speaking at the Aspen

JUI-S chief Sami keen to mediate, but clueless about TTP – by Ismail Khan: AKORA KHATTAK: His back leant on a cushion against the wall, eyes half-closed, he gave some quick lesson to one of the disciples in waiting while another massaged his leg and in-between managed incessant phone calls for him. A

Shia Genocide and our reaction to it – by Sabah Hasan: During, and more so, just after the countrywide four-day sit-in in January against Shia Genocide, my friends had questioned and commented on certain aspects of the event. I had promised my daughter (one of the persons who asked some

سلفی دہشت گردوں کی بربریت – مغرب کو سعودی عرب سے تعلقات پر نظر ثانی کرنا ہوگا – از حق گو: لندن میں دو سلفی وہابی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں برطانوی فوجی کا سر کاٹنا بلا شبہ ایک بہت سنگین اور دل دہلا دینے والا واقعہ ہے – ماضی کے واقعیت کی طرح یہ دونو قتل بھی سعودی سلفی نظریے

Doctrine of armed jihad or doctrine of Saudi Wahhabi caliphate?: Related posts: Woolwich: Muslim reaction, Saudi connection and inept state -by Ale Natiq Woolwich Beheading: Educating the West about the Wahhabi brand of terror – by Rusty Walker While the world is being wrecked by terrorist acts of Wahhabi-Deobandi

Woolwich beheading: The West should review its ties with Saudi Arabia – by Mahpara Qalandar: The beheading of a British soldier by two Salafis (also known as Wahhabis) outside Woolwich barracks is a very serious affair. These two assassins were inspired by the Salafi ideology financed by Saudi Arabia. That the assassins were shouting

Pakistani Taliban, drones and Saudi funded seminaries – by Sohail Butt: Taliban represent an obscurantist philosophy and violent mindset practising atrocities and brutalities of a worst kind. They are involved in heinous crimes against humanity killing 50000 Pakistanis so far including our troops. These armed stronger than the state criminals

طالبان کو سیاسی حمایت اور حثیت فراہم کرنے والی تحریک انصاف اور مسلم لیگ نواز – از حق گو: پنجاب میں الیکشن مہم پورے عروج پر ہے جب کہ باقی ماندہ پاکستان میں تین روشن خیال اور ا عتدال پسند جماعتیں دیوبندی تکفیری دہشت گردوں کے عتاب کا نشانہ بنی ہوئیں ہیں – پیپلز پارٹی ہو متحدہ قومی

I will not vote for Imran Khan – by Shahryar: I might be starving for a leader that is attempting to change the face of my country for the better, but I will not vote for PTI. PHOTO: REUTERS In less than a week’s time Pakistan reaches a historic

سپاہ صحابہ اور طالبان کا سلیکشن کمیشن – از حق گو: جوں جوں الیکشن کا دن قریب آرہا ہے پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کے بڑھتے ہوے واقعات نے ہر ایک پاکستانی کو تشویش میں مبتلا کر رکھا ہے ، طالبان کی پیپلز پارٹی ، اے این پی اور ایم کیو

Azizabad Blasts: When MQM Puts Your Life Before Theirs: Recently, I was out with my cousin shopping for ingredients to bake a cake. Soon after we reached home, there was a loud bang and suddenly everything became silent for a few minutes. I could hear a roar of bikes

Trust me it’s our war! – by Danish Kazi: Today when I started to write this piece . I wanted to seek inspiration as everyone now speak about Elections, why Imran Khan may or not win? , why Nawaz Sharif is under threat? and a few speaking about

Pakistan, an unfortunate country? – Riaz Ali Toori: Terrorists are giving a very clear message to the people of Pakistan to either vote for those who want to see a stable country or vote for those who want us to perish How unfortunate is Pakistan that is

Pakistani Taliban praise Bin Laden by ‘waging jihad for the Caliphate’ – by Bill Roggio: The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan has released a video praising slain al Qaeda emir Osama bin Laden on the second anniversary of his death and vowing to continue “waging jihad for the Caliphate” in his name. Umar Studio, the

An Expedient Alliance? The Muslim Right and the Anglo-American Left – by Meredith Tax: I was recently in London to launch my book Double Bind: the Muslim Right, the Anglo-American Left, and Universal Human Rights, published by a new transnational think tank, the Centre for Secular Space. (The New York City launch is

ASWJ/LEJ (Sipah Sahaba) is the political face of Taliban – by Ejaz Haider: Editor’s note: LUBP commends Ejaz Haider for clearly stating that ASWJ (aka Sipah Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) is the political face of Pakistani Taliban (TTP). However, we also noted that as usual Ejaz Haider has declined to mention their true

Free fair and impartial elections 2013: It is clear as sunlight that for the banned extremist outfit Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the next best thing to eliminate Democracy or what they call “kufr ka nizam” is to throw their full illegal militant weight behind

With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan – by Matthew Rosenberg: KABUL, Afghanistan — For more than a decade, wads of American dollars packed into suitcases, backpacks and, on occasion, plastic shopping bags have been dropped off every month or so at the offices of Afghanistan’s president — courtesy of

بوسٹن دھماکے، سعودی وہابی دیوبندی دہشت گردی اور عالمی امن – از حق گو: بوسٹن بمبنگ کے حوالے سے ہدایت ٹی وی پر نشر ہونے والے ایک شو میں بردار حیدر زیدی کے ساتھ بردار علی ناطق اور علی تاج کی گفتگو کا لب لباب یا خلاصہ پیش خدمت ہے بردار حیدر زیدی

تکفیری دیوبندی و سلفی دہشتگردی اور سعودی عرب – چولی دامن کا ساتھ – از حق گو: پاکستان، شام، عراق ، بحرین ، اور افغانستان کے بعد تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کی دہشت گردی بوسٹن امریکا بھی پہنچ گیی ، حالیہ بم دھماکوں میں ملوث افراد گو کہ چیچن ہیں مگر ان کا سلفی وہابی عقیدے

Lal Masjid fan club – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Someone please forward a copy of this to His Holiness Highness Hazrat Iftikhar Chaudhary (HHHHIC) aka Abu Arsalan. HHHHIC and his Chacha Supremes must be so proud of reading this as they have always shown a soft corner for

Left in the lurch – by Ali Arqam: The state is looking the other way The Awami National Party (ANP) campaign for the upcoming elections is going along the swaggering video statements and escalated bomb attacks by Taliban and nonchalant responses by the other political parties especially

Saudi funding and radicalization (Wahhabisation) in N. America and Europe: It has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt the a vast majority of terrorists acts in the world can be attributed to Wahhabi Salfists terrorists, in Pakistan they are called Takfiri Deobandis. Not all Wahhabis/Salafis are terrorists but the data

LUBP condemns the cowardly terrorist attacks on Boston marathon and stands in solidarity with the victims: LUBP unequivocally condemns the horrific bomb blasts that have left three people killed and over 98 injured in Boston (based on news reports like this http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/15/177349725/two-explosions-rock-boston-marathon-finish-line-at-least-3-dead-dozens-injured) As a blogzine that focuses primarily on Pakistan, we are all too familiar

2013: A highly critical year for Pakistan – by A Z: This year promises to be of great significance for Pakistan in more respects than one. A change of government is already in the making. Kayani makes way for a successor to be appointed. The US and NATO begin to

Genocide by Deobandi Taliban: the Nazis of Pakistan – by Chris Emmanuel Dsouza: As the world was keenly waiting for the white smoke to appear on the Vatican House Chimney, Joseph Colony in Lahore was filled with black smoke. When Vatican Council was wrapping-up their Papal Elections, its followers were attacked and

One can accuse Imran Khan of stupidity but not of dishonesty – by A Z: I have nothing in common with Imran’s politics. He is a right wing politician with religious leanings, who does not believe in the separation of religion and statecraft, and was a Taliban apologist not very long ago. Also he

This is not about Shia or Sunni but barbarians hijacking our religion and our country — by Beena Sarwar: Students and professionals in the Boston area organised a well-attended vigil on Friday evening in solidarity with Pakistan’s Shia Muslims and in protest against the ongoing target killings. A heavy snowstorm cleared up hours before the candlelight

Xenophobia, internal-racism deadly combo — by Andaleeb Rizvi: OMG, I went to Pakistan and it is so dangerous. Agreed! It is impossible to live there as a liberal/secular person. Excuse me? I have been living here as a liberal, atheist whatever for the past 5 years at

درویش استاد سبط جعفر دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں شہید: پوری پاکستانی قوم بلخصوص پاکستانی شیعہ مکتبہ فکر ، دیوبندی دہشت گردوں اہل سنت ول جماعت جس کا پرانا نام سپاہ صحابہ تھا کےہاتھوں ایک اور بہت بڑے سانحے سے گزر رہے ہیں مشہور شاعر،ادیب اور دانشور سید سبط جعفر

لشکر جھنگوی کے دہشت گرد قاری عبدالحئی دیوبندی کی گرفتاری – از حق گو: گزشتہ روز کراچی میں قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں کی طرف سے خفیہ اطلا ع پر ہونے والی کاروائی میں لشکر جھنگوی کے سابق صوبائی امیر کی گرفتاری کی خبریں سامنے آرہی ہیں قاری عبدالحئی دیوبندی عرف اسد اللہ بہت سے

Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ killed Parveen Rehman: AHRC Report: ASWJ/LeJ have turned Pakistan into a mad country: Asian Human Rights Commission’s statement on Parveen Rehman’s assassination PAKISTAN: The Country has gone Mad, No Doubt When a small lady weighing hardly 60 kilograms working for the betterment of poor

Incompetence or glee over bloodshed? A comment on Christian Caryl’s article on #ShiaGenocide – by Ali Taj: This article is in response to Christian Caryl’s article titled“Not About Us” published in Foreign Policy Magazine on February 20th in 2013. The author is either completely unaware of the ground realities of Shia Genocide in Pakistan or is simply rejoicing

تیز ترک گامزن منزل مانددور نیست: جہاں آرا منظور وٹو ۔۔۔۔: بالآخر پاکستان کی سیاسی تاریخ میں پہلی مرتبہ عوام کی منتخب آئینی، جمہوری حکومت اپنی آئینی مدت پوری کرنے جا رہی ہے۔ جمہوریت جس کے چراغ آج دنیا بھر میں روشن ہو رہے ہیں، جس کو آج دنیا بھر

ANP wants OBL Commission report in parliament -by Mustajab Tareen: ANP vice president, member national assembly and one of the most outspoken voices among Pakistan political forces Bushra Gohar has demanded that Abbottabad commission report to be presented before the public representatives in the parliament. We appreciate her bold

Shaheed Bilour: immortalized, not silenced — by Ammara Ahmad: Mr Bilour was the only mainstream politician who dared to take a clear position against terrorism. The greatest victory of a politician and activist like Bashir Bilour is to be known for his cause during his lifetime and afterwards.