War on Terror Archive

So, let us pull out of the war on terror. What is the alternative?: Digesting the Marriott blast Some facts about the Marriott Hotel blast are coming out gradually as the scene of destruction is carefully examined and videos from the security cameras are scrutinised. More and more people are put off by

Admit it: this is Pakistan’s war: Twelve hours after the blasting of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, the flames had still not been doused. The medium-sized Shehzore truck, packed with 600 kg of RDX explosives, drove up to the hotel barrier and exploded, setting the

Doublecross: Musharraf and Pakistan Army’s ambiguous stance toward Al-Qaeda and Taliban-: According to the US-based Pew Research Centre’s Global Attitudes Project, the number of Muslims globally supporting suicide attacks and Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden has fallen sharply in the past six years. But the think tank still has

Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September – Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters: Islamabad Marriott Hotel bomb blast 20 September Appeal: Show No Mercy to Terrorists and Their Supporters To: The President of Pakistan The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chief of Army Staff Chief Justice of Pakistan In the light of the

War on Terror: Clash of realism and populism in Pakistan: Comment about the government’s policy on the war against terrorism is understandably rife in the media because of the sensitivity of the issue at hand. Some reporters speaking from areas of conflict are advising the government to “do what