War on Terror Archive

Intelligence, psy-ops & the Fata war – By Naeem Sadiq: One need not destroy one’s enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. — Sun Tzu WITH the truth coming first in the line of fire, the stories of any war are often carefully prepared half-truths, selected truths

Jirga to nowhere – by Rahimullah Yusufzai: Saturday, November 01, 2008 It was obvious from the beginning that the Pak-Afghan Joint Peace Jirga, which held its inaugural session with much fanfare in August 2007 in Kabul and its much-delayed sequel recently in Islamabad on October 27-28,

Taliban kill Gayle Williams, a British-South African aid worker, who believed in doctrine of love…: In the name of love SOME would see it as a profession of faith. Others may call it a religion of humanity. Either way, such intrepid devotion to the cause of basic humanism can only merit pure homage —

New Pak effort against terrorism encouraging: US, Canadian dailies: WASHINGTON: A US and a Canadian daily found Pakistan’s new efforts against terrorism ‘encouraging’ and said US should respond accordingly. An editorial in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin noted that the anti-Taliban lashkars are poorly armed with aging rifles, while Taliban

Pakistan’s Army is successfully achieving its aims in operation against terrorists in Bajaur…: Bajaur: an interim assessment The Frontier Corps (FC) inspector-general in Bajaur, Major-General Tariq Khan, has told visiting journalists that the army has flushed out militants from some of their strongholds and regained control of most of the troubled spots,

Zardari & Kayani are real benefactors of Pakistan: Their strategy on war on terror is working much better than the double-cross strategy of Mush…: A two-pronged approach EVIDENTLY the ‘neutral’ tribesmen’s resolve to take up arms against the Taliban is paying dividends. If this were not the case, the Taliban supporters among the politicians would not have spoken so vehemently against what to

Almost one million people of Parachinar remain stranded for more than a year by the criminals of Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba & Al-Qaeda: Appeal for help to the international community PESHAWAR: Delay in reopening road delays return of peace to Kurram By Zulfiqar Ali PESHAWAR, Oct 23: Delay in reopening of Thall-Parachinar Road despite an agreement, reached between the warring tribes of

Drone attacks and ground assaults – By Rahimullah Yusufzai: Drone attacks and ground assaults Saturday, October 25, 2008 Rahimullah Yusufzai Whether it was General Pervez Musharraf’s dictatorship or Asif Ali Zardari’s democratic set-up, the government came to the conclusion that it cannot afford to antagonize the US by

An analysis of the Parliament’s National Consensus Resolution on War on Terror. How the agents of Taliban are trying to misinterpret the Resolution…: Interpreting the ‘national consensus’ After making public a variety of clashing views, all parties in the joint parliamentary session in Islamabad have produced a unanimous 14-point document of “national consensus” on the war on terror. This is an important

Pakistan is united against terrorists of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba & other jihadi & sectarian organizations. Parliament passes resolution.: Parliament passes 14-point resolution on national securityUpdated at: 1025 PST, Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ISLAMABAD: The Parliament on Wednesday unanimously endorsed a 14-point resolution on national policy regarding internal security and war against terrorism. Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza

Pakistan’s war on terror, the discussion in the parliament and the political point scoring by PML-N and PML-Q – Nasim Zehra: Parliament’s role in fighting terrorWednesday, October 22, 2008Nasim Zehra The writer is an Islamabad-based security analyst Almost two weeks into the in-camera session on the security situation, and especially the tribal areas, many questions regarding its usefulness are being

Talking peace with militants in Tribal Areas: Let us not hurry into another appeasement. Khalid Aziz: Talking peace with militantsTuesday, October 21, 2008by Khalid Aziz Since April of this year the military changed the method of fighting the insurgency in FATA and the NWFP. Prior to ‘Operation Zalzala,’ which was conducted in the Mahsud area

Owning the war AND Ayaz Amir’s attitude of denial toward Taliban and terroirsts: Owning the warTuesday, October 21, 2008by Muhammad Saleem This is with reference to Ayaz Amir’s article ‘Our priceless talent for wasting time and money’, published in this newspaper on Oct 17. Being a member of parliament, Mr Amir is

Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on PTV: In his op-ed in Daily Jang, Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism (suicide bombings etc) because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on Pakistan Television. What a fool

Sectarian Strife Paralyzes Life in Pakistan’s Kurram Tribal Agency:: By Imtiaz Ali Pakistan’s Kurram Tribal Agency has been at the center of sectarian Shiite-Sunni conflict for decades. The area witnessed bloody clashes between the two rival sects of Islam long before the arrival of the Taliban phenomenon and

Imran Khan (Taliban Khan) says there are no foreign terrorists in Pakistan’ tribal areas. What does he say about these 168 terrorists?: Pictures of Uzbek and other foreign terrorists (arrested by the Pakistan Army) who are being supported and financed by Javed

Why are the Taliban and other jihadi and sectarian organizations destroying barber shops, CD shops, girls schools? Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Read this…: The Pakistani nations is fighting for its survival against the forces of darkness, the jihadi and sectarian beasts who want to establish their tunnel-visioned khilafat in Pakistan and the world over. Criminals such as Imran Khan, Israr Ahmed, Qazi

New peace agreement in Kurram Agency and Parachinar: The Jirgah is silent about the presence of terrorists belonging to Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba: Agreement kindles hope of peace in Kurram By Bakhtawar Mian ISLAMABAD, Oct 16: A grand jirga of Kurram Agency has brokered a peace deal between warring sectarian groups in the region. Under the agreement, the two sides agreed to

JUI-F opposes use of force in Tribal Areas: Fazlur Rehman emerges as ‘Taliban spokesman’ in parliament: JUI-F chief opposes use of force in Tribal Areas: Fazl emerges as ‘Taliban spokesman’ in parliament * Offers mediation between govt and Taliban* PML-N calls for fresh anti-terror policy* Wants any secret US-Musharraf deals made public By Irfan Ghauri

Dangers in the north – An analysis of Pakistan’s war with Talibans by I. A. Rehman: Dangers in the north By I.A. Rehman A SERIES of developments in the tribal areas and in Afghanistan over the past couple of weeks has greatly heightened ordinary Pakistani citizens’ anxieties about their future. And their expectations of reassurances

How can Pakistan win the war on terror? Some suggestions: 1. The Government must keep a close eye on the extremists of Jaish-e-Muhammad, Sipah-e-Sahaba and the extremist Deobandi Madrassahs which have been actively involved in jihadi activities in Afghanistan and Kashmir. 2. The Government must ‘practically’ abolish all kinds

Pakistan needs financial and logistic aid to sustain the war on terror: Global crisis and war on terrorismThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned on Saturday that “debt-ridden banks were pushing the global financial system to the brink of meltdown” and “the rich nations had so far failed to restore confidence”. According

The drug trade is funding the Taliban’s terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Are NATO forces invovled in this business?: Afghanistan’s narco menace SO closely linked are the problems of insurgency and drug trafficking in Afghanistan that it is no surprise that Nato has extended its mandate to crush the narcotics trade in the country. But the success of

Taliban are under pressue; no need to negotiate with them now.: Taliban are clearly under pressure from both sides of the border. Particularly on the Pakistani side of the border, there are clear signs that Taliban are fast losing the support of ordinary citizens including Pashtuns in the tribal area.

Talking to the Taliban: Implications for Pakistan: The talk in Afghanistan of sitting down with the Afghan Taliban and thrashing out a solution to the conflict is now overt. To nudge the initiative forward, the Governor of NWFP, Mr Owais Ghani, has reiterated his earlier stance

Some questions that Pakistani Parliamentarians must ask the Army Chief and the head of ISI – by Syed Talat Hussain: In his op-ed today, Talat Hussain poses some important questions which suggest that why despite the so called intensive military operation against militants, not even a single notable command of terrorist organizations has been captured or killed. Talat also

We must back Army against terrorists!: The Pakistan Parliament’s In Camera Session It is time to distinguish political opportunists from those who are willing to root out the menace of terrorism from Pakistan. It is time to be united to wage an all out war

War on terror is Pakistan’s own war —Ijaz Hussain: Is this our war? —Ijaz Hussain The mere ownership of the war by the government is not enough to fight it effectively. It is imperative that the people own it too Ever since Pakistan joined the US-led war on

Fixing the tribal areas – Rustam Shah Mohmand: In the following column, Rustam Sham Mohmand suggests that Pakistan must ensure that there should be no training camps of any sort, by any group, in the tribal areas, (as well as in other parts of the country?). The

Crackdown on militants by tribal volunteers in Tribal Areas: By Anwarullah Khan KHAR, Oct 5: Hundreds of tribal volunteers marched in Mamond and Wara tehsils, strongholds of militants in Bajaur Agency, on Sunday and warned pro-Taliban elements to either surrender or leave the area. The armed tribesmen did

Pakistan Must Root Out MI6 Elements from the ISI, or Perish: Sept. 21, 2008 (EIRNS)—Bodies are still being pulled out from under the rubble that the Islamabad Marriott Hotel has become, following the truck-bomb attack by a suicide bomber on the evening of Sept. 20, when the faithful were breaking

The lion of Pakhtunkhwa, Asfandyar Wali Khan, attacked by Taliban terrorists: Unhurt Asfand vows to hit back, establish govt’s writ 5 killed in attack on Wali’s house Staff Reporter/Agencies PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber blew himself up as he tried to run into the house of Awami National Party President Asfandyar

Is the USA doublecrossing Pakistan in FATA: Bajaur: the crucial test Reports are that terrorists known as Taliban are crossing the border from the Kunar province in Afghanistan to fight against the Pakistani forces in Bajaur and other areas. Pakistan has informed the US about this

Defining the Taliban – By Muhammad Ali Siddiqi: WHILE President Asif Ali Zardari says we are in a state of war, it is amazing that the government and the media have not yet clearly spelled out how the enemy is to be defined. Normally, an enemy is

Crimes of Fasadis (worngly known as Jihadis) done in the name of Islam…. Abbas Ather: Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, Kashif Abbasi, and Hamid Mir say: Terrorist activities against innocent Pakistanis are a reaction against the US policies. Shame on terrorists

Silent majority stirs – People in FATA rise agains Taliban: FATA’s silent majority now seems to be stirring. It has for years watched in agony the destruction of its environs. Its once peaceful valleys and ravines are now a theatre of war, with homes, fields and shops destroyed, the

War on terror & India’s stake: By Kuldip Nayar THE burning of Islamabad’s Marriott hotel that Indian channels showed at length is still etched in the memory of horrified people. They are worried about Pakistan. Even the hawks do not conceal their anxiety. The intelligentsia’s

Is it America’s war our our war? The colour between black and white: Ayaz Amir: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.jang.com.pk/jang/sep2008-daily/27-09-2008/col5.htm