United States of America (USA) Archive

To stop attacks like the one on Britain’s Parliament we need to drain the swamps that breed violent extremism: Drain the swamps that breed violent extremism His given name was Adrian Ajao but the name under which he killed four people in a terrorist attack was Khalid Masood. He had a string of convictions for violent offences

یمن : سعودی ہیلی کاپٹر کا صومالی مہاجرین کی کشتی پہ حملہ ،40 ہلاک، متعدد زخمی ہوگئے – مستجاب حیدر: افریقی ملک صومالیہ کی حکومت نے میڈیا کو بتایا کہ سعودی قیادت میں فوجی اتحاد نے یمن کی بندرگاہ حدیدہ کے قریب صومالی مہاجرین کی ایک کشتی پہ گن شپ ہیلی کاپٹر سے فائرنگ کی اور اس کے نتیجے

سعودی عرب یمن کے ساحلوں کی ناکہ بندی کیوں کررہا ہے ؟ – مستجاب حیدر: یمن کی سب سے بڑی بندرگاہ حدیدہ پہ سعودی اتحادی افواج کے حملوں میں اضافہ ہوگیا جس نے یمن کو نسل کشی کے دھانے تک لیجانے کے سعودی منصوبے میں تیزی پیدا کردی ہے۔ مغربی مین سٹریم میڈیا ہو

شام : مغرب و آل سعود کے حامی دہشت گرد شامی مسیحیوں کی نسل کشی میں ملوث ہیں ۔ یاسمین: انٹرویو : سارہ عبید ترتیب و ترجمہ : مستجاب حیدر سارہ عبید شامی نژاد امریکی صحافی اور سوشل ایکٹوسٹ ہیں،وہ گلوبل ریسرچ،منٹ پریس نیوز سمیت درجنوں نیوز ویب سائٹ پہ لکھتی ہیں۔حال ہی میں ان کی شام میں آرتھوڈوکس

IT IS MY TURN – by Agha Shaukat Jafri: This past Sunday, March 5th, corresponding with the Islamic date of the 6th of Rabi Al-Thani, an event to celebrate the birth of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was organized by a New Jersey based organization, “Muslims For Peace”;

Rep Gabbard stands apart in her informed and sympathetic views on Syria: Over the weekend, Muslims for Peace, an interfaith organisation with a proven track record of sectarian and intrafaith inclusiveness, held the 10th Annual Prophet Muhammad Day in NJ. One of the main speakers was Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

Mehdi Hasan: A conscience for hire: Mehdi Hasan’s rise to prominence has been welcome in Shia circles. However, his association with the Qataris has come at a price. When Mehdi Hasan first rose to prominence around a decade ago, many in our community cheered.

Tulsi Gabbard mentioned Khurram Zaki in her speech unlike commercial Liberals – by Pejamistri: Tulsi Gabbard mentioned Khurram Zaki in her speech yesterday. It is indeed a big and good news as Khurram Zaki was not someone who had support of mainstream media in Pakistan, he was not Marvi Sirmid, Raza Rumi

Rutgers University’s 10th annual Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) day keynote address by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Namaste. Salam Alaikum. Aloha. Thank you for inviting me to be with you as we all come together from different faiths and spiritual paths to stand in solidarity for freedom and peace. Sadly, as we look around us

یمن میں نسل کشی : میڈیا امریکی۔سعودی جنگی جرائم چھپا رہا ہے – منار مہوش: میناپولس۔سعودی قیادت میں فوجی اتحاد کی بے تحاشہ فضائی بمباری نے یمن کو تباہ کردیا ہے۔اس کے ساتھ ساتھ یمن کی ناکہ بندی نے وہاں پہ خوراک اور پانی کی دستیابی پہ بھی بہت برے اثرات مرتب کئے ہیں۔

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: امریکی سینٹ لوئس شہر میں یہودی قبرستان میں مسمار قبروں کے کتبوں کو دوبارہ لگانے کی مہم چلانے والی کونسل آف امریکن مسلم ریلشنز سلفی۔دیوبندی تکفیریوں کے ہاتھوں تباہ ہونے والے مزارات کی تعمیر نو کے لئے چندہ مہم کب شروع کرے گی ؟: امریکی ریاست میسوری کے شہر سینٹ لوئس میں ایک قدیم یہودی قبرستان میں بنی درجنوں قبروں پہ لگے کتبوں کو شرپسندوں نے توڑ پھوڑ دیا۔اور اسے اینٹی سیمیٹ/سامیت مخالف گروہوں کی کارستانی قرار دیا جارہا ہے۔اور اکثر لوگوں کا

Neoliberal politics, selective outrage and activism take hypocrisy to new heights: There is an ongoing discussion within the current U.S. administration on whether to ban the sectarian and covertly fascist Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Predictably, sections of the hypocritical neoliberal lobbies have jumped to the defence of MB. Ideally banning

The hidden dangers of Muslim led Anti-Trump rallies: Since the year 2017, the news and social media have been inundated with reports on protests against President Donald Trump. One of the major rallies that took place was the Women’s March. The Women’s March protested against President

Tulsi Gabbard, True Maverick: It’s nice to be reminded on occasion that not all of our so-called representatives in Congress have gone over to the dark side. While the majority of our federal lawmakers exist to blindly serve the military-industrial

Saudi Invasion of Yemen – Ali J. Zaidi: Saudi Invasion of Yemen with the help of West, Kuwait, Qatar, Sheikhdoms and some other undeclared Muslim countries is one of the worst kinds of atrocities in the recent history. Saudis have been committing war crimes in Yemen

An open letter to President Trump: Dear President Trump, I believe that in the age of e-surveillance, your office will somehow read this letter. I have heard and read about your executive order banning certain foreigners’ entry into the United States. I would like

Tragic attack on Quebec City mosque: Tragic attack on a Quebec City mosque by two terrorists shouting Allah o Akbar. This is the typical modus operandi (MO) of Saudi-sponsored Salafi-Deobandi terrorists. In the last decade, hundreds of Sunni-Sufi and Shia mosques have been attacked

The trio that didn’t mix well: India, Pakistan & Saudi Arabia : My epistle to Pakistani nationals – Deeba Abedi: Pakistan, come back to your Indian roots! Saudi Arabia is not who you are and its way of life is not your destiny. Ever since Pakistan’s independence in 1947, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has exerted immense influence

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard returns from Syria with renewed calls: End regime change war in Syria now: Washington, DC—Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) returned to Washington, DC after a week-long visit to Damascus, Aleppo, and Beirut to see and hear firsthand the impact of the war in Syria directly from the Syrian people. She heard stories of

The Isis campaign against Iraq’s Shia Muslims is not politics. It’s genocide: The carnage in Iraq continues. Yet another terrorist attack took place today in Baghdad, the latest in a series of such atrocities that have hit the capital and other parts of the country over the past week. Isis

Kerry : US allowed ISIS to grow as leverage against Assad: In leaked audio between secretary of state John Kerry and Syrian opposition reps, Kerry says the US allowed ISIS to grow as leverage against Assad. Quite an admission. At the 26:30 mark: “The reason Russia came in is because

سال دو ہزار سولہ : تکفیری دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں 7 ہزار عراقی شہری ہلاک ، 12678 عراقی شہری زخمی ہوئے۔اقوام متحدہ: ادارتی نوٹ: پاکستان میں تکفیری دہشت گردوں کے حامی سلفی، دیوبندی اور جماعت اسلامی جیسی تںطیمیں اور گروپ آج کل شام کے شہر حلب کے مشرقی حصّے میں سعودی عرب،ترکی، قطر کی حمائت یافتہ سلفی تکفیری دہشت گرد تنظیم

On the Sad first anniversary of Sheikh Nimr: Coming this January 2sd, 2017 a people will remember the martyrdom of one of Shia Islam’s most defining figures: Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the brutal regime of al-Saud. Together a cleric, a teacher, and a pro-democracy activist, Sheikh

Maria Saadeh, Syrian Christian former member of parliament, speaks at IDC Side Event: “Syrian Women in politics faced with war and double standards.” By Maria Saadeh, Member of the Syrian Parliament IDC Side Event, UN Geneva, 16 June 2016 I would like to talk about my experience as a Syrian woman facing

CAIR representative expressing joy at the Russian plane crash that claimed 90+ lives: This is a CAIR representative expressing joy at the Russian plane crash that claimed 90+ lives. I wonder if he is related to Zahran Alloush – the late genocidal hate leader of the Al Qaeda-affiliated Ahrar Al Sham

How wars got privatized and media became part of the war machine: During the Vietnam war, many in the establishment thought the US media played a subversive role forcing the military to ‘fight with one hand tied behind the back’. Next the US went to war (1st Gulf war), it

The assassination of Russian Ambassador in Turkey: A few points to ponder – by Syed Hasnain Baqri: Words of condolences and condemnations are pouring in from around the world after an off-duty Turkish riot Police Officer Mevlut Altintas shot dead the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov, 62, in Ankara, Turkey yesterday, as he delivered a speech.

Erdogan had nothing to gain From murder of Russian ambassador To Ankara: What this means is one of two things: Version 1: there was nobody in charge of security at this exhibition Version 2: the room where this murder happened was considered ‘safe/sterile’ because it was inside an outer security

Deobandi Taliban from Afghanistan to Global terrorists: Not long ago, so-called Afghan Mujahideen were romanticised as quintessential Pakhtun warriors by the ‘free world’ and certain Muslim states. The media, even movies (Rambo) told us that a handful of moderate freedom fighters were fighting the evil

10 massive fake news stories Western media has been feeding you on Aleppo: Editor’s note: As events continue to highlight the mendacity of the neoliberal cheerleaders ofAl Qaeda, there are those who prefer to double down and continue their lies on Syria. We witnessed this when the FSA acronym for Al Qaeda/Ikhwan

روسی سفیر کو قتل کرنے والا شہید ہے – اوریا مقبول جان: پاکستان کے نامور تکفیری و داعشی صحافی اوریا مقبول جان نے روسی سفیر کو قتل کرنے والے ترکی پولیس اہلکار کو شہید قرار دیدیا ہے، انکا کہنا ہے کہ حلب کے مسلمانوں کے غم کی شدت کی وجہ سے

Eva Bartlett exposing AlQaeda propaganda: Dear hacks, paid and amateur, you who write from the comfort of an armchair. You have more than a few facts wrong about me, as do your colleagues in the paid-business of promoting the NATO line on Syria.

Amnesty International or Saudi ministry of disinformation: If you visit the Amnesty International web site, you will be overwhelmed by the slogans dominating its front page. One slogan cries out: “Demand the safe evacuation of people from Aleppo.” Another one shouts:“Help us expose lies, demand

مسلمانوں کی غیرتوں والا چورن صرف سعودی بادشاہوں کے مفادات کے تحفظ میں ہی کیوں راویتی جوش و جزبہ کہ ساتھ بیدار ہوتا ہے: امریکن اسٹیٹ ڈیپارٹمنٹ خود جس ہسپتال کا پتا بتانے سے قاصر ہے. مفتی سید عدنان کاکاخیر صاحب، جماعت الدعوه، جماعت اسلامی، اخوانی ارستو، طاہر اشرفی، سپاہ صحابہ اس ہسپتال کے غم میں ریلیان نکال رہے ہیں، جذباتی ویڈیو پیغامات

ISIS fighters returning from Iraq, Syria may unleash Europe attacks: Cops: ISIS may step up attacks in Europe as it loses ground in the Middle East and foreign fighters return to their home countries, a new report from Europol warned Friday. The continental law enforcement agency said that car bombs,

‘Unlike Western mainstream media, I’ve spent the last three days in East Aleppo’: Western media and propaganda have supported the incarceration, torture, abuse and horror that these civilians had had to go through says journalist Vanessa Beeley. Columnist Brent Budowsky and Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute join the debate.

The day before Deraa: How the war broke out in Syria: The day before September 11, 2001 was like any normal day in New York City. September 10, 2001 was unaware of the earthshaking events which would happen the next day. Similarly, one might think the day before the

The fate of neo-liberalism, and the Democrats.: Editors’s Note: An informative and critical post by Jim Pivonka : one of the most balanced people I have met and who offers hope for a new, dynamic Democrat party. Even if I occasionally disagree, I always find his

Fog of War: By September 2016 Aleppo was overrun by terrorists and President Obama was going to work with President Putin to free the people of Aleppo from the Al Qaeda related Salafi and Deobandi Terrorists. Now that Assad and

Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle East? Let me explain.: We (The West) support the Iraqi government in their fight against ISIS. We don’t like ISIS, but ISIS is supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whom we do like because we love our oil nice and cheap. The