Talat Hussain Archive

Some questions for Talat Hussain: Is it Sunni vs Shia sectarianism? – by Abdul Nishauri: In the aftermath of Talat Hussain’s interviews with ASWJ’s Ludhyanvi and MWM’s Amin Shaheedi, I asked him these questions: When Sajid Naqvi (Shia cleric) is already sitting with Fazl-ur-Rehman and Sami-ul-Haq (Deobandi clierics) as a part of the Milli

نواز لیگ، جیو ٹیلی ویژن اور کالعدم تکفیری تنظیم کی مثلث پاکستانی عوام سے کیا چاہتی ہے – عمار کاظمی: پچھلی بار توہین اہلبیت، حامد میر اور آئی ایس آئی والے معاملات پر جب جیو کے خلاف پابندی کی آوازیں اُٹھیں تو بہت سے معتدل مذہبی لوگوں نے توہین اہلبیت کے معاملے پر دل آزاری کے باوجود پابندی کی

ISIS affiliated Deobandi terror groups like ASWJ need the deflection tactics to carry on Shia Genocide – Khurram Naqvi: This Youtube clip and note will be very painful for Shia-baiters – hint hint one of the main Shia Baiters name rhymes with Na-Mana Bussy. They will be robbed of one of their trump cards of dishonest Shia baiting.

سپاہ صحابہ کے لدھیانوی کا شیعہ مسلمانوں کے بارے میں تکفیری بیان قابل مذمت ہے – لیاقت بلوچ اورعلامہ ابو الخیرزبیر: بریکنگ نیوز: اسلام آباد: ملی یکجہتی کونسل کے مرکزی رہنماؤں لیاقت بلوچ اورعلامہ ابو الخیرزبیرنے جیو ٹیلی ویژن پر طلعت حسین کے ساتھ انٹرویو میں کالعدم تکفیری دہشتگرد گروہ سپاہ صحابہ کے سربراہ احمد لدھیانوی کے اس بیان کی

Wake up Talat Hussain: Deobandi Takfiri terrorist outfit doestn’t represent Sunni majority – by Khalid Noorani: 22nd February 2015 a dark and shameful day in Pakistani media history when a pro-Taliban TV network (Geo TV) aired an interview of patron-in-chief of a banned , Deobandi takfiri terrorist organization ASWJ, The interview was conducted by ill-informed

Pakistan’s Geo TV enables further genocide of Shia Muslims by promoting leader of an ISIS-aligned banned Deobandi terrorist outfit: The “Anti-Establishment” TV channel, GEO has just aired a program that justifies Shia Genocide. During this segment, a GEO anchor Talat Hussain allowed his host, the chief of the ISIS-affiliated LeJ-ASWJ, Ahmad Ludhyanvi to declare Shias as apostates.

Geo TV’s Talat Hussain tries to humanize, mainstream and promote Pakistan’s most lethal Takfiri Deobandi asssassin: I have now watched ASWJ’s Ahmed Ludhyanvi’s interview with Talat Hussain (Geo TV, 21 Feb 2015). http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2hu2q0_naya-pakistan-22nd-february-2015_news Talat Hussain didn’t reveal anything about the banned terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP aka ASWJ) that Pakistanis didn’t know. As

سرگودها میں سنی صوفی نسل کشی: آئی ایس آئی بریگیڈیئر سمیت تین شهید، پانچ زخمی – محمد بن ابی بکر: سرگودها کے نواحی علاقے میں اہلسنت بریلوی کے زیراتنتظام چلنے والے آستانے پرکالعدم دیوبندی دہشت گرد تنظیم سپاہ صحابہ (نام نہاد اہل سنت والجماعت) کے دہشت گردوں کی فائرنگ سے آستانے کے سجادہ نشین ، پاک فوج کے بریگیڈیر

سانحہ ماڈل ٹاؤن میں انصاف کا تقاضہ یہی ہے کہ وزیر اعلی شہباز شریف اپنے عہدے سے مستعفی ہو کر قانون کے کٹہرے میں کھڑے ہوں – سید طلعت حسین: سینئر صحافی سید طلعت حسین نے کہا ہے کہ سانحہ ماڈل ٹاؤن لاہور، جس میں پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے چودہ لوگ جاں بحق ہوۓ تھے، میں پنجاب کے وزیر اعلی شہباز شریف کے خلاف میڈیا میں ٹھوس ثبوت

ڈاکٹر قادری اور عمران خان کے دھرنوں سے گھبرا کر صحافی طلعت حسین محفل سماع اور قوالی کے خلاف خودکش حملوں کی دھمکیاں دینے لگے – خرم زکی: Talat Hussain’s tweets: Qawaali in the red zone. Qadri is really pushing boundaries of sectarian conflict. He becoming disastrous news. This is not a joke. These divisions are serious. These are open invitations to a suicide hit. Salman’s pseudo-sufism,

Sectarian hate against Qawwali: Talat Hussain and co laying groundwork for ASWJ? – by Zain Gardezi: At the point of writing this article at 12:00 p.m (22 August 2014), there is still time for the Friday prayers at Islamabad’s Lal Masjid. Friday as a day is sacred in Islam where Muslims leave their work to

قوالی کو فرقہ واریت کہنے والے صحافی تکفیری دیوبندی لشکر جھنگوی کی نواز شریف کی حمایت میں ریلی پر خاموش – از خرم زکی: حکومت نے انقلاب مارچ/ آزادی مارچ کے مقابلے میں انجمن سپاہ صحابہ اور لشکر جھنگوی کے تکفیری خارجی دہشتگردوں کو میدان میں لانے کا فیصلہ کر لیا، واضح ہو گیا کہ یہ حکومت کس طبقہ کی نمائندہ ہے. یہ

As expected, Jang Group backtracks while Najam Sethi, Nasim Zehra and Zaid Hamid attack Hamid Mir’s charges against ISI: Jang Group back tracks on its charges against ISI: ============ Sethi’s cocern, as is clear towards the end of this clip (see 1:45 onwards), is not the attack on Hamid Mir, by TTP-ASWJ or their alleged masters in Aabpara,

Najam Sethi to protect Geo Super’s interests by using PCB platform: Syed Talat Hussain: Islamabad, July 19. Senior Pakistan TV anchor Talat Hussain has revealed that Nawaz Sharifs’ ‘handpicked’ acting chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Najam Sethi was installed to benefit Jang group’s sports channel – Geo Super – by exploiting his

پنجرے کے پنچھی: طلعت حسین صاحب کا ایک کالم سوشل میڈیا پر بڑا رش لے رہا ہے جس میں انہوں نے خود کو ایک ایسا سورما قرار دیا ہے جس کے بس میں کچھ نہیں ہے. اس تحریر کا لب لباب یہ

میرے پاس حاضر ہو تاکہ میں تم سے تعزیت کروں- پنجاب کے نگران وزیرا علیٰ نجم سیٹھی کو شرم نہیں آتی – طلعت حسین: Source: Saach TV People are dying, Najam Sethi says take money and go – by Talat Hussain Talat Hussain’s rant against Najam Sethi is justified.The so called liberal bastard released hundreds of terrorists.What else do ya expect? Najam sethi

Evidence of corruption of Najam Sethi, Punjab’s Caretaker Chief Minister – by Adnan Farooq: Source: Adapted from View Point Online with some additional information. Rs 15,820,315 and Rs 3,803,923 were either concealed or under-declared in 2010 and 2011 respectively Investigations by tax authorities reveal that although noted TV anchorperson Najam Sethi filed his

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry must NOT resign – by Riaz Malik: In the last few days, ghairatmand journalists have seen my valiant efforts on Facebook and other social media. I have stood as a rock against all allegations involving His Holiness Highness Chief Justice (lovingly referred to as Triple H) and

CJ Gate and Mafia Wars in Pakistani politics and media: Related posts: CJ Family Gate: Is this how ISI is blackmailing Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry? All posts on CJ Gate in Pakistan Both Malik Riaz vs Iftikhar Chaudhry and Talat Husain vs Najam Sethi sagas are an internal

Talat Hussain’s column on Yusuf Ali Zardari – by Democracy Tiger: Many private media sources in Pakistan continue to produce misleading and false propaganda against President Asif Ali Zardari, in both local and national newspapers. One such short article appeared on the editorial page of the Urdu daily Bebaak Awaz

The introspection of TV shows: جہاں میڈیا معاشرے کاایک آئینہ ہے، تو دوسری جانب یہ راۓ عامہ بنانے اور بگاڑنے کا سب سے بڑا زریعہ بھی ہے۔ ہمارے ہاں جو اجتمائ انسانی رویے اورسیاسی اقدار ہیں، ان کی تعمیرو تخریب میں میڈیا کا اہم

Pakistan’s jihadi section of media mourns Osama bin Laden: by Shoaib Adil Originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’

Press: In chains of another kind -by Waseem Altaf: The first attempt on media and free speech in Pakistan was made by Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan and associates when they tried to black out some passages of the Aug. 11, 1947 speech of Mohammad Ali Jinnah before the

Prominent anchor abuses during a mental breakdown suffered from defending the indefensible!: Related post: Threatening telephone call from a proxy of Pakistan army – by Ali Raja A leading television anchor known for blatant “ghalatian” on live television, enough to embarrass his fans in front of likes of Hilary Clinton etc,

Raymond Davis case: Incitement to hatred with Talat Hussain: Related article: Raymond Davis case: How Pakistan’s right-wing media resulted in Shumaila’s death If you were to turn on your television at this very moment and browse through the channels for barely a minute, what would you see? You

The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah

On Syed Talat Hussain, Angelina Jolie and Pakistan’s pseudo-liberals: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan First of all, let me express my full support to Saad Mansoor’s article in which he highlighted and rightly condemned the misogynist undercurrents in Talat Hussain’s op-ed

Shame on you Talat Hussain!: Related article On Syed Talat Hussain, Angelina Jolie and Pakistan’s pseudo-liberals Syed Talat Hussain ‘was’ an esteemed columnist, television host and journalist of Pakistan, until today when he targeted someone for following their own harmless cultural norms. In his

The Green Revolution? – By Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Source: Express Tribune Altaf Hussain has come out openly, with guns blazing, against feudalism. In his recent interview with journalist Sohail Warraich, he bemoaned the continuation in power of a class that can only offer authoritarian-feudal-dynastic politics. Is he

The denial of the lambs – by Anas Abbas: Cross Post : Accounterterror blog By Anas Abbas This Essay is in response to an article “The liberal lynch mob” written by Mahreen Aziz Khan published recently in The Express Tribune. It will not only focus on this article itself

Written by the ISI, adapted by Syed Talat Hussain: Dear critical readers, Would you like to review an op-ed whose content was developed in Islamabad’s Aabpara office (of the ISI), which was then adapted as a newspaper column by a “leading” Pakistani journalist? Here is a classical example

Farrukh Sohail Goindi’s letter about Syed Talat Hussain: یہ سطور میں نے جناب فرخ سہیل گوئندی کا خط پڑھ کرلکھیں‘ جو انہوں نے میرے چند گزشتہ کالموں کے حوالے سے تحریر کیا ہے۔ اس طویل خط کا کچھ حصہ پیش خدمت کر رہا ہوں۔ محترم نذیر ناجی

An open letter to Talat Hussain: Will you lead a Freedom Flotilla to stranded Shias in Pakistan’s Gaza, Parachinar?: While most of Pakistani bloggers and national and international journalists have turned a blind eye to the blockade, sectarian genocide and persecution facing Shia Muslims of Parachinar, we at the LUBP have been consistently highlighting this issue. However, despite

Syed Talat Hussain exposes Israeli terrorist attack on Gaza Foltilla: Syed, Talat Hussain, a leading Pakistani journalist who was captured during an Israeli naval attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla alleged Wednesday that Israeli soldiers were shooting people in cold blood. Talat Hussain, one of the 124 people arriving

Pakistani journalist Syed Talat Hussain missing after Israeli attack on Gaza aid convoy: The fate of four Pakistanis was uncertain after a Gaza-bound aid flotilla they were travelling on was attacked by the Israeli Navy, an incident that has claimed the lives of 10 foreigners. Notable people onboard Dror Feiler — Swedish-Israeli

Faisal Shahzad’s case and Pakistan’s conspiracy brigade: Source: Pakistan Media Watch The conspiracy brigade strikes again, and right on cue. When I first saw the news that some Pakistani had been arrested for the plot to bomb New York, I knew it was just a matter

The UN Commission’s report on Benazir Bhutto’s murder is an indictment of Pakistan’s army and intelligence agencies – by Syed Talat Hussain: The commission, from the very word go, builds up its argument of ‘rogue establishment’. This dimension of the report makes it arguably the most important document to have been produced in recent times. A document that is likely to
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