An open letter to Talat Hussain: Will you lead a Freedom Flotilla to stranded Shias in Pakistan’s Gaza, Parachinar?
While most of Pakistani bloggers and national and international journalists have turned a blind eye to the blockade, sectarian genocide and persecution facing Shia Muslims of Parachinar, we at the LUBP have been consistently highlighting this issue.
However, despite our frequents posts on this issue and repeated demonstrations and demands by the local population of Parachinar (Kurram Agency), the government of Pakistan has failed to come to the aid of the innocent people of Parachinar who remain stranded by an unholy nexus of the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba and certain rogue elements of intelligence agencies.
We have now received an urgent SOS message from a local NGO, the Voice of Parachinar, of the Kurram Agency, highlighting the extremities of economic blockade which has been imposed on them by the Deobandi extremists of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Lashkar-e-JhangvI (LEJ) for over two years now.
The message is reproduced below as it was received without correcting the spelling or grammar mistakes in the text.
FREEDOM CONVEY needed for pakistani Gaza (Parachinar) also & SALAM Plus tribute to Syed Talat Hussain.
We SALAM and pay our tribute to great Pakistani Journalist/Anchor Syed Talat Hussain for being a part of Freedom Flotila to end the Zionists siege imposed on Gaza strip.It is worth mentioning here that We the people of Pakistani Gaza (PARACHINAR) are also facing inhuman siege imposed jointly by militants so called Taliban (worse than Zionists) and establishment since April 2007 as the Gaza in palestine. And It was the same courageous Journalist/Anchor Syed Talt Hussain who only visited the Be-sieged Pakistani Gaza (PARACHINAR) and highlighited the misries and problems of the area in his Programme Live with Talt.Great syed talat Hussain for highlighting oppressed areas.
We demand the Pakistani Civil society ,media & Human Rights that they should try to broke the three years continous inhuman siege and blockadge of Pakistani Gaza(Parachinar) by sending FREEDOM CONVEY to end the Humantarian Crisis.
For this the boldness and courage like Syed talat Hussain is required if someone have.
We also want to FOCUS Via Media the step mother treatment of PIA that it have daily two flights to Gligit from Islamabad & Similarly from Peshawar to Chitral with nominal charges of Rs3500/-per head.
In PARACHINAR a full pledge Airport bigger than Chitral is present BUT PIA do not resume/start Flights to Parachinar EVEN the Parachinar is facing 3 years long imposed siege & blockagde jointly by estiblishment & milltants Taliban………………
Here it is the matter of great concern that Private aeroplanes of Peshawar Flying Club and one write-off plane of governor(Capicity of three & five seats respectively) are going to Peshawar charging Rs 9300/- per passenger as one side fare. Sources says that the PA admin(bureaucracy) & governor are reciving commission in flying club planes fare that is why they are creating hardles in starts or resun=ming of PIA Flights for Parachinar.As the demand supply is not fulfilled from these planes Therefore regular two PIA Flights are immediately required.
With addition to this on may31.2010 Chief or army staff visted Parachinar with three protocols helicopters But he did not announced Heli Service or C130 service for Be-siege Parachinar people…
RAISE & SHARE THIS ISSUE SO THAAT GOVT & PIA can start Daily Flights to parachinar.
E-MAIL FOR CONTACT/FEEDBACK:- [email protected]
Related article: Parachinar: Pakistan’s Gaza Strip remains under siege by Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba
No! I think Syed Talat Hussain is himself a Momin.
Yes he is a momin. But most of our Government Officials including President Zardari and some Federal ministers are Momin too but still they are quite. It’s very sad to see this reaction as being a Pakistani and as being a momin they have to take serious action now.
Dear Farhad and Brothers of LUBP,
I have severe difference of opinion/interpretation with Jamat-e-Islami, Barlvis, Deobandis, Shias, last but not the least Ahl-e-Hadith but that difference is just difference of opinion/interpretation and that “Difference” doesn’t give me the “Liberty” to attack, kill and attack places of worship no matter how severe the difference is. Pakistanis [particularly Muslims of Pakistan that includes me] have great responsibility on our shoulder to protest against these Senseless Hate and Killing.
How conveniently Muslims [Sunni particularly] who at the drop of Hat quote Hadith from Bukhari on numerous acts but fail to read that oppression [meaning in Arabic Text “Zulm”] is Haram in Islam – ALLAH IS NOT ZALIM [HE IS HIMSELF SAYING THIS] First Para of Hadith should be read by every Muslims before using tongue or hand against anybody [Tongue is first because it is the Tongue which incite the hand for oppression]
Hadith Qudsi:
On the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (PBUH) is that among the sayings he relates from his Lord (may He be glorified) is that He said:
O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you, O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you. O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and will not attain benefitting Me so as to benefit Me. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything. O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more that a needle decreases the sea if put into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him finds good praise Allah and let him who finds other that blame no one but himself. It was related by Saheeh Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.
When nothing works then “Supplication – Dua” works. A friendly advice to everybody to save themselves from every kind of Calamity – There is a book which is easily available in Market which is called “Ayat-e-Hirz” or “Manzil” [As prescribed by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Ref: Ibn Majah, Mustadrak Al Hakim] which is like a “Life Saving Medicine” for ward off any kind of calamity e.g. fighting, killing, attacks and terrorism etc.etc. so buy one and protect you and your families. Note: No prior permission is required from any Pir to recite these 33 Verse selected from Quran anybody and everybody can recite these to ward off “Barbarians”. Since Government is not helping one can Approach the “Entity” who control everything i.e. Allah.
Best Regards.
1 Palestinian life = 10,000 Pakistani
1 Dr Afia = 10,0000 Mukhtara Mai
1 Rocket by Isreal = 10000 Suicide attack in Pakistan by Taliban
4000 killed in lat 10 years in Philistine and that is “Zulm ” ,10,000 people killed by Taliban in 5 years are its “Justified ”
Most of the people think that the real blood shed in the middle east is by ISrael but they have forgot that million of people killed in Iran Iraq war where muslim killed each other and we never see any protest ,
State censorship gives fuel to propaganda as the public does not have access to independent news so they fall prey to whatever is being said by propaganda cells. Extremist ideologies can be countered by a healthy debate were one has the opportunity to speak out his/her thoughts. Such interactive debates will help us find the core reasons behind extremist tendencies in our society.
Every area and citizens of that area are the strength of Pakistan and we being Pakistanis must go to their rescue and raise our voices against the injustices carried out by Taliban and other organizations.
@Aamir Mughal and Farhad, whether Talat Hussain is a Shia or not is irrelevant in this case. Like his Wahabi/Sunni Islamists, he is marching to the beat of Jamaat Islami/Maudodi/Khamenai/Qutb. Being a lead TV anchor and journalist, I have not come across any significant work by him to highlight the massacres of Shias in Pakistan. I applaud this post by LUBP in pointing out the hypocracy of Pakistan’s Islamists, be they Sunni or Shia. These Islamists like the Shia-Wahabi group, the ISO protested the death of 9 Turks who were killed in a vicious reaction by the IDF after the former provoked the latter. They stayed silent when over 100 Ahmadis were massacred in Pakistan by the same Sunni Jihadi groups (LeJ/SSP/JM) who have also been massacring Shias in Pakistan. The added irony is that the ISO was marching to support Hamas, a Salafist/Wahabi Sunni group who do not even consider Shias to be muslims!
As for President Zardari, what is he supposed to do. Ever since the PPP was elected, he was in favour of releaving the blockade of the Parachinari Pushtun Shias. He has condemned the massacres of Shias and the Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, has been unequivocal in condemning specifically the groups who are massacring Ahmadis and Shias in Pakistan. Zardari backed the KLB which called for the dismantling of these groups; we all know how much support he got then from the media, establishment, judiciary, opposition, civil society and even his own coalition partners, the MQM and ANP stabbed him in the back on this legislation.
Instead of blaming this on the Shianess of some PPP leaders, can we atleast be objective. Can we open our eyes to the fact that the establishment is still supporting these killers and that they still control Pakistan via their Opposition, media and civil society proxies and increasingly the Judiciary whose vengeance against the PPP is matched by their zeal in releasing Jihadi sectarian leaders. For those Pakistanis who want a secular future for the country and how genuinely care for minority religious, sectarian and ethnic groups, PPP is the best choice. Support the party in making a progressive front against these Jihadis instead of sitting on the sidelines..
Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World
in this case it realy doesnot matter ,talat is shia or not.but i realy want to know ,is he shia or sunny.i read some time ago that he is sunny and belongs to deobandi muslik.if any person has reliable information ,please share.thanks
moonkhan: he’s shia.
SANA ,how do u know? i read in net that he is sunny and deobandi.i m not saying u r wrong .but want real information please.
Where Is Pakistan’s Talat Hussain?
June 5th, 2010
Pakistan Media Watch
Talat Hussain’s recent adventure aboard the humanitarian flotilla bound for Gaza provides an important lesson about the potential for journalists to impact current events. It also raises an important question: why don’t our journalists risk as much for Pakistan as they will for some other country?
A Google search for the words ‘Talat Hussain Hero’ returned about 137,000 links. Pretty impressive.
To be fair, what Talat Hussain did – putting his personal safety at risk in order to get a first-hand account of what was sure to be (and certainly proved to be) a controversial story – was a commendable act, and one that serves as a model for other investigative journalists.
Where are Pakistan’s Heroes?
The first question that came to my mind when watching Talat Hussain’s story unfold, though, was where are Pakistan’s heroes? Whatever heroism may be deemed worthy of Talat Hussain, it was a heroism for Palestinians, not Pakistanis. Certainly the Palestinians are under siege and are need of some heroes. But are we not under siege also?
I was glad to see Wajahat S Khan’s recent article, I am an Ahmadi. But how disheartening that the discussion of religious freedom in our own country has all but been replaced with a discussion of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. It seems there is something of a convenient double-standard, no? We are incensed with Israel’s brutality against Muslims in Gaza, but when it comes to religious minorities here…well, it’s unfortunate, yes, but nothing to miss tea over.
Palestine has its hero, Talat Hussain. Who will be Pakistan’s hero?
Treatment of Journalists in Pakistan
The next question that came to mind was another bit of hypocrisy that can be traced to certain media types. Talat Hussain is a hero for putting himself in the middle of a deadly fight in a country that is not his and trying to report the facts of the situation for an audience deeply sympathetic to one side.
It’s a good thing he did not try that here, or he surely would have been labeled a spy and had his home address published in The Nation.
While The Nation may be one of the worst offenders in this regard, receiving international attention for recklessly calling foreign journalists ’spies’, they are certainly not the only media outlet to ‘report’ this type of story. Why do certain media types feel comfortable with this hypocrisy?
We Must Not Miss the Important Lessons
If we are truly to consider Talat Hussain’s act a commendable one, we must not miss the important lessons. We must look at what our feelings about Talat Hussain’s courage say about ourselves when we are faced with similar situations in our own nation. Who in the media is willing to risk their lives for Pakistani Ahamadis? Why are our foreign correspondents ‘heroes’ while foreign correspondents here are ’spies’? What does it say about our media that the best and brightest minds in journalism cannot see this critical divide?
What Talat Hussain did took an amazing amount of courage. He very well could have been one of the unfortunate souls who died in that adventure. He put his very life on the line in order to tell the story of a people suffering. The Palestinians in Gaza have a good friend in him.
Who will be Pakistan’s Talat Hussain?
You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. PEACE FLOTILLA A CRUDE JOKE WITH DOOMED POOR PALESTINIAN: Israel and Turkey: From Covert to Overt Relations by Jacob Abadi by the way you don’t need Rocket Science to narrate the harsh truth. But I wonder when will this Ummah’s flight to La La Land would end. Turkey pays for Israeli massacre
Where is Syed Talat Hussain an alleged sympathizer of alleged Ummat-e-Muslimah:
Iqbal was Itching for Azan in Kaleesa and Muslims everywhere, there an alternate version of Iqbal’s wish is as under:
ایک ہی ہوں مسلم حرام کی پاسبانی کے لیہ نیل کے ساحل سے لے کر تابخا کے کاشغر تک “سب
کافر ہیں
اوش: موت کا سفر کر کے واپس پہنچے
آخری وقت اشاعت: منگل 15 جون 2010 , 08:52 GMT 13:52 PST
کرغستان کے پرتشدد نسلی فسادات سے بچ کر واپس پاکستان آنے والی ڈاکٹر سمعیہ سولنگی کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ موت کا سفر کرکے وطن پہنچے ہیں، اوش میں پیش آنے والے واقعات کو وہ کبھی بھول نہیں سکتیں ہیں۔
ائرپورٹ پر وہ کئی گھنٹے بھوکے پیاسے پڑے رہے: ڈاکٹر سمعیہ سولنگی
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ سولنگی کا تعلق کراچی سے ہے اور وہ اپنی دو کزن ڈاکٹر لبنیٰ اور ڈاکٹر امینہ کے ساتھ اوش یونیورسٹی میں زیر تعلیم تھیں۔
انہوں نے بی بی سی کو بتایا کہ وہ اوش کے فلیٹ سے ہاتھ خالی نکلے تھے، وطن پہنچنے کے بعد راولپنڈی میں حکام نے انہیں یہ کہا کہ یہاں تک لانا ان کی ذمہ داری تھا اب آگے وہ جانے کا انتظام خود کریں۔
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ کے مطابق انہوں نے شور کیا کہ ان کے پاس نہ تو پیسے ہیں اور نہ ہی راولپنڈی میں رشتے دار، جس کے بعد انہیں چلتی ٹرین میں سوار کیا گیا اور ایک صاحب نے انہیں چھ ہزار روپے دیئے کہ ٹکٹ لے لیں۔ ’’ جب ٹکٹ چیکر آیا تو اس نے تین لوگوں کے نو ہزار نو سو روپے طلب کیے جو ہمارے پاس نہیں تھے ہم نے اس بندے سے رابطہ کیا اس نے کہا کہ پیسے اتنے ہی ہیں اگر نہیں جانا تو گاڑی میں سے اتر جاؤ۔‘
وطن پہنچنے کے بعد راولپنڈی میں حکام نے انہیں یہ کہا کہ یہاں تک لانا ان کی ذمہ داری تھا اب آگے وہ جانے کا انتظام خود کریں
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ
سمعیہ کے مطابق ایک مسافر نے بقیہ رقم ادا کی، اب وہ کراچی پہنچ رہی ہیں اور ان کی دو کزن نوابشاہ میں اتر جائیں گی۔
سمعیہ سولنگی نے ہمارے نامہ نگار ریاض سہیل کو بتایا کہ انہیں جب اوش سے ائرپورٹ لایا جارہا تھا تو اس وقت ان کی گاڑی ٹینکوں کے محاصرے میں تھی مگر اس کے باوجود ان کے قافلے پر فائرنگ کی گئی، فوجیوں نے بلوائیوں کو بتایا کہ یہ ازبک نہیں پاکستانی ہیں انہیں جانے دیں جس کے بعد کچھ تو مان گئے کچھ نہ مانے اور فائرنگ جاری رکھی، فوج نے بھی جوابی فائرنگ کی مگر خوش قسمتی سے کوئی جانی نقصان نہیں ہوا۔
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ نے بتایا کہ ائرپورٹ پر وہ کئی گھنٹے بھوکے پیاسے پڑے رہے جب پاکستان حکومت کی جانب سے بھیجا گیا سی ون تھرٹی جہاز پہنچا تب جا کر کھانے پینے کی اشیا ملیں۔
ان کے مطابق ان کے فلیٹ کا دروازہ توڑنے کی بھی کوشش کی گئی مگر دروازہ نہیں ٹوٹا ورنہ انہیں بھی ذبح کردیا جاتا۔’ ہمارے فلیٹ کے سامنے ایک ترک لڑکی کھڑکی میں سے فائرنگ اور ہنگامے کا منظر دیکھ رہی تھی بلوائیوں نے اسے دیکھ لیا، اسے تشدد کر کے نیچے لائے اور بعد میں ذبح کردیا۔‘
انہیں جب اوش سے ائرپورٹ لایا جارہا تھا تو اس وقت ان کی گاڑی ٹینکوں کے محاصرے میں تھی مگر اس کے باوجود ان کے قافلے پر فائرنگ کی گئی، فوجیوں نے بلوائیوں کو بتایا کہ یہ ازبک نہیں پاکستانی ہیں انہیں جانے دیں جس کے بعد کچھ تو مان گئے کچھ نہ مانے اور فائرنگ جاری رکھی، فوج نے بھی جوابی فائرنگ کی مگر خوش قسمتی سے کوئی جانی نقصان نہیں ہوا
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ کے مطابق انہیں بچوں پر بھی رحم نہیں آرہا تھا انہوں نے ایک تین چار سالہ بچے کو ٹانگوں سے پکڑ کر دیوار پر دے مارا جبکہ ایک پندرہ سالہ بچے کو فلیٹ میں سے نیچے پھینک دیا اس میں ابھی بھی سانسیں تھیں تو اس پر دوبارہ تشدد کیا۔
سمعیہ نے بتایا کہ مقتول پاکستان طالب علم علی رضا ازبکوں کے ساتھ رہتے تھے، جب ان پر حملہ ہوا انہوں نے پاکستانی پاسپورٹ دکھایا اور انہیں سمجھانے کی کوشش کی مگر انہیں دو گولیاں مار کر ہلاک کردیا۔
ان کے مطابق علی رضا کے دو دوست لاش دیکھنے گئے تھے جن کا بھی کوئی پتہ نہیں تھا۔
ڈاکٹر سمعیہ کا کہنا ہے کہ حالات اس قدر خراب ہوجائیں گے کبھی اندازہ نہیں تھا بس وہ کہتے تھے کہ یہ ملک ان کا ہے یہاں ازبک ، ترکی یا پاکستان کے لوگ نہیں چاہئیں۔
An open letter to Talat Hussain: Will you lead a Freedom Flotilla to stranded Shias in Pakistan’s Gaza, Parachinar?
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According to the CBA, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell can hear Brady’s appeal or designate an officer to hear the appeal. NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith can be consulted in choosing an arbitrator. NFL Media’s Albert Breer reports that the hearing is likely to happen in early to mid-June. Breer also reports that the appeal letter made the case that the punishment for Brady’s alleged crime isn’t consistent with any similar previous cases.
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ゼロハリバートン 魅力 フランス語
セリーヌ カエラ
ケノン 美顔器 毎日
ドクターマーチン vip
ナイキ 風車古着
スウォッチ ironyベルト交換
バッグ クリーニング ヴィトン
ダンヒル 長 財布名古屋
ニューバランス ロゴなし
ケノン 期間
アニアリ ブランド 女性
クロムハーツ ロングt
ボッテガ 財布 紐
万年筆 高級 2ch
ポール スミス 葛西