Lahore Archive

Punjab CM Najam Sethi-promoted ASWJ thugs attack Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh in Lahore jail: Lahore, 26 April 2013: Indian national Sarabjit Singh, currently on death row in Lahore’s Kot Lakhpat jail, was seriously injured on the head after being attacked by six prisoners (Deobandi militants of banned sectarian outfit Sipah Sahaba ASWJ) and

‘Don’t burn this house. It belongs to a Muslim’: By Ali Usman / Photo: Abid Nawaz / Creative: Essa Malik Published: March 30, 2013 LAHORE: While most of the two hundred houses set on fire in Joseph Colony have been rebuilt, the shattered confidence of the residents will

Joseph Colony: Cheques handed out by Punjab govt bounce: Published: March 21, 2013 LAHORE: The cheques distributed among victims of the Joseph Colony attack by the Punjab government bounced, Express News reported Thursday. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif had announced Rs0.5 million in compensation for each of those affected in

Sindh assembly passes resolution over misuse of blasphemy law: KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly passed a resolution regarding the ‘misuse of the blasphemy law’ and to condemn the ‘barbaric’ attack on the Christian homes in Joseph Colony, stated a press release on Monday. The Joseph Colony incident took place on

Attack on Christians in Lahore: Encouraging progress in Shahbaz Sharif and Raza Rumi’s Punjab: Lahore arson: CJ says Punjab police failed to conduct honest, thorough probe Source: Dawn, 18 March 2013 The Supreme Court on Monday declared that the Punjab Police had “failed to conduct an honest and through investigation” into the Badami

Weak state abets radicalization in Pakistan – by AZ: As I read the news about the concerned PML(N) MNA being absolved of land grabbing charges after hundreds of innocent poor Christians’ homes were torched and their belongings looted on his watch, I am painfully reminded of how the

مجرموں کو سزا موت دی جائے – از حق گو: ان تصویروں میں وہ چند مکروہ چہرے یقینی طور پر شناخت کے جا سکتے ہیں…جو ان ہزاروں لوگوں میں شامل تھے جنہوں نے ہمارے مسیح بھایئوں کے گھروں پر حملہ کیا اور ان کی املاک کو جلانے کے ساتھ

Terrorism in Pakistan is a result of PMLN’s seat adjustment with sectarian terrorist group ASWJ – Imran Khan: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Chief Imran Khan has criticised the Punjab government for failing in maintaining law and order situation as Joseph Colony Lahore was vandalised and Christian community’s houses were burnt to the ground by a mob. Talking to the

Death by a thousand cuts: After each act of violence against religious minorities, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or Sipah-e-Sahaba proudly own up to it without fear of punishment The recent mob attack on Christians in Lahore, resulting in the burning down of over one hundred

PMLN sponsored Deobandi militants of ASWJ are planning further violence against Lahore’s Christian community – by Farooq Naeemi: After burning more than 170 house of poor Christian community in Lahore’s Badami Bagh area, Deobandi militants of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ under the patronage of Shahbaz Sharif-led PML-N government

توہین رسالت کے نام پر توہین رسالت – از حق گو: شاہ باغ سے بادامی باغ تک…. کتنا ہی وقت گزرا ہے… کتنا ہی سما بیتا ہے… دسیوں سال بیت گے… مگر ہم ابھی وہیں کے وہیں کھڑے ہیں… سنتالیس میں جو ملک بنگالیوں سے مل کر بنایا تھا…..اسے انہی بنگالیوں

Exposed: PML-N MNA Malik Riaz led the attack on Christian community in Lahore: Related post: Anti-Christian violence in Lahore further blemishes Shahbaz Sharif govt’s record on minorities – by Amir Mir Editor’s note: The following article (originally published in daily Dawn) offers clear evidence that PML-N leaders in Lahore, along with their

Lahore’s Christians target of latest episode of hate – by AZ: The show goes on as the zealots put up a great performance in Lahore today. Hope you enjoy watching, even if you can’t be a part of the cast. An entire neighbourhood of Christians in the mega polis of

We condemn attack on Christian community in Lahore by PMLN-backed ASWJ militants: LAHORE: An enraged mob comprising hundreds of Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) torched dozens of houses located in a Christian-dominated neighbourhood of Lahore on Saturday, 9 March 2013. The ASWJ-LeJ mob was led by local leaders of PML-N,

#ShiaGenocide: Death threats to Shia Muslims in Lahore by ASWJ Deobandi terrorists – Express Tribune: LAHORE: After ASWJ-LeJ’s Takfiri terrorists’ attacks against Shia Muslims in Karachi and Balochistan, the Shia community in Lahore is getting threats, The Express Tribune has learnt. Hand-written pamphlets carrying derogatory remarks against the community and its leaders and threats

From Quetta to Lahore, you’re condemned to suffer, and suffer heavily, for being a Shia – by Dr. Murtaza Haider: He was only 12-years old, full of life and promise. But that was on Sunday. Monday morning Murtaza Haider and his father, Dr Syed Ali Haider, were shot dead in a targeted attack by militants in an elite neighbourhood

The Dharna is not Shia! – by M. J. Nasir: Yesterday I spent 12 hours at the Dharna at Teen Talwar, Clifton, against the Shia genocide. At the time of writing, the Dharna is still underway and it has been over 24 hours since its start now. When I

Killing of Shia doctor Ali Haider and his son in Lahore: the FIR must name Shahbaz Sharif too – by Shazia Najmi: Yet another doctor in the Punjab ruled by Shahbaz Sharif, the Patron-in-Chief of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, has fallen along with his 12-year old son ( This reminds one of the spree of 126 Shia doctors killed during the first chief

#ShiaGenocide: A personal account of Lahore sit-in in support of Shia Hazaras of Quetta – by Qurat ul Ain Haider Zaidi: Yesterday (on 12 January 2013) at 4 pm we the students (of Sunni, Shia and other diverse backgrounds), civil society, Shia Hazara community living in Lahore, some TV artists and news anchors gathered in front of the Liberty Round-About-

Hussaini Brahmins: Karbala and how Lahore was involved – by Majid Sheikh: Related post: Hindu contribution to the marsiya – by Intizar Husain IN our school and college days we all loved to assist friends set up `sabeels` alongside Lahore`s traditional `Ashura` procession, providing cold drinks to the thousands who mourned.

Senior lawyer Shakir Rizvi killed in Lahore by ASWJ-LeJ terrorists sponsored by CM Shahbaz Sharif: Slowly but surely, Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) are killing innocent Shia Muslims in Punjab under sponsorship and protection of PML-N Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. A few months ago, in

#Justice4BakeryBoy: CM Shahbaz Sharif’s daughter Rabia gets an innocent bakery worker beaten up by Elite Police: Related post: Justice, PML-N style: Bakery case victim tells court CM Shahbaz Sharif’s son-in-law, guards not culprits Mrs Rabia Imran, daughter of the so called Khadim-e-Aala (in fact Sarparast-e-Aala of PML-N goons and LeJ terrorists) Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif,

ARY News serves ISI’s agenda: Did Hafiz Saeed and Maulana Samiul Haq address Shia rally in Lahore?: Here’s another evidence of how Pakistan army’s spy agency (ISI) influences Pakistani media in order to spread false news and misleading propaganda. Today, Shia Muslims staged one of the largest public rally in Pakistan’s history (Lahore, 1 July 2012,

Will CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry take notice of desecration of Ahmadi mosque in Lahore?: Extremist Sunni clerics (mullahs) in Lahore’s Sultanpura area who complained that an Ahmadi mosque looked too much like a non-Ahmadi mosque are unsatisfied with changes made to the building’s facade and are demanding that the building’s dome be demolished. The administration

Famous poet and critic Dr. Shabih-ul-Hasan murdered by ASWJ-SSP terrorists in Lahore: We condemn brutal murder of Dr Shabih-ul-Hassan, renowned intellectual, poet and critic, by PML-N backed ASWJ-SSP terrorists. Dr. Shabih-ul-Hasan was attacked by ASWJ terrorists in Lahore yesterday (18 May). He died in Services Hospital today. This is second great

All aboard: Pakistan turns back the clock with luxury train travel: With a hoot and then a lurch, the 15:30 to Karachi pulled out of Lahore’s railway station bang on time and trailing tinsel. By Rob Crilly, on the Business Express, between Lahore and Karachi The luxury service – complete

Imran Khan’s message to the Defence of Pakistan rally in Lahore – by Hakim Hazik: On behalf of the ISI, we welcome you to the biggest jalsa since the Pakistan Resolution was passed. This conference is fully supported by the Armed Forces of Pakistan, including Anjuman e Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Taiba and

Yazid’s children: Islami Jamiat Talaba’s attack on Shia students at Punjab University: According to news reports, extremist Deobandi-Wahhabi affiliates of Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) on Thursday 22 December 2011 attacked Shia students of the Punjab University with bamboo sticks and stones and opened the indiscriminate firing to sabotage a

Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore: Related posts: Imran Khan’s Vice President Ejaz Chaudhry’s links with sectarian terrorists! Imran Khan’s message to the Defence of Pakistan rally in Lahore – by Hakim Hazik Imran Khan says he won’t allow any militant group to operate from

Who will Punjab vote for? A study in the context of Punjab’s electoral history – by Ali Usman Qasmi: Imran Khan’s successful public rally in Lahore has made many tongues to wag. Political analysts are now forced to revise their earlier estimates about Imran Khan’s potential to create a niche for himself in the existing political set up

Is PPP responsible for the Imran Khan Obsession? – by Salma Jafar: Imran Khan’s arrival at the much fraught political landscape of Pakistan should be a wakeup call to the slumbering and complacent PPP. But PPP will win the senate election with MQM support and all will be fine. PPP will

Reality check: How many in Imran Khan’s PTI rally in Lahore?: “Imran Khan’s Lahore rally was the biggest-ever show of political power in decades.” The above and similar discourse is currently being injected in Pakistani and international media in the aftermath of a PTI rally in Lahore (30 October 2011)

Imran Khan’s Lahore rally offers no hope to Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minority groups: Related posts: Imran Khan takes over Lahore – by Riaz Malik Imran Khan ke naam khula khat – by Laibaah First of all, we congratulate Imran Khan and his PTI on attracting a sizeable crowd in their public rally (jalsa)

We condemn Shahbaz Sharif’s violent language against President Zardari: I was appalled to see the highlights of the PML-N rally in Lahore today. Shahbaz Sharif was insistent on killing Zardari and derailing democracy. I saw at least two instances which were frankly unacceptable. Firstly, the threat in unequivocal

Shahbaz Sharif’s unfair restrictions on PTI’s public meeting in Lahore: Source: Pakistan Blogzine While I am no supporter of Imran Khan’s PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf), I consider it every political party’s right to organize political campaign and jalsas (public meetings). Apparently, PML-N’s government in Punjab (led by Chief Minister Shahbaz

Left homeless ‘just on a day’s notice’: Homes of around 800 Christians living in slum situated along Rohi Nullah demolished by Nishtar Town TMA; Model Town AC says operation was carried out after residents ignored notice to vacate land. LAHORE – Over 800 poor Christians from

In support of Shahbaz Taseer: We are extremely perturbed to hear the news of the kidnapping of Shahbaz Taseer and our thoughts, prayers and wishes are with his family in this trying hour. In trying to make sense of this disturbing and depressing event,

Call for Protest Rally against the brutal police attack on Nairang Gallery: Call for Protest Rally against the brutal attack on Nairang Gallery, Lahore and its curator and staff by SHO Shadman Police Station Rana Zulfiqar Date: Saturday August 13, 2011 Time: 3 to 4 pm Venue: Karachi Press Club (front

Islamic mob tried to burn down Church in Lahore: Flood relief by F G A church Badami bagh lahore Furious mob tries to demolish church in Badami Bagh By Afnan Khan LAHORE: A large number of people on Tuesday gathered at Chatti Gali, Badami Bagh to burn

Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain: Related article: Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters Pakistani soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi Meddling in Bahrain’s internal affairs: Pakistan must ban mercenaries from serving in Bahrain’s security units – by