Dr. Shahid Masood Archive

Shahid Masood’s Conspiracy theories on Peshawar Massacre symptomatic of anti-Hindu bigotry: Following the tragic aftermaths of the massacre of school children by the Deobandi Taliban, the denialists and obfuscators are in full flow. One section of Pakistani “liberals” and “civil society” are aligned with Saudi-funded Takfiri Deobandi groups (Wifaq ul

ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود صاحب! لال مسجد کی وہ کون تھیں اور کہاں چلی گئیں؟ – از زالان: لال مسجد کمیشن کی رپورٹ کے مطابق آپریشن کے دوران وہاں کوئی لڑکیاں نہیں مریں، شاہد مسعود جو ایک دیوبندی طالبان پرست ٹی وی اینکر ہیں لال مسجد کے آپریشن کے بعد انکا ایک جذباتی اور دل دہلا دینے

Marvi Sirmed takes apart Zaid Hamid and his hypocrisy in Shahid Nama: Marvi boldly confronts Zaid Hamid and his double standards and lies on the genocide of the Baloch, Hazara, Turis and the mistreatment of Hindus in Pakistan on Shahid Nama (talk show by Dr. Shahid Masood, 25 August 2011, Express News TV). Zaid

Hairan Khan ka doosra dharna – by D. Asghar: Disclaimer: Dear friends, This is political satire. Hopefully all of us are mature enough to handle it. It is like Saturday Night Live, locally on Geo TV, we have “Hum sum umeed sey hain.”. It is along those lines.

Ik aur December – Be-Sharam Brigade Ke Naam! by Shahid Mahmood: A poet’s love for our Be-Sharam Brigade comprising of Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Roedad Khan, Saaleh Zafir and all those who “suffered” one more year! Usey kehna ik aur December ja raha hai December ke guzartay hi baras jhooti pesheen

On Sadruddin Hashwani: Dr Shahid Masood’s new financier: Related article: Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV ……. Dr Shahid Masood flattering Hashwani I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my

Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV: Related article: Finally, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman kicks Dr Shahid Masood out of Geo TV After his disgraceful exits from PTV and Geo TV, it is now confirmed that Dr Shahid Masood, the ‘renowned’ asset of the military establishment in the

Wikileaks prove that Dr Shahid Masood’s analysis was so right!: اک کہانی سنو سویرے سویرے نذیر ناجی وکی لیکس میں 2008ء اور 2009ء کے حوالے سے فوجی بغاوت کی جو خبریں‘ تجزیئے‘ حتیٰ کہ جنرل کیانی کا نام لے کر کھلی دعوتیں کہ وہ آگے بڑھ کر اقتدار پر

Asma Jahangir’s victory and the reaction of reactionary forces – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In my immediate response to Asma Jahangir’s victory titled “Asma Jahangir’s victory is a loss for Jang Group’s yellow journalism” I had expressed my glee over the symbolic nature of her victory. It was also heartening to see a

Justice Javed Iqbal and Dr Shahid Masood’s talk show: سپریم کورٹ کے 17رکنی لارجر بنچ کے روبرو ججز بحالی کیلئے انتظامی حکم کو واپس لینے کی خبر پر ازخود نوٹس کیس کی سماعت کے دوران سینئر موسٹ جج جسٹس جاوید اقبال نے کہا کہ میں گذشتہ رات ٹی

Interim Report on Media Investigation: Dawn has significantly covered the interim report of the government set up committee to investigate the rumors that began on Thursday, 14th October, 2010 that made the judiciary go hay wire and become extremely insecure. Jang and The News

The drop-scene of 13 October and a song for Nawaz Sharif: ڈھائی سالہ جمہوریت سویرے سویرے…نذیر ناجی بھٹو کے بعد سیاسی پنیری اگانے والے دو آمر چلے گئے۔ آخری آمر کے بعد (یا اللہ! پھر نہ کوئی آ جائے) ”ڈھائی سالہ“ جمہوریت کی جو روایت قائم ہوئی‘ اسے بدلنے کی

Minus Three + Leash on Media – by Sikandar Mehdi: If some one got up from coma after a month or was away in some wonderland where they didnt have access to the internet or newspapers, especially Geo News, he will be in a complete state of shock to

Sensationalism at its worst – Geo & ARY Zindabad: As soon as I reached home, I heard my brother say, “President Zardari ko joota mara gaya!”. Turning on Geo TV, and waiting for the 11 pm news bulletin, I was surprised to see the reporting. Murtaza Ali Shah,

Blast from the past – Imran Khan celebrating Shariah in Swat: Thanks to our co-author Farhan for this video:

A perspective on Dr Shahid Masood’s dubious journalism – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: We reproduce below an excerpt from Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s email (circulated in the Press Pakistan group) to Dr Moeed Pirzada explaining her perspective on Dr Shahid Masood and his style of journalism. Unlike Shahid Masood who is a medical

Who is facilitating fascism in Pakistan?: Source: Pakistan Media Watch Reading Nadeem Paracha’s column yesterday, I was immediately reminded of a video clip from Shahid Masood’s TV programme that was recently posted on the blog Let Us Build Pakistan. The clip features a conversation between Shahid Masood

The true magic consumes Saleh Zaafir’s mind: The famous Urdu proverb, “Jadoo woh jo sar par charh kar bole”, (the true magic consumes the mind), appeared to be true when I read the following news report in appreciation of the Pakistan People’s Party by Muhammad Saleh

Finally, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman kicks Dr Shahid Masood out of Geo TV: It is never too late. In view of the falling ratings of Geo TV’s once popular program Meray Mutabiq, particularly in view of its one-point agenda campaign against the democratic government in Pakistan, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, the CEO of Geo

Is Dr. Shahid Masood ready for “Rule of Law”?: From this report in Dawn it seems that it has come to the notice of the Public Accounts committee (headed by Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan) that when Dr. Shahid Masood tendered his resignation from PTV, he did not provide

Benazir-Musharraf’s negotiations and Rehman Malik’s conviction – by Khalid Wasti: بے نظیر ، مشرف مذاکرات اور رحمان ملک کی معافی معذرت خواہانہ رویہ کیوں ؟ =============== پرویز مشرف کے اقتدار پر قابض ہوجانے کے بعد ملک کے نوے فیصد عوام کی حمایت یافتہ سیاسی قوت کی علامت پیلز پارٹی

God father of Pakistan’s conspiracy theorists returns to defend his prodigal sons – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Shaheen Sehbai, the God father of Pakistan’s conspiracy theorists has come out in defense of his prodigal sons i.e. Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi and Shahid Masood in his “Viewpoint” from Washington that was published in The News of May

Grand plot against media? An analysis of Hamid Mir’s article – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Hamid Mir in his article in The News titled “Grand Plot Against Media” published on 17th May, 2010 has pinpointed Asif Zardari and the Federal Government for having hatched a conspiracy to malign and blackmail the Pakistani media especially

Dr Shahid Masood and Ilm-e-Najoom – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: One of my favorite activities in the morning is to read Jang. Not because I am fond of its quality but because it is something I have done all my life. It is also ironic that the people who

Kamran Shafi in Dr Shahid Masood’s talkshow: The Jang Group (Geo TV, Jang, The News) is widely known for its pro-establishment and anti-democracy (anti-politicians) style of journalism. In particular, certain yellow journalists of the Jang Group (namely Ansar Abbasi, Dr Shahid Masood, Shakeel Anjum, Muhammad Ahmed

A curse and a prayer: A Curse First, a curse on Senator Faisal Raza Abidi for his ruthless handling of anti-PPP anchors in various talk-shows (not least our dear Dr Shahid Masood). jav’s comment: عابدی بدنام تو پہلے بھی بہت تھا …مگر اتنا برا

Sleeping with the enemy: Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi fulfilling establishment’s designs – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: For the last few months, loyalists and jiyalas of the PPP have been quietly witnessing what may be termed as suspicious activities and statements of Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi. Right from their participation and statements in the notorious

The UN commission report on Benazir Bhutto’s murder and the ISI’s spin-doctors – by Haider Nizamani: After the UN commission report Ordinary Pakistanis, especially those who cannot read English, should be given the opportunity to access the report in its entirety, instead of leaving them at the mercy of spin-doctors and prejudiced television anchors trashing

Dr Shahid Masood as Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s Jan-Nisar: Dangerous portents – by Kamran Shafi: Dangerous portents I was horrified to see recently a private TV channel advertising one of their talk shows with the blurb ‘Chief teray jan nisar…’ and then the names A.H. Pirzada, Akram Sheikh and one other that I do

Ansar Abbasi Out LBW (Learn Before Writing!): Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch Poor Mr. Ansar Abbasi – he does not know how to quit while he is ahead. After his very poor showing on Friday, Mr. Abbasi has decided to have another go at writing his “news analysis”

“Real workers of PPP can never support Zardari.” Really? – by Khalid Wasti: نیا جال ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ پرانے شکاری ======================== پیپلز پارٹی کو ختم کرنے کی کوششیں اس کے قیام کے ساتھ ہی شروع ہوگئی تھیں – قیام پاکستان سے لیکر پیپلز پارٹی کے معرض وجود میں آنے تک جو طاقتیں مسلسل اقتدار

Towards a government of pious Muslims in Pakistan – by Khalid Wasti: تمام مسائل کا حل —– صالح قیادت کا قیام ========================= پاکستان آزاد ہو جانے کے بعد بھی غلام ہے امریکہ کا ، ورلڈ بینک ،آئی۔ایم ایف اور عالمی استعمار کا ہماری پالیسیاں واشنگٹن میں بنتی ہیں ، پینٹاگون سے

A comment on Dr Shahid Masood’s meray mutabiq – by Khalid Wasti: ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود کا ٹاک شو “ میرے مطابق “ مورخہ چار اپریل سننے کے بعد خاکسار نے اس پروگرام پر جو کمینٹس دئیے وہ ارسال خدمت ہیں =============== ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود- تعصب میں اتنی دور تک نہ جائیں کہ

18th Amendment, Na Manzoor: From Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa to Karachi, from Lahore to Gilgit-Baltistan and from Larkana to Queta, the entire nation is celebrating the parliamentary consensus on the proposed 18th amendment in Pakistan’s constitution. Constitutional experts and parliamentarians belonging to diverse ethnic and

Negativity unlimited: Ansar Abbasi’s reaction to the Constitutional Package: Agents of dark forces (establishment, Taliban, right wing) are as usual busy in spreading mischief and disinformation in the land of the pure. Ansar Abbasi, a key leader of Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ), has recently written two

On whose side are the Taliban apologists? — by Babar Ayaz: Apologists of the Taliban should realise that no matter who is ruling, it is high time that these terrorists should be dealt with. There should be no confusion that it is the agenda of the people of Pakistan. The

Dr Shahid Masood’s letter to Shaheen Sehbai – by Qais Anwar: مارچ کب ہو گا؟ میرے پیارے شاہین صہبائی میرا یہ خط جس وقت تمہاری نظروں سے گزرنے گا مارچ کی پندرہ تاریخ ہو چکی ہوگی ، مطلب یہ کھ آدھا مارچ گزر گیا ہو گا بغیر کسی مارچ کے.

The End of the Zardari Government is Near: Courtesy: Pakistan Media Watch This is the first post in a series on ‘Wishful Journalism’ – an unfortunate practice that seems to be taking place more than actual reporting in some parts of the media. There is a difference between

TV talk shows: good, bad or just inane — by Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain: Being a strong supporter of freedom of the media I believe that every television channel and all the hosts have the right to say whatever they wish as long as it is within accepted societal norms of decency Every