Dr Shahid Masood and Ilm-e-Najoom – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi
One of my favorite activities in the morning is to read Jang. Not because I am fond of its quality but because it is something I have done all my life.
It is also ironic that the people who have a specific agenda against the government are right now associated with Jang. Be it Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehbai, Tariq Butt, Saleh Zafir on the newspaper(s) or Kamran Khan, Hamid Mir or Shahid Masood on Geo, their writings and transcripts of programs make up easily more than 20% of the headlines. Shahid Masood has been vociferously trying brew storms in a teacup for the last 2 years on his program “Meray Mutabiq”. I honestly don’t feel like watching the program but get to read the report that appears in Jang.
In today’s report which can be seen on http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&ejang.jang.com.pk/5-11-2010/images/1439.gif, I am dumbfound to see quality of the program sinking to new lows and Jang’s policy of publishing the same mirrors the overall downfall of the newspaper.
This program was again focused on the political changes in the country which basically means when Asif Zardari is leaving the presidency and the PPP government is seen packing its bags. However, instead of the usual doomsayers like Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehbai, Tariq Butt, Saleh Zafir, this time Shahid Masood relied upon astrologers, tarot card readers and palmists to give dates for the government to go home. Important findings of the program are:
- Asif Zardari is likely to be “Stable” in the next three months but his time ends in November 2010 – My god, yet another deadline!
- Prime Minister doesn’t seem like passing “May, June, July”
- After three months, Imran Khan will come in a strong position
- After October-November, ANP’s downfall begins
- In August-September, there will be another attack on the judiciary
- Sharif Brothers on way down
It is unbelievable to read about the content of this program. Next I can see Shahid Masood doing a program on matrimony! Keep watching.
Related article:
An advice to Zardari haters: Try voodoo magic – By Aftab Iqbal, 7 October 2008
This dangar doctor has a long infatuation with Najoomis.
نجومی ,,,,میرے مطابق … ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود
ذاتی کمزوریوں اور مجبوریوں کی زنجیر میں جکڑے حکمراں جو ”جمہوریت“ کی صورت قوم سے بہترین ”انتقام“ لینے پر تلے ، دوست ملک کا بے مقصد تفریحی دورہ کرتے وہاں دُنیا کے عجوبے دیکھنے میں مگن ہیں، اب مزید ساڑھے چار ارب ڈالرز قرضے کیلئے کشکول آئی ایم ایف کے پاس لے جانے کا ارادہ رکھتے ہیں
مزید طاقت کے حصول کا لالچ اور اپنی تمام تر دولت غیر ملکی بینکوں میں محفوظ کئے، ہمارے اکابرین کیلئے یہ قطعاً اہم نہیں کہ گزرے تین برسوں میں ہمارے ہاں غربت میں اضافے کی شرح 23.9 فیصد سے 37.5فیصد تک چھلانگ لگا چکی ہے اور اس وقت ساڑھے چار کروڑ کے لگ بھگ پاکستانی انتہائی غربت کی لکیر سے نیچے سسک رہے ہیں۔ 2005ء کے پلاننگ کمیشن سروے کی رپورٹ کے مطابق یہ تعداد تین کروڑ پچپن لاکھ تھی
گویا صرف3 برسوں میں ایک کروڑ مزید انسان…اسل� �می جمہوریہ پاکستان میں غربت کی دلدل میں جادھنسنے اور…انتہا� �ی بدعنوان جرائم پیشہ افراد کے اہم اور حساس ترین عہدوں پر فائز ہوجانے کے بعد چونکہ … فی الوقت جب غیر ملکی سرمایہ کار، ہمارے قائدین کا صرف نام سُن کر ہی لرز اُٹھتے ہیں، ریاست کو مزید آگے گھسیٹنے کا واحد رستہ…ایک اور قرضہ ہے…جو عوام کو چند مزید سانسیں اور حکمرانوں کی عیاشیوں کا مزید سامان فراہم کرنے کا شاید وقتی سبب بن سکے۔
ابھی گزرے نومبر میں ہی ہم نے آئی ایم ایف سے ساڑھے سات ارب ڈالرز قرضہ لے کر خود کو ڈوبنے سے بچایا تھا اور اُسے ایک بڑی سیاسی اور سفارتی کامیابی قرار دیتے کسی ”فرینڈز آف پاکستان“ نامی تنظیم کا اعلان کرتے، قوم کو ایک اور معاشی جادوگر، عالمی اقتصادی اداروں سے برآمد کئے جانے کے بعد ، من و سلویٰ اترنے کے مژدے سنا رہے تھے ! اب اپنے اقتدار کے تیزی سے مدہم ہوتے سورج کے دھندلکوں میں، قرضوں کی نئی دلدل عوام کیلئے تیار کئے جاتے ہیں
چند ہی ماہ پہلے لئے گئے قرضے کا بوجھ اب تک عوام سنبھال نہیں پائے، نئی سخت شرائط، پیٹرول، بجلی، گیس کے نرخوں میں اضافہ…اور بہت کچھ…جس کے بعد حکمرانوں پر واجب تھا کہ وہ خود کو عوام کے کسی دُکھ درد میں شامل کرتے لیکن…تاری� � کی سب سے بڑی کابینہ پر اربوں روپے کا خرچ حکومتیں بنانے اور گرانے کی سازشوں سے اگر فرصت ملے تو اس سوال کا جواب بھی عوام کو بیان کردیا جائے کہ سخت ترین شرائط پر مزید قرضے کی واپسی کس طرح ہوگی؟ اور یہ بھی کہ کوئی ”فرینڈ“ موجودہ حکمرانوں کی ساکھ اور دگرگوں ہوتی سیاسی صورتحال میں ہمیں کسی طور ”مدد“ نہیں بلکہ سخت سے سخت پابندیوں کے ساتھ مزید ”قرضوں“ کی صورت ریاست کو اُن گِرہوں میں اُلجھتا جارہا ہے، ہم نہیں جانتے کہ مستقبل میں یہ گرھیں کون اور کس طرح کھولے گا؟
جن ممالک میں سیاسی عدم استحکام نہیں، وہ بھی شدید معاشی بحرانوں کی زد میں اپنے لرزتے وجود کو بچانے کیلئے ازسر نو منصوبہ سازی کرتے، خود کو سنبھالنے کی تگ و دو میں ہلکان ہیں۔ آمریتیں ہوں یا جمہوریتیں! عوام کو کچھ نہ کچھ اعتماد اپنے قائدین کے کردار اور اُن کی فہم و فراست پر ضرور ہوا کرتا ہے، یہی یقین پھر رعایا میں، محنت مشقت کا جذبہ پیدا اور اُمید کے نئے چراغ روشن کیا کرتا ہے۔ وہ اپنے رہنماؤں کو پریشان دیکھ کر اپنے دُکھ درد بھلادیا کرتے ہیں اور حکمرانوں کے چہرے کی شکنیں اور آنکھوں میں درد ہی…تھک کر گرتے انسانوں کو پھر جینے کا حوصلہ دے دیا کرتے ہیں۔
تبھی کسی دانشور نے کہا تھا کہ ”بُرے کردار کے ساتھ حکمرانی ممکن ہے لیکن خراب شہرت کے ساتھ نہیں!“
تمام تر بین الاقوامی معاہدوں، معاملات یا خفیہ سفارتکاری میں فریقین … ایک دوسرے کے ماضی کو سامنے رکھتے ہیں، وعدے کرتے وقت … عہد و پیماں کے دوران اور یقین دہانیوں کے مابین مد مقابل کے ریکارڈ پر نظر رہتی ہے! ”ذہانت“ اور ”مکاری“ دو الگ صفات ہیں اورشاید تبھی ”لومڑی ، شیر کو غچہ تودے جاتی ہے لیکن جنگل پر کبھی حکمرانی نہیں کر پاتی
! “
میکاولی کہتا ہے کہ ” ایک ذہین شہزادہ ہمیشہ اپنے عوام کے ذہنوں میں یہ تاثر قائم رکھتا ہے کہ اُس کے بغیر…اُن کا گزارہ نہیں اور صرف وہی ایک اعتماد کے قابل شخص ہے جو اُنہیں اِن تاریکیوں سے نکال سکتا ہے“۔ طاقت ایوانوں پر غلبے سے نہیں،گلیوں ، محلوں سڑکوں پر کیڑے مکوڑے بن کر رینگتے انسانوں کے بھروسے سے حاصل ہوتی ہے، ریاست کو، حکمرانوں کے وجود کی اہمیت کا احساس رہنا چاہئے ورنہ وہ جلد اُن سے چھٹکارا حاصل کرلیتی ہیں۔
نظریہٴ ضرورت کی وہ کہانی شاید آپ نے سنی ہو کہ فرانس کے حکمراں لوئی ششم) (1423-1483کو، جو خطرناک حد تک علم نجوم پر یقین رکھتا تھا، ایک دِن کسی نے بتایا کہ ملکہ کا اگلے آٹھ دِنوں میں انتقال ہو جائے گا۔ جب حقیقتاً ایسا ہو گیا تو بادشاہ گھبراگیا کہ نجومی تو انتہائی خطرناک ہے یا تو اس نے اپنی پیش گوئی سچ ثابت کرنے کیلئے خود ملکہ کو قتل کیا ہے یا پھر وہ اس طرح کی پیش گوئیاں بیان کرتا… مستقبل میں خود اس کی بادشاہت بھی ختم کرسکتا ہے۔
بادشاہ نے نجومی کو گرفتار کرواکر…قل� �ہ کی چھت سے اُلٹا لٹکا کر نیچے پھینکنے کا حکم دیا اور آخری لمحات میں نجومی سے پوچھا کہ ”مرنے سے پہلے اتنا بتاجاؤ کہ … میں یعنی بادشاہ کب تک زندہ رہوں گا“۔
”نجومی نے نیچے کھائی سے نظر ہٹا کر…انتہائ� � ادب سے جواب دیا“ حضور! میری موت، آپ سے صرف تین دِن پہلے لکھی ہے“۔
تاریخ بیان کرتی ہے کہ حکم پر تعمیل روک دی گئی اور بادشاہ اگلے کئی برس خود سے زیادہ…اُس نجومی کی حفاظت کرتا رہا اور پھر بادشاہ کے انتقال کے کئی برس بعد تک نجومی قہقہے لگا کر یہ قصہ سناتا کہ ”طاقت کے حصول سے زیادہ … اُسے برقرار رکھنے کی خواہش اور چھن جانے کا ڈر… حکمرانوں سے غلطیوں کا سبب بن جایا کرتا ہے۔
اگلے چند روز طے کریں گے کہ ہمارے حکمراں جو پے در پے غلطیاں کرتے، صرف غیر ملکی ”نجومیوں“ کے مشورے پر اپنا اور ریاست کا مستقبل طے کررہے ہیں…کیا خود کو سنبھال پائیں گے ؟ یا ”نجومی“ کی خوشنودی حاصل کرنے کے چکر میں…اُس کی حفاظت کرتے کرتے…اپنے پیشروؤں کی طرح ایک دِن خود بھی فنا ہو جائیں گے۔
”نجومی“ کے ایک اور قصے کیلئے
Some interesting comments from some critical fellow bloggers (at pkpolitics). Also note how Irfan Siddiqi (disguised as Ashuftasar) defends his chaila Shahid Masood:
socratese said:
I intially thought it is hillarious program today
and then mid wasy I realized yes it is hillarious
more hillarious than hasbe haal
and then I concluded omg it was hillarious
Dr Masood, last thing left on his part is ask people from black magic to come and do something about this government.
Bawa said:
تحریف انصاف والو! علم نجوم والوں نے کہہ دیا ہے کہ عمران خان تین ماہ میں بر سر اقتدار آ رہے ہیں. سب کو میری ایڈوانس مبارکباد
جیالو! تیار ہو جاو زرداری کا کڑا احتساب ہونے جا رہا ہے. کچھ کر لو اگر کچھ کر سکتے ہو تو ورنہ گلی گلی میں شور ہوگا
اسلام آباد کے کوفے سے میں سندھ مدینے آیا ہوں
شاباش ڈاکٹر صاحب. اب یہی کچھ رہ گیا تھا. امریکا پاکستان کو نشان عبرت بنانے کی دھمکیاں دے رہا ہے اور ہم نیرو کی طرح بانسری بجا رہے ہیں
پروگرام کے آخری حصے میں اصل بلی تھیلے سے باہر نکل آتی ہے کہ فوج اصل قوت ہے، پاکستان کی تاریخ میں کبھی بھی فوج کی مداخلت ختم نہیں ہو سکتی، فوج سے ہم جان چھڑا ہی نہیں سکتے، زرداری حکومت جولائی یا نومبر میں ختم ہو جائے گی ، جمہوریت نہیں بچے گی اور کسی سورت نہیں بچے گی، فوج اقتدار سنبھالے گی اور زبردست مارشل لا ہوگا. یہاں پارلیمانی نظام کامیاب ہی نہیں ہو سکتا
پروگرام کا یہ وہ حصہ تھا جسے سننے کے لیے میں نے سارا پروگرام دیکھا ہے
بہت خوب ڈاٹر صاحب: ہنسی مذاق بھی ہو گیا اور ایک مخصوس پیغام بھی پہنچا دیا
shah87 said:
Looks like Dr Shahid Masood after trying so many things against Zardari left with a only one thing that is “Jadoo toona” on Zardari…I dont know what should I say about all that but which jin would be “Jawan ka Bacha” to attack Zardari when everything else have already failed and do Dr Shahid thinks that he is the only person trying that??Their are so many others who must have tried that as well but anyways this program say nothing but frustration of Dr. on Zardari as PPP also raise slogan like…
Aik Zardari…Sab pay Bhaari.
naughtypakistani said:
ایک بچہ نماز کے بعد خشوع و خضوع سے دعوا کر رہا تھا کہ اے خدا جہلم کو پاکستان کا دارلحکومت بنا دے ….ساتھ والے صاحب نے پوچھا بیٹا یہ کیا دعوا کر رہے ہو ؟ بچہ بولا میں غلطی سے امتحان میں جہلم کو پاکستان کا دارلحکومت لکھ آیا ہوں دعوا کر رہا ہوں تاکہ جواب ٹھیک ہو جانے———-ڈاکٹر صاحب نے ایک سال پہلے حکومت جانے کا تجزیہ کیا تھا لاکھ ٹکریں مار کر اب نجومیوں کے قدموں میں ہیں
کہ شاید تجزیہ ٹھیک ہو جاۓ
naive said:
پروگرام کے کچھ مکالمے بلا تبصرہ پیش ہیں
ماموں: عمران تین مہینے میں کسی اچھی مضبوط پوزیشن میں آ جاییں گے
ڈاکٹر صاحب: یہ آپ نے بڑی انٹرسٹنگ (میرے انٹرسٹ کی) بات کی –
شامی: آپ خوش ہو گیے؟
ڈاکٹر صاحب: (کھسیانے ہو کر) نہیں- میں…خوش کیا..میں
P.S. Many of the friends present on this forum could have made better predictions than this bunch of jokers sans Shami. I got reminded of the university days when we used to see the hands of girls while not knowing even the ABC of palmistry; and the girls were left spell-bound after listening things based mainly on common sense and which could have fit into anyone’s life.
بلا تبصرہ
شامی: منظر تو آپ کے لئے اچھا نہیں ہے
ڈاکٹر: (ترکی با ترکی) منظر تو آپ کے لئے بھی اچھا نہیں ہے
شامی: مجھے تو آپ نے ڈرا دیا
ڈاکٹر: ام…..یں..ننن……نہیں…یہ تو…اچھا
Bawa said:
وعلیکم السلام بھائی جی. نجومیوں کا یہ گروپ اسٹبلشمنٹ نے جیو ٹی وی والوں کو پراپیگنڈے کے لیے دیا ہوا ہے. اگر آپ کو جیو کے دوسرے پروگرام دیکھنے کا اتفاق ہوا ہے تو یہ پورا گروپ کسی نہ کسی پروگرام میں موجود ہوتا ہے. میں نے اس گروپ کو ‘پچاس منٹ’ اور ‘چوراہا’ میں بھی اکثر دیکھا ہے. ایسے فضول لوگوں کی باتوں سے ڈرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے
ashuftasar said:
السلام علیکم
ہا ہا ہا ہا ۔۔۔۔۔۔ شاہد تم بہت شرارتی ہو ۔۔۔۔ تم نے بہت خوب صورتی سے ان تین ۔۔۔ نابغہ روزگار، پیش بیں و دور بیں شخصیات کو نہ صرف بے نقاب کیا ہے بلکہ ان کی بھد بھی اڑوائی ہے۔ ان تینوں اور ان جیسے اور لوگوں کے ساتھ یہی ہونا چاہیے۔
شامی صاحب کا استہزائی رویہ بہت مناسب تھا ۔۔۔ وہ سارے پروگرام میں ان کا مذاق اڑاتے رہے۔ شاہد کی مجبوری تھی اس لیے کھل کر شامی صاحب جیسا رویہ نہ اپنا سکا لیکن پروگرام کے آخر میں ” مستقبل میں کیا ہوگا اس کا علم صرف اللہ کو ہے” کہہ کر ان تینوں “معزز” مہمانوں کی جس طرح “عزت افزائی” کی ہے وہ یاران نکتہ داں کے لیے کافی ہے ۔ اور رہی سہی کسر شامی صاحب نے اس شعر سے پوری کر دی
یہ چمن یونہی رہے گا اور ہزاروں جانور
اپنی اپنی بولیاں سب بول کر اڑ جائیں گے
محسوس ہوتا ہے شامی صاحب نے تینوں شخصیات کی لن ترانیوں کو سن کردانستہ اسیے شعر کا انتخاب کیا ہے جس میں “جانور” اپنی اپنی بولیاں بول کر اڑ جاتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔ !!!!
خیر اندیش
آشفتہ سر
(Irfan Siddiqi)
ناب آشفتہ سر، بہت عرصے کے بعد تقشرف لا ۓ، خوش آمدید
دوبئی کا واپسی کا ٹکٹ، زاد راہ، اور “مکالمہ گوئی ” کا “پروانہ ادائیگی” اتنی اہمیت کے حامل تو ہیں ہی کہ شاہد مسعود کا دفاع کیا جاۓ اور پروگرام میں نجومیوں کی آمد کو ایک نئی اور “شعوری” کوشش قرار دیا جاۓ .استاد محترم ، پہلے بھی اس پروگرام میں جو نابغہ روزگار ، پیش بین و دوربین شخصیات تشریف لاتی تھیں وہ “نجومی ” ہی تھے اور ان کی بھد ہی اڑتی تھی . آپ خود ہی انصاف کیجئے کیا صالح ظافر ، حسن نثار، شاہین صہبائی اور دوسرے بہت سے سیاسی تجزیہ نگار ہیں ؟
آپ کی بہت نوازش کہ آپ گاہے بگاہے اس فورم پر تشریف لاتے ہیں اور ہماری عزت افزائی فرماتے ہیں ،ایک تجویز ہے کہ اگر واقعی پروگرام میں تبدیلی لانی ہے تو خالد مسعود خان کو لایا کیجئے ، وہ حسب حال کے سھیل احمد کا کردار ادا کریں ، ان کی سندات قا بل بھروسہ ہیں ، خود اسلامی جمیعت طلبہ سے وابستہ رہے ، زوجہ محترمہ جماعت کی رکن ہیں ،ذاتی محفلوں میں “خاص لطیفے ” اور عوام میں مزاحیہ شاعری سنانے میں مہارت رکھتے ہیں، یقینآ پروگرام میں دل چسپی پیدا کریں گے .اصل میں یہی اس پروگرام کی منزل ہے
خیر اندیش
بے نام پنجابی
و علیکم السلام آشفتہ سر جی
ہم تو اب تک ڈاکٹر صاحب کو ایک سنجیدہ اور باوقار گفتگو کرنے والا انکر پرسن سمجھتے رہے لیکن آپ نے انکی شخصیت کا ایک اہم اور پوشیدہ پہلو نمایاں کیا ہے کہ محترم ڈاکٹر صاحب اپنے پروگرام میں مہمانوں کو اس لیے بلاتے ہیں کہ ان شخصیات کو نہ صرف بے نقاب کیا جائیے بلکہ ان کی بھد بھی اڑوائی جائے. چوراہا والے حسن نثار صاحب اور پچاس منٹ والے عبدالروف صاحب ان جانوروں کا مذاق اڑانے کے لیے کیا کافی نہ تھے جو انہیں اس پروگرام میں بھی بلا کر ان کی بھد اڑانے کی ضرورت پیش آ گئی؟ مہمانوں سے یہ سلوک ہم ڈاکٹر اسرار شاہ کے کیس میں بھی دیکھ چکے ہیں. ہم اسے اپنی غلط فہمی قرار دے رہے تھے. آپ نے ایک اور بات بہت پتے کی کی ہے کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب خود مہمان کا مذاق کسی مجبوری کی وجہ سے تھوڑا کم اڑاتے ہیں لیکن مذاق اڑانے کا اصل فریضہ کسی مہمان ہی کو سونپا ہوتا ہے. جس طرح ڈاکٹر اسرار شاہ کے کیس میں حسن نثار صاحب کو اور نجومیوں کے کیس میں مجیب شامی کو سونپا ہوا تھا. ویسے مہمان بے زبان ہوتا ہے. اس کو گھر بلا کر اس کے ساتھ کوئی بھی سلوک کیا جا سکتا ہے. مہمان سے کیا جانے والا سلوک میزبان کی اخلاقی میعار کا مظہر ہوتا ہے
propolitics said:
جناب آشفتہ سر ، نہیں نہیں ، اس ڈاکٹر کی اتنی بے جا حمایت نہ کیجئے ، بہت بے دید ہے ، پہلے چھ ما ہ حمایت کرتا ہے پھر مخالف ہو جاتا ہے ، پرویز مشرف اور زرداری والے معاملے میں اس نے یہی کیا ہے ، میاں صاحب کی حکومت آنے والی ہے ، آپ کو تقریر نویسی والا عہدہ ملنے کے امکانات ابھی معدوم نہیں ہوۓ ، تب یہ ڈاکٹر تنگ کرے گا اور فیصل رضا عابدی کو ہر پروگرام میں بلوا کر میاں صاحب پر تنقید کروائے گا ، اس طرح کے پروگرام تو اس کے خلاف ثبوت کے طور پر استمعال ہوں گے ، سمجھے… سمجھے کے بعد آنکھ ما ری گئی ہے
dr shahid masood ,kamran khan ansar abbasi sualeh zafer ,pagal ha iska ilaj karao , ya sary iqtadar prast hain aur qabza karana chahtain hain govt pay khwab dekhnay pay koi pabandy hai ha , ya koinaya kaam nahi kar rahy salahuddin takbeer waly ke followers hain ya bikao maal hain , democracy k dushman hain
wonderful show this person dr shahid masood needs to do more with right thinking hope for the best
Dr Shahid Masud was exposed in Jawab deh
Dr Shahid Masood in Jawab Deyh – P-1 5
Dr Shahid Masood in Jawab Deyh – P-2 5.flv
سارے طالبانی جرنلوں اور مذہبی کی اب آخری امید عمران خان (طالبان خان ) ہے ،نجومیوں کو پیسے دیے گئے ،ویسے کیا بات ہے طالبان تھنک ٹینک کی ایسا زبردست پروپگنڈہ کرتے ہیں کے بس ،لگتا ہے ساری عمر جو انٹلیجنس میں سیکھا اور سکھایا اب کام آرہا ہے ،پوری قوم کو طالبان کی حمایت کرنے کے لیہ جو ذھن بنایا ہے اس پر حمید گل ،جماعت اسلامی اور جماعتی صحافیوں کو داد دینی پڑے گی .اور یہ آیڈیا کے نجومی بلاؤ اور کنفو ین پھیلاؤ ایک نیا ہی تھا .جھوٹ ایسے بولتے ہیں کے شیطان بھی شرما جائے -نجانے کتنے پلانز اور تدبیریں ناکام ہو گیں ،سارے طالبانی ،جماعتی جنرلز ،صحافی اور مولوی سر جوڑ کر بیٹھے ہوئے ہیں کے کون سی ایسا اسے لیا جائے جس سے ان کا اقتدار پر قبضہ ہو جاۓ اور پاکستان ایک طالبان سٹیٹ بن جائے .نجانے حمید گل نے کیا کیا خب دیکھے ہونگے سب چکنا چور ہو گئے ،خود کش دھماکے ،لال مسجد ،سوات ،آپریشن کو رکوانا ،ماہدے کر وانا ،میڈیا پر واویلا مچانا ،ہر دمکے پر مذاکرات کی رٹ لگانا سب کا سب ناکام ہو گیا ،نجانے کس کس کو ہیرو بنانے کی کوشش کی گے پر ضاب زیرو بن گئے ،ظالمو قاضی اب ماضی بن گیا ،اسامہ ہیرو تو بنا پر کسی غار میں سو رہا ہوگا ،ملا عمر بھی مقبول نہ ہو سکا ،جماعت اسلامی لے مارچ میں بھی لوگ نہیں ،ڈاکٹر عافیہ کو بھی ٹھیک طرح کیش نہیں کروا سکے ،یہ سوچا تھا کے لال مسجد کا غازی رہا ہو کر ایک ہیرو بنے گا اور طالبانیوں کی قیادت کرے گا پر وہ بھی نہ ہو سکا ،بیت الله محسود بھی نہ بن سکا ہیرو .جماعتی صحافی نے بھی پوری جان ماری ہزار دلیلیں لائیں پر وہ سب بھی اثر نہ کر سکیں ،اب عمران ہی کی امید ہے ممکن ہے کے نجومی اس کو ہیرو بنا دیں اور پاکستان پر بھی ضیاء مافیا کی حکومت قیام ہو جائے –
Comments on PPP Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/PPP-PAKISTAN-PEOPLES-PARTY/69883329062?ref=ts
Zaini Zaidi I Have A Name for Shahid Masood
Yesterday at 12:01pm · · Flag
Farman Khan dr. shahid masood ki kon sunta hai….. hahahahaha
Yesterday at 12:20pm · · Flag
Zahid Umar Khan: Our party has nerver take consideration of the importance of media. Our media cell is not working upto the mark. This should be a top priority. i understand the supremacy of the western world is an example the information imperialism
Yesterday at 12:55pm · · Flag
Saad Bin Farooq JSt a Stupid Dog who alwaz barks, Barks n barks…..:P
Yesterday at 1:14pm · · Flag
Abdul Kabeer Jatoi i’m agree with zahid’s comment, PPP media cell should work properly.
Yesterday at 3:46pm · · Flag
Ahad Nasir AGreed with Zahid’s Comment PPP
8 hours ago · · Flag
Usman Butt: shahid massood ko apne program may najomio ke bad fal nikalne wale tote bhi lay ane chahia
3 hours ago · · Flag
Naveed Saleem: jiye ppp
3 hours ago · · Flag
This is the Hero Dr Shahid Masud ,Check this out
Just imagine, when all else failed, the anchorperson of GEO Dr. Shahid Masood gathered up some jotshis, amils, astrologers to make a point that the days of PPP government are numbered and now its just matter of time that the President Zardari and his regime will be roll-backed, most likely by the army takeover. We all know that Dr. Shahid has been dishing out the deadline for the collapse of this government for time immemorial and instead of getting sorry for his false propaganda, after every deadline he comes up with a new one. Earlier he used to make a cluster of Saleh Zafir, Ansar Abbasi, and Shaheen Sehbai and after some bizarre arguments, they all agreed upon a date. Now when all dates have passed and all arguments have run out, and all the so-called journalists have disappeared, Dr. Shahid is fighting for the survival of his program and taking help from the astrologers. That is why I always believe that there should be some standard and set of rules formulated by the government for the media to stop such degradation of our channels to happen.
Jang Group and its Polytheist Staff [Mushrik Mulazimeen aur Malikan(you can call me Takfiri if you like)] don’t even bother to check that even quoting from astrology makes ones “PRAYERS” invalid for 40 days. Strange Islam these Pakistani Practice because just to create anarchy against an elected government they Violate a Very Basic Law of Allah i.e. Monotheism and Astrology is Polytheism.
Safiyah bint Abi ‘Ubayd from one of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who narrated that he said: “Whoever goes to a soothsayer and asks him about something and believes him, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days.” (Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh).
Qusaybah ibn al-Mukhaariq said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Al-‘ayaafah, al-tiyarah and al-turuq [kinds of augury] are all part of al-jabt [witchcraft or idolatry].’” This was narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh isnaad. Abu Dawood said: Al-‘ayaafah, al-khatt and al-turuq are all kinds of augury, whereby a bird is released and is watched to see whether it flies to the right or to the left. If it flies to the right it is taken as a good omen and if it flies to the left it is taken as a bad omen. Al-Jawhari said: al-jabt is a word which may be applied to idols, soothsayers, magicians, astrologers etc.
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever seeks knowledge from the stars is seeking one of the branches of witchcraft…” Narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh isnaad.
It was narrated that Mu’aawiyah ibn al-Hakam said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, I am still close to the time of Jaahiliyyah [i.e., I am new in Islam]. Allaah has brought Islam to us, but there are among us men who go to soothsayers (fortune tellers).’ He said, ‘Do not go to them.’ I said, ‘And there are men among us who practise augury [watch birds for omens].’ He said, ‘That is something which they make up. Do not believe them.’” (Narrated by Muslim).
It was narrated from Abu Mas’ood al-Badri that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade the price of a dog, the fee of a prostitute and the payment of a soothsayer. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
It was reported that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “Some people asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about soothsayers. He said, ‘They are nothing.’ They said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, sometimes they say something and it comes true.’ The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘That is a word of truth that the jinn snatches and whispers into the ear of his familiar, but they mix a hundred lies with it.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever comes to a soothsayer and believes what he says, or has intercourse with a woman in her back passage, has nothing to do with that which has been revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).
قُل لَّا يَعْلَمُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ الْغَيْبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ أَيَّانَ يُبْعَثُونَ
“Say: ‘None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghayb (Unseen) except Allaah…’” [al-Naml 27:65]
The Messenger of Allaah SAWs (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days.” [Muslim]
And it was narrated by the authors of al-Sunan and by al-Haakim, who classed it as saheeh, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad.”
“He does not belong to us who observes bird omens or has that done for him, or who seeks divination or who has that done for him, or who practices witchcraft or has that done for him. Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).” [Narrated by al-Bazzaar with Authentic Chain of Narration]
Astrology, horoscopes, superstition and fortune-telling are all actions of jaahiliyyah (ignorance) which Islam came to show as false and to explain that they are shirk, because they involve depending on something other than Allaah and believing that benefit and harm come from something other than Him, and believing the words of fortune-tellers and soothsayers who falsely claim to have knowledge of the unseen in order to cheat people of their money and change their beliefs.
The evidence (daleel) for that is the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever learns anything of astrology has learned a branch of witchcraft (al-sihr)…”
And al-Bazzaar narrated with a jayyid isnaad from ‘Imraan ibn Husayn that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“He is not one of us who practises augury or has it done for him, who tells fortunes or has his fortune told, or who practises witchcraft or has that done for him.”
Whoever claims to know some matter of the unseen either is a fortune-teller or is acting like a fortune-teller in some sense, because Allaah is the only One Who has knowledge of the unseen.
Mujeebur Rehman Shami and Mawdudi’s consultation with Astrologer. [Shame on them]
Imam Jaffer Sadiq, Numerology, Astrology and Palmistry.
Kaleem Butt’s email to Hassan Nisar and Dr Shahid Masood:
Dear Hassan,
Do not dismiss this e-mail out of hand as rant of any run-of-the-mill jiala. I am an executive in financial sector. Still that does not give me a right to be judgmental about your participation in this mockery of journalism called “Merey Mutabiq”. But I sincerely think that host of this show whom I used to admire as an decent human being is frankly off his rocker. Just look at usual “Dramatis Personae” of this one hour farce. (I has started this e-mail before start of the show and could not suppress my chuckle when Dr.Shahid started introducing the today’s cast i.e; Qazi Anwar, Irfan Siddiqui and Saleh something, with you on telephone line). Coming back to the point, It may be a compulsion for you (uncharacteristically) as an employee of Jang Group, but as an long time admirer, I would request you not to supplement this man’s one point agenda.
Best Regards,
Received via email:
By Kaleem Butt:
Dear Hassan Nisar,
This is further to my e-mail of yesterday on the subject under reference.
You must have seen the programme in which you participated via telephone. If you were too busy waxing undemocratic on airwaves while it was on, you may still watch repeat of this mockery of tele-jouranalism sometime in the afternoon today. I am tempting you to watch this programme since I want you to answer a few questions and comment upon some observations which I think as a long time reader of your columns (and an admirer since your “Dhanak” days), I am entitled to.
Firstly, don’t’ you agree that in the guise of a talk show, this was a constant pestering of some participants in to agreeing to a position, the host had predetermined to be a divine gospel in his own twisted mind.We will never know how much editing was involved and how many cogent argument put forward by Irfan Siddiqui were sacrificed with flagrant abandon to the
Censorship this media group applies to opposing point of view. (Do you know a very respected. “Dawn”columnist, Kamran Shafi has sworn off appearing in this programme due to inappetite of the host for divergent discourse).
Secondly, despite the intro tab mentioning Saleh something as a senior journalist / Analyst, do you by any stretch of imagination consider him worthy of this calling (notwithstanding the “Mehrab” he so eminently carries on his forehead). His argument (if at all his harangue can by dignified by this word) throughout the programme was characterised by lack of a fair argument. His hatred for some political leaders was palpable to the extent that it was foaming right from the corners of his mouth in the shape of venom. Of course this same mouth stretches in to a sycophantically hypocritic smile and starts waxing appreciative while accompanying the Prime Minister on a foreign tour. Well, enough words wasted on this journalistic travesty.
Format of “Mery Mutabiq” has lately emerged as a gang rape of sorts where Dr (really?) Shahid gangs up with one or two other cohorts on a unsuspecting guest and pesters him in to submission through all sort of noises. If still the victim does not succumb, he is later shown to be supine and hapless through (un)creative editing.(Only a very few have emerged unscathed from this torment. Senator Faisal Raza Abidi and Babur Awan may be included in this exclusive club).
Regarding your own contributions in this show, let me remind you that what can not achieved by democracy would not be achieved through anarchy. It is the “Jamhoor” who have brought back Jamshed Dasti in the parliament and for spread of anarchy (which you are so keenly expectant of) the instrument could only be the same Jamhoor. My question to you is this. Are these “Ghulam ibne Ghulam” (your words not mine) are capable of that?
The answer to every dilemma leads to democracy and more of it. Do not be impatient. Give your anarchistic thoughts a rest. And we still may evolve in to something resembling a half decent democracy. Given the burden of our history, our unfortunate presence at geo-political crossroads and finally, thanks to our (un) glorified saviours in arms, that may still be asking for too much.
Best Regards,
Jang Group VS Dr. Shahid Masood & ARY ONE World.
Dr Shahid Masood and Jang Group of Newspapers often pull popular stunt to gain cheap popularity.[that is why Dr Shahid often write Urdu Columns because human memory is weak] One wonder which version of Shahid Masood and Jang are to be trusted? the one who started his career in ARY ONE World – Views on News, the one who used to exploit Pakistanis on Meray Mutabiq on GEO TV, or the one who joined PTV and Prime Minister Secretariat as the Advisor to PM or the one who again joined Jang Group of Newspapers and GEO TV’s Meray Mutabiq [AIK BAR PHIR – ONCE AGAIN] ‘revealing’ that he is dismantled by the government, I wonder after so many somersaults [for earning quick bucks], does even the inept PPP Government need a Zionist Conspiracy to dismantle this comedian, Dr Shahid Masood? One wonders that when Dr Shahid Masood knew everything bad about Asif Ali Zardari & Co then why did he join the PPP Cabinet, he also accepted the post of MD PTV and then again quit PTV and that too when his pay package was discussed [read the news below filed by the side kick of Ansar Abbasi i.e. Muhammad Ahmad Noorani in The News]in National Assembly and Senate he filed this story in The News International about Ansar Abbasi and rejoined GEO TV again.
ISLAMABAD: Senior anchor person and former MD PTV Dr Shahid Masood has said that he has been told by a federal minister that Ansar Abbasi, Editor Investigations, The News, was on the government hit list and once he is “dismantled” the next target will be Shaheen Sehbai, the Group Editor of the newspaper. Dr Shahid explained that he was clearly told by a PPP government federal minister that he (Dr Shahid) has already been ‘dismantled.’ “Ansar Abbasi is being dismantled right now while Shaheen Sehbai will be dismantled in the near future,” he said. REFERENCE:Minister reveals media-bashing plans of government, says Dr Shahid By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani Wednesday, December 31, 2008
According to Dr Shahid Masood, the minister told him that first he (Dr Shahid) had been ‘dismantled’ successfully. “Now a character assassination campaign against the Editor Investigations, The News Ansar Abbasi is under way, and after completely dismantling him (Ansar) a similar campaign will be launched against Group Editor, The News, Shaheen Sehbai. REFERENCE: Minister reveals media-bashing plans of government, says Dr Shahid By Muhammad Ahmad Nooran Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dr. Shahid Masood is ‘bad mouthing’ everybody from Musharraf to Zardari but would you like to watch him in this video with Musharraf and Dr Ishratul Ibad???? Dr Shahid Masood in the company of Relaxed General Musharraf and Governor Sindh Ishratul Ibad and that too after Dr Shahid Masood joined Pakistan Television Corporation on the orders of President Zardari:
Musharraf and Shahid Masood Freindship
Mr. Ansar Abbasi’s sidekick in The News International i.e. Mr. Muhammad Ahmad Noorani had also filed this story today i.e. Sunday, November 22, 2009, and he is feeling very bad about ARY ONE WORLD’S FOUNDER OWNER Haji Abdul Razzaq of ARY TV INVOLVEMENT IN CORRUTPION and NRO. One thing is forgotten by Mr Muhammad Ahmad Noorani that Dr. Shahid Masood [GEO TV] was once affiliated with ARY One World, as its senior executive director and was the chief of ARY One World conducting the show Views On News on ARY.
ISLAMABAD: It might be shameful for the whole media community of Pakistan which is continuously fighting against dictatorial rules and its by-products like the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), one of the cronies of top man sitting at the capital hill top, Haji Abdul Razzaq of ARY TV, is also among the beneficiaries of the atrocious and notorious NRO ordinance. According to documents available with The News, in the scam of plundering of billions of rupees of the Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB), cases of buddies of the top man – Hussain Lawai and Haji Abdul Razzaq – were closed under the NRO after four months of the promulgation of the notorious law. Both the cases against Lawai and Haji Razzaq were criminal in nature and thus were closed/disposed of by the Special Court (Offences in Banks) on August 19, 2008, on the recommendation of a federal review board which was given on June 26, 2008.
It is highly criminal on the part of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) that by defying all the rules and regulation it first gave a green signal to Hussain Lawai to be appointed as CEO of Arif Habib Bank, and now the central bank is in the process of bestowing My Bank upon the person involved in MCB plunder scam. The SBP spokesman was not available to record his version despite repeated calls made on his cell phone. A federal review board, consisting of Justice (R) Hamid Ali Mirza, Justice (R) Malik Muhammad Qayyum and Justice (R) Agha Rafiq Ahmad Khan, declared that FIR No 5/97 (Case No 12/97) and FIR No 6/97 (Case No 14/97) were politically motivated and thus the board recommend that the cases should be withdrawn. On this recommendation the concerned court acted swiftly and took no time in terminating the cases. According to the apex court judgment and legal interpretation these cases will be reopened on November 28, 2009, and both Lawai and Haji Razzaq will be liable to arrest. REFERENCE: MCB plunder scam By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani – ARY chief, Lawai were ‘cleansed’ under NRO Sunday, November 22, 2009
ISLAMABAD: The Establishment Division on Monday issued an ambiguous notification explaining the package and remunerations of the newly-appointed chairman-cum-managing director of the state-owned Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). The letter of the Establishment Division bearing No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated June 30, 2008, says that besides the fixed remuneration of the new chairman PTV, any other “financial benefits” are negotiable between Dr Shahid Masood and “competent authority” at some later stage. The Establishment Division letter read: “Dr Shahid Masood, chairman PTV, who also has the additional charge of managing director, has agreed to receive the same remuneration package which was given to former MD PTV Yousuf Baig Mirza (annexure-III).” The contract of Dr Shahid Masood will be for a period of five years which could be terminated by either side on a six-month notice. The attached document (annexure-III) issued by the Establishment Division on May 25, 2007, said that MD PTV Yousuf Baig Mirza would get Rs 700,000 per month as salary. His house rent would be Rs 150,000 and utility allowances Rs 25,000. The salary would be raised by Rs 50,000 per annum. Free mobile phone, two residence telephones and one fax would be allowed. Business class tickets would be given for the national and international travels. Recreational allowance would be given according to the situation. The notification issued by the Establishment Division on Monday said Dr Shahid Masood would be paid Rs 50,000 extra to that of the package of the previous MD as he (Dr Shahid) would also hold the office of the PTV chairman. REFERENCE: Package of PTV chairman announced By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Information minister Sherry Rehman has also approved the Establishment Division notification. However, senior PTV officials see the point of “extra financial benefits to be negotiated later” with concern. The officials maintained that it would be totally against the rules of the corporation and illegal to offer somebody any percentage of the income from any programme aired on the PTV. Dr Shahid Masood was appointed as the PTV chairman through the Establishment Division letter No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated May 31, 2008, and was given the additional charge of the MD through the letter No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated June 21, 2008. REFERENCE: Package of PTV chairman announced By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani Tuesday, July 01, 2008
ISLAMABAD: Senior anchor person and former MD PTV Dr Shahid Masood has said that he has been told by a federal minister that Ansar Abbasi, Editor Investigations, The News, was on the government hit list and once he is “dismantled” the next target will be Shaheen Sehbai, the Group Editor of the newspaper. Dr Shahid explained that he was clearly told by a PPP government federal minister that he (Dr Shahid) has already been ‘dismantled.’ “Ansar Abbasi is being dismantled right now while Shaheen Sehbai will be dismantled in the near future,” he said. Dr Shahid Masood told The News that the message was conveyed to him in the last 48 hours through a federal minister. Shahid said that the minister was not threatening him directly but was conveying a message. “The establishment has decided to do this dismantling of senior journalists of the country (all incidentally belonging to the Jang Group of newspapers),” Dr Shahid quoted the federal minister as saying. Dr Shahid said that everything was being done by the government but the minister used the word “establishment”. It is important to mention here that the term establishment is generally used for the military authorities and intelligence agencies. According to Dr Shahid Masood, the minister told him that first he (Dr Shahid) had been ‘dismantled’ successfully. “Now a character assassination campaign against the Editor Investigations, The News Ansar Abbasi is under way, and after completely dismantling him (Ansar) a similar campaign will be launched against Group Editor, The News, Shaheen Sehbai. REFERENCE: Minister reveals media-bashing plans of government, says Dr Shahid By Muhammad Ahmad Nooran Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dr Shahid, who hosts the Geo News programme “Meray Mutabiq,” which is recorded in Dubai, recently resigned as the chairman/MD PTV and as special assistant to the prime minister. Dr Shahid told this scribe that he responded to the minister by saying that it was unfortunate that the secret funds of the information ministry are being misused by bribing some mercenary journalists. Dr Shahid said that he told the minister that during his stay in a government department and later in government the use of this secret fund was confirmed. “However, it is very unfortunate that the secret fund of the information ministry, which was first used to bribe journalists to get support for government policies, is now being used to tarnish the image of some leading and independent journalists for the first time in the country’s history.” Dr Shahid said that he made it clear to the federal minister that government’s policy to tarnish the image of independent journalists by bribing other journalists through secret funds of the information ministry is going to fail and it will ultimately tarnish the image of politicians, democracy and the country. REFERENCE: Minister reveals media-bashing plans of government, says Dr Shahid By Muhammad Ahmad Nooran Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Despite all the above yet the Editor of The News International, Mr Shaheen Sehbai has the audacity to file this canard line in his bi-line “story” in The News. Shame on you Mr Shaheen!
Days after his meetings at the Nadra, an important journalist of the official news agency APP started calling TV anchors and media persons on behalf of Brig Imtiaz and each time he handed over the phone to the brigadier who wanted himself on the screens. Many anchors have gone on record to say the brigadier was too eager and ready to spills the beans. One anchor wrote that the brigadier said he wanted to explode a “political nuclear bomb”. That he was going to spill the beans against his own self was irrelevant and unimportant but this time he was trying to compensate the PPP for ‘Midnight Jackals’ against Benazir Bhutto. The part of the plot to attack the media is yet to be implemented as the operation is not yet over. politicians, he said that he himself (Kaira) was the biggest cell. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani Friday, September 04, 2009
Mr. Shaheen Shebai [Former Correspondent of Daily Dawn Pakistan, Former Editor of The News International, Ex Director News of ARY ONE TV Channel, Former Director of GEO News Network, and presently Group Editor, The News International, Jang Group of Newspapers, Pakistan] I hope you remember the background of Mr Shahin Sehbai [One of the Editor of The News International and earlier he was in Dawn], he had escaped from Pakistan [to save himself from the wrath of the Establishment headed by General Musharraf and Co particularly after the Controversy of Shaheen Sehbai’s Story on the Murder of Daniel Pearl after the start of War on Terror] and Mr Shaheen used to run a Web Based News Service i.e. South Asia Tribune but suddenly Mr Shaheen Sehbai reappeared and closed his website [whereas Mr Shaheen during his self imposed exile in USA used to raise hue and cry against the Military Establishment that he and his family member’s life is in danger] he returned to Pakistan and that too under the same Martial Law of General Musharraf and joined ARY TV Channel then GEO and then The News International [where he is presently working].
akher najoom hai kia plaz aap hum ko batou k akher insan ous tak kase poche kia har insan badsah bun sakta hai ye hum ko batou from meer_asim2000