dawn newspaper Archive

نواز شریف کیمپ کے کمرشل صحافیوں کو آصف زرداری سے کیا تکلیف ہے؟- عامر حسینی: ایک دن پہلے پاکستان میں ضیاء الحق کی بی ٹیم جماعت اسلامی کی گود میں ضیاء الحقی باقیات سے تزویراتی گہرائی کا سبق پڑھ کر فرقہ پرستی کی اتھاہ گہرائیوں میں دفن نواز شریف کے غیراعلانیہ تنخواہ دار سلیم

DAWN Group’s disgraceful Treatment of Feica: Feica is one of Pakistan’s leading political cartoonist. For 35 years, he has been at the DAWN group, Pakistan’s leading media corporation. Now he is fighting for his life at the Aga Khan University Hospital- and his employers

Editorial: The greatest threat to media freedom comes in Pakistan comes from within: “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell “The Press in Chains” by Zamir Niazi desperately needs an updated edition. In the midst of enforced disappearances, Takfiri violence and an economic

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: آزادی صحافت کو سب سے بڑا خطرہ کارپوریٹ مفادات،فرقہ وارانہ و نسلی تعصبات کے تحت ابھرنے والی خودساختہ سنسرشپ سے ہے: فریب کے چلن کے وقت لوگوں کو سچ بتانا انقلابی قدم ہوتا ہے- جارج آرویل پاکستان میں ضمیر نیازی کی کتاب ‘صحافت پابند سلاسل’ کے اضافہ شدہ ایک اور نئے ایڈیشن کی اشد ضرورت ہے۔ جبری گمشدگیوں، تکفیری

Hameed Haroon’s hyperbolic and partisan claims hurt the cause of civilian supremacy and media freedoms: Hard Talk’s Steven Sakur does a decent job in exposing the hyperbolic claims of Hameed Haroon #DawnGroup I would strongly recommend that people listen to this potcast. The YouTube video has been removed! Throughout the interview, Hameed Haroon

بی بی سی ہارڈ ٹاک کے میزبان نے حمید ہارون سی او ڈان میڈیا گروپ کی جانبداری کا پول کھول دیا: ڈان میڈیا گروپ کے سی ای او حمید ہارون نے حال ہی میں بی بی سی کے پروگرام ہارڈ ٹاک میں شرکت کی۔اس پروگرام کے میزبان بی بی سی کے صحافی سٹیفن سیکر تھے۔ حمید ہارون سے بات چیت

ڈان میڈیا گروپ غیر جانبداری اور نیوٹرل صحافت چھوڑ کر نواز شریف اور مریم نواز کا حمائتی کیوں بن گیا ہے؟: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cswj8p Bottom line is, now come back to, you the self-proclaimed independent, impartial and neutral media group covering Pakistan and now seen to be supportive and sympathetic to Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif,

National Interest – by Shiraz Paracha: I have publicly shared my reservation on Cyril Almedia’s story. In my professional opinion, the story was a piece of clumsy journalism. Till date, the Dawn newspaper has not shared any evidence of the claims made in its

Prime Minister of Pakistan and his other civilian comrades are not in mood to resist military establishment: It is not unusual to see how activism in Pakistan has been reduced to an opportunistic chorus, a parroting of the populist line. 4 Shia Hazara women are singled out and shot dead in a bus by Deobandi

God of commercial liberal mafia collapsed In front of Bootwals: God of Liberal Commercial Mafia Surrendered himself in front of Bootwals and saved his skin on Monday. Cyril Almeida a poor guy from Journalist community is new scapegoat. His name is on Exist Control List. And PM directed

Are state and media with Takfirist in case of Shiite community in Pakistan?: Toward Shiite community sometimes our mainstream media adopt very cruel and paltry approach while making report on their protest or their cry against religious discrimination. In Gulistan-i-Juhar Karachi Yesterday Shiite community protested against ban on Sabeel-i-Imam Hussain

Pathetic reporting by DAWN that focusses more on the traffic jam than the cause of the protest: While banned, ISIS-affiliated Deobandi terrorist organisations are allowed to roam freely and incite further hatred, Sabeels were ransacked by the Rangers in Karachi. Apparently, the same banned organisations could not bear to see a humane service of providing

Dawn’s editorial on Khurram Zaki’s murder: THE authorities are never averse to trotting out statistics that purport to illustrate the success of the ongoing operation to rid Karachi of criminal/terrorist elements. The murder of rights activist and blogger Khurram Zaki on Saturday night exposes

کرنل شجاع خانزادہ کی شہادت : پنجاب میں دھشت گردی کے خاموش سیل ہر جگہ ہیں – تجزیہ ناصر جمال رپورٹر ڈیلی ڈان: ناصر جمال انگریزی روزنامہ ڈان کے رپورٹر ہیں اور تجزیہ کار بھی ، ان کی جانب سے پنجاب میں طالبانائزیشن ، شیعہ ، سنّی بریلوی مخالف فرقہ پرست دھشت گردی پر کئی رپورٹس اور تجزئے سامنے آئے لیکن ان

What is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistan textbooks? – Herald Exclusive: Nationalism and patriotism in Pakistan are contested subjects. What makes us Pakistanis and what is it that makes us love our land and nation? The answers to these questions vary widely depending on who is being asked. A large

So sorry, Mehrin Kauser, a Hazara victim of Shia genocide – by Abbas Nasir: EVERY day, evidence stares us in the face of how we have failed our people in general and vulnerable sections of society in particular; of how we fail to honour those who stand up to the odds like Nobel

A tribute to Bilawal and Wattoo: Dawn’s article on the terminal decline of the PPP in Punjab: The recent call made by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to reinvigorate the party and address concerns of disgruntled PPP workers, took me back to early 1985, when in Lahore, I witnessed an MRD (Movement for Restoration of Democracy) demonstration.

Dawn’s editorial on the renunciation of violence by Punjabi Taliban: In certain national security circles, the renunciation of violence inside Pakistan by the leader of the TTP Punjab aka the Punjabi Taliban, Asmatullah Muawiya, will be greeted with satisfaction, even glee. Luring the Punjabi Taliban back towards the

Dawn’s editorial on the renunciation of violence by Punjabi Taliban: In certain national security circles, the renunciation of violence inside Pakistan by the leader of the TTP Punjab aka the Punjabi Taliban, Asmatullah Muawiya, will be greeted with satisfaction, even glee. Luring the Punjabi Taliban back towards the mainstream

فیکا کارٹونسٹ اور گهٹیا پیٹی بورژوا انگریزی صحافت – از عامر حسینی: فیکا کی زندگی کا ایک بڑا اور بہت ہی ہنگامہ خیز دور جو ابهی تک جاری ہے وہ انگریزی صحافت کےسب سے زیادہ معتبر سمجهے جانے والے گروپ هیرالڈ پبلیکشن کے اخبارات ڈیلی ڈان ،ڈیلی سٹار اور ماہنامہ هیرالڈ

What is the most blatant lie taught through Pakistan textbooks? – Herald Exclusive: Nationalism and patriotism in Pakistan are contested subjects. What makes us Pakistanis and what is it that makes us love our land and nation? The answers to these questions vary widely depending on who is being asked. A large

جنرل راحیل شریف سے اپیل: آئی ڈی پیز کے لیے کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیموں جیش محمد اور لشکر طیبہ کے امدادی کیمپس آپریشن ضرب عضب کو نقصان پہنچا رہے ہیں: مولوی مسعود اظہر دیوبندی کی کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیم جیش محمد بھیس بدل کر الرحمت ٹرسٹ کے نام سے آئی ڈی پیز کی امداد کی آڑ میں شمالی وزیرستان سے فرار ہونے والے طالبان، لشکر جھگنوی اور اہلسنت والجماعت

False Sunni-Shia binary: Irfan Husain at Dawn wipes out Barlevi-Shia unity and Deobandi identity of terrorists: In his Dawn article, veteran columnist Irfan Husain constructs false Sunni-Shia binary while wiping out the Khariji Deobandi identiy of the terrorits who are not only target killing Shias but also Sunni Barelvis, Christians and also their rival Deobandi

Sunni Taliban and Liberal Dawn: This is how Pakistani media obfuscates Deobandi threat to Kalash people and Ismaili Shias of Chitral: Author: Muhammad Aamir Shahzada, Chitral Pakistan’s top-selling English newspaper Dawn’s coverage of the threats faced by the indigenous Kalash tribe and the Shia Ismailis at the hands of the Deobandi Taliban is an example of how the media supports

Editorial: Dawn’s obfuscation of the Shia genocide in the aftermath of Mastung massacre: On 26 January 2014, Shia Muslims of Quetta, most of them Hazara Shias, buried 40 members of their community after protesting for two days with their dead lying in coffins. All mainstream newspapers reported the killing and the burial.

ادریہ تعمیر پاکستان: پاکستانی میڈیا شیعہ نسل کشی اور دیوبندی دھشت گردی پر کنفیوژن پھیلا رہا ہے: پاکستان کے مین سٹریم میڈیا کے بارے میں اب یہ بات بہت یقین کے ساتھ لکھی جاسکتی ہے کہ وہ ریاست کے اداروں میں بیٹھے ان گروہوں کا ساتھ دے رہا ہے جو پاکستان میں دھشت گردوں کی شناخت

Opportunity and perils in 2014(Editorial From Daily Dawn): Opportunity and perils in 2014 Published 2013-12-31 07:14:03 NOW the real business begins — or could, if the leadership so willed it. The year 2013 was one of unprecedented transition, even of the unexpected kind with the elimination of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan chief

ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل ٹوٹنے کی انکوائری رپورٹ پی ٹی آئی کی صوبائی حکومت نے سردخانے میں کیوں ڈالی؟: تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل پر حملے کے بعد کا ایک منظر ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل پر دیوبندی تکفیری طالبان کے حملے اور 253 قیدیوں کو رہا کرائے حانے والے واقعے پر جو انکوائری ٹیم قائم

Change.org Petition: Dawn.com’s provocative story on ‘Why Shias Mourn’: Editor’s note: The Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi enemies of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUHP) family want to antagonize the peaceful Sunni and Shia mourners of Imam Hussain a.s. by inserting their hypocritical narrative in the midst of Aushra of Muharram.

Malala Satire Snags Iran’s Press TV – by Omar Ali: Editors note: We are cross posting a great article by Omar Ali on Press TV mistaking satire for real. Indeed we all expect better from Iranian Press TV. A large number of other ignoramuses quick to jump on the hate driven

Deconstructing Express Tribune and Dawn’s narrative on “Taliban in Karachi?” – by Ali Arqam: ‘Terror tales’ revolve around the same stale rhetoric In a session at Karachi Literary Festival (KLF) correspondents of foreign media outlets were questioned about their obsession with the terror tales and news on militant organizations known to the

Blame the victim: DAWN newspaper’s role in Shia Genocide: The Taliban regime of Mullah Omer ruled Afghanistan, or at least a majority of Afghan territory, from 1995 till October 2001 when the US began a retaliatory military campaign against the country to avenge the September 11th terrorist attacks.

The Mensis Horribilis of PTI: Embittered Mazari mother-daughter duo depart in disgust! Mazari exit preceded by Hoti’s desertion PTI local leaders run rogue, promote mob rule For the past few days, the former cricketer turned politician Imran Khan’s Pakistan Movement for Justice or PTI

An example of how Pakistan’s English press blindly follows foreign news agencies: LUBP has previously reported that, barring one or two exceptions, the quality of foreign correspondent in Pakistan is really disappointing. We explained that many foreign correspondents in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi etc remain surrounded and influenced by a tight club

On Altafism, Sufi folklore and Nadeem Paracha’s adoration of the MQM: Nadeem Farooq Paracha, noted left-liberal Pakistani columnist and satirist, is viewed by some in Pakistan’s limited English speaking circles as a prominent authority on the history of Pakistani culture and society. For the younger generation, Mr Paracha came into

Zaffar Abbas, Dawn’s editor or chief of Shia Ghetto Police?: Related posts: Misrepresentation of Shia genocide In the last week, DAWN has published atleast 2 articles/editorials that dishonestly obscure the carnage faced by the Shia Muslims across the lenght and breadth of Pakistan. Last month, Huma Yusuf’s dishonest and

A rejoinder to liberal fascist critique of sister Naziha Syed Ali – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Related article: Naziha Syed Ali justifies Shia genocide in Pakistan as tit-for-tat violence I want to commend sister Naziha for presenting the ongoing genocide of Islamo Marxist groups like Sipah Sahaba/Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat by the All-Powerful Rafzi (Shia)

Media Review: DAWN’s insensitive portrayal of Shia killings: Related post: Is Shia genocide in Pakistan an outcome of Saudi-Iran proxy war? DAWN’s continual slide is best encapsulated in some of the editorial and opinion pieces today. For instance, Huma Yusuf’s “Sectarian Scourge” is a typical example of

Asma Jahangir’s exclusive interview on Supreme Court’s army-inspired decision on memogate: Memogate: Asma Jahangir ki nazar mein (Interview by Matiullah Jan, Dawn News) Leading Pakistani lawyer Asma Jahangir today quit as counsel for former envoy to the US, Husain Haqqani, in legal proceedings related to the memo scandal, saying she

Censoring Dawn TV -by A. H. Nayyar: A very interesting thing happened this evening (28th July). DawnTV was airing Arshad Sharif’s talk show Reporter. The topic today was growth of Islamic militancy, especially Jundullah within Pakistan’s military and its connection with Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. He started
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