Monthly Archive:: October 2010

Farooq Leghari, Pakistan’s Brutus – by Sindhyar Talpur: Many people in Pakistan remember Shakespeare’s famous lines from Julius Caesar – ‘et tu brute?’ – spoken by the astonished Caesar, as he is about to die due to numerous stabs. In Plutarch it is said after seeing Brutus,

The Supreme Court’s inquiry committee holds Justice Khwaja Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif responsible for police torture on lawyers in Lahore: Time-line: 2 October 2010 Police torture on lawyers in Lahore The clash between lawyers and judges turned into one between lawyers and the police after charged lawyers insisted on taking out a rally, despite the imposition of Section 144

Another Rafiq Bajwa: Story of Babar Awan’s cheque to Qazi Anwar – by Nazir Naji: ایک اور رفیق باجوہ…..سویرے سویرے…نذیر ناجی 1977 ء کا سال تھا۔ پی این اے کی تحریک زوروں پر تھی۔ تمام مخالف سیاسی جماعتوں نے جمع ہو کربھٹو صاحب کے خلاف شدید نفرت پر مبنی تحریک چلارکھی تھی۔ پی این

Study predicts women in power, Muslims heading West -by Karin Zeitvogel: WASHINGTON — In the next 40 years, an unprecedented number of women will be in positions of power, Muslim immigration to the West will rise, and office workers will be unchained from their cubicles, a report released last week

Benazir Bhutto’s songs in Indian Rajasthan: راجستھان میں بینظیر کے نغمے نارائن باریٹھ بی بی سی ، جے پور (ہندوستان کی ریاست راجستھان کے باڈمیڑ کے دیہی علاقے میں ان دنوں پاکستان کی سابق وزیر اعظم بے نظیر بھٹو کی تعریف میں نغمے گونج رہے

Justice Javed Iqbal and Dr Shahid Masood’s talk show: سپریم کورٹ کے 17رکنی لارجر بنچ کے روبرو ججز بحالی کیلئے انتظامی حکم کو واپس لینے کی خبر پر ازخود نوٹس کیس کی سماعت کے دوران سینئر موسٹ جج جسٹس جاوید اقبال نے کہا کہ میں گذشتہ رات ٹی

What spooked the justices? – by Kamran Shafi: So much that a sitting of all the 17 honourable judges of the Supreme Court (SC) was called at midnight on the basis of what is fast turning out to be just a rumour run by a private television

In defence of the elected government of the PPP – by Ataul Haq Qasmi: بارہ اکتوبر،ایک شیطان جماعت اور آزاد عدلیہ….روزن دیوار سے …عطاء الحق قاسمی (نوٹ:۔یہ کالم وزیر اعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی کی تقریر سے ایک روز قبل لکھا گیا) آج کسی ایک موضوع کی بجائے مختلف موضوعات پر اظہار خیال کو

Interim Report on Media Investigation: Dawn has significantly covered the interim report of the government set up committee to investigate the rumors that began on Thursday, 14th October, 2010 that made the judiciary go hay wire and become extremely insecure. Jang and The News

Demand for polygraph: In June earlier this year, I came across a news item which was very funny: A Barrister Iqbal Jafri had demanded a polygraph test of Nawaz Sharif. We covered the point and had it posted on LUBP. Surprisingly, the

Long live injustice: Lubna’s parents accept one million rupees, case closed: While commenting on my post titled “Rape and murder of Christian girls” Mr Rahi says: ‘This is a country where nobody will be concerned for brutual rape and murder done by their own people but will spend millions of dollars and

Big Mouth Contest 2010 – by Ammar Kazmi: All these people are known for their indecent conversation/comments. They are democratic people so I chose a democratic way to elect/condemn the dirtiest mouth amongst these. One common attribute of them is that all these don’t know the respect

Laden living ‘comfortably’ in Pakistan: NATO official: KABUL: Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden is living comfortably in a house in northwest Pakistan close to his deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri, CNN yesterday quoted a NATO official as saying. The Saudi-born militant wanted for the Sept 11 attacks on

A tale of two orthodoxies -by Adnan Rehmat: Imagine a former British colony where most citizens practice a religion that has become tightly knit with both national identity and bitter anti-British feeling. After a violent war for independence, the new country’s earliest leaders align themselves with religion

‘Chief Sahab’ how was this ‘interview’ possible under house arrest? – by Farhad Jarral and Hafsa Khawaja: A few baffling events have come into view, including the situations that occurred during the tumultous time of Musharraf’s November 3 Emergency and the Judiciary Movement such as the interviews conducted by various media names with CJ Iftikhar Muhammad

‘The dog snatched your ear’: Judgement of our judges – by Khalid Wasti: ============= افواہ کس نے اڑائی ؟ ============= ٹی وی پروگرام ” پالیسی میٹرز ” پر تبصرہ 15 اکتوبر کو ایک ویب سائٹ پر پوسٹ کیا گیا سپریم کورٹ نے ایک کاروائی کرنی تھی ، اس مقصد کے لیئے میڈیا

Government-judiciary conflict: Time-line commentary – by Moazzam Raza Tabassam: On the eve of the third anniversary of the Karsaz tragedy on Oct 18, President Zardari, and PPP’s Govt again under attack , Yousuf Raza Gilani made an attempt to allay the apex court’s apprehensions and misgivings set off

Fragile democracy and 64-channels media cottage industry – by Chaudhry Ahmed Khan: I recently came across a comment by the President and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari, which really struck me for its succinct and bold portrayal of the Pakistani media. The President was countering one of the many false impressions

18th October, 2007 _ Benazir’s Homecoming with a Benazir Vision – By Saria Benazir: Times, going too swift _ roving all around & considering the golden sun glimmers of October 18, 2007 _ Ah! A scrutiny of the ambiance all about _ Either gazing at the sky, were those the crests of Himalayas

Nawaz Sharif’s alliance with Musharraf League: Where are the principles now?: The PPP has been accused a number of times of siding with Pervez Musharraf and giving him safe passage. PPP is also accused of being soft towards PML-Q as it feels that PML-Q can give a tough fight to

Kamran Khan’s Dirty Role -Desperation? by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: I have listened a big part of “Today with Kamran Khan” on Geo and I have come to this point that Jang Group or Geo Group is now very worried after the declaration of prime minister that there

Ansar Abbasi at his best, yet again- by Ali Asad: This is the latest from from Ansar Abbasi’s bag. His report titled “Benazir, Musharraf joined hands to keep Nawaz out” was published in The News on October 17, 2010. He has referred Shaikh Rashid for this revelation. These

Nawaz Sharif now wants a “Meesaq-e-Pakistan”: While enjoying his trip to London, the nation reels under rumors and judicial activism, Mian Nawaz Sharif has again done what he is best at doing: accuse President Zardari for all the ills in the country. He said that

A survey of Drone Attacks in Pakistan. What do the people of FATA think? – by Farhat Taj: Drone attacks — a survey Source: The News, March 05, 2009 The Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy, a think tank of researchers and political activists from the NWFP and FATA, conducts research, surveys and collect statistics on

Drone attacks on the Taliban terrorists are permissible in Islamic sharia – by Zalaan: مدرسہ انسانیت کا فتویٰ ڈرون کی شرعی حیثیت سوال : مفتی صاحب آج کل جو طالبان اور القاعدہ کو ڈرون مارے جا رہے ہیں ،ان کے بارے میں آپ کا کیا فتویٰ ہے ؟ جواب : القاعدہ اور طالبان

Each day of democratic government is doomsday for establishment and media – by Amjad Rashid: I believe that Indian media is true in its statements regarding Pakistani media. Indian news & print media persons often use to say that Pakistan is a heaven for media. I now totally believe that this is truly

Pakistan army frees Taliban commander Mullah Baradar: Related articles on LUBP: General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s letter to Mullah Baradar – by Hakim Hazik Taliban Apologist Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar Pakistan has freed the supreme commander of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar,

Jang and The News’ published bias – a list of all reports and columns and angling between August 22, 2009 and August 30, 2010: In a research exercise, 14,534 news reports and columns that have been published in Jang and The News between August 22, 2009 and August 30, 2010 have been analyzed. The analysis is on the basis of the folloing heads:

The Statesman Editorial: Jinnah Was right: JINNAH’S famous address on 11 August 1947 to Pakistan’s Constituent Assembly was supposed to lay the secular foundations for a future Constitution of the country. Jinnah, after all, firmly supported equality of religions and the freedom to practise them

Is judiciary independent in Pakistan? – by Bawa: Here is an excellent analysis cross-posted from اس عدلیہ نے پچھلے دو سالوں میں یہی ثابت کیا ہے کہ اس نے شاید غلامی سے تو نجات حاصل کر لی ہے لیکن آزادی کی منزل ابھی بہت دور ہے.

Jang and The News get lion’s share of government advertising: Whenever the PPP government talks about the media bias of Jang, The News and Geo, there is a counter argument from the group that the government has clamped down on advertising for the group and that stopping advertisements is

ZAB never said idhar hum udhar tum: these words were concocted by by Abbas Ather – Contributed by Eqbal Alavi: http: // Nailing urban legends by Khalid Hasan: Another urban legend that has also refused to die is Bhutto declaring at Karachi in a throwaway line directed at Shaikh Mujibur Rehman, “Udhar tum, idhar hum.” For the tenth time,

Breaking News: The News (Jang Group) removes its 19 January 2010 false story to escape legal action: Here is something which the critical readers of the LUBP would love to read: Watch Abbas Ather’s conversation with Asma Jahangir in today’s Column Kaar (16 October 2010). At about 8:00 minutes in the above video, Abbas Ather

Memory Loss of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan: Mehran Bank Scandal and Barrister Akram Sheikh – by Aamir Mughal: According to a recent report published in The News based on Chaudhry Nisar’s conversation in Geo TV’s Capital Talk: Opposition leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has claimed that intelligence agencies were once again active for the downsizing of politicians.

All Pakistan Khatam-e-Nabuwat Conference demanding removal of Ahmedi officers: All Pakistan Khatam-e-Nabuwat Conference is demanding removal of Ahmedi’s working in civil services and armed forces . Source : DailyWaqt

A reply to Geo TV’s ad on President Zardari – by Shahzad Saleem: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman is a major tax defaulter in Pakistani media. Geo channel of Jang Group that also publishes two major newspapers (Urdu and English), owes Rs1.68 billion in sales tax to the government. The same group has also a

Who is playing with whom? – by M. Ali: Cartoons say what thousand explanations can’t. Thank you M. Ali for your contribution.

This leprous daybreak: Pakistan’s apex court’s misplaced focus – by pejamistri: Ali Ahmed Kurd is absolutely right in saying that: یہ داغ داغ اجالا یہ شب گزیدہ سحر وہ انتظار تھا جسکا یہ وہ سحر تو نہیں (Transl: This leprous daybreak, dawn night’s fangs have mangled – This is not