Monthly Archive:: October 2010

Geo TV’s Aafia Mafia – by Fasi Zaka: TV journalism’s Aafia mafia Dr Aafia has been hijacked, and not just by the Americans, who had her flown to the US and gave her a dubiously excessive punishment for attempted murder, but by the Pakistani media itself. Just recently Meher

The night when judges could not sleep: An example of the ‘Geo-Judge alliance’ against Pakistan: Geo TV’s rumour mongering The Supreme Court’s “restraining order” to stop government functionaries from any moves to undermine the judiciary have brought to the fore the unsavoury role being played by a section of the electronic media [i.e., Jang

Has ANP sold itself to the ISI? – by Farhat Taj: What is wrong with the ANP? — Farhat Taj The ANP fell on its knees during the signing of the Swat peace deal with the terrorists. ANP circles have anonymously claimed that suicide bombers were sent to the top

Talking knees: How to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Pakistan – by Nadeem Paracha: Want to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Bakistan? The following is what you need to know … Amreeka A modern-day Babylon. Run by evil men whose bloodlines are linked to epic, evil characters such

Treason: Let us apply Article 6 on CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry: Sacked Pakistan judges fear repeat performance: Jokers in the Supreme Court of Pakistan Apparently, it was disinformation spread by Geo TV and made judges fool. They overreacted on rumours and got trapped in the Geo TV’s game to improve

Pakistan: Civilians in war: My friends at CIVIC just released a new report with findings on the conflicts in northwest Pakistan, particularly the civilian harm occurring on a daily basis that we seldom here about back here in Washington. The group conducted over 160

The judicial non-crisis – by Cyril Almeida: SOURCE: DAWN Related article on LUBP: Treason: Let us apply Article 6 on CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry THE great judiciary-executive ‘clash’ is proving to be damp squib. Hearings come, hearings go, the odd admonishment here, the occasional threat there, none

Reliable sources – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: It has been revealed through reliable sources that for the past five years the moon has come out in the day and the sun at night. In other words, for the past five years what we have been seeing

Taliban, Jamaat-i-Islami and post-Islamism – by Ali Arqam: The killing spree of the Taliban in Pakistan is not limited to combatants, notwithstanding the propaganda of their Pakistani apologists. It extends to non-combatant civilians, minority sects, tribal elders, journalists, educationists, members parliament, clergy and intellectuals. Even shrines and

Mullen Stands By Pakistan -by Julian E.Barnes: WASHINGTON—Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, offered a dose of U.S. support for Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts Thursday, amid a flurry of U.S. criticism of its ally. Adm. Mullen, who is close to Pakistan’s military chief,

Foot in Mouth Award 2010: Justice Ad-hoc Khalil ul Rehman Ramday – by Saad Mansoor: The Foot in Mouth award is awarded each year by the Plain English Campaign for a baffling comment in English language by a prominent figure. The comment can be inappropriate for being queer in grammar or content or both.

Geo’s Reporting Standards – by Sindhyar Talpur: Found something that I thought would interest LUBP readers. Geo proudly put this news with a picture on their website. The picture, doubtless reproduced without permission from owners, talk about Intellectual property infringement, a different type of theft

Are Pakistani Taliban CIA agents? An analysis of Hamid Mir’s column – by Zalaan: In this column in daily Jang today, Hamid Mir claims that the TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) is supported and directed by the USA to conduct suicide attacks at various targets in Pakistan. In other words, Hamid Mir is now suggesting

Murder of Mir Nooruddin Mengal, central leader of BNP-Mengal: After the tragic murder of Habib Jalib Baloch, the Baloch nation, BNP (Mengal) in particular, have lost another of their proud sons. Mir Nooruddin Mengal, a central leader of the Balochistan National Party-Mengal, was gunned down in Kalat town,

Another glaring example of OATH LOVING Supreme Court Judges – by Ali Asad: In recent past the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered demolishing all high rise illegal buildings in the Punjab. A drive against such buildings was started and a number of Plazas were demolished. During the campaign an illegal plaza was

Greater threat than floods: Pakistan’s judiciary?: The historic flooding that has ravaged Pakistan was considered for a brief period to be a grave threat to the country’s stability. Analysts were unsure if the young democratic government would be able to provide relief and reconstruction services

Bilawal thanks Turkish people, government for flood aid: LONDON, Oct 11 (APP)- Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has expressed gratitude to the government and people of Turkey for timely and generous assistance to the flood victims in Pakistan .Speaking as the chief guest of

A friend of the Jews, looking to save Islam from itself -by Barbara Kay: According to Israeli literary lion Hillel Halkin, Islam is “an insult to human intelligence.” That’s a harsh assessment, but then Islam is also harsh in its assessment of Jews, so one might say it’s a saw-off on the phobia

The drop-scene of 13 October and a song for Nawaz Sharif: ڈھائی سالہ جمہوریت سویرے سویرے…نذیر ناجی بھٹو کے بعد سیاسی پنیری اگانے والے دو آمر چلے گئے۔ آخری آمر کے بعد (یا اللہ! پھر نہ کوئی آ جائے) ”ڈھائی سالہ“ جمہوریت کی جو روایت قائم ہوئی‘ اسے بدلنے کی

Rape and murder of Christian girls: Islamabad – Brutal violence has been committed against two Christian girls: Lubna Masih, age 12, was raped and murdered by a group of Muslims in Rawalpindi and Kiran Nayyaz of Faisalabad, a 13-year-old Catholic, was raped by a Muslim

Call to a nation: story of an old farmer affected by the flood in Pakistan – by Aymen Zaheer: Aymen Zaheer, a young poet, has written a poem “Call to a Nation” which depicts the voice of an old farmer who is affected by the flood in Pakistan. The farmer’s family was displaced by floods; they sit on

Good governance as they say?: A small news in Nawai Waqt catches the eye. Off course, Jang and Geo will never talk about this.

Pakistan: Floodwaters receding, but challenges remain -by Karin Brulliard: ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – After this country’s then-military dictator deposed the Supreme Court chief justice in 2007, a boisterous movement of protesting lawyers took to the streets and ushered in the return of democracy. Now that same court may be

Geo TV / Jang Group’s alliance with Sipah-e-Sahaba exposed: Related post: Haideri Taliban? ISI and Jang Group’s joint propaganda against Pakistan’s Shia Muslims Secret meeting Only last week, a secret meeting took place between the owner and CEO of the Jang Group (Geo TV / The News /

PPP announces complete boycott of Geo TV – Finally!: The PPP has till now been trying its level best to be defensive against all the media tirade against its leadership and government. Usually the tirade starts from Geo TV, goes on to Jang and The News and

IJI style game plan: phase two: This post is sequel to authors’ previous post “IJI style game plan”. IJI style game plan enters second phase; In this phase, the PML-N leadership trying to develop and create reasons and logics to build a grand alliance against the

Corruption of Chairman NAB Justice Deedar Shah: انسانوں کو ناانصافی کے ترازو پر نہ تولا جائے……عرض حال…نذیر لغاری لگ بھگ 13سال پرانی بات ہے۔ میں گلشن حدید میں ایک دوست کے ساتھ موجود تھا، مجھے اطلاع ملی کہ الفلاح تھانے کی حدود میں ڈی ایس پی

Up to our necks – By Kamran Shafi: Source: Dawn (October 12, 2010) BUT do you think the fire-breathing, attitude striking, ghairat brigade (brigades actually, for many more have sprouted in the week that the Torkham border remained closed to Nato/ISAF supplies) will ever acknowledge, even

Justice has never been meted out to PPP, says Zardari: BENAZIRABAD (Agencies) – President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday vowed to protect rights of the people by foiling the conspiracies to undermine Pakistan People’s Party’s government. Speaking at the inauguration of development projects in Benazirabad district (previously known as

Pakistan is not America’s enemy -by Ryan Crocker: A sustained U.S.-Pakistani partnership after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan could have produced a very different history than the one we wrestle with today. The news from Pakistan is grim. NATO helicopters engage suspected militants inside Pakistan, killing three,

LHC Justice: Bail for Sohail Zia Butt, conviction for Rehman Malik!: The honourable judges of the Lahore High Court continue to leave no stone unturned in disgracing the institution of judiciary in Pakistan. On 11th October 2010 the court granted bail to the PML-N leader Sohail Zia Butt and suspended

From Abdullah Shah Ghazi Bombing to Mohabbat Qulfi: Adil Najam’s Talibanic Agenda – by Sarah Khan: Related articles: Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Adil Najam (editor of Pakistaniat), as I previously explained, is a (refined) Taliban apologist in the Pakistani

Fareeda, turya turya ja: In support of internal diversity of Islam: I am writing this brief post in defiance of all those Shias, Sunnis, Salafis, Doebandis, Barelvis, Ismaelis, Hanafis, Jafaris, Malikis, Shafeis, Hambalis etc who consider their beliefs and practices as the only true representation of Islam considering followers of

President Zardari rejects unconstitutional demand by the army chief – by Junaid Qaiser: According to foreign press reports; the Pakistan President, Mr Asif Ali Zardari, has rejected a proposal by the powerful Army Chief, Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, to remove some[so called] “corrupt” ministers who happen to be the close aides of Mr

Is Pakistani media glorifying terrorism? -by Alam Rind: In June 2010 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused journalists of “serving the aims of the terror organizations.” This accusation came after Turkish media had covered terrorist attacks. The episode triggered a debate whether freedom of press and

Imran Khan: Pakistan’s cricket-playing revolutionary – by David Ignatius: Pakistani politics these days is something of a feudal system, dominated by a tired collection of old-line parties and politicians — with one notable exception: He’s a charismatic former cricket star named Imran Khan, who talks like a Pakistani