Monthly Archive:: October 2010

Shahbaz Sharif has come out of his skin by expressing his feelings about chairman NAB Justice Deedar Shah – by Ali Raja: Here is a news items from today’s Dawn: Shahbaz warns of long march on NAB chief appointment LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday warned the federal government of a long march against the latter’s “obstinate behaviour” regarding

Who is security risk: politicians or army generals? – by Arshad Mahmood: Here is a though provoking column on patriotism and security risk published on 10 October 2010.

PML-N’s objection on NAB Chairman Deedar Shah – by Rauf Klasra: Research by: Aamir Mughal According to daily The News International (October 09, 2010): Nisar terms Deedar’s appointment ‘inappropriate’ ISLAMABAD: Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in his written correspondence with the Prime Minister termed the

Some common fallacies often shared by Taliban apologists and (fake) liberals: Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Unloading the entire blame of sectarian terrorism on Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfair – by Adnan Farooq LUBP archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan Here is a list

Keep the peace: This post is about the Indian High Court ruling in the Babri Masjid case, and after that sane people’s advice to their respective communities to remain peaceful and calm. And here I’m going to quote one letter to the editor,

The party of the old guard-Irfan Hussain: One striking aspect of the last US presidential election was Barack Obama’s ability to connect with young Americans, and draw them into the political process. Alas, this kind of political engagement is entirely missing in Pakistan. In a recent

Beyond the Deep State: Prospects of Pak India relations – By Omar Ali: A friend from “Critical PPP” asked for an article about the current crisis in Pakistan and got me thinking on the question: Is there something peculiar about the crisis in Pakistan or is it similar to all the other

Militants next door – by Zia Ur Rehman: Cross-border movement of Afghan Taliban continues to threaten peace and security in Chitral On September 30, some 250 Taliban insurgents entered Chitral’s tehsil Arandu from Nuristan in bordering Afghanistan and tied the Pakistani security personnel deputed at a Gudibar

Rigging Pakistan Elections: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied – by Aamir Mughal: LUBP presents a collection of articles and video clips compiled by Aamir Mughal, one of LUBP’s most valued readers and researcher on the subject of election rigging in Pakistan. Intense U.S. pressure has forced Musharraf to resign from the

An unethical survey on FATA — by Farhat Taj: The people of FATA perceive state collusion with the Taliban. They want the termination of this collusion before the military operations. Until then, they are comfortable with the drone strikes on militant positions Recently, a survey was conducted by

The “Ideology” of Pakistan and Bangladesh: anti-thetical or compatible? – by Shahid Ilyas: The following message depicts exactly – as far as historical records are concerned – the vision of Jinnah for a Pakistani state: “Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which

Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban War on Educated -by Jane Perlez: MARDAN, Pakistan — Farooq Khan, doctor to the poor, scholar of Islam and friend of America, represented everything the Islamist extremists hated. A week ago, two Taliban hit men, disguised in casual clothes and with stubble on their chins instead

Pakistan decides to reopen major supply route for NATO forces: The Pakistani government on Saturday announced its decision to reopen the Khyber Pass border into Afghanistan for NATO supply convoys. “After assessing the security situation in all its aspects, the government has decided to reopen the NATO/ISAF supply from

A tribute to Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi: Most eminent representative of Deobandi Islam – by Abdul Nishapuri: Currently while there is a dearth of visionary, committed and selfless Muslim scholars who could lead the disillusioned and misguided Muslim youth to serving Islam, Pakistan and overall humanity in a constructive manner, it is pertinent to present a

Who will hold the courts accountable? by Asad Jamal: By Asad Jamal Source: Express Tribune The chief justice’s recent statement, that the judiciary has the authority to intervene if any institution crosses limits, has been received with caution. Further, his assertion that full care was being “invariably

The responsibilities and powers of Supreme Court of Pakistan – by Ali Asad: The SCP draws its powers and responsibilities from the chapter JUDICATURE of The Constitution of Pakistan. Let us see what this chapter says: Part VII: The Judicature [Articles 175-212B] Chapter 1: The Courts [Article 175] Chapter 2: The Supreme

Why is the Supreme Court delaying justice on the ISI’s role in the rigging of elections? – by Aamir Mughal: Aamir Mughal has compiled some excellent resources on his blog providing evidence of Pakistan Army’s (read ISI) historical illegal interference in the process of elections and the way our saviours in Pakistan Army distributed funds, threatened political opponents and

Mad ‘Sacred Cow’ Disease -by Mahmood Adeel: As I was thinking about the vilification of Marvi Memon for daring to suggest that maybe we should get the facts before we construct a shrine to Dr Aafia, it started to occur to me that part of the reason

Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserve hits $16.9 billion: Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserve climbs to record $16.99 billion in the week ending on October 1st, up from $16.79 billion held previous week, the State Bank of Pakistan announced on Thursday. State Bank spokesman Wasimuddin told the media, “the

The richest army of the poorest nation: PAC denied information about Rs5.5bn paid to ISI By Khawar Ghumman Wednesday, 22 Sep, 2010 According to the finance officials the amount was paid to the ISI as a supplementary grant.—File Photo WORLD ISI thwarting peace talks with Afghan

Hate on the Internet – by Huma Imtiaz: KARACHI: Pakistan is no stranger to state-sanctioned censorship. Since the 1950s, successive governments, both military and civilian, have taken pains to ensure that the media has been scrutinised, censored and harassed. Even as the twenty-first century has dawned upon

Supreme Court is the new GHQ in Pakistan – by Fatima Saleem: History has witnessed FOUR Martial Laws in Pakistan. Pakistanis are well aware, what happens when their politicians get too naughty to handle! But, state of affairs have taken a new course lately never seen before in the history of

LUBP Denial Archive: Why are some Pakistanis in a state of denial about Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba?: Welcome to the LUBP Denial Archive. Here we have have compiled some of the most useful resources which will shed light on the psyche and though process of supporters and apologists of jihadi and sectarian violence committed by the

COAS orders probe on internet footage: The new tough line from the White House in the report to Congress comes as the president Barack Obama faces increasing pressure from fellow Democrats to get tough with Pakistan. Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee,

White House report critical of Pakistan’s efforts against terror; Daniel Markey says “Frustration has really mounted, so the drumbeat is getting louder,”: Despite repeated Obama administration claims in public that Pakistan is working hard to crack down on militants, a private White House review uses unusually tough and harsh language to suggest the ally is not doing nearly enough to confront

Takfiri Deobandis (Taliban, LeJ) are killing moderate Deobandi scholars: An article on Dr Farooq Khan: Here is a though provoking article by Amir Hussaini which suggests the following: 1. While almost all Taliban, LeJ/ASWJ etc are Takfiri Deobandis, not all Deobandis support the Taliban or agree with their violent, intolerant ideology. 2. The murder

Viewpoint Interview: Undemocratic change will not be progressive: Farooq Tariq: Presently the spokesperson of Labour Party Pakistan, Farooq Tariq has long history of struggle against class-based society and fundamentalism. From opposing Ayub Khan’s military dictatorship to struggle for workers and peasants’ rights, he has stood against military dictators and

Takfiri Deobandis (Sipah Sahaba Taliban) massacre Sunni Barelvi Muslims in Karachi: Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine attacked: After attacking the shrine of Rehman Baba in the Khyber Pakthunkhwa, and the shrine of Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore, the extremist Deobandis (terrorists of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Sipah-e-Sahaba) have now attacked the shrine of Hazrat Abdullah

EU Commission wants to waive €100 million in tariffs to help Pakistan recover from floods: The European Union has proposed some €100 million in trade liberalization measures to help Pakistan recover from floods. EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said Wednesday he will propose the suspension of import duties affecting over a quarter of

Sometimes madness is just madness – by Syed Yahya Hussainy: Something is very wrong with the state of US-Pakistani relations at this critical time in the war against extremism and fanaticism. In the midst of this defining moment in the war effort in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, the US

Excerpts from President Zardari’s interview with Herald: In the Dawn of October 7, 2010, excerpts from President Zardari’s interview to the Herald have been published. The October edition of Herald hit newsstands yesterday. What the President has said is something we as critical supporters of the

“Yeh ghazab to siasatdan bhee na kartay” – by Rauf Klasra: Army generals are the biggest thief in Pakistan. According to Rauf Klasra, there is a list in making process (Bangladesh model?) to replace the current political setup and these so called technocrats (civil and military bureuacrats) are bigger thieves

Unpacking the governance debate -by Raza Rumi: If the intent of the unregulated media and a recalcitrant establishment is to dismiss the government to achieve better governance then this is at best a delusional goal Recent weeks have witnessed a supercilious debate on how the current

Brainwashing via the Quran: The case of Faisal Shahzad and the blasphemy by the Taliban and Al Qaeda: The Quran is a message of peace for all humanity. To misinterpret and misuse the Quran to spread violence and mischief tantamount to blasphemy. Seen from this angle, all proponents, supporters and apologists of the Taliban and Al Qaeda

India is changing, we also need a cultural change: The candid photograph of a Hindu and a Muslim in Ayodhya having a quiet laugh is a snapshot of the way India’s citizenry reacted to the verdict. They may have their opinions, and sharp ones at that, but they

بے گھر سیلاب متاثرین کے لیے ’سورج مہم‘- by Mina Rana: SOURCE: BBC URDU پنجاب کی مختلف یونیورسٹیوں کے طلبہ و طالبات کی مدد سے سیلاب زدگان کے مسمار شدہ اور ٹوٹے ہوئے گھر بنانے کے لیے سورج مہم کے نام سے ایک منصوبے کا آغاز کیا گیا ہے۔ اس