Brainwashing via the Quran: The case of Faisal Shahzad and the blasphemy by the Taliban and Al Qaeda

Faisal Shahzad was brainwashed by hate speakers such as Dr Zakir Naik, Ahmed Ludhianvi and Ansar Abbasi who misinterpret the Quran to spread hate speech and violence.
The Quran is a message of peace for all humanity. To misinterpret and misuse the Quran to spread violence and mischief tantamount to blasphemy. Seen from this angle, all proponents, supporters and apologists of the Taliban and Al Qaeda are blasphemous to the Quran. By misusing Islam and the Quran, they have thrown themselves outside the pale of Islam and must be treated as apostates (murtid) and aliens (kharijis) to Islam.
Here is a most recent example of how the Taliban and Al Qaeda brainwashed an educated young Pakistani (Faisal Shahzad, an immigrant to the US) convincing him that killing innocent human beings was consistent with the teachings of the Quran. (Abdul Nishapuri)
“If I’m given 1,000 lives I will sacrifice them all for the life of Allah,” he said at the start of a statement that lasted several minutes. “How can I be judged by a court that does not understand the suffering of my people?”
Mr. Shahzad — brought into the Manhattan courtroom in handcuffs and wearing a white skull cap — had instructed his attorney not to speak, and U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum told prosecutors she didn’t need to hear from them.
That left Mr. Shahzad and the judge free to spar over his reasoning for giving up his comfortable life in America to train in Pakistan and carry out a potentially deadly attack in the heart of Times Square.
“You appear to be someone who was capable of education and I do hope you will spend some of the time in prison thinking carefully about whether the Qur’an wants you to kill lots of people,” Judge Cedarbaum told Mr. Shahzad after she announced his mandatory life sentence.
Mr. Shahzad, a 31-year-old former budget analyst from Connecticut who was born in Pakistan, responded that the “Qur’an gives us the right to defend. And that’s all I’m doing.”
Afterward, the head of the FBI’s New York office, Janice K. Fedarcyk, cited evidence that Mr. Shahzad hoped to strike more than once.
“Shahzad built a mobile weapon of mass destruction and hoped and intended that it would kill large numbers of innocent people and planned to do it again two weeks later,” Ms. Fedarcyk said in a statement. “The sentence imposed today means Shahzad will never pose that threat again.”
Calling himself a Muslim solider, a defiant Mr. Shahzad pleaded guilty in June to 10 terrorism and weapons counts.
He admitted that the Pakistan Taliban provided him with more than $15,000 and five days of explosives training late last year and early this year, months after he became a U.S. citizen.
For greatest impact, he chose a crowded a section of the city by studying an online streaming video of Times Square, the so-called Crossroads of the World, prosecutors said.
On May 1, he lit the fuse of his crude, homemade bomb packed in a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder, then fled on foot, pausing along the way to listen for the explosion that never came, court papers said.
A street vendor spotted smoke coming from the sport utility vehicle and alerted police, who quickly cleared the area. The bomb attempt set off an intense investigation that culminated two days later with investigators plucking Mr. Shahzad off a Dubai-bound plane at a New York airport.
Prosecutors had introduced a dramatic video of an FBI-staged explosion they said demonstrated how deadly Mr. Shahzad’s bomb could have been.
The FBI bomb — an identical vehicle fitted with 115 kilograms of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel, three 11-kilogram propane tanks and two 19-litre gasoline canisters — blew up with a force that ripped the vehicle in half. The explosion caused a giant fireball that overturned and shredded four other cars parked nearby in an open field, obliterated about a dozen dummies posed as pedestrians and shot fiery debris hundreds of feet in all directions.
At sentencing, Mr. Shahzad claimed the FBI’s interrogation had violated his rights. He also warned that attacks on Americans will continue until the United States leaves Muslim lands.
“We are only Muslims … but if you call us terrorists, we are proud terrorists and we will keep on terrorizing you,” he said.
[LUBP Editor’s note: Faisal Shahzad was brainwashed by a hate speaker, Zakir Naik, a Indian Muslim scholar who held Quran in his hand and preached that every Muslim should be a terrorist to terrorise the USA.]
Faisal Shahzad added: “We do not accept your democracy or your freedom because we already have Sharia law and freedom.”
The judge cut him off at one point to ask if he had sworn allegiance to the United States when he became an American citizen last year.
“I did swear but I did not mean it,” said Mr. Shahzad.
“So you took a false oath,” the judge told him.
Asked by the judge if he had any final words, Mr. Shahzad said, “I’m happy with the deal that God has given me.” (Source: The Globe and Mail
“Brace yourselves, for the war with Muslims has just begun,” he said. “Consider me the first droplet of the flood that will follow.” (Source)
منگل کی صبح جب ٹائمز سکوائر پر بم نصب کرنے کی ناکام کوشش کے اعتراف کرنے والے فیصل شہزاد کو سزا سنائے جانے والی سماعت پر وفاقی مارشلوں نے جج مریم گولڈبرگ سیڈاربم کی عدالت میں پیش کیا تو کمرہ عدالت اور اس سے باہر ہرطرف وفاقی مارشل متعین تھے۔
تم نے امریکیوں کو وسیع پیمانے پر ہلاک کرنے کی کوشش کی جبکہ تم نے امریکی شہری ہوتے وقت امریکہ سے وفاداری کا حلف اٹھایا تھا۔ ’حلف اٹھاتے وقت میرا مطلب حلف اٹھانا نہیں تھا‘۔ اس کا مطلب تم نے جھوٹا حلف اٹھایا تھا
جج اور فیصل
جیل کے نیلے رنگ کے جمپ سوٹ اور سر پر سفید کپڑے کی ٹوپی پہنے فیصل شہزاد کو پیش کیا گیا تو خاتون جج مریم گولڈبرگ نے فیصل شہزاد کو سزا سنائے جانے والی سماعت کی کارروائی شروع کرتے ہوئے مقدمے کا پس منظر و مختصر تفصیلات پڑھ کر سنانے شروع کیے۔
فیصل شہزاد نے مقدمے کی سماعت کے دوران اعتراف کرتے ہوئے تب جج سے کہا تھا کہ وہ ایک نہیں سو بار اعتراف کرتے ہیں اور اس پر انہیں کسی بھی قسم کا پچھتاوا نہیں ہے۔
جب جج نے کھچا کھچ بھرے کمرہء عدالت میں میں اپنا فیصلہ سناتے ہوئے کہا کہ انہوں نے فیصل شہزاد کو بم نصب کرنے اور بے شمار مردوں، عورتوں او ر بچوں کو قتل کرنے کا ارادہ رکھنے کے الزامات میں تا عمر قید سزا دینے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے تو اس پر فیصل شہزاہد نے زور سے ’اللہ اکبر‘ کے نعرے لگائے۔
فیصل شہزاد نے کم سے کم دو ’جہادی‘ ویڈیو پیغامات بنائے تھے
وفاقی عدالت نے فیصل شہزاد کو دس الزامات میں چھ بار تا عمر سزائے قید سنائی ہے۔ فیصل شہزاد کے خلاف دس الزامات میں عالمی دہشتگردی سے تعلق، پاکستان میں طلبان کے ہاتھوں دہشتگردی کی تربیت اور امریکہ میں وسیع تباہی کے ہتھیار رکھنا اور نصب کرنا شامل ہیں۔
اپنے خلاف سزا کا فیصلہ سنتے ہی ملزم فیصل شہزاد نے جج سے کہا کہ ’امریکہ مزید حملوں کے لیے تیار رہے کہ اسلام کی جنگ ابھی شروع ہی ہوئی ہے۔‘
انہوں نے کمرہ عدالت میں کہا کہ ’امریکہ کو عنقریب اس جنگ میں شکست ہونی ہی ہے اور مسلمان اپنی جنگ اپنے دفاع میں لڑ رہے ہیں۔‘
جج گولڈبرگ نے ملزم فیصل شہزاد سے کہا کہ وہ تعلیم یافتہ ہیں اور جیل میں انہیں بہت وقت ملے گا کہ وہ اس پر سوچیں اور پچھتائیں کہ انہوں نے لوگوں کی جانیں کیوں لینا چاہیں جبکہ قرآن ایسا سبق نہیں دیتا‘۔ فصیل شہزاد نے کہا کہ ’قرآن ہمیں اپنے دفاع کے لیے کہتا ہے۔‘
ایک موقع پر جج نے ان سے کہا کہ یہ آپ نے امریکیوں کو وسیع پیمانے پر ہلاک کرنے کی کوشش کی جبکہ آپ نے امریکی شہری ہوتے وقت امریکہ سے وفاداری کا حلف اٹھایا تھا تو انہوں نے کہا کہ ’حلف اٹھاتے وقت میرا مطلب حلف اٹھانا نہیں تھا‘ جس پر جج نے فیصل شہزاد سے کہا کہ ’اسکا مطلب آپ نے جھوٹا حلف اٹھایا تھا۔‘
پشاور کے قریب ایک گاؤں سے تعلق رکھنے والے امریکی نیچرلائيزڈ شہری فیصل شہزاد پاکستانی فضائیہ کے سابق وائس ایئر مارشل کے بیٹے ہیں۔ انہوں نے امریکہ میں کالج مکمل کیا، وال اسٹریٹ نیویارک میں ملازمت کی، نیویارک کی پڑوسی ریاست کنیکٹیکٹ کے مڈل کلاس لیکن امریکی حساب سے متمول مضافات میں رہتے تھے۔
From the LUBP Forum:
Pro Taliban Kath Mulla Ansar Abbasi
The LUBP Archive on Ansar Abbasi:
It is unfortunate that people are being brainwashed. It is because of lunatics like him, all of us are suffering.
Another such misguided soul Aafia Siddiqui was brainwashed by a lunatic woman
Dr Farhat Hashmi: Cultivating Al Qaeda in Muslim women
کیا فیصل شہزاد کا نظریہ توھین اسلام ہے یا عظمت اسلام ؟
کیا فیصل شہزاد کا نظریہ توھین اسلام ہے یا عظمت اسلام ؟
کیا فیصل شہزاد کا نظریہ توھین اسلام ہے یا عظمت اسلام ؟
اپنے خلاف سزا کا فیصلہ سنتے ہی ملزم فیصل شہزاد نے جج سے کہا کہ ’امریکہ مزید حملوں کے لیے تیار رہے کہ اسلام کی جنگ ابھی شروع ہی ہوئی ہے‘۔
فیصل سہزاد نے کمرہ عدالت میں کہا کہ ’امریکہ کو عنقریب اس جنگ میں شکست ہونی ہی ہے اور مسلمان اپنی جنگ اپنے دفاع میں لڑ رہے ہیں‘۔
جج گولڈبرگ نے ملزم فیصل شہزاد سے کہا کہ وہ تعلیم یافتہ ہیں اور جیل میں انہیں بہت وقت ملے گا کہ وہ اس پر سوچیں اور پچھتائیں کہ انہوں نے لوگوں کی جانیں کیوں لینا چاہیں جبکہ قرآن ایسا سبق نہیں دیتا‘۔ فصیل شہزاد نے کہا کہ ’قرآن ہمیں اپنے دفاع کے لیے کہتا ہے‘۔
ایک موقع پر جج نے ان سے کہا کہ آپ نے امریکیوں کو وسیع پیمانے پر ہلاک کرنے کی کوشش کی جبکہ آپ نے امریکی شہری ہوتے وقت امریکہ سے وفاداری کا حلف اٹھایا تھا تو انہوں نے کہا کہ ’حلف اٹھاتے وقت میرا مطلب حلف اٹھانا نہیں تھا‘۔ جس پر جج نے فیصل شہزاد سے کہا کہ ’اس کا مطلب آپ نے جھوٹا حلف اٹھایا تھا‘۔
پشاور کے قریب ایک گاؤں سے تعلق رکھنے والے امریکی نیچرلائيزڈ شہری فیصل شہزاد پاکستانی فضائیہ کے سابق وائس ایئر مارشل کے بیٹے ہیں۔ انہوں نے امریکہ میں کالج مکمل کیا، وال سٹریٹ نیویارک میں ملازمت کی اور وہ نیویارک کی پڑوسی ریاست کنیکٹیکٹ کے مڈل کلاس لیکن امریکی حساب سے متمول مضافات میں رہتے تھے۔
If Faisal Shezad the village idiot would have been successful with his doomsday plan the consequences of that would have been drastic for Muslims and Pakistanis living abroad. The toxic ideology of Tehrik Ghaliba Islam should be confronted at every forum and defeated by better ideas.
This is an individual case, why do we as nation feel shame on his act. Do American feel shame on Gary Brooks Faulkner or Pastor Terry Jone’s acts ?
I dont thnik that we should feel any shame that oooh Faisal did this, we should say Fasial is an individual, might have done wrong as Gary Brooks Faulkner, Pastor Terry Jone and many others did terrorism in there individual capacity. We should also say that people like Faisal are the reaction of American, NATO and Israel STATE terrorism.
If USA and West stop massacre of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Plasticine, chahinia, Somalia and Pakistan, This sort of people will it self be removed. otherwise USA and even the whole world can never eliminate them.
American Media is taking Faisal as “MUSLIM” enemy and propagating that Muslims are terrorist but they never show there own terrorism and massacre in the third world Muslims countries to their people.
Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
گولیوں سے محبت نہیں کی پھول نہیں نفرت کی فصلیں اگتی ہیں
Till the day we remain emotional about religion and avoid rational debates on the subject, it will always be a tool which Mullah’s will use to exploit us.
The case of Faisal Shahzad goes to demonstrate how grave the threat of international terrorism is. The nexus traces its links to North Waziristan which is the hub terrorist networks such as Haqqani network. An imminent operations is needed to prevent another catastrophe
Kashif Naseer says: October 7, 2010 at 3:06 am Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
No doubt about particularly after this: White House supporting Kabul contacts with Mullah Omar’s men By Our Correspondent Thursday, 07 Oct, 2010
Afghanistan, US in contact with Haqqani insurgents Thursday, 07 Oct, 2010
Kashif Naseer says: October 7, 2010 at 3:06 am Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
Obviously: Historical Record with References and Documentaries: We’ll be there right behind you to give you the helping hand, if we can, at the moment that you wish us to do so. Ronald Reagan, Afghan Mujahideen, Talibans & Royal Mess.
Kashif Naseer says: October 7, 2010 at 3:06 am Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
Simply History: US supports Taliban return to power By Anwar Iqbal
Hekmatyar protected by Iran, says Spanish radio
Taleban ‘warned US of huge attack’ by By Kate Clark – Former BBC correspondent in Kabul Saturday, 7 September, 2002, 09:48 GMT 10:48 UK
Taleban minister’s ‘peace role’ mystery Wednesday, 17 October, 2001, 17:15 GMT 18:15 UK
Taleban ‘turn on ex-minister’ Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003, 17:39 GMT 18:39 UK The hardline Islamic Taleban movement is reported to have disowned its former foreign minister in Afghanistan, Wakil Ahmad Mutawakil.
Kashif Naseer says: October 7, 2010 at 3:06 am Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
Haider Farooq Mawdudi on Mawdudi and Jamat-e-Islami after Mawdudi. Yes, presently the situation is such that Jamaat receives Rs. 60,000/- for every militant killed in Kashmir out this, only 15,000-20,000/- are being given to the families of the martyrs, while as the remaining amount is eaten up by the JEI leaders themselves who have opened a factory of martyrs.
Kashif Naseer says: October 7, 2010 at 3:06 am Don’t forget that what Faisal is supposed to do is extremely wrong but also don’t forget that people like Faisal are the result of USA and West State terrorism.
Mullah Military Alliance [1999-2007] – 1
Mullah Military Alliance [1999-2007] – 2 Part 2: How Pakistani Mullahs Connived with Military Regime
Mullah Military Alliance [1999-2007] – 3
A slap over objective and impartial reporting, this shows how media’s biased reporting can fuel a conflict. Free Independent Responsible Media (FIRM) is the key to such issues
Who is Pastor Terry Jones? A little is known of him as decadent old man allegedly caught in the recent crime of rape scourge in United States. He is obscured but he wants to be famous by committing more international crime of Qur’anic desecration. He raises the ire of 1.5 billion Muslims and American Christians like him incur divine wrath and displeasure by so doing burning the Muslim scripture the holy Qur’an the only living book which survive for over 12 centuries (now 14 hundred years) intact (RVC Bodley Page 236). I think the Dove World Church Outreach Centre has been prompted by the Jews to commit such blasphemy. The Jews are chosen treasures of nations whom God Favored to teach and guide mankind (Exodus 19:5-6) a kingdom of priests and holy nation. But if they do not do as ordains God, almighty promise to castigate them seven more times for their sins than gentiles (Leviticus 26:21). Probably program of Hitlerism is one of such punishments when six million Jews and Gypsies were incinerated by Nazis.
America, according to Jimmy Swaggart has 55 million drunkards and 25 million sodomites (homosexuals) and 7.8 million surplus women! A nation full of sin, filth and degradation. For this God punished American with terrible hurricane Katrina and cataclysmic incident of September 11! Are these punishments insufficient warnings? American security agents desecrated holy Qur’an in Guantanamo Bay in carribea and Abu Grev in Iraq. They wanted to evolve a new way of everlasting punishment i.e. burning the Qur’an which peradventure mark the beginning of an end to American’s military might, political glory and economic giancy. They will all vanish like mirage before the eyes of our time! Those Christian unyieldingly courageous to commit such an act, we invoke lord with his name “Ya Qahhar” nineteen times to give them no respite, to punish them with most deserving punishment – Ameen! Let Terry Jone and other Christians like him ask about Russian Peresteroika and decommunisation the nemesis of soviet agnosticism. Now similar Fate awaits America for threatening to burn the Qur’an. Burning Qur’an will fan the flame of religious hassle between muslims and Christians even sever their relation. The new Abraha Ashram, Pastor Terry Jones invites 300 million American Christians to destruction like Hitler to the Germans or Rev Jim Jones to Guyanan Christians. Today Christians are always itching for global confrontation remember the recent Danish Cartoon controversy in Europe which inflames the entire Muslim world. America a nation of 7 million Muslims and over 300 Juma’at mosques is now on the verge to deprive Muslims of their constitutionally granted religious rights to erect mosque at zero ground through persuasions and agitations even in he American senate! Burning the Qur’an is profane, sacrilegious, blasphemous and heinous sin which makes Anjem choudary, a Muslim radical to call for Jihad. We Muslims must exert to our outmost to move heaven and earth to protect our prophet, our book and our religion or else we may miss the bus and deserve censure for procrastination. While offering strands of reasons setting the Qur’an ablaze. The accurst scoundrel, pastor Terry Jones said that Muslims are terrorists. He is oblivious of the fact that his Christian American is a terrorist state says David Duke;
“We (Americans) support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its Jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians……. Sharon Massacred 2000 people in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Americans are responsible for the destruction of 500,000 children in Iraq! We actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against Soviets and Saddam against Iran and weapons and bombs to Muslim separatist terrorists in Kosovo against Yugoslav Christians and then we bombed Yugoslavian cities full of civilians when that county militarily attempted to suppress the revolt we encouraged”
(David Duke page 3 of 10)
Now American terrorism is expanded to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia all Muslim countries! The prophet of Islam fought only 9 wars out of 27 military expeditions he ventured and only 250 unbelievers were killed. But U.S. in Iraq alone destroyed over one million Iraqis at cost of 1 trillion dollars! And why not Euro-American conventional forces strike terrorist organizations like IRA in Britain, ETA in Spain, Tamil Tigers in Sri-Lanka, Maoist rebels in Nepal and Ku Klux Klan in USA but only Al-Qaeda? US Obama calls Qur’an burning ceremony “a recruitment bonanza for Al-Qaeda. We are not fighting any religion but Al-Qaeda” he says. To me terrorism is a label just like the erstwhile anti-Semite by which jewish and Christian terrorisms were cloaked. I perceive terrorism as not dancing to the tune of new-Liberalism. And Japanese not Muslims are the key founders of modern terror by Kamikaze when air crafts were Laden with powerful explosives and detonative devices driven swiftly and deliberately crashed against the targets during the second world war.
Among the host of others in terror were Napoleon, Mao Zedong, Hitler, Bush, Stalin, Sharon, Reagan and Blair. The Dutch and U.S. politicians were terrorists by their remarks; “Geert Wilders called on Wednesday for a ban on the Muslim holy book the Koran, and Tancredo, a Republican member of congress from Colorado, last month suggested bombing Mecca if Muslims attacked the United States with nuclear weapons” (Trust International 11/08/2007 page 49).
Similarly, Muslim are neither like Nazis, fascists nor like communists who promote political assassinations and massacres. Contrarily were 7000 Muslim men massacred and 20,000 Muslim women raped, burned and killed in Bosnia Herzegovina and more thousands in Kosovo. Muslims never kill Christians save for self-defense. Rather Christians kill Christians e.g. by Theodora’s Confession, the wife of emperor Teokyil, 20,000 Christians were murdered by crucifixion, strangulation, and impalement. During the 200 years crusading expeditions (1096 – 1271 AD), the number of Christians killed by Christians was 2000, 000 (two million). When priests Jones and Jerome were burned alive, the subsequent combats yielded the slaughter of 50,000 (fifty thousand) Christians. The Luther’s controversial statement belying Eucharist and baptism and the massacre of St Bartholomew and all that in Ireland caused the death toll of over 3000,000 (three million) Christians by Christians. The ecclesiastical societies called “Inquisition” killed, crucified, guillotined and burned to death. 5000,000 (five million) Christians. As for the aborigines killed in the name of Christianity in America, the Bishop of Lascas stated that they were 12,000,000 (twelve million) in number! You see Muslims were not responsible for this Christian hecatomb of 22, 70,000 (twenty two million seventy thousand) people. The slanderous pastor Terry Jones continued to reason that wherever Islam gains political power. Christians are forced to convert. But I want to tell Pastor Something very clear that Egypt was ruled by Muslims 1,400 years ago but later the British came and today there are twenty million Coptic Christians in Egypt. Spain was ruled by Muslims 750 years ago and by crusade launched by pope urban II Christians took over Spain (Andalus and Cordova). Muslims ruled India 1000 Years ago but later British colonized India. Even today in India the Biswanath mandir at Benares and Bishnupad mandir at Gaya were built and maintained by income generated from “Nawabs” (Muslim rulers in India).
In the reign of Caliph Harun Rashid there were 11,000 churches and hundreds of synagogues in Muslim fiefdom and not a single of them was pulled down by Muslim authorities! In Lebanon which is Muslim a nation today there are one million maronite Christians. If Islam is a religion of Coercion, not a single Christian will be found in such Muslim states. This is a testimony even from the Christian giants of literature themselves;
“The picture of the Muslim soldier advancing with a sword in one hand and the Koran in the other is quite false” (A.S. Tritton, Islam, London 1951 page 21).
“ History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historian have ever repeated”
(De Lacy O’Leary, Islam at the crossroads, London 1923, Page 8)
Even Africa the only continent where religion is practiced in full from the Gulf of Guinea to the Coast of Mozanbique there is no history of sword conquering the continent. The Tran-Saharan Traders did the job and achieved the miracle of conversion.
Pastor Terry Jones also wrote inflammatory book “Islam is of the Devil” and from 1800 to 1950, Christian Polemicists haven written 60,000 books against Islam. The rejoinder is simple. It is not Islam of the Devil but “Christianity is Fiendish” because the Lord and God of Christians and Christianity is being tempted by the Devil (Mathew 4:1,5,8,) and the greatest Disciple of Christ and Patron of all Christians i.e. St Peter (John 21:15-17) is himself a Devil (Mathew 16:23) and a sinner (Luke 5:8), a hypocrite (Galatians 2:11-13) and one to be disowned by Jesus in heaven (Mark 14:27-30,66,72 and Matthew 10:33).
Again the Pastor reasoned that Islam is a danger without calling to mind statements made by eminent scholars of Christianity about the Bible and Christian faith which purports to prove that Christianity is a jungle religion;
“I gradually came to disbelieve in Christianity as a divine revelation. This disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate but at last was complete”
Charles R Darwin (Plain Truth magazine march 1987 page 4).
“The Bible is not the totality of God’s word” (understanding the Greek Orthodox Church” by Demetrios constantelos. Page 17)
“Bible is the Most Dangerous book on earth. Keep it under lock and key. Keep the bible out of your children’s reach” George Bernard Shaw.
“I have also been reading the old testament, a most blood thirsty and Dangerous Book for the young. Jehovah is be beyond a doubt the worst character in Fiction (Bible)”
Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869 – 1933) American Poet.
“The Bible has noble poetry in it, and some clever fables, and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity and upwards of a thousand lies”
Mark Twain (1835-1910) American writer
“There is no such thing as Eucharist or uniting with God and baptism is a lie”
Martin Luther
“I do not look at Bible as the word of God”
Erich Fromm – American Psychologist (1900-1980)
Infact Bible is a tissue of absurdity and confusion as infers Christian scholars.
Pastor Terry says deep in Islamic Culture and teaching means fear and hatred of the west. How can a Muslim who is an acme of moral perfection follow western Modus vivendi?
“Islam is the only major monotheistic religion in the world that offers its adherents an entire way of life including a political system and a unique body of law. The failure of the west to understand the political nature of Islamism has been behind our general failure to understand Islam”
(John MC Cormick U.S. professor of political Science, Indiana in his Comparative politics in Transition Page 14).
Muslims have Ideal way of life. How can they play ape on Western Civilization? Between Islam and the West is a clash of civilization;
“Today Islam and the modern western world confront and challenge each other. No other major religion poses such a challenge to the west. Not Christianity which is part of western world and which has been eating up from within by the acids of the modernity. Not Hinduism and Buddhism because their tradition to the west has been and is on high eternal plane. And not Judaism which is too small and tribal a faith. No guru, swami, no lama , no rabbi has had any (exerted) impacts on the west comparable to that exerted by the Caliph”
The Birth of a Godless society page 39 by Nuruddeen Fashola.
The pastor further reasoned that he would not allow Islam to grow in America unopposed. To hell with his decision because the promise of God stands true and must come to pass no matter of circumstance or condition;
“It is he who has sent his messenger with guidance and religion of truth to cause it prevail over all religions (Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism or Christianity, Capitalism or Communism). And enough for a witness ( to this promise) is Allah”
Holy Qur’an 48:28
Islam must supersede, excel and surpass all civilizations it be Euro-American model of neo-liberalism or Capitalism. Islam must penetrate all societies and subdue their religion, civilization,, and Cultures. That’s Promise binding upon Almighty! We are now witnessing the onset of the promise as Islam is the fastest growing religion today in all our continents, Rev Bosworth Smith said;
“If any religion has a chance of conquering England Nay Europe within next hundred years, that religion is Islam”.
Islam today grows exponentially like wildfires in Britain, Nepal, America, Australia, Canada and Scandinavia. From 1934-1984,
Christianity increases by 138 percent while Islam augments by 235 percent (world Almanac and Book of facts 1935 and the readers Digest Almanac and year book 1983 by keith W Stump).
“There are over 900 million Muslims in the world (today 1.5 billion) making Islam second only to the Roman Catholic Church in numbers (now it outnumber Catholics). It (Islam) is perhaps the fastest growing major religion in the world, with and expanding Muslim movement in Africa and the Western world “
(Mankind’s Search for God page 284-85)
Pastor Terry Jones claimed that Qur’an was compiled and standardized some 120 years after the demise of holy prophet. Alas! The Qur’an began to be compiled during the first Caliphate of Abubakar (R.A.) less than a year after the prophet’s departure the circumstance of the battle of Yamamah. But the Bible was recorded some 350 years after Christ. What a wider interval of time between the master’s departure and the recording of his words of revelation?
Qur’an Prophecy of September 11
For the past 1400 years the book revealed to prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the holy Qur’an, Prophesied the episode of September 11 almost verbatim, a prophecy historically proved. When Nostradamus prophesied September 11 in 16th century people were shocked to witness its happening in 2001. But for how long will Mankind remain dumbfounded that Muhammad, the unlettered prophet presaged the American tragedy for the last 1400 years (Since 7th century) can one guess it not from any literary genius?
Amazing Discovery
The incident of September 11 was mentioned in section 11 chapter 9 verses 108-109 of the holy Qur’an. This 9 really tallies with the month of the event i-e the September (9th month of the year). Now the chapter is the 9th chapter of the holy Qur’an. This is the 9th month of the year. The chapter is found in section 11 of the holy Qur’an which virtually coincides with the day of the event i-e 11th. If you count the number of Arabic words from the beginning of chapter to verse 108-109, you will enumerate two thousand and one words only i-e 2001 which really tallies with the year of the event (2001). The verses describing the event were situated at numbers 108-109 which are really the address numbers of the twin towers i-e the address number of the first tower was 108 and that of the second tower was 109. The name of the street where the building of the twin skyscrapers was located was “Jorf Harr” which is vividly mentioned in verse 109 of the chapter!
Terry Jones said that “may be Muhammad never existed.” This his statement is reversed by Christian luminaries of highest esteem;
“Four years after the death of Justinian, AD 569, was born a Mecca, in Arabia the man who, of all men exercised the greatest influence upon the human race, Muhammad.”
(John Willian Draper, A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875, Vol. 1 PP. 329-330).
“In little more than a year he was actually the spiritual, nominal and temporal ruler of Medina, with his hands on the lever that was to shake the world”
(John Austin, “Muhammad the Prophet of Allah” in T.P’s and Cassel’s weekly for 24th September 1927).
The pastor moreover said that Qur’an is human in origin, a concoction of old and new teachings. Again let Christian men of literary authority refute pastor’s claim “Well then, if the Koran were his own composition other men (like pastor Terry Jones) could rival it. Let them produce ten Verses like it. If the could not, the let them accept the Koran as an outstanding evidential miracle”
(H.A..R. Gibb, Mohammedanism, London 1953, P. 33)
“In little more than a year he was actually the spiritual, nominal and temporal ruler of Medina, with his hands on the lever that was to shake the world”
(Justin Austin, “Muhammad the Prophet of Allah” in T.P’s and Cassel’s Weekly for 24th September 1927)
“So there has been no opportunity for any forgery or pious fraud in the Koran, which distinguishes it from almost all other important religions works of ancient time….”
(Basanta Coomar Base, Mohammedanism, Calcutta 1931, P. 4).
“The word (Koran) of such man Muhammad is a voice direct from natures own heart men do and must listen to that, as to nothing else, all else is a wind in comparison”
(Heroes and Hero worship by Thomas Carlyle P. 71)
The decadent pastor Terry Jones said that “Muhammad’s life and message cannot be respected and that he was corrupted by power and worldly ambitions.” These claims of the pastor are confuted again by other giants of literary world who analyzed in depth Muhammad’s extreme modesty, altruism, and multiple magnificent roles which touches every department of human activities;
Read the Historical Giants:
“To my mind, any doubt about Muhammad’s sincerity can be attributed to either ignorance or prejudice”
(RC Zeacher “An essay in religious comparison page 153)
“Particularly praiseworthy were Muhammad’s modesty and the simple way of life he led in Madina, living in an ordinary house and always accessible to any of his peoples”.
(Caxton’s Encyclopedia page 4236)
“The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty, The apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family. He kindled the fire, swept the floor milked the ewes, and mended with his own hands his shoes and his woolen garment he observed without Varity, the abstemious diet of an Arab. Muhammad was distinguished by the beauty of his person his piercing eye, his gracious smile, his flowing beard, his countenance that painted every sensation of the soul, and his gestures that enforced each expression of the tongue. In similar offices of life he scrupulously adhered to the grave and ceremonious politeness of his country: his respectful attention to the rich and powerful was dignified by his condescension and affability to the poorest citizens of Mecca: and the habits of courtesy were imputed to personal friendship or universal benevolence. His memory, was capacious and retentive, his wit easy and social, his imagination sublime his judgment clear, rapid and decisive, He possessed the courage both of thought and action, and although his design might expand with his success, the first idea which he entertained of his divine mission bears the stamp of an original and superior genius”.
(Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon Pages 245, 228-29)
“Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Warrior, Conqueror of ideas, the Restorer of Rational Beliefs, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty Terrestrial Empires and of one spiritual Empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards (roles) by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, Is there any man greater he?”
(Lamartine, Historie De la Turquie, Paris 1854, vol 11 page 276-277).
“Muhammad, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles (roles)….. He was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels”
(Michael H. Hart 1978, in his book – “The 100” pages 33,38,39)
Further about prophet’s assorted role models, read “Muhammad the Prophet of Islam” by professor RamakrishnaRao of the Department of Hindu Philosophy in India.
Terry Jones and other Christians asks –How can Muhammad deny crucifixion that preceded him some 600 years ago? The answer is that how can Jesus give testimony about prophets that preceded him say Abraham about 2,000 years Bc and Moses some 1400 years Bc? Again why could Muhammad fail to deny crucifixion and divinity of Jesus when the holy Bible itself refutes Christ being crucified on the cross (Vide Acts of the Apostles 1:3, John 19:34, 20:17, Luke 24:23,39,42,43, Mark 16:11) and repudiates his divinity (Vide Mark 10:18, John 14:1, Matthew 2:1, 4:5,8,10, 8:10, 24, John 20:17, 11:35, Luke 2:21, 3:23, 2:48, Mark 11:12, Revelation 1:1, Mark 15:37). Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of God repose with him) came only to confirm former prophecies by completing their teachings which scriptures so faithfully testify.
The Dire Warning
“Have you not seen (O Muhammad) How your Lord dealt with the companions of the Elephants?
Did he not foil their treacherous scheme?
And He sent against them flights of Birds (Ornithic Hosts).
Which pelted them with stones of baked clay. And rendered them as stubble devoured by cattle.”
Holy Qur’an 105 1-5.
The above chapter of the holy Qur’an narrates the terrible incident of the miraculous destruction of Abraha Ashram the then Abyssinian (Christian) viceroy in Yemen in 570 AD who led a big expedition with 40,000 elephants, the biggest of them being “Mahmut” to destroy the sacred Ka’aba. This took place some 52 days to the posthumous birth of the eternal light, Muhammad Bin Abdullah. By miracle, the Elephantry was Utterly devastated by Ornithic Hosts. This is a dire warning to any would-be iconoclast threatening burning Muslim Qur’an in Florida. It is the question of destiny or destruction? The American destiny is for its impending perdition bearing in mind the current California inferno Sequel to their programme on 12/08/2010 Captioned “Gay Rights Around the World” when in San Francisco, California gay right activists protested to be given constitutional right to have same sex marriage in united states. Today the U.S. army is bisexualised with 66,000 homosexuals and lesbians! Gay and Lesbian coalitions today mushroomed all over the world than ever. In Netherlands alone, there are 60 Gay and Lesbian coalitions spanning over the country. Now they expand their networks in Canada, Italy, USA, Argentina, Germany, France, Belgium and South Africa to name few! America today finance $500,000 peace policy in the Middle East which will only have placebo effect to the scars of war resounding in Palestine. To my view it is nothing but an indirect support to Israeli economy in pretence of peace and Reconciliation in the Middle East.
The west is behind all our spiritual miseries. Remember Satanic Salman insulted our noble prophet, Danish Cartoon ridiculed our noble prophet, America desecrated our holy book and now an American threatens to burn it. You the west founded Islamophobia and now a Christian American Qur’anophobia. By God enough is enough! Either stop it completely or face destiny for destruction.
“We have, without doubt, sent down the message, and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption of desecration)”
Holy Qur’an 15:9
Naser Dawood,
Deedat Foundation International.
Kano, Nigeria.
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The term Hinduism also occurs sporadically in Sanskrit texts such as the later Rajataranginis of Kashmir (Hinduka, c. 1450), some 16th-18th century Bengali Gaudiya Vaishnava texts, including Chaitanya Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata, usually to contrast Hindus with Yavanas or Mlecchas.`;..`
Until next time